'And there goes Dotty, ready to bullshit for the next ten minutes', thought Lovino as the woman stepped up onto the raised platform to speak to the assembled crowd. Lovino balanced his head on his hand, ready to wait for the applause. Because that, my friends, is where the fun starts. That is where the race to be the last clap begins. An age-old challenge, dating back almost as long as applause itself, in which you must the final person to bring your hands together. 'And I have no idea what I just thought fucking means.'

Dotty nodded and smiled at her incredibly attentive audience (note the sarcasm) finishing her speech. Everyone began applauding her politely. Lovino smirked. 'And so it begins.'

As the applause began to die out, Lovino readied himself. Once the last person had finished clapping, Lovino gave a single thunderous clap. To his surprise and annoyance, a second clap followed his. 'Who the fuck is this bastard? There's no way in fuck I'm gonna let him win.'

Lovino paused, hoping to give the other clapper the idea that he had won, and then let out another clap. People began leaving around him, signalling the end of the evening. Lovino leaned back in his seat triumphantly. 'Fuck yeah, I win.'


'WHO THE FUCK IS THIS ASS-HAT?" Lovino turned around to a pair of glittering green eyes. The guy leaned back to reveal a tanned face, chocolate "I just rolled out bed and yes, I know I'm sexy" curls and a bright smile. His smile grew even brighter as he raised his hands slowly and clapped in Lovino's face.

Lovino glared at him. "You win this round, asshole."

"So there's going to be another round~?"

Lovino raised one eyebrow. "If you want there to be. But, just so you know, I fucking rarely lose."

The guy behind him smiled. "I'll be at the concert in the Town Hall on Thursday at nine, I'll see you there...?"

"Lovino. The name's Lovino."

"Mine's Antonio."

"I'll see you on Thursday, then."

Antonio winked at him. "It's a date." With that, Antonio stood up and left. Lovino sat there bemused. '...the fuck just happened?'