Please enjoy the epilogue! Massive A/N at the end!

If you like this story please go to my friend's account RupzyDaisy (on here!) she has written a spin off for it and it made me cry...

It's called 'It's not a perfect plan (but it's the one we've got)'

For the very last time, Hetalia doesn't belong to me.


It was the second time in a year Antonio Fernandez Carriedo had been required to attend a funeral, and the first time he had ever attended a double one. It made the number of dead too high for any man to think about. There was a grey, autumnal drizzle falling on the small gathering, hushing over the raised umbrellas like whispered voices. The heady scent of raised earth filled his nostrils and the black clad bodies which stood in the half light of the shower could have been sentinels if they didn't shift uncomfortably in the cold and wet to keep themselves dry under the canopies. The service trundled on despite the poor weather, with a familiar pastor standing at the head of the caskets, taking his time to read out the holy words. Scipio was ignorant to the drip of rain through his hair and shuffle of his congregation, so focused as he was on his task.

Antonio didn't know most of the people here, they were largely strangers as most people were to him in this new country. Normally he would be nosy, but a funeral was not the place for networking and the former bodyguard kept his eyes fixed firmly in respect on the two caskets as they were lowered to their final rest.

Antonio's feet were like ice. He would never get used to damp weather America had to offer, especially in such stiff formal shoes. He was thankful he brought an umbrella to keep the worst of the chill off.

Solemnly, Scipio invited them all to have a moment of contemplation for the deceased, and Antonio couldn't help but scan the crowd, his collar cutting into his neck. He was unsurprised to see Ludwig standing close to Feliciano at the other side of the graves. The smaller boy was holding his own umbrella for once, but there was still water dripping off his nose. His face was pale behind the darkened eyes of a broken nose, but not as pale as Ludwig who was as spirit-like and as still as a sculpture beside him.

Antonio watched Scipio finish up and Feliciano walk slowly forward to deposit the first lot of dirt onto one of the coffins.

"It's a crying shame," a soft voice said into Antonio's ear, laced with a sad sigh. "They're so young."

It wasn't hard to figure out who he was talking about; in all honesty he had to agree. Antonio hadn't known Francis long, but the other man knew no one else at the funeral and had gravitated to Antonio's friendlier presence, or at least to his umbrella. Had they met in other circumstances, he thought that they might have been friends, although Antonio guessed there was plenty of time for that now. Black was a stark colour on the blond and the pigment washed out his skin. He looked even more morose as the dirt started to thud down on the lids of the two coffins and the crowd started to make their way to the side to allow the dead some privacy in their final moments under the open sky.

Antonio didn't move to follow them, looking instead up at stale slate colour of the clouds above.

"Death is not a picky god, my friend." Antonio intoned, the words finding themselves on his tongue before he could stop them. Francis nodded in understanding, the corners of his thin mouth pinching together as he too looked at the sky, both their mind on other fields.

"Looks like more rain. Makes you dream of Europe, doesn't it?" Francis clapped a friendly hand on his shoulder. "I must go pay my respects and get off. The boys are looking after the store and I don't like leaving them alone in this climate. Take care, per'aps we will see each other again?"

"Sí," Antonio nodded tiredly, forcing a small smile. He was keen to be out of the rain and away from this place. He watched almost sadly as Francis joined the crowd of mourners. In the middle of the throng he caught a glimpse of Feliciano shaking guests' hands and wiping tears from his eyes.

Forever a good host.

From his place away from the others, Antonio noticed a familiar tan skinned man head off without paying his respects. Gupta had quietly sneaked in to watch the proceedings and was now weaving alone through the graveyard. He must have been to have a nosy at his cousin, and he and his musky smelling coat were now heading back over the graves. Antonio was half tempted to call him back but no, today was not the day for that sort of conversation.

Antonio stretched. His muscles ached and his eyes were dry and sleepless. With this out of the way he would at least have some easier days ahead.

Out of the corner of his eye, Antonio noticed Ludwig shift away from the main body of mourners to lean on a grave and watch the growing pile of dirt fall on the graves with dead eyes. No one followed him. After everything that had transpired Antonio knew he should be angry with the other bodyguard. They still didn't know who had... but there he was walking towards the other man on heavy legs as easy as he took his next breath. It was in his nature to forgive after all.

Ludwig barely registered Antonio's presence in front of him until he had placed his hand on his arm. The German's eyes were red as they turned to him and he swallowed heavily.

Antonio had no ill will to his fellow bodyguard, he respected the dutiful blond a lot. Ludwig had been a consistent point of his life in America. They had worked together and planned together, and in their downtime Antonio had felt like the young German was a friend. It was this feeling that made him pull the other man into an awkward one arm handshake which turned hug under his umbrella.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Ludwig," Antonio pulled away gently as the other man held on for too long. He chose to ignore the tears in the other man's eyes. They were understandable in the situation.

"It's -" he started but they were interrupted by the appearance of Bridget at their side. Her brown eyes were downcast, but she kindly passed Ludwig a handkerchief from inside her bag. He dabbed shamelessly at his face as she shifted a strand of her hair back under her yellow hat. Antonio had heard someone make a comment about the colour of it during the service but he personally thought it was quite fitting.

This was their funeral after all. Viktor would have wanted to be buried with his grandson so a dual funeral had been arranged. Antonio still couldn't quite wrap his head around the idea that Gilbert was gone, he had been life and vivacity incarnate. His loss was a strange gaping hole in their circle. And to go in such a horrible way was so unlike him, but to see his partner Bridget so vacant in her grief had been the worst part in all of this. Antonio had expected her to be the saddest after all, but loss affected everyone differently.

But as Antonio turned away to leave Ludwig and Birdie to their grief she was grabbing Ludwig's hand and pointing off into the tree line. It was strange behaviour, even from the mute girl and Antonio couldn't help but follow her finger to where she was pointing.

The rain created a sort of mist, a sheet of dull grey like a curtain around the graveyard, but between the trees Antonio just caught a glimpse of a lanky figure. It was male and tall, and he was leaning nonchalantly under the cover of the branches and half raised a hand in greeting as they turned. He couldn't see it over the distance but Antonio felt the grin on the man's face as though he was right there in front of him. His stomach swooped at the same time Ludwig made a noise like he'd been punched and half stumbled, half ran to meet him. Bridget glanced to Antonio and winked before following, leaving him standing confused but elated.

How typical of Gilbert, he thought with a shake of his head. He should have known the idiot couldn't stay dead.

That was definitely a story for another day. They would have time to catch up later, and Antonio looked forward to hearing about Gilbert's week off the grid.

Regrettably, Antonio made his way back to the mourners, unable to hide the small smile on his face. He almost walked straight into Scipio who was just finishing off speaking with the gravediggers.

"Ah, Mr Carriedo, my apologies." He flustered. Scipio was looking well, the bruises from his beatings were almost gone now and he looked well rested. The events of the past few weeks had probably done him and the parish wonders. The pastor was looking with wide eyes the way he'd just come, "I- is that-?!"

Antonio couldn't help but laugh at his stricken expression. "It's probably best not to ask."

Scipio blinked rain and disbelief from his eye. "You know, I might have to agree."

Humming in accord, Antonio moved past him to where the one of the last visitors was just leaving Feliciano's side. He had always struck Antonio as being bold in a subdued way; there was a lot of the older Mr Vargas in Feliciano and none of it in his looks. Surrounded by people he glowed in a way that his brother never did. The thought made Antonio's face crinkle until he smoothed it out into something more appropriate and friendly.

The last visitor was a recognisable face.

"It was so good of you to come, Kiku!" Feliciano was shaking the dark haired boy's hand energetically. In the distance a brood of similarly dark and exotic individuals waited for the young man to finish his chat. They looked bored. Antonio was uncertain about the warehouse bunch, especially knowing what they'd probably done to get the Honda boy into the head position, but Kiku was the epitome of politeness as he bowed low to Feliciano.

"It was nothing, Mr Feliciano. One must pay respects to the dead."

"But you're so busy- oh, 'Toni!"

Even at a funeral, Feliciano couldn't help but be bright and bubbly. Antonio had seen it as endearing before he knew the younger man better. Things had changed since their first meeting, and Feliciano seemed more than aware of this and didn't hype up the act around him.

"Are you heading back?" Feliciano queried. Antonio nodded, adjusting his umbrella where it was digging into his hand. "I don't expect you will be back for the wake. Do you want anything saving?"

"It's okay, I'll probably just grab dinner there."

Feliciano looked like he was going to say something but decided against it. Antonio felt a little cruel for his silence and dark mood. Francis was right: they were young, and they were hardly to blame for what had happened.

He was saved from saying something when Feliciano peered over his shoulder.

"Where's-?" He cut off with a strangled gasp and a short 'excuse me'. He moved past them to run to where Ludwig and Bridget stood at the edge of the lot with Gilbert's laughing form, looking less than composed as he skidded across the wet ground in his haste.

Kiku was stoic as usual, but an amused quirk lifted at the corner of his mouth.

"What an interesting family," he commented, meticulously straightening the solid gold cuff links at his wrists. Antonio noticed with a cold realisation that he had matching rings and tie clips. Very fancy and expensive; they could have paid for a lot of food back on the farm.

Kiku's eyes were like unlit coals as they raised in Antonio's direction. "I am sure we will see each other again, Mr Carriedo. Do pass on my regards to the master of the house."

Antonio forced himself not to flinch and instead returned his bow with a curt nod. Kiku and his cohort were gone and he was alone, sort of.

"I am ready to go now." Antonio said aloud. How did anyone cope with having a bodyguard? The two shadows on his tail weren't necessarily looking out for him but watching, and as such their presence was off-putting at the least. He hated how they followed him.

Saying that, it had been much worse when Arthur had pared him with the tall one, Lars. He was glad the inspector had noticed the hostility between them and arranged a transfer with Feliciano's watchers. Vash and Anri were less likely to get him locked up for attacking an officer of the law after all.

The two black coated officers detached themselves away for a nearby tree and lead the way down to the car park. Anri tagged behind with Antonio to gossip.

"We'll leave Lars to report that in," She laughed to Vash in front, throwing a thumb behind her which her fellow officer only grunted at. A wink was thrown in Antonio's direction. "The inspector will flip a gasket, and I'd rather be spectator than initiator. Where was it you needed to stop again, hun?"

Antonio liked Anri, she was delightfully funny and friendly. She was nothing like her brother who was just plain rude. She made this arrangement half bearable.

"Just near the station."

They bundled into the car. Vash drove which was a novel experience for Antonio who'd played chauffeur for months now. He'd quite liked the experience as before that he'd only occasionally drove when he borrowed his father's truck in the summer to nip into the village. He found he didn't really like the experience of being a passenger anymore; not being in control was frustrating, but at least listening to the officers' chatter was pleasant enough.

"Remember, you and Heidi are eating at ours tonight. My treat of course!"

Vash's blush was sweet, even if his tone was gruff. "I remember. Thank you for inviting us..."

They stopped at a set of traffic lights and Antonio chanced a look out of the window. They were on a memorable lane, where the Gold Rush hotel in all its finery was finally up for sale. Even as he watched, a group of movers were taking out some of the pretty dining tables and chairs from the front doors to load them onto a van waiting on the curb. Antonio briefly cast his mind onto the staff who had worked there, official and not so official, and where they had gone onto now they were without a job.

"It's a good school, Heidi will love it Vash!" Anri tittered as the light turned green. "Our brother goes there and he gets lots of support. They could go together in the morning-"

"Anri, please, not while the suspect is in the car." Vash said tersely, eyeing Antonio in the rear-view mirror with his sharp eyes as though he had been making notes on their private lives.

She huffed into silence and Antonio was glad when he eventually had to get out for his stop. The market was busy and he could sense Vash's annoyance as he followed after him as his tail. He had no intention of running away, just as he had no intention of driving off onto the freeway, but the officer was only doing his job. Antonio ignored him just as he had for the past week. His stop was brief and the two lovely ladies with the familiar accents packed up his grapes in a neat paper bag with little fuss, chatting with him about the delivery they had organised to the house for the wake. He was soon waving them goodbye and was back in the car and on the way before Vash could start grumbling in annoyance.

He was pulling his hat off and tugging his tie loose as the car pulled up to their final destination.

"See you later, handsome!" Anri smirked with a wave as Antonio disembarked. He returned the grin and waved, choosing to ignore the red face of the other officer who joined him on his journey into the building.

The hospital was fine by hospital standards, and Antonio had become quite familiar with the building by now. There were stretching corridors of white that seemed to go on for miles with pretty nurses wandering the wards. It was bright and airy, but Antonio still found his chest constricting at the place, unable to shake the memories of the past few days. His reflection in the mirrored elevator was gaunt and tired looking, he needed a shave and a proper sleep, but he had a few moments to readjust his features into something resembling a glowing smile and sort out his hair before they reached their floor. Vash watched him dryly, but Antonio ignored him again.

"Good afternoon, Lieutenant Colonel," Vash saluted. The mountain of a man guarding the door returned the action silently, stepping aside to allow them past. Antonio went alone into the room as he had many times before and caught with the impression of a wide, private hospital room before he fixated on its only occupant.

The paper of the bag in his hand was surprising sharp as his fist clenched into it. What on earth-? "What are you doing?!"

His former charge, the one and only Lovino Vargas, made a noise of surprise and jumped at the intrusion. He stopped where he had been trying to get out of bed on weak, unsteady legs that practically buckled below him. Antonio charged in to help before he could damage himself further, throwing the grapes on the table. He was careful to avoid the other boy's heavily bandaged right side and sling. Lovino permitted the touch to get him into bed but weakly slapped away his helping hands when he tried to sort the blanket out.

A closer look at the room and Antonio felt all his previous calm he had built up in the lift collapse.

"What is this?" He picked up the paper that had fallen on the floor, and saw the numbers and information blankly before it clicked what it was. It slid into the puzzle like a jigsaw piece and his patience went out of the window. "Lovino, who brought you this? You're meant to be resting!"

Stubborn, irresponsible, self-destructive-!

Lovino gritted his teeth. There was a faint sheen of perspiration on his forehead from the exertion of his escape attempt and a fevered gleam in the hazel eyes which Antonio knew was from all the drugs they were pumping into him.

"Ludwig dropped in before the funeral," he wheezed with a wet cough to the back of his hand that had Antonio's hand pressing at his forehead fretfully. Lovino barely seemed to notice. "Don't yell at him, please. He's feeling guilty and asked if I needed anything. I just need to-"

He needed to do nothing. Antonio resisted the urge to bundle up the blasted paperwork and throw the damn lot out of the window. But he knew that would only upset Lovino more, not to mention annoy a few of the nurses, so instead he dumped the lot on a nearby guest chair with little ceremony ignoring his charge's groan of frustration.

"'Toni, please." He coughed, reaching out and grabbing his sleeve. No, no, do not look at him like that. "I need to sort stuff out. It's my responsibility-"

Antonio returned the hold with his hand. Lovino's was disturbingly clammy- it was cold in the hospital with the turn in the weather, and the drugs weren't helping. He was probably a lot more rough than what was intended for someone who had recently had a bullet removed from the fragments of their collar bone, but he couldn't help himself. Antonio hated that even now he was powerless.

"Leave it for a bit," he hushed. "Wait until they let you move around a bit, yeah?"

He must have been in a lot of pain as he merely pursed his lips and looked at him darkly. Antonio pulled on the rope for the nurse who came within a minute; the bonus of having enough money to pay for proper care he guessed.

"Hello gents." She breezed her way into the room, a large infectious smile on her lips. Her cropped hair floated around her head in a halo of gold. "What's the problem?"

Without asking she did a quick check of Lovino's condition, checking his temperature and pulse, tutting in sympathy on reading his notes. She smiled in Antonio's direction.

"Mr Vargas is due another shot for the pain soon. I will go and prepare it and be right back. We'll change his bandages later this evening."

For the umpteenth time, Antonio resisted the urge to hurry the staff along as she exited the room. He wasn't a professional and he didn't know anything about health care he reminded himself. When Lovino had been sick that was the first time he'd cared for anyone, and it wasn't nearly comparable at all to his condition at the moment. He just hated seeing Lovino in pain.

The guilt was well and truly eating him alive.

"I've told you, don't pull that face," Lovino warned. He was trying to pull himself up to a better position but his arm from the shoulder down was bandaged up in a sling and his other was too weak to take the strain comfortably. Antonio hovered until he was up, panting but with his pride intact. Pride was important to Lovino, even if it killed Antonio to see him like this.

"This is just my normal face," He argued. Lovino laughed but stopped quickly with a look of agony, gritted teeth allowing a short grunt and clenched hands on the bedding. Antonio wasn't even aware of going towards the assistance wire until Lovino shook his head pathetically.

"Leave it."

"You're in pain!" Antonio was feeling that awful feeling again the one that started in this stomach, limped up to this throat and made his eyes burn. He promised he'd never cry in front of Lovino, but he- "I can't just stand here-"

Like he had done in the boiler room.

He wasn't the only one grinding his teeth together as Lovino watched him with sullen eyes. He wasn't sleeping much without them knocking him out on meds, the pain was too great and he was uncomfortable in every position. As such his eyes were rimmed in dark circles on his pasty face. Antonio had a very heated discussion with the doctor over it, but there was little they could do. In the circumstances it was needed, rest was important however it was achieved.

Antonio was being selfish, Lovino needed him to be strong not falling apart at the seams. He pulled on ever depleting reserves of will and he managed to gather himself together somewhat. Wordlessly, Lovino held his unbandaged hand out and Antonio took it without a second thought. He had to remind himself that the operation had been a success, and Lovino's condition was due to the healing he needed to undergo. The drugs were helping but not enough. He couldn't take all the pain away. And there was still the risk of infection, but he was in the best place for him right now.

But all he could think about, all he could keep remembering in his waking and sleeping moments was that day. The heavy, heated tensions and guns waving all around, his one of them. Antonio should have known better. He had been so concerned about Ludwig's fragile state that he'd barely seen Roma as a real threat, even though the older man had done nothing but harm others in the time he'd known him. It had all blown up when the doors had crashed inwards and the police had rushed in with Arthur at their head. Someone had let off a bullet, he didn't know whether it was one of them or even the police. Antonio had heard the familiar bang and had fully expected to feel the burn of it hit him. He'd welcomed it, welcomed death at Lovino's expense.

But there had been a firm shoulder to his side and he'd been moved instead.

There'd been so much blood, and the noise...

The result was Lovino in front of him. His arm was safe, but the doctors were holding out on saying whether or not he'd ever have full movement back in it. The collar bone had shattered at the close range of the shot in such a small room. They'd had to pull some of the fragments out of him.

Antonio couldn't help but shiver at the memory of his blood, Lovino's blood, flowing freely over his fingers as his charge choked on the blood that had managed to seep into his lungs. He'd thought...

"Stop it, Antonio. Don't go there." Lovino's gruff tone was grounding. Alive. He was right there, his eyebrows together in irritation at him for drifting off again. The lack of sleep wasn't helping. "Would you stop doing that? I've told you, it wasn't your fault."

Antonio couldn't help but scoff. "You pushed me."

"Then it's my fault for playing hero again. You've saved my ass plenty, we're even."

...But he'd just stood there when it had happened. The first thing he'd done when movement came back to him was shove off the policeman at his side and punch Roma in the face. The old man was immediately swooped down upon by armed guards. Ludwig was in the process of being held down and Feliciano had fallen to his knees, an officer on either side of him prying the gun from his unrelenting fingers. Antonio hadn't even checked on Lovino first. Lovino could have been dead and he hadn't even caught him. In the end, Antonio hadn't done his damn job, his duty, to take the bullet for him.

Lovino was bleeding out and he had let his anger get hold of him one last time. Never again.

A knock at the door paused the dark thoughts in Antonio's head. He turned expecting the pretty nurse, but instead an entirely different blond made his way into the room. Arthur Kirkland wasn't exactly a welcome sight right now, but it had been his cool head telling Antonio what to do and practically screaming down the house for an ambulance that had save Lovino's life (or so the surgeons had said).

He had the decency to look embarrassed at breaking up what was clearly a moment but held the door open so that a shorter, lighter haired man could follow him into the room.

"Inspector," Lovino tried to push himself up, painfully if his grimace was anything to go by. Arthur held up his hand.

"Don't push yourself, Vargas. No need to get up." He motioned to the man beside him respectfully. "May I introduce Tino Väinämöinen? He is our police commissioner and he wanted to speak with you."

Tino's eyes were a dark, unreadable colour but his nod of greeting was polite and non-threatening. He took a few steps closer to the bed, a flicker of sympathy going across his features at the sight of Lovino's bruised skin, visible under the gauze and bandages.

"This won't take much of your time, Mr Vargas. I can see this is a difficult time and I don't want to impede your recovery." Even his voice was polite. He wasn't very old, Antonio noted in surprise. "I wanted to speak with you personally in regards to the case."

Antonio's eyes narrowed and his hackles were instantly up, because if they so much as thought about cuffing Lovino now or asked him to make a statement before he could even walk they'd find themselves following the paperwork out of the metaphorical window. Tino must have noticed his mood as he looked over in his direction apologetically.

"This can't wait I'm afraid. I assume you are Antonio, is that correct? Lovino's bodyguard?"

He stood up slowly. "I am not longer employed by the Vargas family, what with their murderer of a grandfather rotting in one of your cells. I am here as a friend."

To his credit, Tino did not look even slightly intimidated and merely nodded.

"In that case I will be brief." He faced Lovino who was pale, sweaty and drawn but more aware than he had been in a while. "Your grandfather's case is being taken to court quickly. We're eager to lock him up for his crimes, but even we have hoops to jump through. Very few lawyers want to touch his case, as you can imagine."

Lovino nodded weakly, "And until he's in a proper prison?"

"Until then he's in a short stay facility in the state. It's a few hours from here. Do you want to receive any of his messages?"

Lovino's lips were so tight they were practically white. It was a while before he managed to croak, "Commissioner, that man murdered my parents in cold blood. No, thank you."

Arthur's lips quirked up in a grim smile. The inspector had his arms folded as he watched the conversation with interest.

"As for Ivan's hideout, he and the remains of his crew have been apprehended and cleared out with minimal casualties." Tino continued. "His older sister is very willing to work with us in exchange for protection for a young boy in their care. However, it will be some time before we know if we have everything."

Antonio was still in shock at how Roma had managed to hide his relationship with Braginski for so long and maliciously use the Russian as a tool to cover up his own sins. From what he had gathered chatting to Feliciano sometime after that day in the boiler room, Roma had always said the two brothers were safe from his business. Ivan on the other hand had spoken like he knew Lovino and his brother; Roma had lied just like he'd lied about everything else. Antonio didn't like to think about his former employer much because it made his blood boil, but he was unarguably truly evil.

What was strange about this conversation was that the police were keeping them in the loop about the case. Lovino had made a deal, as soon as he was able to he planned to honour that. Why were they telling him this?

"Lad, the rest of this conversation is off the books." Arthur prompted at their expressions and Antonio sat himself stiffly back in his chair. He was listening carefully now.

Tino spoke shrewdly. "In light of your actions and your friends' testimonies, we find we have very little cause to arrest you, Mr Vargas. We won't be taking you into custody. Your crimes wouldn't stand in a court. Insufficient evidence and a waste of a good judge's time I'd wager."

Lovino shook his head heavily. "I am currently full of every drug money can buy in this building Commissioner, so you need to speak more plainly that that."

Arthur chuckled. It was a light sound and Antonio hadn't heard it before. The inspector took over.

"Our old contact- well, Viktor submitted one last report before his death. There was a letter, late in the post, on my desk the day after we arrested Roma. It was honestly the motherlode. He must have known there was a chance he would be caught. He spoke in detail about the murder of your butler, and we also have a collaborating testimony from a Mr Matthias Kølher which says it was Roma Vargas, not Lovino Vargas who killed Roderich Edlestein. They both claim he had your hand on the gun and forced you to pull the trigger."

If Antonio hadn't done exactly the same, Lovino's sudden stiffness would have been worrying. His eyes took on a glazed quality in shock as Arthur summarised quickly.

"Essentially everything you wanted us to take you in for has been contradicted by two first hand witnesses. No judge would send you down for that Lovino; you're innocent."

Antonio felt the tension that had built up in the room release. Lovino wouldn't have to go to prison! Tino took this as his time to leave. "I'll leave you to say your goodbyes, Inspector. Take care Mr Vargas, speedy recovery."

With a small nod of his head the commissioner walked cleanly from the room leaving a smug Arthur Kirkland in his wake. As soon as the door was shut, the inspector fiddled in his pocket and passed an envelope over to Antonio.

"From Alfred and Matthew," He half apologised. He was on the verge of an eye roll but didn't seem to be able to quite pull it off. "Once they heard what had happened they put this together. Don't worry, there's no secret notes in this card."

Lovino seemed to have difficulty bringing himself back into the room after the officers' revelations but must have pulled on something inward to extend a hand for the envelope. It was hand drawn get well soon card with a pretty vase of roses on the front. To Antonio's surprise Lovino blushed and laughed, the first proper one in many days and passed it to Antonio to place with the others on the windowsill.

"Does this mean we won't be having the handlers anymore?" Antonio hoped so, he was done with them looking miserable near him. Arthur nodded.

"To some extent. I have requested a watcher on the door here, not to watch Lovino." He corrected quickly. "But for protection. We can't be too careful just yet boys, we never know what's waiting around the corner. It's the very least I can do."

He was right of course. It was one of the reasons Antonio hated himself every time he left Lovino's bedside. He was the acting head of the beast now, and crippled as he was someone might just try to take advantage. Antonio would put up with a hundred Lars' than take a chance with Lovino's safety.

"Not that we're expecting anything." Arthur was quick to add at the sight of Antonio's darkening features. "The main culprits are gone. But better to be safe than sorry."

"Thank you, Inspector." Lovino's tone was so tired but the smile was genuine and once again Antonio felt a rush of pride for the man in front of him.

"No, thank you Lovino. Honestly, I never thought I'd reach this day-" He coughed embarrassed, "Sorry lad, it's probably not in good humour to celebrate when-"

Lovino shook his head. Antonio knew from their quiet moments alone together that he was broken inside at the turn of events. How could you even start to comprehend that the man that had raised you for all these years was the real reason your parents were dead? It was taking a lot out of him to admit to the years of mistreatment alone, never mind the wider implications of Roma's evil. Antonio did not envy Lovino's position and understood the other man's confusion and hurt. But still Lovino never let Arthur or anyone else for that matter catch on to his real feelings and Antonio loved him more for it.

"Go ahead."

Arthur grinned wolfishly and stuck out his hand to Lovino genuinely. Slowly, he took the hand and returned the handshake.

"I do have to warn you that you'll be watched from now on." Arthur's eyes had lighted on the paperwork on the chair and a crinkle of concern flitted across his features. He couldn't help but play the father, Antonio thought cagily. "Any wrong move and you'll be joining your grandpa in that cell I'm afraid. We're back on opposing sides again, I have a job to do after all."

"Don't worry Inspector," Lovino said and Antonio was impressed to see him smirk. "You won't see a thing."

The Brit pursed his lips as if he wasn't sure whether to laugh or scold and moved to turn away. That would have been if Lovino hadn't been called him back.

"Have you heard anything off William?" He gasped around a painful cough. Antonio resisted the urge to soothe it with fluffing his pillows and instead watched as Arthur turned back from his position at the door.

Anything about Eliza was left unsaid but clearly intended for cognizant ears.

"They reached England safe and sound." He said pleasantly. Lovino visibly relaxed. "Peter has been terrorising the local wildlife and my mother terrorising Will. Eliza... is settling in well. The money is going through fine-"

"If she needs anything, if any of them need anything," Lovino gasped, that delirious gleam back in his eye as tiredness took the reins again. "You get in touch with me Arthur. I mean it-"

Arthur held up a hand.

"You've done enough, Lovino." He said and Antonio could have clapped him on the back in gratitude when: "But Peter has to come home eventually, and tickets across the pond are expensive, so if you're offering..."

He was joking, the smile said that but Antonio couldn't help but scowl. Lovino however laughed, tension leaving him in defiance to his pain.

"Good- bloody- bye, Mr Kirkland."

Arthur was laughing as he shut the door.

"Ciao, brat. Keep out of trouble."

When he left the room, Antonio was struck with the noise of the hospital around them. The distant beeps and muffled chatter from all around. It was like sitting at the centre of a vast machine and it was almost comfortable even though it was sterile and vast. Lovino sunk into his pillows in exhaustion, eyebrows pinched together in pain. Right, that was enough excitement for one day. Medication: now.

"No, stay." Lovino ordered softly before he could move. He cracked a watery eye at him. "The nurse will be in eventually... How was the funeral? Was Ludwig okay?"

Ah, he'd not said.

"It was a quiet send off as we expected. Except," he tried not to smile as Lovino's brow raised questionably. "We did have a surprise guest of honour turn up. A very unexpected guest."

It took him longer than normal but even in his dazed state Lovino clicked quickly and swore. "That bastard Gilbert! Who in hells name have I paid to be buried then?!"

Seeing the fire back in Lovino's eyes was worth it even if it made him hiss in pain. Antonio smoothed the blankets out absent-mindedly.

"Gupta was there you know." He was interested to see Lovino's reaction. If anything else about the boy, he was no good at hiding his initial emotions, they jumped on to his face keenly before he could rub them out. He was briefly eager before settling back into blank and disinterested.

"Did you speak to him?"

Antonio pretended not to notice. "No, I only noticed him when he was leaving. I think he was scoping out Feliciano, perhaps looking for you. He'll come again I think."

Lovino relaxed slightly and looked away, out past the window and the grey sky beyond. Errant drops of rain splattered the windows, but inside they were warm.

"I forgot to tell you," Antonio said. He wasn't sure what reminded him but it suddenly came back to him like a bolt from the blue. "My brother replied to my letter."

Lovino turned back with as much interest as he could muster, which apparently wasn't much. "Oh?"

Antonio reached into his breast pocket where he'd been keeping the paper since he'd picked it up at breakfast. It had been a jolt to his system to see Thiago's usual handwriting on the address, but even more to see the familiar stamps pasted all over the top part of the envelope.

He missed his homeland. "By the sounds of it they were happy to hear from me, father and all. They thought... well, they thought I'd got myself into some trouble." They had no idea just how much. "They are planning on selling the farm. It hasn't been doing so well, and my mother's health means they are looking at moving somewhere to the south where it's quieter. I was going to suggest..."

He met Lovino's handsome face with weight. "I was going to suggest they come and meet the man that saved my life."

If Lovino had been his grandfather he might have offered to pay for their travel and invited them to stay in the big house like a king deigning to converse with the poor. If the eldest son had been more like his forebearer there would have been a catch to his extravagant offers and his grand statements that would benefit him alone. Luckily for Antonio, Lovino was not Roma, so when he blushed as much as his pale face would allow it was genuine and honestly captivating.

"You idiot, don't say something so ridiculous. Of course they're welcome to come and live here, if that's what you want."

Antonio couldn't help but feel his mouth smile as he watched the other man look awkwardly to the window once more, etching his likeness into his memory as he did every time Lovino faced away. He liked to examine him and commit him to memory, this wonderful human who surprised him each and every day. If anything, Antonio had learnt from Lovino that nothing was certain in this life. He had never expected to owe his life to this man, a sacrifice he would need to repay for many years to come. He had been through so much and Antonio was so proud of him, and glad that he had given his heart to this man. In the past months they had been together for so long, Antonio had traced, and each time he found himself lost deeper and deeper in the other man's complexity. The moments when he had been ill, and when he had been choking his last breaths in his arms were stacked alongside Lovino laughing reluctantly at one of his jokes, managing the business, dealing with his brother or earnestly sharing his plans to save Peter.

He had never known someone like Lovino, and he never would again. He was a work of art, flaws and all, complex and most irrevocably human.

He had been staring so long, Lovino had fallen into a light doze. He moved only when Antonio went to get up and tidy. With a small huff of annoyanc,e he had shoved out a foot from the blankets to stop him from escaping and Antonio couldn't help but laugh at the action.

Lovino's voice was small when he spoke, "You'll stay right? You won't leave me if your family comes to stay here?"

Oh, he had no idea. Antonio was struck as usual with a myriad of emotions looking into the eyes that had first captured him that night in the alley: frustration, admiration, love; eyes he had never looked away from and never intended to again.

Reverently, he kissed the hand that met his own. Tidying could wait.

"Cariño, never. We're stuck with each other now."

When Lovino smiled it was exhausted but triumphant. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


There was always noise in the cells, no matter the time of day. It was hard to sleep at the best of times, but Lukas found there was always sounds, banging, rattling, whispering, crowding him like the lunch line queues. It was maddening. Cold showers, tasteless paste-like food, mean tattooed men. These were inconvenient but could be dealt with if the voices would just Shut Up.

He had found the shank on the second night of his stay, lodged in the middle of the mattress like a pick in a cake, but this wasn't a moving picture or fiction. The sharp blade was forged from the very iron of the bed frame and he'd only noticed it after picking at a stray thread and uncovering the hole. He kept it under his pillow now and rubbed his thumb over its rough edge, enjoying the feeling of it scraping against his nail.

The moonlight was the only light in the room but it was enough to see clearly by. There wasn't much to look at from Lukas' vantage point on the top bunk, but he had found himself staring night after night at the empty space around him, committing each crack and mark to memory. It was enough to drown out the hum of noise.

Lukas was so far away from his own surroundings that he jumped at the sudden yelling and keys ratting outside his door. It wasn't uncommon for the guards to stomp their way into inmates cells to wake them for the fun of it or just to check on them. Men killed themselves in these sort of places if left alone too long; Lukas had heard the older inmates talking about a man who'd done it only that morning. Lukas laid still, feigning sleep as the door lurched open.

"Get in there!"

"Don't you fuckwits know who I am?!"

Lukas froze, barely daring to move. The new inmate was shoved unceremoniously into the room, and with a growl like a beast went careening into the now closed door. The guard was speaking angrily through the eye window as he slammed his fists on the surface.

"Now settle down! It's lights out. You'll be lucky if you're out of this dump by the end of the week inmate, so make yourself at home!"

The man screamed, pounding the door like a demented creature in a cage but the guard only laughed, already walking himself down to the officer's mess for a nightcap.

"I demand to speak with someone of importance. The inspector in charge of the case! The commissioner himself! I demand a damn lawyer- you will regret this!"

The ranting went on and Lukas burrowed deeper into the blankets, watching the grey, ghostly fight in the half light and bang pointlessly on the door. It was aggravating. Noise, noise, noise.

"They won't come back you know."

Lukas meant it as a half whisper, but it came out louder than he intended. An enraged bull in a ring, the man span to face him and snorted. There was no mistaking Roma Vargas for a normal man. Even in prison garbs and slacks he had a self righteous air of pomp that made someone like Lukas internally shy away from his presence.

"Who the fuck are you? I can't believe this, sharing a cell. Don't they know I can buy the whole blasted building if I want?!" He snapped and snarled dismissively, his inflection raising more and more as he went on until he was yelling again. He barely gave Lukas a second glance and the ice cold feeling in his gut spread. "That man is speaking from his arse. I'll be out of here tomorrow, just you watch- my grandchildren will come for me."

Lukas said nothing and let Roma's raging wear out naturally, his mutters fading into background noise to the sounds of his heart beating like a war drum in his ear. He curled down into his thin blanket, moonlight reflecting in his eyes like coins and held the shank close.

Roma didn't know him. He never had. But Lukas would make sure he remembered him soon enough. His grip on the knife was tight enough to hurt but the voices whispered sweet nothings which made him forget the room once more.

They were right: Emil deserved revenge and Lukas would provide.


That feeling when you finish a story you have been writing for 6 years... *screaming*

So a (LONG) message from me as the author below (if you don't like soppy messages at the end I also write about the story!):

When I first started this endeavour it was a little brain worm that spiraled out of control into a 400000+ word fiction. I never expected it to be as long and for it to get warm reviews or much support from the FF community, but I have been overwhelmed with the support and attention this has recieved. It's been an amazing journey, starting from my first year in university and ending with me in a fulltime job (I work with young people and teach them employability skills). I didn't always write a lot (I went from having loads of time to none at all and we DON'T speak of my half a year gap!) but it was so nice to have messages, favourites and follows waiting for me in my inbox for when I was feeling like it wasn't worth my time.

In all honesty, writing was something I had given up on when I entered university, something that I liked to do as a past-time, but ultimately something that was 'childish' and wouldn't get me a job. Writing this story has been a way back into my passion, and it has left me feeling capable of tackling the fiction/s I have always wanted to write. It sounds pathetic, but I actually think DoaES kept me sane at times!

It is very humbling therefore to have such a lovely audience backing me, giving me feedback and advice, and just generally being great. I have enjoyed chatting with you (when I got the time to respond!) or just reading how much you were loving the story. I think I speak for all fanfiction writers when I say how amazing it is to have that, and I think I will miss that the most out of me writing these stories. I read each and every review and each time I get an email telling me I have one or a favourite my heart jumps like you wouldn't believe.

So, this is for you: my readers, without who I would have never finished this story or rekindled my love of writing. You have been worth every second- whether you reviewed or not, logged in or anonymous, or whether like me you never review once but love the story all the same. Thank you for the fanart and the conversations and subscriptions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

A massive thank you must also be sent to my beta rupzydaisy who herself is an amazing writer and kept me on the straight and narrow with this story. You have her to thank for how nice these end up looking! I must also thank my partner who has been my rock (and who threatened to burn my new novel notes if I didn't finish this by 2018).

I will probably not be writing any fanfictions now for a while, if at all. I am planning on writing my original works and would like to focus on this. I have a magic story planned (cliche I know) but I also aim to rewrite this story as an original works (heavily edited of course). I will still reply to messages though, so feel free to send them to me/review the work! Tell me your favourite moment now that we are officially done or something, I'd love to hear it!


This is Antonio's only chapter of the whole story (sorry!) and it was great fun to write. I like changing up characters and seeing what they think of the others. Antonio has been in love with Lovino for basically the entire plot, and even though Lovino isn't quite there yet he loves him just as much.

The way I saw it (for the future of them) was that Antonio would continue to help out Lovino dismantle the business into something more cleaner. It wouldn't be (and probably couldn't be) completely destroyed but after he recovers Lovino would go to great lengths to undo some of the damage Roma did to the city and its people. They get hit hard by the wall street crash (1929) however, they open soup kitchens and support the homeless.

Feliciano works a lot closer with Kiku and his business, setting out on his own a little bit. He's not as 'good' as Lovino is, but his brother watches over him and makes sure he doesn't mess up. Ludwig sticks with him as a friend too and the three of them get up to mischief.

If you would like to see what happens with Arthur, Will and Eliza see RupzyDaisy's fic '(It's not a perfect plan but it's the one that we've got)' which is basically canon and I love it so much.

Gilbert and Birdie go back to being a great duo together. Vash probably gets together with Anri and Heidi joins (Luxembourg) at school. Ivan is locked up for good and Katyusha works with the police for a while before becoming a mum to Raivis. Matthias gets out on good behaviour and eventually goes back to working for Lovino. Lukas does go down for what he's done and never leaves prison.

And Roma... well Roma got the ending he deserved.