![]() Author has written 32 stories for Pendragon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Gundam Seed, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Maximum Ride, Death Note, Naruto, Twilight, NCIS, Glee, Supernatural, and Criminal Minds. Welcome to Erin's World!!!! Twitter: MidnightxXxRose Tumblr: universalromance A guest wanted the URL to my GKM Fill so here it is, remove the brackets and spaces: glee-kink-meme (.) livejournal (.) com (/) 36785 (.) html (?) thread (=) 49589681(#) t49589681 I FOLLOW BACK :D Memo 15th March 2012: Wow, it's been a year since my last memo... crazy times. Anyway I'm just coming on here to have a Gundam SEED rant so if you don't care, ignore me. Anyway I rewatched them all because I just bought them (my brother moved out so I no longer have his to watch). And then I went and revisited my old forums and I was kind of angry to see that the Asucaga vs Asumey argument is still happening... passionately and viciously. I admit I said my fair share once but the whole thing irks me. I am a passionate Asucaga fan and the more and more I watch GS/D I become more and more convinced that there is no conceivable reason for Athrun to end up with Meyrin, from a writer's point of view. Sure he cares about her, that's obvious, but it's older brother caring, much like his relationship with Lacus is very brother/sister. I'm not biased, honest, I'm a debater and I was taught that in order to argue well you must be able to see both sides of the argument and I can do that, I can look at things objectively, putting away my personal opinions. I just don't see Asumey. And you know what else, I don't give a flying fudge monkey about the special edition of Destiny where they cut out a lot of Asucaga stuff. I don't hate it because of the cutting of Asucaga, I hate it because of what they did to Athrun's character. They turned him into this indifferent and cold man and that's not who he is. They butchered Athrun's character and I hated that. I wrote an essay on Athrun with a lot of quotes from Fukuda and the woman who writes the stories. None of what they did in GSDSE makes sense with his character. Part of me hopes that they never bring out the Gundam SEED movie because I want to allow both the Asucaga and Asumey fans to be able to have their hope for their couple. If they do bring out the movie though and the couple ends up being Asucaga, while being delighted and elated, I will not gloat. Likewise if Asumey winds up on top, though heartbroken, I will bow out gracefully but Asucaga will always live in my heart. Because isn't that the truth? The true heart of a couple is in the many fans who fight passionately for that couple. Stuff canon. We've all proved enough that both Asucaga and Asumey live, no matter what happens in the possibly never existent SEED movie. As a passing comment, there is one thing all Asucaga and Asumey fans can all agree on however: we hate Meer Campbell and she can keep her smutty claws away from Athrun Zala :P That is all, rant over. Erin xx A Writer’s Blessing May you always remember the thrill of being swept away by a really good book. Personal Information Name: Erin Nicknames: Ssyba, Ez, Ezzi, Ez-Dog Pennames: Apart from the fanfiction one I'm also: xX-Ezzi-Xx (Deviantart), Erinthemasterofaworldoffantasy (Fictionpress), Iskosia (Wattpad), Erin-Fanglover-Faxfanforlyf (Max-Dan-Wiz) Nationality: Australian Languages Spoken: Australian English, Sarcasm, Cat, Erinish, Heidiish, and learning Russian and Korean I am currently studying: Biology, Chemistry, General Mathematics, Advanced English, Extension English, Drama and Studies of Religion I What I want to do with my life: I want to get a PhD in Psychology from ANU (Australian National University) and with that I hope to either become a clinical psychologist or a criminal profiler. I could be both too but I don't want to extend myself too far :P Sports I play: I'm a black belt in Taekwondo Things that I write fanfiction for (note: not all of these categories are something I've published a story for): Maximum Ride, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Sonic, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight, NCIS, Pellinor, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Chuck, Eragon Favourite things: Purple, green, blue, red, chocolate, caramel, the beach, the ocean, surfing, snorkelling, swimming, jogging, rain, thunderstorms, trees, sunshine, travelling in the rain, lightning, fire, cooking, chocolate chip cookies, cake, my dogs, cats, snakes, spiders, taekwondo, cars, motorbikes, brown, dresses, jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, track pants, tea, hot chocolate, lollies, books, movies, music, Bon Jovi, Maximum Ride, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Chuck, Criminal Minds, NCIS, Resident Evil, the Matrix, Titantic, The Notebook, Gundams, Athrun Zala, Heero Yuy, L, Death Note, McLeod's Daughters, Heidi and Jesse, wolves, dragons, fantasy, sci-fi, Morgan Freeman, Johnny Depp, Matthew Grey Gubler, my laptop, my bed, Matty!, drama, reading, writing, wind surfing, kites, lasagna, poke wars on facebook... Things that make me smile: the rain, my friends, my dog, reviews, writing, sunshine Things I hate: arrogance, being talked down to or being talked at, yelling, fingernails on chalkboards, loud people, obnoxious people, bitches, players, idiots, stupidity, morons, bad drivers, racism, bigots, people who need to pull their heads out of their arses, getting poked by Matt at midnight... Those who have earned my thanks... Hydra: You are my best friend on FF and one of my best friends over all. All of our conversations and play fights are forever with me and I don’t know where I’d be without you. Thanks for being there over the years and I hope we have many more years of friendship ahead of us (can you believe we’ve been friends for three years or is it more now? That’s how long it’s been). You’re one of those people who I will never forget. Grey: You are the greatest beta anybody could ask for. My grammar is atrocious and I know that so I am forever thankful that you offered to check over my work for me. I know exactly where I’d be without you: with far worse grammar than I have now. Your help has actually improved my writing, thank you so much Grey. Miz: Your reviews light up my day and always make me smile. I love getting them and your feedback is helpful and always appreciated. You know how much I love them, I’ve told you before. :D Anonymous For Now: Thank you so much for all of your wonderful reviews that make me smile and for every time you’ve stuck up for me even though I’ve never asked you to. Your support means so much to me. Thank you. Nix: Just like AFN you have stuck up for me to some of the nastier reviewers who I’ve just chosen to ignore (and one who was impossible to ignore, am I right?) and your support too mean more to me than you can imagine. Thank you so much. To every reviewer, reader and friend I have on FF: Thank you for your support and help over these last four years. Some of the people I have met on FF have been the greatest people I’ve ever known and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. I don’t believe that I ever wasted a moment on this site because it has improved my writing beyond sight and I’ve met some amazing people. All of the laughs, smiles and tears that I’ve shared with you have meant so much to me and I’m hoping that this is a hobby I never grow out of because one day, I wanna see fanfictions for my own books on here and I want some of them to come from all of you loyal readers who have stuck with me through thick and thin. Thank you all for the good times. Let’s keep ‘em rolling in! :D Questions I am often asked… Q: Why do you spell things so weird? A: I don’t spell things weird, as you might think. Since most people who read my stories are from America or another country they just spell differently. You see, I’m Australian and the way I spell is just different. I don’t appreciate people telling me that I’m spelling or phrasing things wrong. I don’t mind people asking about the way I spell but I will not approve of somebody condemning how I write. I will not change my ways to something foreign because I’m an Aussie, through and through (I even live on a farm and own an Akubra and boots). Q: Are you really James Patterson under an alias? A: The simple answer: no. The extended answer: why would James Patterson pretend to be a teenage girl in love with a zillion different fictional male characters just to write fanfictions for a book series that he already owns? I feel very flattered every time someone asks this and it makes me laugh but no, I am not James Patterson. I wish I was… then I’d own Maximum Ride :D Q: Are you going to publish a book? A: Hopefully one day I will. I have a million stories floating around on my computer and one of them that I’m working on now I think I might have a real chance of getting published as long as I can find an agent to represent me. I would love to be published as writing is my passion and love and if I ever get accepted I will be announcing it on every site that I am a part of so you’ll all know. Q: How do you write so brilliantly/wonderfully/whatever-other-word-you-have-come-up-with-in-the-past-to-describe-my-writing? A: Every time someone reviews my stories complimenting my writing telling me everything from ‘you’re an amazing writer’ to ‘I wish I could write like you’ it makes me smile so much. Every writer loves to hear that kind of feedback. But something that people ask a lot is how I do it and the real truth is that I don’t know. When I write I sort of zone of out of reality and let myself fall into my world where anything can happen. I don’t really write the story, the characters have their adventures and I simply write it out for them. My only advice is that when you write: don’t think, just feel. If it comes from you then it’s right and it’s good, just keep working at it. Q: Will you read and review my story? A: If I have time, yes I will read it. Depending on how I feel, I might review it. If I think your story has potential and you just need some work then I will definitely leave a note with some tips that I hope might help; if your story is wonderful then sometimes I won’t leave a message if I don’t have time because there’s nothing I have to say more than ‘wow, this is so good’ or something totally unhelpful. But if you review my story and ask me to read yours then I will try very hard to find time to read it. Writer’s honour. Q: Will you let someone else take over your story? A: No, no, no and no. Even if I can’t finish a story I will never adopt it out. My babies are all important to me and, even though this is very arrogant of me to say, I just don’t trust anybody else to write them the way I would like. I have a unique style, as does any author, and I am very protective of my stories. I can’t trust whether or not they would be butchered if I adopted them out to somebody else. So, no, I would never let anybody else finish one of my stories for me. Q: Do you have a beta? A: I have a beta for Highschool Ride but it’s the only one of my stories that has one. Mainly because I argue with people… a lot. I cannot go a day without arguing with somebody and whenever people try to change something I’ve written, I get defensive. I don’t mind grammar stuff which is why I have Grey beta-reading HR (I’m a terrible proof-reader, it takes me at least a week to proof-read 10 000 words thoroughly because I speed read). But if someone tries to change a character or storyline then I get really defensive, which is not conducive to a working partnership so most of the time, no I do not have beta readers. Q: Will you put my idea in your story? A: If I like it and if it works. Simple as that. If I do, I will give due credit and that is on my honour as a writer. Q: Will you write a sequel? A: This always stumps me. Sometimes I love writing a story so much that the idea of writing a sequel... But then I never want to ruin what I’ve already done by overdoing it, so usually I just test some things but unless I intended the story to have a sequel, most of the time I won’t write one. Q: Are you a girl? A: Last time I checked. Q: Why haven’t you updated? A: The reason for slow updates could be anything from ‘I haven’t had time’ to ‘I’ve got writer’s block’, even ‘I just couldn’t be bothered’. It may interest some of you to know that I do actually have a life; it goes like this: School, Taekwondo, school, homework, NCIS, school, taekwondo, Criminal Minds, school, homework, school, work, work, homework, work, homework, school etc. Basically my life is pretty full, I don’t get a lot of chances to hang out with my friends or do things with my family. I also need to get an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, it’s for Uni) of 95 to get into the course I want so for the next two years I really need to buckle down and work, work, work. I try to update, but sometimes life just gets in the way. The Hall of Fame!!!!! (under construction) Best Story: Highschool Ride Status: In-progress Length: 77 chapters, 269 868 words Hits: 289 951 Reviews: 3 629 Favourites: 659 Alerts: 547 C2s: 7 Best One-Shot: I Won't, Not Ever Length: 697 words Hits: 999 Reviews: 29 Favourites: 27 Alerts: 3 C2s: 1 Current Works and Upcoming Ideas I have been thinking a lot about my HR world and I've come up with a whole bunch of spin-offs to go along with the sequel that you have all put into my head. Jeez, I wasn't even planning on writing a 70 chapter story but you MADE ME DO IT! So now you have to live with the consequences! College Ride: The sequel to HR. I won't put too much about this here because it'll give away the ending of HR. Here and Now: Ellie and Matt after HR. I really love these two and they're my favourite couple apart from Max and Fang so I want to write more about them and I have some fantastic ideas to go along with it. I never really wrote much about Ellie's life before she moved to Avondale so all will be revealed in this spin-off. Everything that we don't know about Ellie and Matt with come out. Into the Dark: Everyone's been bugging me about gang stuff with Jake so this story will be all about Matty's gorgeous twin brother and his life as a gangster. This is my Time: Matt's life before HR. From when he graduated highschool, his first try at a music career, his mum's death, his brother getting into trouble and all of that. Plus some adorable scenes with little-kid Fang in them. Plus Lucy!!! :D |