(1) I Won't Let Go

It's Like A Storm

Kurt Hummel sat in the corner, his pants still halfway up his legs, tears rolling down his face as he replayed the events that just happened over and over in his mind.

Karofsky had pushed him against a locker. Having had enough, and feeling brave, he decided to follow the bully into the locker room.


"Hey! You! I am talking yo you!"

"Girls locker room is next door."

"What is your problem huh! WHAT are you so afraid of!"

"Besides you coming in here to take a peek at my junk?"

"Oh yeah! Every straight guys nightmare, that all us gays are secretly out to molest and convert you! Well guess what HamHock? You're NOT my type!"

"That right?"

"Yeah, I don't dig on chubby sweaty guys who are gonna be bald by the time they're thirty!"

"Do not push me Hummel!"

"Why? You gonna hit me? Go ahead. Do it. You can't punch the gay out of me anymore than I can punch the ignoramus out of you!"



Karofsky grabbed Kurt's face with both his hands and kissed him intensely for a few horrible seconds. Kurt pushed him away when he tried to go for a second one.

Karofsky grabbed Kurt by his collar and pushed him up against a locker. "David." whispered Kurt as tears streamed down his face. "Think about this... Think about what you're doing..." at this point, Kurt was afraid for his life.

"I told you not to push me..."

He threw Kurt against one of the ceramic walls and he hit his head on the corner with a sickening crack. He was bleeding heavily as he drifted to a place somewhere between unconsciousness and reality.


Kurt forced himself not to let his mind venture into the horrid memory of what happened after that. He suddenly heard the door open, footsteps and scattered chatter. Was he coming back to finish what he started? There were multiple footsteps, though. Was he bringing friends to help kill him? Oh god! This is how he would die...

Finn walked in, followed by Sam, Artie, Mike, and Puck.

"Kurt?" asked Finn. His eyes grew wide as he saw the blood smeared behind his head. "Holy shit! Kurt! What the hell happened here! Somebody call an ambulance or something, he's bleeding!" Mike whipped out his cell phone and quickly dialed 9-11. They'd be there ASAP.

Finn ran towards Kurt and crouched down next to him. He attempted to reach out to Kurt and help him up, but Kurt swatted at Finn's hand and began screaming. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" he screamed with his eyes shut. "GET AWAY! I SAID DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Kurt was now swinging at Finn, and the tears that had begun to dry had been replaced by new ones that were leaving wet trails across his cheeks.

"Whoa! Kurt! KURT!" Kurt opened his eyes as Finn grabbed Kurt by the wrists and put his hands down.. "Calm down... It's just me... Finn... Your friend... Your brother."

Kurt's lower lip quivered. "Finn?" he breathed.

Finn nodded, his voice breaking. What happened to his baby brother? "Yeah, it's me..."

Kurt pulled Finn into a hug and cried into the taller boys shoulder. Finn tried to calm him down by shushing him and stroking the back of his head, avoiding the gash at the bottom of his skull.

He pulled away from the embrace. "Kurt... You have to tell us... What happened?"

Kurt began to tremble. "I... He..." Kurt's whole body was shaking with sobs. "He raped me..."


The ride to the hospital was the longest fifteen minutes of Finn's life. He was the closest thing to a family member Kurt had at the moment, and there was nobody else to ride with Kurt.

Finn told them everything Kurt had told him; Kurt had lost a lot of blood and had eventually passed out. Every time he asked who attacked Kurt, he'd just shake his head or freak out. They never got a straight answer out of him.

When the doctors had said that they needed to go into surgery immediately, Finn freaked.

"What! No! He can't have surgery yet! His dad isn't here yet!"

The doctor tried calming him down. "Son, listen to me... It's just a minor one, barley a surgery. We just need to put stitches on that lesion he has in the back of his head... Now we need you to fill out these information cards. Do you know if you have insurance?"

Finn nodded. "Yeah, my mom's a nurse at the other hospital across town so she taught me how to fill these things out if anything happened... Is he... Will... Is he gonna be alright?"

The doctor shook his head. "I don't know, son. I don't know..."


Blaine was in his dorm along with his two best friends, David and Wes. It was Dalton's "Study Day," so naturally, they were goofing off.

Wes and David were teasing Blaine about the Kurt kid that he'd met a few days ago when he was trying to spy on the Warblers. Blaine had gone out to Breadstix with him and a friend of Kurt's a few days ago, and also to his dads wedding, and since then, he hadn't shut up about him.

"Blaine," started Wes. "Just admit it! You have a little crush on Kurt Hummel, the terrible spy!"

Blaine laughed and was about to reply with a witty comeback when his phone rang. He shushed the other two Warblers and picked it up.

"Hello? Finn?"

"Oohhh!" said David. "I'm gonna tell Kurt that you're making dinner plans with his brother an-"

He was abruptly cut off by Wes smacking him on the shoulder and pointing out Blaine's grim expression.

As Finn explained the situation, Blaine's heart fell and his throat went dry.

"What..? How..? Why..? O- ok..." he grabbed a jacket and headed towards the door. "I'll be there soon..."

"What is it?" asked Wes.

"It's Kurt." said Blaine, hands shaking. "He's in the hospital... They... they said he's been raped." he left the two Warblers with their mouths hanging open in shock as he left out the door to the hospital.


A/N: so whaddya think? Should I keep going with this? Or am I wasting my time? Well, ima put the second chapter up anyways, and if nobody reads it, then I guess I'll take it down after that which would actually make me very sad because I had big BIG plans for this story... I really hope it's not a flopper :/

For those of you who've been waiting for an update on my other stories like BFB, Camp, Perfect Timing, and Unknown, I have decided to call it quits for BFB... I'm sorry, but I just have nowhere to go with it now :/ as for the other three, I can't promise anything soon, buy I can say that I most definitely WILL be continuing them. If you know me for my Missing Klaine Scenes, then no worries :) I'll be updating soon after Big Brother :)