It's another Michael chapter coming at ya. This will be the last Michael chapter. I don't own Glee if I did I wouldn't be working in a horrible job where I am bullied.

Blaine had no idea that while he was eating dinner with his second (well, he actually considered them his first) family that The Warblers were trying to make things right. Kurt had no idea that while he sat at dinner saddened by the behaviour of The Warblers they were sitting with their Principal and putting their futures in his hands.

"Dinner was amazing as always Carole." Burt kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Thank you honey. Finn you are on dishes tonight."

Finn looked over at his Mum "No, Kurt is." Finn looked over at his brother "oh, ah sorry Dude. That's cool I can do it."

"I can help." Blaine stood up.

"No Blaine it's fine, I'll give Finn a hand." Burt stood up and made his way to the Kitchen.

"I'm not completely useless Dad."

Burt turned to face his son "I know Kurt. You are the farthest thing from useless but you have just had surgery. Besides don't you want to spend time with Blaine?" Burt grinned and turned to do the dishes.

Blaine smiled at what Burt had said. It was obvious to anyone with half a brain that Burt loved his son, really loved him; not out of obligation (like his own father) but because he saw Kurt for the amazing person he is.

"You okay Blaine?" Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand.

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"Sore" Kurt moved to touch his sore eye but decided against it at the last second.

"I'll get your pain killers."

"No" Kurt grabbed Blaine's arm "I don't like them, they make me loopy."

Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead "they make you say cute things."

"I don't want to make a fool of myself."

"Kurt, everyone here loves you. We'd all rather see you acting a little out of character then being in pain."

Kurt sighed "Okay, can you get them for me please."

"Coming right up" Blaine winked before heading upstairs to grab Kurt's medication. Rushing back he handed the medication to his boyfriend who down it with some orange juice.

"Come on my little pirate, let's go and sit on the swing seat."

"If I'm a pirate" Kurt followed Blaine to the backyard "does that make you my first mate?"

Blaine stopped and turned to Kurt; in a low, gravely and downright sexy voice he said "I'll be whatever you want me to be."

Kurt's breath hitched and a shiver ran down his spine. A cheeky grin spread over Blaine's face as he led Kurt to the swing seat.

When they reached the swing seat Kurt snuggled in next to Blaine "you can just say things like that Blaine and you can't say them the way you just did."

"Why not?"

Kurt sighed "because."

Blaine pulled Kurt closer "why can't I say things like that Kurt?" Blaine was teasing a little bit now.

"Because." Kurt began to blush.


"Because it turns me on okay?" Kurt blushed even more.

Blaine gasped.

"Your voice is all low and sexy and then you say things like that and I just can't…" Kurt was interrupted by a pair of luscious lips meeting his own.

"You" Blaine placed his forehead on Kurt's "are so amazing and sexy all of the time. I can barely keep my hands off you." Blaine smiled, he knew that even though it embarrassed Kurt that he liked to hear how much Blaine wanted him.

"How did we ever keep our hands off each other before when had, ya know?" Kurt looked up at Blaine from his position snuggled into his chest on the swing seat.

"Before we had sex?" Blaine asked as Kurt blushed "Pandora's box is guess" Blaine answered staring out at the garden. "Kurt? I hate Sebastian for what he did to you." Blaine ran his fingers up and down Kurt's arm.

"I know" Kurt whispered.

"I'm still angry at The Warblers"

"I know" Kurt whispered once more.

"And it's all my fault."

"What? Blaine, honey, no. Look at me." Kurt cupped his hand against Blaine's cheek and moved Blaine's face so they were looking at each other "none of this is your fault."

"But it is Kurt. You kept saying how much of a jerk he is, how much you didn't trust him." Blaine squeezed his eyes closed.

"Blaine I didn't trust him to not try and break us up, or steal you off me. I never thought that he would do this" Kurt gestured in the general area of his eye. "and it's not your fault." Blaine turned his head away. "Blaine, do you understand me? It's not your fault."

"But Kurt"

"Blaine" Kurt kissed is boyfriend "it's not your fault baby." Kurt snuggled into Kurt's side and Blaine scuffed his feet along the ground causing the seat to swing.

Blaine shook his head "I don't know how he thinks that attacking my boyfriend is going to get him into my pants. It just makes me hate him."

"Maybe he thought that if you saw me all weak you'd see how manly he is, or something."

"Let's not even trying to figure out why he did it. We'd end up doing our heads in." Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead and swung the swing again.

Kurt simply hummed in agreement and tightened his grip on Blaine "this is really nice." They continued to sit and enjoy being together not needing to say anything. They continued to watch the garden until the bushes, tree and flower plummeted into darkness.

"Blainey, I'm cold." Kurt shivered a little.

"Come on baby, let's go inside." Blaine looked down at Kurt who had a dopey grin on his face very similar to the one that Blaine witnessed at the hospital. Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist and ushered him inside. Once they were inside Kurt let go of Blaine and ran to the Kitchen "Kurt be carefully, your depth perception is a little"

"Ow" Kurt turned around to face Blaine hid hand rubbing his forehead "Blainey I got an owie!" Kurt stomped his foot on the ground "can you kiss it better?"

Blaine walked over the Kurt and gently placed a kiss on his forehead "better?"

"Uh-huh." Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and began swing it "You're so pretty."

Blaine chuckled "what do you want to do?" Blaine looked down at their interlocked hand as the continued to swing back and forth.

"Let's watch a moooovie."

"Kurt, you can't watch a movie."

"Oh, well then let's listen to a moooovie."

"What movie?" Blaine led Kurt to the couch.

"Westside Story, I'll be Maria and you can be Tony." Kurt looked as his boyfriend, his eyes wide and a huge grin on his face.

"How can I say to that face?" Blaine grabbed the CD from Kurt's and headed back down to the lounge. When he arrived he saw Kurt sniggering quietly and staring at his father.

"What's so funny baby?" Blaine placed his hand on the small of Kurt's back.

"My Daddy's a bear!" Kurt's sniggering morphed into giggling and then changed to guffawing which caused Burt to turn to his son.

"What's got him laughing?"

Kurt stood up and began to tip toe around the lounge while singing quietly

If you go out in the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go out in the woods today
You'd better go in disguise.

For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic.

"Painkillers huh?"

Blaine simply smiled and nodded at Burt.

"Hey Daddy!"

Burt turned to his son and smiled, he hadn't been called that in years.

"Watch me!" Kurt began to spin and dance around the room.

Picnic time for teddy bears,
The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today.
Watch them, catch them unawares,
And see them picnic on their holiday.
See them gaily dance about.
They love to play and shout.
And never have any cares.
At six o'clock their mommies and daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired little teddy bears.

Kurt skipped over to Blaine and placed his head on his shoulder much like Blaine had to him when he sang Misery.

At six o'clock their mommies and daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired little teddy bears.

Kurt sighed and bowed "Thank you" you have been an amazing audience, especially you" Kurt pointed and winked at his boyfriend. "Hey Daddy?" Kurt walked over to his Dad "where's Mummy?"

Burt froze, and shot a look at Blaine.

"He means Carole" Blaine whispered.

Burt smiled "In the laundry Bud."

"Mamma!" Kurt sing songed as the skipped over to the Laundry.

A few minutes later Kurt returned humming happily to himself. "Blainey?" Kurt fell into Blaine's lap. Blaine looked sheepishly at Burt who just smiled. "Blainey do you remember when we first met?"

"I sure do."

"It was at Dalton, I stopped you on the stairs. You were so pretty. Then you took my hand and led me to The Warblers and you sung Teenage Dream to me. Do you remember?"

Blaine nodded.

"You sung the whole song to me, and I was in heaven. I was so excited that someone as gorgeous as you was singing to me." Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck.

"I couldn't help it Kurt you were, no you are so mesmerising and beautiful."

"I know" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Blainey?" Kurt shifted in Blaine's lap.


"Do you remember opening night of Westside story? You were Tony. You were a great Tony." Kurt laid his head on Blaine's chest.

Blaine nodded

"And we weren't talking. Do you remember?"

A guilty look swept over Blaine's face.

"Don't be sad Blainey" Kurt peppered Blaine's face with kissed. "I forgave you and I loooooooove you."

Blaine placed his hand on Kurt's leg "I love you too Kurt."

Burt smiled at the two boys, Kurt's in good hands he thought before heading upstairs.

"Do you remember what happened after the show? You were practising that move that you messed up, you were so sad, and I was so scared I was going to lose you but we made up and then we went to your house and we made love." Kurt smiled sweetly "It was amazing, we did it twice, we both got to be bottom. Blainey?" Kurt wrapped his finger in Blaine's curls "which do you like better?"

Blaine groaned and was very thankful that Burt had left the room.

Once Kurt came down from his drug induced high he was exhausted. Lying on his bed he rolled over and snuggled into his human pillow. "Good night Blaine."

Dalton was quiet, only a few students were about. The Warblers sat and waited for Sebastian to show up. He was always late, like he loved to keep people waiting so that he could make a grand entrance.

Nick looked down at his watch 7:20 "where is that douche?"

"He'll show up." Trent seemed to be trying to convince himself more than anyone else.

"Good Morning my Warblers!" Sebastian sauntered in the room.

"Nice black eye Sebastian" Nick deadpanned.

"Shut up Nick, I'll deal with you later. Now" Sebastian's eyes swept the room "I have been thinking about what Michael Jackson songs we should sing at Regional's."

"Actually Sebastian" Nick walked forward his hands in his pockets "I called this meeting so I will be talking first. Fellow Warblers I have called this meeting because of the behaviour of The Warblers in the last few days, namely one Sebastian Smythe." Nick smiled sweetly and Sebastian who simply rolled his eyes "now Dalton has a policy of zero tolerance towards bullying. What was done to Kurt was bullying." Nick began to pace in front of the Warblers. Kurt had to have surgery on his eye." Nick glanced at Trent and Nick who smiled "he was one of us, our friend and we let Sebastian slushy him, with a slushy that had rock salt in it. Yeah Sebastian, I found out from Blaine this morning." Nick took a deep breath "this isn't what we are about. Sooooo I propose that because of his behaviour towards Kurt that Sebastian Smyth be banned from The Warblers. All those I favour?"

"Seriously? You want to ban me? I am the best thing that has ever happened to The Warblers?"

"Ah, that's not true; when Kurt and Blaine were in The Warblers we got to Regional's." Jeff stood up next to Nick.

"That might be true Jeffrey but you tied with New Directions last year." Sebastian folded his arms across his chest "Which is saying something seeing as they are a joke."

"Enough Sebastian!" Nick turned back to the Warblers "all those in favour of Sebastian Smythe being banned from The Warblers." Ever hand shot up except Sebastian's. "Goodbye Sebastian. Oh and Principal White wants to see you, something about a possible suspension."

Sebastian left and The Warblers cheered "Warblers!" Trent yelled the Warblers settled down "all those in favour of making Nick and Jeff Co-Captains. It's unanimous, congrats guys."

"Wow, thanks guys" Jeff smiled "meeting adjourned?"

"Right who's coming?" Nick grabbed his car keys from his pocket.

"Who's coming where?" Trent was confused.

Nick smiled "To breakfast and then off to see Kurt."

The sunlight streamed through the haphazardly closed curtains in Kurt's room. Carefully Blaine raised his head to check the time 9.17am. He smiled as he looked at the beautiful creature the slept on his chest. His phone beeped indicating a text message. Very slowly so that he wouldn't wake Kurt he reached over for his phone, Nicks name appeared on the screen.

Up for visitors? We have news.

Blaine text back saying it would be fine before he retuned his phone to its original position. Sure Blaine was still angry at his old Glee club but he knew that The Warblers that were his and Kurt's friends were making an effort and as far s he was concerned the rest of them could go to hell.

Blaine watched Kurt sleep a little while longer before he decided that it was probably a tad creepy. Gently he kissed Kurt's cheek "Baby' he whispered "time to wake up."

"I hate peanut butter" Kurt mumbled.

Blaine giggled "Come on beautiful." Blaine ran his thumb over Kurt's cheek.

"Mmm Blaine." Kurt gasped

Wow that was hot "Kurt baby, time to wake up." Blaine continued to touch Kurt's cheek with the pad of his thumb.

Blaine was greeted by two glasz eyes looking at him "Morning sweetie." Kurt rolled over onto his back and made a grabby motion with his hands which Blaine found adorable.

Blaine scooted over and wrapped his arms around Kurt. "How'd you sleep?" Blaine asked as he kissed Kurt on the collarbone.

Kurt sighed "I slept really well." He peppered Blaine's face with kisses "because you were here. I always feel safe and happy when I am with you."

"Good. Me too, Kurt, I feel the same way when I am with you. We need to get up, Nick has news."

Kurt tightened his grip "I want to stay in bed with you forever."

"Come on, I'll make you breakfast."

Pouting Kurt slowly got out of bed. Kurt had enough time to have breakfast and complete is morning routine before Nick showed up. The living room was pretty full; there was of course Blaine and Kurt also Nick, Trent, Jeff and Nathaniel.

"Hey Kurt, so ah, we have news." Jeff had never felt so uncomfortable around Blaine and Kurt before.

"As of this morning" Nick began "Sebastian is no longer a Warbler."

"Or a student at Dalton." Trent smiled.

Nathaniel rolled his eyes at Trent "Last night Nick convinced us to go and see Principal White."

"We all got 6 weeks Saturday detention and Sebastian got expelled." Nick started at Kurt waiting for a reaction.

"Wow" Kurt was stunned "that's wow. You guys didn't have to…"

Jeff interrupted "yeah we did, we were horrible Kurt."

"I heard Sebastian telling James this morning that he was getting sent to some super strict boarding school in Boston." Trent added.

Kurt let out a shaky breath "He's gone Kurt." Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek.

Kurt laughed a little "things are looking up." Kurt stared at his boyfriend before scanning the faces of his friends. Things are looking up indeed.

Hoorah! All done. Let me know what you think.