We Found Love in a Hopeless Place
A/N: Happy New Year! Here's a little contribution to the Anderberry craze. I was sucked in.
We start out slow but it'll most likely reach mature themes... hence the rating.
Chapter 1
"So you mean to tell me that one of the hottest celebrities out right now invited you to come to his concert? And he himself sent you backstage passes to meet him? You?" Santana sat in the third row of McKinley's choir room giving her fellow glee clubber a disbelieving look. There was no way in hell that captain dork Rachel Berry got front row seats and VIP passes to Blaine freaking Anderson's concert. It wasn't even like she won a contest or anything; they just came addressed to her. No way.
Rachel was so happy about receiving two tickets to her favorite singer's concert that nothing Santana or anyone else could say would destroy the feeling. She pulled out a blue envelope from her back pack and held it in front of her; all of her classmates looked on with wide eyes. Her boyfriend Finn, who had already seen the letter slouched down in his seat and looked around the choir room in a bored fashion. He knew better than anyone – well he and his brother Kurt knew better than anyone how much the girl loved Blaine Anderson. Rachel had a life size cut out of him in her walk in closet so that she could ask him his opinion on her outfits, she had posters and other collectible Blaine Anderson memorabilia all over her room, there were CD's and DVD's of his EP and live performances took up a majority of her media case… it was really bad. And Finn felt like he was second place to a guy she never even met. Now she was going to meet him… great.
Just as the girl pulled the letter out of its casing, the group's glee club director Mr. Schuester entered the room and began excitedly introducing his lesson plan for the week.
"Okay guys, there is no time to waste today! We have dance rehearsal for Regional's and new songs to learn so let's get –"
"Mr. Schue, I'm sorry to interrupt but that can wait… Berry has something to share with the class," Quinn interrupted, turning her focus from the teacher to Rachel. Mr. Schue stood by the piano and nodded toward the students as an okay. "Make it fast, please."
Rachel cleared her throat and unfolded the letter that held two tickets to Blaine Anderson's concert. She was still in shock from it all to be honest, but an opportunity to gloat to the cheerleaders that treated her so poorly and brag to her friends who teased her for being obsessed over a guy she'd never meet was an opportunity she planned to take. In a sing-song voice she began to read:
Dear Rachel,
Hello! My name is Blaine Anderson. I don't want to assume you've heard of me so I'll take this opportunity to introduce myself. I'm a California native who had a lucky break and now I live my dream of being a performer – singing to millions of people all over the world. It is a privilege and a blessing and I'm so thankful to be in this position.
Anyway, enough about me! :) I'm sure you're wondering why I've reached out to you. It's just that we have a lot in common; a lot more than you think Rachel. You see, we were… no… I'll just wait until you come to my concert. You will come right? There are two front seat tickets along with two backstage passes to my show in Cincinnati so we could talk in person. It'd be totally awesome if you came. Bring a friend if you want. .
Friday, February 10th. 8PM. Be there or be square! :)
Until then Rachel,
Blaine Anderson
"You see guys? Here are the tickets and passes," she flashed the items before her classmates, "and here is the letter. Finn and I are going to meet Blaine Anderson! I told you I wasn't lying!"
"That is so awesome, Rachel. You have to be the luckiest girl in the world," Tina spoke excitedly with a smile on her face.
"Whatever you do, do not tell him about the life size cut-out, or the posters… or the… wait just don't speak at all." Her best friend Kurt said with a smile. Kurt was happy for the girl, but felt bad for his brother Finn. Sure the two loved each other but if Rachel had a chance to date Blaine Anderson she'd probably drop Finn like a bad habit.
Rachel laughed at her best friend's words and promised not to creep out the famous singer. But many of the glee club students were still shocked at what they just learned. Even Mr. Schuester had a few of Blaine's songs on his iPod and was a little jealous of his star pupil's opportunity to meet the singer. Finn sat with crossed arms as everyone bombarded his long time girl friend with questions.
"What are you going to wear? Please don't say plaid tights."
"What are you going to say?"
"Can you tell him how great our glee club is? Maybe he'll come hear us sing at Regional's!"
But it was Mercedes that asked the question that plagued Rachel's mind the most. "I'm extremely excited for you girl, don't get me wrong. But what could Blaine Anderson possibly want to meet you for? That question didn't come out how I intended it to but – "
"No," Rachel began, "I agree completely. But we won't know until the 10th I guess."
"That was probably our best show in like ever. Did you sing and dance even harder because a special somebody was in the audience?" Blaine's best friend and backup singer David asked. They knew each other forever and knew everything about each other, and the boy was by Blaine's side step by step as he searched for his birth parents. Sadly, the star singer had no luck finding them, but he did find out he had a twin sister that lived in Ohio. When Blaine told David the news, his best friend convinced him to try and find her. The girl deserved to know she had a twin, and probably could help with the search for their parents. Blaine was hesitant at first, not wanting just show up in somebody's life out the blue, but it would be awesome to have a twin after being an only child for so long. And luckily he'd be in Ohio on tour a few weeks down the road.
"Of course I did. If I have to break news like this to Rachel I can't have some lackluster show now can I?" Blaine changed out of his stage clothes and got into something comfortable. He knew that in a few minutes, Rachel and her plus one would be let into the backstage area to meet him. And boy was he nervous.
David smiled at his friend as he switched clothing. "You're absolutely right. Hopefully she's hot. I need a girlfriend."
"Hey!" Blaine shouted, pulling a hunter green Henley over his head. "Don't play with me, man."
David laughed, "Wow, you're one of those brothers? Goodness you haven't even met the girl yet."
"Don't care. That's my sister you're talking about."
The two shared a good laugh as they made their way out the dressing room, hoping to meet up with Blaine's long lost sister. The curly haired teen's manager James popped up as the two friends made their way around the stadium. He was more than aware of how the two liked to play games and go missing for hours on end. Sure, they were only 16, and sure they had to be kids, but the two didn't understand that there was a time for play and a time for work. Disappearing when your dad was one of the most powerful people in all of the west coast wasn't a smart thing to do. Blaine's dad would kill James if anything happened to his son. And it was almost as if Blaine was aiming for that when he and David went out exploring the city's they stopped at. But that would not be happening tonight.
"Oh no you don't… straight to the autograph signing you go. Go on," James practically pushed Blaine toward the area where Blaine would be meeting and greeting his fans. David rolled his eyes at the older man. There was no way he was messing this up. Blaine had been so excited to meet his sister.
"I need a minute. You know I have to meet the people who paid extra for those expensive backstage passes… aren't you the one who always tells me the importance of prioritizing my time, James?" Blaine asked his manager, knowing the man couldn't deny him that. James valued nothing more than the value of the dollar.
"Make it quick, and bring yourself right back here. Am I clear?"
Blaine and David took off towards the backstage area in a dash not even bothering to answer the man. They'd deal with him later. As for now… now was the time for Blaine to meet his sister.
"I can't believe you dragged me here."
"I can't believe you're complaining about going to a concert with me. You know how much I love this guy! He's an artist! His music is epic! He's the Rick Springfield of our generation."
Finn scoffed. No way could this guy be prepared to a classic rock star. "Maybe that's why I'm complaining, Rachel. There are no posters of me in your room. You love me more don't you?"
Rachel smiled at her jealous boyfriend. He was so cute like this when he got worked up over her love for the singer. And it got worse now that Blaine had actually contacted her. What were the odds?
The couple stood backstage being watched by a guard and waiting for the superstar to approach them. Nervous wasn't the exact word to describe Rachel Berry. She was about to stand face to face with the boy she idolized for over a year now. His voice often put her to sleep at night and even played as an alarm to wake her up. A lot of the lyrics to his songs spoke to her about her own situations. They did have a lot in common: both adopted as kids and both having the same birthday. But it wasn't what everyone thought, she didn't want him in that way. She was just a huge fan.
"And here he comes…" Finn said glaring at the shorter boy and David rushing towards them. Rachel smiled and waved excitedly, trying her best not to pass out.
As soon as Blaine laid eyes on her he knew it was Rachel. Something felt right. It was like he knew her all along. "Ms. Rachel Berry, It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Blaine and this is my best friend David."
"I know who you are!" Rachel replied in a shout. David jumped back with a laugh at her enthusiasm. Finn stepped up with an outstretched hand.
"Hello, Blaine. My name is Finn Hudson and I'm Rachel's long time boyfriend. And she is my girlfriend." He firmly squeezed Blaine's hand to make sure the boy got his point.
Blaine laughed and nodded his understanding. "I get it, Finn. It's a pleasure to meet you both. I hope you had a good time tonight?" the hazel eyed teen turned his attention back to his sister as he asked the question.
"We most definitely did. You have to be one of my favorite singers in the world!" Rachel hopped up and down giddily as her boyfriend rolled both eyes to the ceiling.
"That's awesome! You're one of my favorites too! Totally saw your glee club on YouTube. You guys rock!" David nodded, agreeing with Blaine's statement. They had done a little search on the girl when they found out about her. And the New Directions were really good.
Finn raised an eyebrow at the two teens before him. "Why were you watching our glee club on YouTube exactly? Why did you give Rachel these tickets and invite her here? And why did you decide to wear that bow tie out there? It's hideous."
"Hey dude, relax – ". David stood up for his friend. It was something he did often when they were younger for … reasons.
"No, no," Blaine interrupted his friend, "it's okay. Look… I feel rushed right now because I have to run and sign autographs for fans, but… there's a really good reason why I invited you tonight Rachel, and why I looked you and your club up… I wanted to know who you were and get a good grasp of you as a person before I sought you out. You see…" Blaine ran a hand through his hair as he felt David's hand rub his shoulder encouragingly, "you see, you and I are brother and sister. Twins, actually."
Finn's mouth dropped but Rachel only stared at the boy blankly. "I'm… I'm sorry?" she asked.
"We were separated at birth and… I know you were adopted by your family and me by my dad… and that was that. I don't want you to think I'm playing with you because I'd never do that. I only found out a short time ago and it'd mean so much to me if we could have a relationship. I've been raised an only child and finding out I had a sister blew my mind. I swear we can DNA test if you want or… whatever."
Rachel didn't react as she watched her… brother? ... waited longingly for her to reply. To say anything, really. He was probably more anxious than she was in meeting him.
"Wow." was the diva's only reply. David smiled as the twins just stood there awkwardly trying to find a way to advance the conversation. Finn still idly stood behind his girlfriend, mouth agape.
"Listen," David started, "We have to get going before his manager has a cow. Is there any way Blaine can get in contact with you before we leave Ohio? So you two can get to know one another?"
Rachel gulped hard as Blaine smiled at her bashfully. She went from thinking she and Finn would be meeting Blaine Anderson because he wanted to tell her something like 'you were picked from a contest you entered to meet me so… hi' to hearing that she was related to the boy… twins at that! There was no way this was real life.
"Rachel?" Finn asked, finally regaining his composure.
The girl shook her head and came back down to earth. "I'm sorry. I… I'm just so shocked. When… when do you guys leave?"
"We have until Tuesday, and then we head off to Philly." Blaine replied sadly, wishing he had more time to spend with Rachel.
"Well tomorrow is Saturday and I'm sure you probably have another show to do but… I had planned a get together at my place… with my glee club friends. I don't know if that's too much? For like us hanging out for the first time and all…"
"No, Rachel it's perfect! Let's exchange information. I have an afternoon show and a night one so we may be a little late getting to you but I've been looking forward to this since I found out. We'll definitely be there." Blaine handed the girl his cell phone and they did as planned. Everything went greatly.
"James is going to kill us. Are you sure this is the house?" David got out of the cab after his best friend as they made their way towards a black and white home in Lima. Blaine pulled his scarf tightly around his neck and doubled check the address. He glanced to David and nodded, "It seems to be right, bro. You ready?"
"Are you ready would be the better question, Blaine."
His friend smiled and turned his head towards the front door, pressing the doorbell twice.
Inside, once the bell sounded everyone went crazy.
"Oh my god, that's probably him! I can't breathe, I can't breathe!" Brittany started flailing around the basement of Rachel's house wildly. Her friends watched on concerned.
Puck sat next to Kurt leaning on the blue eyed boy's shoulder already bored. He didn't get the big deal with this Blaine Anderson guy; sure he was rich and probably got a bunch of girls, but his boring Disney-esque songs were shitty in his mind. "Maybe if you stopped holding your breath you'd be able to breathe smart ass."
Kurt pushed Puck off of his shoulder as Rachel ran upstairs with Finn to answer the door. "Please stop leaning on me, Noah. I'm not a pillow. If you didn't want to be here you shouldn't have come."
Puck rolled his eyes at his best friend's brother."Listen, I came because I heard the liquor cabinet would be broken into. And as soon as I get the okay, I will go ahead and do that."
"Whatever the reason, there is no excuse for you to wrinkle up my Dolce top."
The teens waited patiently for Rachel to return with her newfound brother and mega pop star Blaine Anderson. It was still a shock to everyone, especially Rachel, but it was super exciting as well.
Rachel opened her front door with a huge smile as her brother greeted her with a tight hug. Finn smiled at David and gave a slight wave.
"I'm so sorry I'm late. It was a hassle getting away from my manager to come here." Blaine pulled away with a warm smile, so happy to see his sister again. He turned to Finn who he wasn't too sure about after his death grip handshake the previous night but apparently he had a change of heart.
"Hey guys. We have a group of people downstairs eager to meet you … mainly a group of girls. You're being warned, find a chastity belt quick." Finn said with a very serious face. Blaine laughed and turned to David who looked excited to hear there were girls present. "I'll be fine. You better warn the girls that David Thompson is here before it's too late." Finn smirked.
"Before we go though, I brought something for you Rachel." Blaine handed her a small box wrapped neatly in royal blue decorative paper. "You don't have to open it now, but it's something I wanted you to have."
Rachel smiled an accepted the box graciously. "Thank you so much, Blaine. You didn't have to get me anything. But I'll take it." He smirked as she kissed his cheek and hugged David before ushering everyone downstairs.
The basement erupted as the group made their way downstairs. All the girls surrounded the superstars as soon as the two got seated well but Blaine didn't mind, answering questions and giving hugs and signing various items. So much for spending quality time with his sister, but getting to know her friends was equally important as getting to know her. David on the other hand spent his time flirting with each and every girl he laid eyes on, except for Rachel of course. Neither Finn nor Blaine would have that.
On the other end of the basement the boys sat rolling their eyes at the groupie girl's of their glee club. They wouldn't let the poor boys breathe, it was a shame. Puck stood up and decided now would be a good time for liquor and Mike and Sam went to help him. Once Rachel saw this she rushed over to do damage control.
Artie wheeled his chair over to the raucous group and decided with Puck gone no one would be able to tease him for wanting an autograph.
"Excuse me, Mr. Anderson… boy fans approaching you is probably something that rarely happens and I don't want to creep you out or anything... but can I get a CD signed too man?"
Blaine looked at the boy with a grin. "Did you just call me Mr. Anderson? That's my dad not me. But I'd love to sign your CD." He did as promised eliciting a smile from a proud Artie. "I didn't mean to be rude to the boys present… just got a little … bombarded when I got down here that's all. What's your name?" He smiled and Artie did as well. "It's cool. I'm Artie Abrams. It's pleasure to meet you, and thanks for the autograph… for my sister and all…" he laughed.
"No problem." Blaine watched as Artie went back to the other side and pulled up next to a boy who sitting on couch, one leg crossed over the other. He had gorgeous blue eyes and perfectly coiffed hair, cherry red lips and beautiful porcelain skin. He laughed and shook his head as Artie told him something, his cheeks tinting a soft pink. Blaine couldn't help but stare, blushing a little when the boy looked up and caught his eyes. The superstar sent him a shy smile and a little wave which the other boy returned, a little caught off guard. David saw the exchange and smiled knowingly. "I see you, Blainers."
Blaine turned to his friend with a jump, almost forgetting anyone else was in the room. "Oh no, just being friendly." He smiled guiltily.
"Sure. You should go talk to him you know." He whispered. Santana had been trying to get in Blaine's pants since he arrived and David didn't want her to blow anything out of proportion. After all it was still kept quiet about Blaine's sexual orientation to the public. People he was close to knew but Blaine stayed out of relationships in order to keep his private life… private. Maybe David was right though… maybe he should go talk to him. He was downright beautiful.
"Excuse me ladies," Blaine stood up as best he could, pushing females off of him as he made his way across the room. Kurt turned his attention away from Artie as Blaine approached their side of the basement nervously. He smiled up to the boy and took his outstretched hand.
"Hey, I'm… I'm Blaine. Artie helped me to realize I was rude in not introducing myself to everyone… so hey," he took the boy's hand in his and held it firmly. "That probably wasn't the smoothest of introductions you've experienced," he chuckled bashfully, "Sorry."
Kurt looked at his hand being held tightly by Blaine and returned the smile."Don't worry about it…it's not every day one gets to meet Blaine Anderson. My name is Kurt Hummel. Rachel and I have been best friends since we were like 11."
"Kurt," Blaine smiled as he felt the name leave his lips. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Kurt replied with a smile; deciding now was a good time to get his hand back. "The feeling is mutual." Blaine nodded and looked around nervously before taking a seat next to Kurt. They sat kind of quiet for a while before Kurt struck up a conversation. Blaine didn't want to be rude, he understood that, but he didn't need to make it up by sitting with him the rest of the evening. "How are you enjoying Ohio so far?" Kurt asked curiously, turning his body to face the curly haired teen.
"It's been really great for several reasons. You wouldn't expect someone to say I enjoyed Ohio the most on a nationwide tour but I'm sure that'll be my answer." Blaine's cell phone began to ring, the picture ID showing James wonderful face. The boy quickly pressed ignore, not wanting to ruin the moment. He was talking to an incredibly attractive guy who apparently was his sister's best friend. It was something you'd see in a rom-com maybe but he didn't care at all.
Kurt smirked after noticing Blaine was avoiding his manager but nodded his understanding. "Rachel was so excited to meet you and oh my goodness did she talk my ear off when she found out she had a sibling. I'm so happy for the both of you."
"Thank you so much. I'm ecstatic and I can't wait until this tour is over so I can spend some more time with her." Blaine looked over to Rachel who smiled and waved as she put on some music. The glee clubbers began dancing around wildly, red solo cups in hand. David even had a little something. It would be fun trying to get him back to the hotel room.
"I hear you." Kurt replied, watching the scene in front of him.
"So tell me about yourse-" the phone rang again, interrupting Blaine from his sentence… but this time it was his dad. Shit, James had to go and call my dad again… "I'm sorry, I need to take this. Excuse me." Kurt nodded as Blaine ran upstairs to a quiet spot and spoke to his father. David sucked his teeth knowing the only man Blaine would answer his phone for would be Anthony Anderson, the man who adopted him. The man was extremely strict so that'd probably mean privileges would be taken away from the two for running off again. A few minutes later, Blaine returned and confirmed David's thoughts. The boy frowned and said goodbye to everyone as Blaine made his way over to Kurt again.
"I'm sorry, we have to leave. But can I have your number? I'd love to maybe hang out before I have to leave Ohio. Us and my sister, and Finn if he wants to come."
Kurt raised his eyebrow curiously, finding it interesting that the pop star wasn't asking one of the girls for their number but instead him. He must've wanted to be close to Rachel's best friend. It would help him get to know her even better if he could rack Kurt's brain about what she was like right? And see the two interact together. Yeah that must be what it was.
"That sounds great, actually." Kurt took his phone and entered his number, finding it more than a little strange how Blaine smiled excitedly when he said yes. "When are you good to hang out?"
Blaine thought for a minute before he answered. Tomorrow he'd most definitely be locked down after his show, no doubt, so he'd have to do something with the kids after school the next day. "Monday after you guys get out of classes I guess, if that's okay… if anything I'll call you and let you know." Blaine pocketed his phone and smiled warmly.
"That sounds good with me. Once again it was a pleasure to meet you, Blaine." Kurt put his hand out to shake with the singer again.
"The pleasure was definitely mine, Kurt." He grabbed the hand presented to him and into his own, letting his hand linger a little longer than he should have. "Goodnight."
Rachel gave both boys a warm hug before they dismissed themselves, heading back to the hotel. They promised each other they would hang out in a less populous setting so that they'd actually get to have a conversation.
"So how'd it go?" David asked.
"Not bad. Hopefully I can see him again before I leave. His name is Kurt Hummel."
"Kurt and Blaine sitting in the tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
"Real mature." Blaine laughed, rolling his eyes at his best friend. "Real mature."
:) Thank you for reading.