A/N Heavy warnings for this one. Non-Con, M-Preg, Homophobia

Original prompt: . ?thread=52489911#t52489911

Kurt struggled to push Blaine's body weight off from where it was restraining him uncomfortably. As much as Kurt loved Blaine, he feared the worst, and was more than relieved when Blaine let up and he was able to stumble past him into the dark night. He yelled at a disgruntled Blaine, and got only shouted words in response. Blaine insisted that he had done nothing wrong, to which Kurt was scandalized. He could not believe that Blaine saw absolutely nothing wrong with Blaine all but raping him.

"You know what, Kurt? I've had enough of this shit!" Blaine shouted at an astonished Kurt, who shrank back at Blaine's outraged tone. "You can walk your ass home, I'm not gonna listen to you berate me for trying to be spontaneous for once."

Kurt stared at Blaine in confusion, trying to figure out what had just happened. Did Blaine just tell him to walk home, when he lived almost an hour away? He was sure Blaine was just trying to make him feel guilty, but his short lived hope disappeared as he watched Blaine climb into his car. Kurt called after him when he realized Blaine was really going to leave him behind. He tried to get his attention, but Blaine drove away before he could get around to the driver side of the car. Kurt took a few minutes to fight back tears as he stared in the direction Blaine had driven. Letting reality sink back into his thoughts, he started out in the direction of his house.

It was difficult for Kurt not to jump at every little sound as he made his way down the dark streets. Every shadow looked like the silhouette of a murderer, and every rustle of the branches on a tree was the sound of stalker waiting to beat him and leave him dying in a back alleyway. Kurt was starting to feel the effects of the cold night, he could barely feel his face, and his hands felt like ice. He shook himself out of the stupor he was beginning to feel, trying not to let himself get any more depressed than he felt at the moment. He rounded the corner to a darker than usual street when he noticed a set of headlights following him.

Kurt moved farther onto the sidewalk in apprehension as the car slowly pulled over a few feet from where he was standing. The window on the driver's side, closest to where Kurt was standing, slowly rolled down revealing a man who had to be a few years older than Kurt. He was looking Kurt up and down slowly, as if he was looking for something specific. Kurt held back a shudder as the man's eyes roamed over him, fighting back the instinct to run. The man smiled at him, a charming smile full of perfect teeth, and leaned out of the window a little.

"Hey, are you doing okay, kid? It's pretty cold out here tonight, and you never know what kind of people are out at this time of night." the man asked in concern, a slight glint in his steel gray eyes. Kurt gulped, unsure what to make of the handsome stranger. He felt as though he could trust him, but he could never be too sure. The raven haired man cleared his throat, reclaiming Kurt's wandering attention. "If you live nearby, I'll give you a ride. I was headed that way anyway. I live in East Lima, I'm on my way back to my wife and baby. My work kept me late, or I would've been home hours ago. I guess it's lucky."

Kurt's fear dissipated for the most part at the man's words, but he was still wary. He supposed that he could accept the ride, at least for a few miles, anything to keep him out of the cold for a little while. However, right before he was about to accept the man's offer, he remembered something his mother had told him when he was little. She told him: people will say anything to get what they want, and the more elaborate a story, the higher chances someone isn't being truthful. He shook his head rapidly, backing away from the vehicle and looking around quickly for an escape route. The man in the car eyed him in a way similar to when he first approached Kurt, only with a hint of something too sinister to name.

Kurt didn't like the way the man's face was beginning to contort with anger. Fearing for his safety, he ran in the direction of the little dilapidated park right in the opposite direction of the man. He was halfway through the park when he noticed the sound of the man's thundering footsteps behind him. He hadn't been able to hear him earlier with his heart pounding in his ears and the sound of his own terrified thoughts. His terror at the man's footsteps only fueled him to run harder, but the man was faster, catching up to him quickly.

Kurt made the mistake of looking back behind him, giving the man the opportunity to tackle him to the ground. The sudden pressure of the man's body weight knocked the breath out of Kurt, making it nearly impossible for him to fight back. The man landed a punch to his left jaw, startling out the breath that he had barely managed to pull into his weakened lungs. The man gripped his chin forcefully, making Kurt look up at him, his eyes full of what Kurt mistook for rage. The man's nails dug into his porcelain skin, leaving little crescent indents on his chin, as the man smashed his lips into Kurt's.

The force of the man's assault on his mouth was sure to bruise Kurt's fragile skin, but the man didn't care. He kept up with the kiss, disregarding Kurt's muffled grunts of protest. He removed his thumb from where it was beginning to leave a purple mark on Kurt's cheek, and thrusted it into the corner of Kurt's mouth. He used his thumb to pry Kurt's jaw down, making the terrified boy open his mouth involuntarily, spit dribbling down the corner of his mouth.

Kurt felt not only a feeling of sudden asphyxiation as the man shoved his tongue into his mouth, but a feeling of terrible dread as he realized what was more than likely going to happen. He felt a renewed sense of determination, when the man moved to try and straddle him. He kicked out wildly, trying to injure any part of the man he possibly could. He felt his foot come into contact with the man's abdomen, hearing a grunt as the man doubled over. Kurt shot up as fast as he could, considering his lack of oxygen, and tried to get as much distance between them as he could. He was hoping the man would be discouraged if he proved to be too much of a risk, but his hopes where dashed as he once again heard the man's footsteps behind him.

"Think you could get away from me? You little faggot!" the man shouted angrily after him, not worried in the least about anyone hearing. They were alone, the nearest house was too far away for them to be overheard.

The man's body crashed into his, and he let out a choked gasp as the man's arm clenched around his neck, cutting off his air supply. The man used his new found advantage to drop Kurt to the ground roughly and straddle his thighs. He kept one hand firmly enclosed around Kurt's neck, and slowly dragged his free hand down the side of his abdomen. Kurt's stomach gave a nausea inducing jolt when he felt the man yank his shirt from his pants, revealing the expanse of his chest. Kurt let out a shout of surprise and pain as the man latched his teeth onto one of his quickly hardening nipples, biting down harshly.

"Please! Oh, God, please don't-" Kurt started to beg as the man shifted his body weight so he could unfasten the front of Kurt's pants. The man's mouth left his nipple, leaving behind a semicircle of blood from where he had bitten into the tender skin. He glared down at Kurt, and clenched his hand around the boy's jaw. Kurt could feel the man's erection pressing painfully into his hip, his nausea flaring as he tried not to think about the man's vicious intentions.

"I don't want to fucking hear your whimpering, and begging, you little bitch!" the man hissed in his face, his heady breath raking over Kurt. He thrusted his hips downward violently, his hard cock rutting painfully into the sensitive skin of Kurt's pelvis, making him cry out. Kurt felt tears start to well up in his eyes as the dull throbbing in his hip, trying not to meet the eyes of the man who was lavishing his pain. He knew it was only going to get worse, and he tried to find a happy place to block out what was happening. He was trying to think of the warmth of Blaine's tender embrace, but the scraping of the man's fingernails on his skin as he yanked Kurt's underwear and pants down to his thighs kept him firmly grasped in reality.