Otters: Hi I don't own Bakugan or Aim so have a good day.
It all started when Dan discovered aim and told his friends about it. Now even though the boys are in New Vestroia they can still talk to the girls.
Dan- Runo lover 101
Runo- Haos Runo
Shun- Ninja boy 60
Alice- Alice 32
Julie- I Dan
Mira- Subterra Mira
Ace- Darkus Ace
Marucho- I love A
Runo lover 101
Haos Runo
Ninja 60
Alice 32
Logged On
Runo Lover 101- Hey Shun who are these people
Ninja Boy 60- How would I know Dan?
Haos Runo- Dan, Shun it is me Runo and Alice
Alice 32- Hi Shun
Runo lover 101- Hey what about me :(
Alice 32- oh hi Dan
Haos Runo- DAN how dare you leave us here and Shun do you know how worried Alice was!!!!!!!! :o
Runo Lover 101 has logged out to be running from certain doom
Haos Runo has logged out to vent her anger
Ninja Boy 60- *Smirks* so you have been worried about me
Alice 32- * blushes* Yes, I have
Alice 32 logged out to face certain embarrassment
Ninja Boy 60- Maybe I do have a chance after all
Hi I hope you liked the story if you have any ideas please just me and I will put them on here. Please Review