Disclaimer: I can assure you that absolutely nothing has changed since May, when I first started this, meaning that I own as much of Glee now as I did then.

Kurt got back to New York after a short, but much needed vacation with his family and boyfriend. Rehearsals started again, more demanding than ever, and costume fittings were held. It was crunch time and Kurt was freaking out a little bit. Although it wasn't because he was opening on Broadway, he was just back to the crazy world of Broadway and theatre and that was always crazy.

Before Kurt realized it, Blaine, Burt, and Carole were flying out from Ohio for Kurt's opening night.

Kurt and Blaine were alone in Kurt's apartment, settled comfortably on the couch. "I cannot believe you having your opening night of a Broadway show tomorrow," Blaine said.

"I know. This entire experience has been insane. Not just working on this show, but everything that happened with Carmen Tibideaux."

"I can agree to that. At least when you are famous from doing all of these Broadway shows, you will have a very unique and amazing story to tell."

"Yeah, it's not exactly the most typical way to do things."

"Since when have you done anything the normal way?"


"I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm just saying that you have never been one to fit in the crowd and do things the way people normally do."

"I know that. I'm just trying to have some fun. There hasn't exactly been a lot of time for that lately," Kurt said.

"But you still didn't have to make me panic and try to explain myself in order to get your fun."

"I'm sorry, baby," Kurt said as he gave Blaine a kiss. Blaine just looked at Kurt with his adorable puppy dog eyes. "No, Blaine Anderson. That is not fair."

Blaine laughed and kissed Kurt. "Hey, two can play at that game."

"Oh, shut up," Kurt said, giving Blaine another kiss.

Kurt and Blaine woke up the next morning completely entangled. Kurt looked down at Blaine and was not surprised to find Blaine still sound asleep on Kurt's chest. Kurt shook Blaine a little, trying to wake him up. "Good morning, Blaine."

Blaine slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Kurt squinting. Kurt just laughed. "I'm sorry to wake you up, but I really need to get up and start getting ready."

"No," Blaine mumbled as he closed his eyes and made himself more comfortable in Kurt's arms.

"Blaine, come on. I really need to get ready," Kurt said. But Blaine had absolutely no intentions of moving. Eventually, Kurt just had to carefully move Blaine off of him. Kurt got out of bed, went to the kitchen and started some coffee before heading to the bathroom to actually get ready.

Kurt was not shocked to find Blaine still lying in bed when he got out of the bathroom. After Kurt got dressed, Kurt walked over to the bed and tried to get Blaine up again. This time it seemed to work thanks to a bribe of coffee.

A little while later, Blaine was actually awake enough to hold full-length conversations.

"So who's all going to be there tonight?" Blaine asked.

"You, Dad, and Carole. And Rachel's going to be there, too."

"Really?" Blaine was surprised. He knew that Kurt and Rachel were back on speaking terms, but he didn't actually expect her to come to the opening night of Kurt's show. And now that he thought about it he really didn't know how Rachel reacted to the news of Kurt's show.


"How'd she take it?"

"Take what?" Kurt asked, slightly confused.

"The news that you were going to be starring in a Broadway production of one of her favorite shows."

"Oh. I guess she took it as well as anyone would in that situation. I mean, it's obviously one of her shows, and it's on Broadway, so that's like two things she has always wanted. She said she was happy, but I wouldn't be surprised if she were jealous or upset because of it. I mean, look at everything that happened during high school. She got the defying gravity solo, she got into NYADA, even though that worked in my favor later, she got to kiss you first –"

"Sorry about that one," Blaine said, looking down.

"It's okay. I've got to kiss you more, so it all works out in the end. Plus, if you hadn't been drunk, we wouldn't have exactly had this problem, now would we?"

"I'm sorry that I do stupid things when I drink," Blaine said, still not looking up from the counter.

"I still love you, Blaine. Even if you do stupid things when you drink. It's not like I have a clean record as far as drinking goes either."


"Yeah, the year before we met, I may have accidentally thrown up on Mrs. Pillsbury."

Blaine eyes widened. "No, you didn't."

Kurt just nodded his head.

"No. There is absolutely no way you would come to school drunk and then puke on our guidance counselor."

"Fine. Don't believe it," Kurt said with a shrug.

"So are you nervous?" Blaine asked.

Kurt blinked and thought about it. "I guess I am, but the thing is, I have been so incredibly busy with everything that I haven't really had time to think about it. I guess that if I were to actually stop and think about it, I would actually be freaking out right now."

"So I guess it was a good thing that you were busy. Even if it meant I didn't get to talk to you as much as I would have liked," Blaine said.

"But at least next year, we'll be together. So no more trying to schedule phone calls and Skype dates."

"I cannot even begin to express how happy I am about that," Blaine said. "It's a pain, but it's still completely worth it."

"But next year, you'll be here in New York at Columbia."

"And you'll still be doing stuff with Broadway."

"I can't wait," Kurt said, leaning over the counter to kiss Blaine.

The show was absolutely fantastic. After the show, Burt, Blaine, Carole, and Rachel were waiting backstage for Kurt. Finally they saw him, and everyone went forward at once to give him a hug and congratulate him on a flawless performance.

"Kurt, I know we hit some rough spots," Rachel said, "but I want you to know that I am super proud of you. You were amazing Kurt."

Kurt hugged Rachel back. "Who knows, maybe one day we can share the stage together?"

"That would be amazing."

Immediately after Kurt let go of Rachel, Carole stepped in and hugged Kurt. "Congratulations, sweetie. You were great."

"Thank you."

Kurt looked over to Burt as Carole released him. Burt looked as though he had been crying. "Dad –"

"Kurt, you were great. I always knew you could do it."

"Thank you, Dad."

"Your mom would have been so proud of you."

"I know she would have. I know I've said it all the time, especially over the last few months, but thank you so much. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this if it wasn't for you. Just thanks for always supporting me," Kurt said as tears were threatening to fall from eyes.

"That's my job, kiddo. I'm just happy that I get to see you as happy as you are."

"Thank you."

Kurt looked over at Blaine, who was standing silently waiting for everyone else to say their congratulations. Kurt walked over to Blaine, who immediately wrapped his arms around Kurt. "I'm so proud of you, Kurt. I know everyone has been telling you this, but you have to believe me when I say that. You were absolutely fantastic on that stage tonight."

"Thank you, Blaine."

"I'm not done. Kurt, it's been incredible getting to know you these past two years. We've already made plans for New York and next year. I would love to be able to be able to keep doing this," Blaine said as he got down on one knee. "Kurt, will you marry me?"

Kurt just stared at his boyfriend in shock. Did Blaine really just ask him to marry him? "Of course," Kurt said, through tears as he pulled Blaine up from the ground. "Oh my god. Oh my god," Kurt said as Blaine slid the ring on Kurt's finger. After it was on, Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine and kissed him.

For Kurt Hummel, that night really could not have gone any better.

Author's Note:

Well, we made it. This is the final chapter. So thank you for reading, especially everyone who has stuck with this since the beginning, when this was only supposed to be a one-shot.

Thank you to Emily for helping me make decisions about things. Thank you to Rachel for putting up with me and for all of her help. She is an absolutely amazing person. Also, this wasn't how it was initially supposed to end. If you like the ending, you have Rachel to thank for that for putting ideas in my head.

So, I guess that's it. Please consider leaving a review. I would love to hear what you think about the final chapter and the story overall.

Thank you so much for reading and hopefully we can all enjoy the new season of Glee starting on Thursday.