Disclaimer: I no own nothing expect the plot

Couple: Shun/Alice

As a young orange hair girl lay down her bed thinking about a certain black haired boy,

This girl was none other than Alice Gehabich.

She quickly stood up and looked at the mirror, admiring her features

, she wore a simple green spaghetti strapped shirt and white shorts.

"I have to tell him soon" she told herself, and with a flash of determination she quickly got a pen and paper.

She wrote down only three words, three words that could either make or break her heart.

Folding the paper, she grabbed her coat and made her way out in the busy streets.

She ran her way to a certain brawler's house.

She was about to slip the message in the mail box when suddenly the big gates opened, as if someone was expecting her.

Alice made her way in the mansion, it looked like no one was home, she walked in pure silence till she came across a room with an open door.

Curiously she picked in, only to find Shun meditating.

Alice blushed "um I, y-you have a- mess-sage, I-I'll just leave it" she said putting down the message and headed for the door.

"No" she heard and turned around with a questionable face.

"Read it out loud "then he smirk "I don't have anything to hide from you"

She dropped the note and looked him in the eye

"I love you" she said and bowed her head

When she looked up, she felt a pair of soft lips on hers, and soon realized it was Shun's.

She blushed again and closed her eyes "yup, those three words really made her day"

Done with my first drabble

Please tell me which paring you want next …