Author has written 14 stories for Glee. Hello, A little about me: I only write for Glee at the moment, but I might do some other fandoms. I'm a multi-shipper, but my OTP is Klaine. Other Ships: I am a massive Starkid fan, so always be on the lookout for Starkid references in my writing! I now have a fictionpress where I upload poetry and writing that is my own characters: My Fic Blog: itstotallyawesomefic. tumblr. com I hope you enjoy my stories and I always accept constructive criticism so don't be afraid to pull me up on things I have done wrong or give me advice on how to improve my writing. I also accept prompts, so feel free to PM me! If you have any questions about anything, just ask. ItsTotallyAwesome xoxo |
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