Ok i am trying to get these out as soon as possible... Hope you enjoy, thank you for your time.

Things progressed quickly in the next few days, Chandler's presence seemed to speed everything up. Kurt and him had barely spoken 5 minutes, and when they did speak it was short questions with one word answers. Blaine felt ridiculous for treating him this way, after all he was the one who made everything up. Kurt was just being nice, why would he leave a fancy guy like Chandler for someone who sleeps in his office and spills coffee on his shirt.

It was finally Friday and the last touches were planned out and the supplies ordered. Construction would be completed within the month and grand opening would be within a week of finish. As they neared finish, the usual happy atmosphere of completing a project had a dark looming cloud over it. Jesse had left a day after he came, really we was gone the minute he realized Sebastian wanted nothing to do with him. Which left Dave to continue his courting, no one knew what happened on that coffee run, but Sebastian came back empowered. He rolled his eyes at Jesse upon his return and then spent the day helping Dave work though the marking for trim and lights. They sent a clear message, that they were interested in each other and Sebastian was no longer Jesse's doormat.

Chandler had stuck around though. Blaine tried to figure out how their relationship worked. Chandler seemed distance, controlled, and altogether just bland. He hardly laughed at jokes everyone thought were funny. He never asked questions about Kurt's part in the theater, instead he just kept repeating all the things they had to do when they finally got back to New York. He wasn't a bad guy, just completely caught up in himself.

Quinn stayed through it all as well, and it was a good thing she did. During all those late nights of working and early mornings of being on site, she fell into her role as Aiden's mother beautifully. She cooked, cleaned, made lunched, checked homework and even baked. No one was more shocked then Rachel when Quinn brought fresh baked scones to the site one morning. Half of them still thought she bought them somewhere hidden, but Aiden stood in full defense of her. Even throwing in that he helped for good measure.

Blaine, on the other hand buried himself in work pushing through to get the project done so things could return to normal. It was his immense embarassment that drove him, how could he be such a fool? How could he let himself start to slip from the high ground he himself built a platform to stand on. This is why he hadn't been in a relationship for so long. Why risk it, he couldn't go through heartbreak like everyone else. He always had to be strong for Aiden. No crying yourself to sleep when you have someone to read bedtime stories to, no mucking around in a bathrobe when you had to take someone to school at 8am. In addition to those facts, how could he ever believed Kurt was interested. He was from a whole other world of premiers , fashion shows and country clubs. He was from Ohio a world filled with school fundrasiers, movie theaters with stale popcorn, and PTA Meetings. Speaking of which he would have to remember to ask Quinn to bake 100 cupcakes for the school bake sale. Yep, definitely not the type of world Kurt probably had envisioned for himself.

They sat in the office as Kurt went through the diagram with himself, Dave, Sam, Rachel , and Quinn. Chandler sat off in the corner typing on his iphone and laughing every so often to himself.

"Ok, so with this slight change to the trim around the stage, I feel it will get up the look we've been trying for the whole time." Kurt said proudly.

Blaine propped his chin in-between his finger and thumb and began to speak. "And you.."

"Cancelled the old order and already placed the new one." Kurt answered soundly.

"Was it..." Blaine began again.

"It was slightly cheaper then our old trim because i ordered it from Brooke's and they gave me a deal because we ordered so much already." Kurt answered again without blinking.

Blaine turned his eyes from the model to Kurt's and smirked. " I.."

Kurt smiled back. "I know, and your welcome."

They stood smiling at each other for a moment, as the tension and stress from the past week melted away.

"So is that it then?" Chandler was now next to Kurt, looking at the model with mild interest. "We might make it back in time for the Gala."

Kurt sighed. "I have to stay through next tuesday to confirm that the shipments arrive. why don't you go back and go to the Gala with Jesse. I'll stay here and be back in New York by the middle of next week."

Blaine busied himself with picking up the samples.

"Well Jesse would want to stay for the whole event." Chandler didn't even argue. No words of begging Kurt to come because he'd miss him, just an honest observation. Blaine forced himself to focus on picking up samples.

"Yes, it makes sense to take him." Kurt smiled an empty smile.

"True. You'll be back Wednesday then?"

"Or Thursday." Kurt replied off handedly while he straightened the model.

"Ok, then I'll see about booking my flight out. " Chandler replied stoically while reading something on his phone.

"I've already booked your flight sir, you leave tonight at 8." Sebastian appeared with a confirmation page in his hand. Kurt shot him a smile, and Dave seemed to instaneously brighten.

"Oh, very good!" Chandler took the page and reviewed the details. "I better go back to the hotel and pack... Kurt" Chandler spoke his name like a command to follow. Blaine exhaled trying to contain the anger at Kurt being summoned like a dog.

"I need to remain here and finish. I'll see you Thursday." Kurt placed the sample of trim in Blaine's hand.

Chandler nodded. "Very well. I'll call when i'm back home." He walked out of the room without a goodbye.

Blaine watched Kurt for any signs of hurt, but got the overall impression this was the normal day to day way they spoke to each other. "You could see him off you know" Blaine spoke carefully.

"No thats alright, he's a big boy." Kurt walked over to the table and looked at the model again.

"Well, I am heading out to get Aiden. Rachel would you like to come?" Quinn spoke breaking the tension.

"Sure!" Rachel jumped at the chance to spend a few moments with Quinn alone.

"Quinn." Blaine began to ask her about the cupcakes but stopped. "Why don't you and Rachel go see that movie you were talking about. I'm done here, and you've been taking car of Aiden so much this past week. Let me treat you to dinner and a movie."

Quinn shook her head. " You know i don't mind watching Aiden, I love it! Besides, who is going to help you make those 100 cupcakes for monday?"

Blaine sighed shifting the samples in his hands. "They told you huh?"

"Yep, oh Blaine you are hopeless when it comes to saying no. " Quinn laughed.

"I could help."

The room turned its eyes on Kurt who had a sheepish grin on his face as he stared at the model like it was burning. "Really I could, I love baking." He spoke softly, confirming that he was the one offering help.

"I-I ... Uh..." Blaine stammered

"WHAT A GREAT IDEA!" Sebastian and Rachel proclaimed.

"Kurt is a great baker" Sebastian affirmed.

"Yes he makes amazing homemade frosting." Rachel added.

"Looks like you have your help. I take you up on that offer for dinner and a movie for two." Quinn sealed the deal.

"Sebastian, would you like to come over and i'll make you dinner tonight?" Dave asked, removing all traces of escape.

"Yes, I would love to." Sebastian sealed Blaine's fate.

Making cupcakes with Kurt alone... Because he just remembered that Aiden had asked to stay over at Luke's tonight. It was like they had all planned this.

up next... three short chapter on each outing... maybe four... i'm still toying with an idea.