Wrapping his arm around the sleeping boy, Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt's pale neck softly. His boyfriend stirred a little bit but kept sleeping.

"Wake up, Angel. Open those blue eyes for me."

Blaine kept kissing every inch of Kurt's face until his boyfriend started moving within his arms and he opened one eye to look at him.

"Sh, g'way. I'm sleepin'."

"Happy first two months, boyfriend." Blaine kissed side of the sleepy boy's mouth.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, take 'im awaaaaaaaaaaaay. I wanna sleep. It's fucking Sunday, 'nderson" Kurt groaned into his pillow, elbowing Blaine in the stomach to push him away.

As if Kurt hadn't said or done anything, Blaine kept running his hand along his boyfriend belly under the old shirt he was wearing and kissing him on the face and neck.

He knew it would take a few minutes for Kurt to fully wake up. His boyfriend wasn't a morning person. At least, not until he had a few cups of coffee or he really wanted to have sex, in which case he'd be fully awake at five in the morning. So he just cuddled closer and bit Kurt's soft earlobe.

"C'mon, baby. Wake up. Your dad was the one who let me in, he won't kick me out."

"He will if he thinks you're trying to have sex with me. So if you don't let me sleep I'll start moaning. Blaine!" Kurt whined.

Blaine covered his boyfriend mouth with his hand before he got louder and Mr. Hummel ripped off Blaine's family jewels.

So far he had managed to look like the epitome of the perfect innocent boyfriend that Burt Hummel expected to date his son. Blaine always made sure that his Angel was home before curfew and he didn't get touchy feely if they were somewhere Burt could see them.

Of course Kurt would take advantage of it and tease Blaine as much as he could. But Blaine was determined not to break his "Good boy" image in front of Burt Hummel. An image that would soon be ruined if his boyfriend didn't stop moaning.

"Baby, no. Sh, sh. Look I bought you coffee and cookies. C'mon, stop moaning, please."


Blaine sighed in relief as he sat back, leaned his head against the wall and watched his boyfriend almost hug his cup of coffee. He might have fainted if Burt had heard his son moaning like that.

"God, you're an evil little brat, Angel."

Kurt looked at him with innocent doe eyes, moved until he was curled in Blaine's lap and kissed his jaw softly, all the while clutching the cup.

"But you love me like this, don't you, Blainey?"

"Of course I love you like this, Angel. I love you and all your bratty self."

Giggling in an almost too cute way and kissing him on the lips, Kurt whispered back, "I love you too, baby. So so much."

"I know you do, Angel. Now drink your coffee."

Kurt nodded, taking two gulps of his drink before his eyes shot wide open and pouted at his boyfriend, "Happy anniversary, Blainey."

Groaning because he hated it when his boyfriend called him "Blainey" or "Blainers", he hid his face against Kurt's pale neck and left some small kisses there as he hugged Kurt closer to his body.

"Happy two months, brat. Now, I know it might seem like your gift is that coffee and the cookie, but actually it's something so much better… I'm yours for the whole day!"

Kurt elbowed Blaine's stomach,, leaving him breathless for a second, as he rolled his eyes. "You're mine for the rest of our lives, dummy."

"Oh, am I? I thought you were going to dump me when you found something that looks like Brad Pitt or you got tired of fighting with me."

"You are way sexier than Brad, and you kiss so much better," Kurt ignored Blaine's 'but you haven't kissed Brad Pitt, Kurt' and continued, " and I kind of like it when we squabble, 'cause it always is about silly things that we can talk about and make it better… And the make-up sex is amazing. Don't you think?"

Laughing Blaine leaned in to give his boyfriend's mouth a small peck but, as always, Kurt couldn't leave it there; he wrapped his free hand around Blaine's neck and pulled him closer to kiss him deeply, his mouth tasted like coffee and chocolate. Blaine both hated and loved how weak he was when it came to what his boyfriend wanted him to do.

This time though, he couldn't complain at all.

In the two months they had been together, Blaine found out that he was totally addicted to kissing Kurt. It didn't matter if it was on the cheek, the arm, the forehead or any other body part; he loved having his lips on his boyfriend. Of course, nothing could compare to kissing his mouth with Kurt kissing him back and kissing… intimate parts of his Angel. But only when they were in private. Other than that, Blaine couldn't go long without kissing some part of the beautiful guy; who didn't seem bothered at all by his boyfriend's need of physical contact the whole time.

You would think they've been apart for two weeks when Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms and kissed him deeply after a few hours apart in school or on the weekends when Burt wouldn't let the bad boy stay the whole time at their house or Kurt spend the whole weekend at Blaine's.

Coming back to the moment, Blaine had to hold back a moan as Kurt nipped at his neck before clumsily plonking the cup of coffee on the nightstand and shifting until he was straddling Blaine's legs.

Hating himself for it, Blaine slid his hands against his Angel's chest and pushed him back a bit.

"Babe, no. Your dad is here, remember? And we can't just have sex on our anniversary. I came here so we could do something more romantic… I don't know."

"Then we can have a sex marathon!" Kurt whispered enthusiastic. "It won't be just simple sex, even though sex with you is never plain, and we can go to your house and spend the whole day in that comfy bed of yours."

How could he deny his Angel's petition when he was looking at Blaine with those big blue eyes of his and his baby face and his cute pouty lips?

"No, Angel. C'mon let's go to the cinema," Kurt ignored him as he sucked at different spots of Blaine's neck, "or we could g-go on a picnic," he said as bit on his earlobe. "Help someone." A hand rubbed up and down on his thigh, almost reaching his crotch as Blaine burbled out, "Adopt a puppy."

And, just like that, the hand was gone and Kurt was looking at him with big excited eyes and a toothy smile that lit up the whole room.

"Can we, really?! Can we go to the shelter and adopt dogs and cats and take them to our houses?"

Oh shit.

"I-uhm, y-yeah. We can get a dog."

"Yes, we can get dogs for your house and more cute animals for my house; they'll be like our little kids. DAD! Can we get pets?!"

Blaine was almost deaf after Kurt yelled by his ear. He was still trying to process that he'd suggested to his boyfriend that they adopt dogs… His boyfriend who fell in love with each animal he saw.

He was so screwed. Maybe he should have let Kurt take him to his house and fuck the whole day; not that it would have been a bad thing. Not at all.

As soon as the older Hummel answered his son that he could get just one as long as he was the one who would take care of it, Kurt jumped out of the bed and started talking so fast about the new pets they were going to get that Blaine's mind felt dizzy. At least, it seemed like they were going to have a nice anniversary that wouldn't be filled with sex.

"Oh, by the way, as soon as we get our new babies, I'm going to take you to your house and fuck the rest of the day." Kurt whispered sexily on his ear.

"Blaine… Blaine, don't."

Acting as if Kurt wasn't digging into his stomach with an elbow, Blaine continued kissing his pale neck and caressing his boyfriend's belly under his own hoodie that Kurt was wearing. He knew he couldn't help himself when he saw Kurt wearing his clothes just like when he simply got a feeling that Kurt was wearing them. Kurt didn't even sound worried anymore if Blaine called him at four or three a.m. Instead, he would just answer the phone saying "Yes, I'm wearing your shirt… but I don't feel like having phone sex," and that was when Blaine would have to try to persuade his boyfriend.

As Blaine didn't stop kissing and caressing, Kurt didn't stop pushing him either; which is how the bad boy ended up on the floor. Not feeling even a little bit defeated, Blaine crawled under the table until he was in between Kurt's bare legs and placed his hand on the warm thigh, caressing until he reached the hem of the boxers that the pale was wearing, which were Blaine's too.

"Blaine, what are you doing? Blaine, I said stop. Jesus! It's like talking to Dougie." Blaine raised his head with a frown as his boyfriend compared him to their hyperactive puppy that was probably destroying something while Blaine was trying to get his boyfriend to have sex with him. "Blaine, honey, I'm trying to study. We have this important exam in two days, remember?"

Blaine laid his chin on his Angel's thigh and gave him his best pout with doe eyes. "We've been studying for that crap for two weeks. The same length of time that we haven't had sex, babe. I'm dying here."

Not even looking away from his notebook, Kurt patted his head as he shook his own.

"How about you study with me now and then I tell my dad that I'm staying at 'Cedes this weekend so we can have tons and tons of sex?

"No, I'm tired of studying. We know everything for this goddamn test, Kurt. You're doing exercises from a different textbook than school's one. And their one had more than a thousand exercises on the things that they are going to ask on the test. C'mon, baby. You'll do well and I will, too. Come with me, let's just cuddle a bit."

With a frown, Kurt batted away the hand that was trying to catch his. "No, I have to study. Don't tempt me, Blaine. I have to get a perfect score on this test."

"You say the same with each test that you take, Kurt. And you'll already get a perfect score if you stop studying right now. Please?"

Knowing his boyfriend couldn't resist his pout and puppy dog eyes, Blaine kept his eyes on Kurt as he placed his hands on the bare thighs. Blaine pushed himself forward until he could stand on his feet again and leaned in Kurt's personal space.


"No, stop that. I need to study."

Wrapping an arm around his boyfriend's waist, Blaine sat on Kurt's thigh and brushed his lips along the soft skin of his jaw. It would never cease to amaze him how his boyfriend didn't have to shave yet.

"You need to relax. Like me," Blaine pointed at himself with his free hand.

"If I relaxed like you, I would fail all my exams. And what are you doing here, Blainey? You hate sitting on my lap."

"That's 'cause I love having you on my lap instead. And I usually feel like I did when I was little, at the shopping center, sitting on Santa's lap and asking him for… silly things. But I know right now you won't sit on my lap and let me take care of you, so I'm trying the other way. Now, you won't fail the damn exam, Angel. And I won't either. Actually, I'm sure I can get a higher score."

"No, you can't."

"Yes, I can. Wanna bet? And the looser will have to be the winner's slave for a week." Blaine winked at him.

"Fine. Because I know I'm gonna win, baby. So you better get used to wearing thongs." Kurt winked back at him before leaning in to steal a short yet deep kiss.

"Oh, I don't know, I don't know if I should take that wager…" Kurt rolled his eyes, even as Blaine leaned back in for another kiss, whispering, "After all, all bets are off."

The end

Hey guys! Thank you so so so much for reading ABAO, for your reviews, favorites and follows. You are all so sweet. I would like to thank my Beta, Gigi42, 'cause she's helping so much with everything :D

Hope you enjoyed the story :)

