Okay, now that I've actually read Angel I must say that I think my OCs that I made for my own version of Angel were so much better than Fang's actual Gang members but that's just my personal bias as a writer, though FG had more variety than my guys but I'm still gonna let you in on their story, just because I don't write enough stories where the Flock still have wings. So allow me to introduce my wonderful pack...
Hi, my name's Rose. Rosalie Star. I picked it myself when I was a really little kid. Well, my friend Ace picked the Star part but I picked Rose because I love the flowers, they're so beautiful and they smell nice. Ace tells me that I smell like roses too but only when I've showered. Haha, he's a comedian isn't he?
Oh, right, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
Now this might sound very familiar to you but I'm not normal. Neither is Ace, mentioned above, or the rest of our family. We're pretty special. We're different but all special. Ace and I are human-avian hybrids, like our six counterparts in the US of A. We're in Australia you see.
There's me and Asher. We call him Ace because he's such a hot shot. He's brilliant at everything. We're both fifteen and the oldest. I'm slightly older than he is but not by much. Then there's Midnight, who's a cat/panther-hybrid. He thinks he's a panther but we think he's a cat. Anyway he can turn into a cat on whim and he's thirteen. There's also Sakura, she's ten and she's part butterfly. She has healing powers so it comes in very handy, plus she has wings. And Lily who's four and part squirrel. She's got a fluffy tail but she tries to hide it because it embarrassed her since the only other one who has a tail is Night and his is long and skinny. She's also really smart for a child.
And finally Zero. Now Zero's really odd. He's twelve and he's bigger than a normal twelve year old boy, he's super smart too. And he has wings. But here's the odd thing: he's got one hundred percent human DNA. He's a human. I mean, yeah he's superhuman but he's still just a human. We think they might have tweaked him and finally found the next step of human evolution.
The six of us are a family and have been for as long as we've been alive. Until recently we lived in the Australian branch of the School. The whitecoats called it DelaneyMinkerPrince. But then some kids stormed it and in the chaos we managed to escape with the help of Marie, a scientist who had been working to bring Itex down from the inside. We found out later that it was because of some kid called Fang and his blog. Fang. He's a bird-kid like me and Ace and he has a family of five other bird-kids.
Now, thanks to Fang, we're in hiding. We have a house up in Queensland a little way out from most society but close enough to a place where we go shopping and what not. And we have internet access. We haven't been bugged by anything since we managed to escape and Marie even enrolled us in school.
We're living good lives for a change and it's wonderful. But things have started changing.
So this... this is our story.