Ugh, you guys ALL wanted Blind kurt, and badboy blaine. I was sad I really wanted to do a mute kurt. I've been taking signing classes lately, and people like to watch me talk to the mute girl in my class. Wondering how we understand each other with our hands flying like that. I've also been having skin problems. I've recently become Vegan. My skin is supper pale. I. NEED. COLOR.
Anyway, without further ado. KLAINE
disclaimer-dont own glee. Fuck.
Click, click, click, click, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap Kurt hummel gripped his cane tightly in his left hand, as he simmotatniously clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. Furiously trying to discover his location. He eventully gave up and called his sight-seeing dog, Cat, so his side.
"Cat. Bathroom." He told the dog, who loyally waited until Kurt's unsteady hand grasped her handle, she began leading him through the halls of Dalton Academy.
When Kurt had found out that he was blind it was a shock to say the least. The crash was so vivid in his head. The noise was overbaring, and the pain that settled into his chest never really next, seven years later. He had attended Ohio's school for the blind for five years, before he was ready to be re-enrolled into a regular school. But Burt wouldn't stand for it.
"A regular school? What if it happens agian? He may lose more then his sight if it happens agian!" Burt had yelled to his theripest. They had eventually decided on Dalton Achademy. A school two hours from Lima, that specialized in re habilitizing traumatized youth.
Might have well sent me to a reform school. Kurt thought bitterly as he familierized himself with the path that he would walk for the rest of this school year. Because of his 'condition' The school had offered to let him walk around for a few hours on the weekend before Kurt had to start school. This was the last weekend he had, and him, and Cat were pretty confident of their footings by now. Moving from the science room, Kurt read the brail sign to make sure he had stopped at the right room, and made sure it matched with his schedule. When it did he clicked his tongue for Cat to lead him to the next room.
Kurt Had Cat take him to his to-be dorm. He hadn't been their yet, but his dad had made sure that Cat knew where it was at. Cat, being specially trained to memorize locations, knew precicoally where Kurt wanted to go when he said, 'Cat, Dorm." The dog began leading him toward a large spiral staircase that lead up to the 'D' dorms.
Cat barked a warning. Kurt, having falled up stairs many times, stopped, and dropped Cat's harness momentarily. He leaned forward to begin to feel for the first step. His hands brushed cool, smooth marble as he sighed happily, and grabbed Cat's harness agian. He clicked his tongue and the dog and boy, began making their way up the stairs.
Kurt, and Cat had a great relationship. Kurt needed to trust Cat. For instance as he was climbing the stairs now he had no idea when they would end. How far they were spaced, or if their was another person coming down.
Cat. Needed Kurt to trust him. He was was trained for this. Completely relying on the day he was going to form a partner ship with a human that needed him, as much as he needed them. Cat growled a warning lightly to let Kurt know he was on the last stair. Kurt nodded and once his foot reached the last step he didn't bother trying to climb anymore, as he walked down the now open hallway.
"Cat. Dorm." He reminded his guide-dog. Cat barked, and led Kurt down the long hallway. Stopping at the door that had a small dog door built in. They must have installed that for Cat... Kurt thought as he dug his key chain out of his bag, and opened his dorm.
Kurt wanted to say he was impressed, but honestly, all he saw was a black room. Thats all he ever saw. It was sunday and the students were begining to return to their dorms for this weeks classes. Kurt was pretty sure he didn't have a roommate. That would cause too much trouble, having a blind room mate.
"Cat. Shut the door please." Cat barked, and nudged the door shut with his nose before slipping his harness into Kurts hand and leading him to his bed. Kurt took about a half hour feeling around the room. a pair of.. Bunk beds? Kurt thought. Maybe he did have a roommate. His dresser was to the left of his bed, because Burt had takken the liberity to leave a brail note on his bed. His clothes put, away, and his products in the bathroom. Kurt sighed and motioned for Cat to lay down while he began to strip for bed.
"What the fuck is this?!" A voice came out from behind his door. Kurt whirrled around. He was in his underware. He was now lost from not paying attention to what way he was turning, and now there was someone outside of his dorm.
"This a fuckin dog door?" The voice came through agian.
"Cat..." Kurt whimpered. Cat immediantly took his defensive stance beside his partner, and let out a low growl as Kurt slipped his harness off. The doorknob jiggled, and opened as Kurt heared the door swing open.
"What in the hell!" The voice said agian. Kurt didn't know what do do. Cat, grabbed a towel from Kurts bed, and laid it on his owners lap. Kurt began to cover himself as he wrapped his arms around his dog.
"Is that a god damn dog? Get him the hell out of here, he can't be in the dorms? Why are you in my dorm? Why are you naked? Get the fuck out!" The boy yelled, yanking Kurt up by his forearm. Cat growled and barked a warning at the boy.
"Cat no! Down! Please don't! Don't!" He said as the boy continued to haul him to the door, and put in in the hallway. Where was he? He couldn't see. Someone was putting him places he didn't know where. Cat wasn't here. The door slamed, and Kurt banged on the door.
"PLEASE! THIS IS MY ROOM!" He began to cry, which irritated his unworking eyes. The door opened agian. "My roommate?" The boy growled. Kurt blindly reached his hands out to grasp the voice.
"Don't touch me." The voice said, as Kurt fell forward and into the room. He began feeling for Cat. He clicked his tongue, and there was soft comforting fur on his arm, and a hesitant tongue licking his face.
"Whats your name?" the voice said. Kurt sat up feeling for his clothes before Cat went over and retrieved them for him.
"Kurt." He said, slipping on the shirt, and sweat pants Cat had brought him.
"Blaine." The boy answered. "What the fucks with the dog?" Blaine said agian. "You need to get it out of here." Kurt sighed, and snapped his fingers pointing to the direction of the bed. Cat licked his face once more before laying down, carefully watching the strange boy.
"He is my seeing eye dog." Kurt answered, pulling a white stick from his bag, and unfolding it to make it longer. Realizing that it was a walking cane Blaine's eyes widened.
"Fuck, your blind?" He said before running a hand through his lose curls. "And I kicked you out." Kurt nodded. He knew Blaine was a badboy. He couldn't help but either feel an increbile sence of protection. Or a dangerous sense of hurt.
"Don't touch my shit." Blaine growled, before climbing onto his bed, and doing god knows what. Kurt signed and went to lay with Cas.
I liked it. Did you guys like it? Review make a angel fall in love with a human.