![]() Author has written 102 stories for Supernatural, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Merlin. Me: Antisocial, slightly psychotic, writer of slashy goodness. This:Right now, this is gonna be for my SPN Lovin', which is mainly Dean/Castiel with the occassional (ie sign of impending apocalyspe) gen or non-pairing piece. *Now with added Merlin (Arthur/Merlin) love!!! For Anyone Interested in my Merlin fic- no new Merlin fic will be archived here on ffnet, it will still be updated on my other sites Other places to find me/my fic: WWOMB, AO3, and LJ "My Word Thing" for Merlin fic: Umm, I have this thing when I write, I tend to make my action, not just the dialogue, in the appropriate terminology for my characters/fic. (i.e. Spike will enter a 'lift', while in the following sentence Xander will join him in the 'elevator'- Yes, I'm weird.) And I know it sounds even stranger in regards to a show as anachronistic as our beloved Merlin, but I have a wee bit of a pet peeve specific to Merlin fic about words that are overly modern (like 1800-1900’s and I steadfastly ignore the fact that “prat” as an insult didn’t come into common usage until the 1960’s *sticks fingers in ears and goes with the "buttocks" usage instead*), so I tried to take that into account, keeping my language @ early 1600’s or before (yes, I realize the era of knights and chivalry technically ended @1400’s and that proper Legend places Arthur well before the 11th century, but this is Merlin, not Legend, and, my gods, the words you lose from the 12th-16th centuries, it was too much, lol), still I’m afraid some of my turns of phrase may be inconsistent with that- sorry, that is not meant to be a double-standard, or hypocritical. |