Feedback: comments are happy things, just play nice
Disclaimer: They belong to Kripke/McG/et al, and a bunch of other corporate-type ppl, in other words, not me.
Warnings/Squicks: blasphemy, buckets o' blasphemy
Summary: Dean, Cas, a bed, angst, and random acts of wing!cuddling


Warm lips trailed languidly over Cas' neck, kissing down the line of his spine.

"You taste so sweet," Dean whispered against the angel's skin.

Castiel moaned in response.

Smiling his sardonic smile, Dean began licking his way back up Castiel's back.

"Dean," Castiel's normally gruff voice seeming even rougher, tinged with more need than command.

"Shhh," Dean eased, stroking his angel's arm.

Castiel turned beneath Dean's slightly larger body so that they were chest to chest and groin to groin. The angel's eyes, usually the pure blue of a burning flame, were now the dark blue of the night sky, the fire behind them twinkling like pinpoint stars.

Dean sucked in a breath, taken aback by the beauty and power in his arms. He knew Cas was an angel, he'd seen the things he could do, the healing, the vengeance, but he'd never seen this. It was raw exposed power, his angel letting down his defences and allowing himself to feel. "Cas," he breathed, awestruck by the devotion he was seeing.
Suddenly, the hunter's look turned pained, "I can't do this." Shaking his head, he ducked so he wouldn't have to see the misunderstanding in his angel's too blue eyes, "I'm sorry."

But as he tried to roll away from the angel, Dean found himself wrapped in comfort, in warmth and protection.

Smooth hands cupped Dean's face, pulling him to look at his would-be lover. Castiel's lips caressed Dean's cheek as he spoke, "You are worthy, Dean. I would not give myself to you otherwise. You must know, you have more than just my allegiance." The soft words, were matched by a reassuring pressure and strokes that seemed to surround Dean's body.

"I can't ask you to do this, Cas."

"Then don't ask. Let me give it." With that Castiel pressed his lips to his hunter's, filling the man with the love and compassion of the Host and banishing Dean's insecurities and self-doubt, if only for the moment.

Dean felt the pressure around him tighten as Cas stroked his face lovingly. It took him a moment to realize Cas had unfurled his wings and was using them to hold him close. Dean nuzzled the angel's hand, letting the warmth and comfort seep into his very being until he almost believed he was worthy of love, if not his of his angel.

Castiel could feel the tension leave Dean's body as his words and his love suffused the mortal. Having already crossed his own Rubicon the moment Dean's protective nature widened to include him, the angel gave all of himself to the man he lay with, kissing and stroking, giving and receiving pleasure in equal measure. They kissed and writhed for what seemed an eternity. Not slow or rushed, just following their instincts, feeling each other and being one.

Dean's touch was like a fire to his skin, each touch, gentle or harsh, marking the angel as his, touching Castiel's very essence as if his spirit could be branded as Dean's arm had been.

Castiel had never known the act of love could be so powerful. He didn't want it to end.
This was more than physical release.
More than the feel of skin on skin.
More than two mortal bodies reacting to one another.
This was spiritual, as hallowed as any sacrament- it was pure.