This is my first Maximum Ride Fic and I had to write something to do with Fax. I adore that couple soooo much! So enjoy!

I stood under the tree, slightly away from Iggy and Gazzy. I stared at the sky, glancing at my watch about every three seconds. The time was coming soon. She would be here soon. Max. My Max. She'd be here with me very soon. I had an apple in my hand, eating it just to give me something to do so that I wouldn't go crazy waiting for the seconds to tick by.

When the time came and went I became worried. Had Flyboys gotten them? That would put the flock down to three and Max wouldn't be here with me. No, she was alright. If she wasn't I would know. The world would feel huge, lonely and empty. Max was alright. I could tell.

It was a mistake leaving her. I never should have. She meant far too much to me. I would never- no matter what stupid, moronic thing she did- leave her ever again. I thinkā€¦ I may have gotten it now. I think I loved her. As in, more than a friend or sister. I mean, I guess I sort of knew it but it just never occured to me that I really did. It's not just a crush. Its love. L-O-V-E. Love. I love Maximum Ride and there is nothing anyone can do about it!

When three awkward, flying shapes appeared in our sky, Iggy and Gazzy became excited. I tried to contain it. She would be here, on the beach with me in a matter of moments. I waited under the tree. Soon the three of them landed and Angel put Total down and the four of them raced towards us. Max seemed to stop, searching. I think it was for me. Now that was nice. She glanced at her watch and I stepped out from under the tree, feeling truly happy for the first time in weeks.

"You're late," I said. She turned to me, excitement and joy lighting up her face. Her warm brown eyes shone with pure happiness. Her wings were still up when she started running to me. I threw my apple to the side and Max threw her arms around me. I was stumped for a moment but then decided 'what the heck? I love her don't I?' and hugged her back. I breathed deeply, filling my lungs with her beautiful scent. She hid her face on my shoulder and we stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a few moments. My heart ache disappeared. It had never existed now that I was back with her. Personally, I thought that was all that mattered.

"Don't you ever leave me again," Max ordered in the smallest voice I had ever heard from her. I paused for only a moment.

When I replied, I knew it was true words. It hurt too much to be away from her. I knew what I had to say exactly. Who cared if it was so not me?

"I won't," I promised as I turned my face into her hair, closing my eyes. "I won't. Not ever." Max seemed happy with that and I know I was too. We would fight, that was inevitable but I would never, ever, fly away from her again for more than a few moments.

"Hey! I'm alive too!" I silently cursed Iggy because his shout made Max let go of me and turn to hug him. But it didn't matter. Her just being there- seeing her with her beautiful brown eyes and soft blonde hair, safe and sound, alive- was more than I ever needed. I knew I would be happy as long as she was with me. As long as she never left me and I never left her then I would be okay.

With her and our flock. That was all I needed.

what did yas think? R & R