It was the morning of Kurt's first day at physical therapy. Blaine was running around the Hummel house trying to get everything ready while Kurt sat at the table watching with an amused face, silently munching on his toast.
"Blaine, honey, sit down and eat breakfast with me," Kurt placed his bread on the plate and gave his boyfriend a pointed look when he looked back at Kurt.
"I will in just a second, let me finish getting your bag ready, I put some water and protein bars in there along with a towel just incase you get sweaty because I know how much you hate being sweaty but it's kind of inevitable since you'll be working hard so-"
Blaine was gesturing wildly with his hands until Kurt cut him off. "Blaine Anderson come sit down right this second," A sheepish Blaine sat on the chair across from Kurt. "Thank you for doing all that for me, but it's not necessary. I'll be okay. You'll be there with me the whole time. Just please, stop worrying about me,"
"I'm not worrying!" Kurt raised his eyebrow at him. "Okay, fine, I'm worrying a teeny bit. But that's because I know how much you want to be able to walk. I just want to help as much as I can."
"Oh Blaine, you're helping me so much, trust me. Just by being there by my side through all this crap is plenty. I lo-I love that you're always right by my side." Happy Blaine didn't seem to notice his slip up, he let out a small breath before picking his toast back up and forcing a slice into Blaine's mouth.
Two hours later they were in the waiting area of Crossroads Therapy, which was the center the Hummel's had decided on. Kurt's fingers were nervously tapping on the side of his leg and he worried his lip between his teeth. Blaine reached over and took ahold of his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze and Kurt sent him a grateful smile.
"Kurt Hummel?" Burt and Blaine both stood up as a very handsome man dressed in a polo and khaki's came into the waiting room with a clipboard. "How's it going? My name's Ryan and it looks like I'll be Kurt's physical therapist."
"Burt Hummel, nice to meet you. This here is my son, Kurt," He made a gesture for Kurt to roll up to them. "And this is his boyfriend, Blaine."
Ryan shook hands with both of them and flashed a smile of perfect white teeth. He couldn't be any older than 30, he had brown hair and scruff covering his face. "So I hear you were in some sort of accident and broke both of your legs?"
"Yeah, it was interesting event, to say the least," Kurt gave a nervous chuckle.
"I'm sure it was. So basically today I'm going to take you to one of our evaluation rooms and see where you're at with strength, flexibility all that fun stuff, and then depending on how much time we have I'm going to show you a few exercises and stretches to work on before your next appointment. Sound good?"
"Sounds great," Kurt smiled albeit tentatively.
"Alright, let's get you to the back." Ryan went behind Kurt's wheelchair to start pushing him forwards.
"Wait, can Blaine come with me? I promise he won't be in the way, I just need him there,"
"Yeah for sure, come on back." They went to a small room off to the side of all the equipment, it had charts of ankles, backs, legs, you name it. There was a gurney looking bed near the wall where eventually Kurt sat on the side of after getting help from Blaine to get on it.
"Okay, so the first thing we're going to check out is strength. I'm going to lift your leg up so it's horizontal and slowly leg go and we'll see if you can hold it up." He gently lifted up his right leg and kept it supported with his hands. "Okay, I'm going to start letting go," As Ryan slowly started to let go, Kurt could barely hold his leg up. When Ryan had taken about half of the support away, his leg had dropped slightly. Once all the support was gone, Kurt could only hold his leg up for a few seconds before it gave out and swayed over the edge of the table. Ryan wrote something down on his clipboard before doing the same with his left leg and getting the same result.
"Next we're going to check your flexibility. I'm going to have you lay on your back with your arms and hands by your sides and I'm going to lift your leg and have you try to flex your foot a few times for me." Once Kurt was in position with his leg raised, Ryan's hands supporting the weight, Kurt tried flexing his foot. He did it 3 times before it grew too tired and couldn't go anymore.
They did a few more tests before Ryan had Kurt sit back up. "Was there any pain or discomfort with any of those tests we did?"
"Not really, it was just tiring and hard," Kurt shrugged. Blaine smiled and rubbed his back.
"That's great. Now we're going to go out to the 'gym' as we call it and I'm going to show you a few stretches and exercises you can start doing for me."
Blaine rolled Kurt out to the main area and Ryan led them over to a weight machine that had a leg strap attached to the pulley. "I'm going to have you sit in this chair facing away from the weights and we're going to put this strap around the base of your knee. I'm going to keep all the weights out and have you put your heel on this frizbee so it's easier for you to slide. Just slide your foot in front of you as far as you can without it hurting. Try that for 2 minutes. If it starts hurting or makes you too tired go ahead and take a break." Ryan set a timer for 2 minutes and gave it to Blaine to hold.
"So...he's nice." Blaine said after a couple seconds.
"Yeah, he seems like it'll be easy to work with him."
Blaine nodded slightly, looking at Ryan from the corner of his eye who was working on a patient's shoulder. "He's not bad on the eyes either..."
Kurt stopped his movement and looked up at Blaine. "Blaine Anderson. Are you...jealous?"
"What? Me? Ha! That's a good one Kurt! No, I'm not jealous! Good try though," Blaine scoffed slightly and crossed his arms, wiggling somewhat uncomfortably in his chair.
"Blaine, look at me." Kurt shifted in his seat slightly and took ahold of Blaine's hands, making sure to look Blaine directly in the eyes. "You have nothing to be jealous about. He's straight and I'm with you, not him. And that's how it's always going to be. I promise."
"I love you." Kurt's breath stopped as did the timer. It started beeping erratically as did Kurt's heart. He silently reached up to stop it.
"You heard me. I, Blaine Anderson, am in love with you, Kurt Hummel."
Kurt blinked rapidly trying to get rid of the tears that were forming in his eyes. "I love you too, Blaine. So so much!" They didn't move in for a kiss since they were in a room of strangers in the middle of Ohio, but their eyes said enough for them to know what they were feeling.
A/N: HEY HI OH MY GOD IT HAS BEEN SO LONG I AM SO SO SO SORRY. To be honest, I kind of forgot I was still writing these stories. I lost interest and couldn't think of plot. This is kind of a filler chapter, I'm probably going to have a time gap from now to the next chapter so we can move things along a little faster. Thank you to all you lovely people who've stuck with me during this long wait!
Happy holidays and happy new year!
Reviews=Christmas presents to myself! :)