Ok! Here we are ladies and gents! I'm here to bring you another series! One that I hope you all will enjoy!

Chapter 1

Year 2013

8 year old Kurt was sitting on the living room floor, when there was a knock on the door. He heard his dad get up from his chair and make his way to the door. There was murmured talking for a few minutes and then Burt came back into the living room with someone in tow. However Kurt was still too tuned into the TV to realize that someone else was in the room.

Chuckling, Burt walked over to Kurt and crouched down so he is was somewhat eye level with his son.

"Hey Bud. Your mommy and I are going out tonight and we called in a babysitter to come and watch you while we are out. Are you okay with that?"

"Sure daddy. Who's coming to play with me whilst you and mommy are gone?" he replied, finally looking up at his father.

"Well look right behind me. He's already here."

Kurt quickly looked over his father's shoulder.

"BLAINEY!" Kurt screamed with excitement.

"Hey Buddy. How are you doing?" Blaine said whilst picking up a very happy Kurt and giving him a huge hug.

"I'm good now that you are here. We are going to have so much fun playing with my toys... can we watch a movie too?"

"Anything you want to do munchkin." He smiled back.

"Okay daddy you and mommy can leave now that Blaineys here." Burt just chuckled and patted his son's head.

A few moments passed until Elizabeth came down the stairs. After giving Blaine the same talk about where everything was and phone numbers, they left the 2 boys alone.

"So what would you like to do first buddy?"

"Hmm." Kurt stood there in front of Blaine with his fingers drumming on his chin and taping his foot on the floor.

"First we should go and get some ice cream that mommy likes to hide from daddy because it's bad for him to eat and then we could go and watch The Little Mermaid so I can listen to you sing all of the songs. And then maybe we can play with some of my toys or something."

"Well let's get that ice cream then, little man." Blaine walked into the kitchen whilst Kurt went and picked up the movie and popped it into the dvd player. Getting some pillows and blankets from his room, Kurt brought them out and set them on the couch just as Blaine was entered the living room with two huge bowls of chocolate ice cream.

Both boys sat there on the couch together eating their ice cream and sitting in silence, Blaine singing to Kurt every time there was a song that started to play. Kurt smiled to himself; he really loved when Blaine came over to baby sit.

"Ew! Gross!" Kurt yelled at the TV.

Eric and Ariel had just kissed. "What's wrong with that buddy? Girls and guys kiss all the time. It's normal."

"I don't like girls. They are gross and they have germs and just eww!" Blaine couldn't help but to laugh at this.

"Well one day I'm sure you will be saying something different once you start to like girls." He smiled at the small boy that was now leaning on him slightly.

"I don't ever want to like girls. I…umm I really like boys."

Blaine was taken aback with Kurt's statement. He was only 8 years old,

How would he know if he wouldn't like girls when he grows up?

"Well Kurt how do you know you don't like girls?"

"Just every time I see one I just don't get those feelings about them that my daddy tells me about when he talks about my momma. It only happens when I think about boys. My tummy starts to feel like there are butterflies in it and everything."

Blaine knew that feeling, yes. A few months ago, Blaine had come out to his parents. They took it very well and Blaine was still surprised at how well the talk went.

"Well…I want to tell you, if you grow up still liking boys and not girls than that's totally fine. Don't let someone try to tell you that it's wrong because it isn't. Fall in love with the person and not the gender."

"Okay Blainey." Kurt nodded and went back to snuggling into Blaine's side whilst they finished watching the rest of the movie.


It was almost time to put Kurt down for bed. They were playing tea party in Kurt's room. Blaine was sitting at the undersized table filled with Kurt's stuffed animals that were pretending to be guests. Blaine had to laugh when Kurt sternly told one of his bunnies that he couldn't have any more tea if he couldn't sit in his chair.

Bed time finally came and Blaine waited outside of Kurt's door whilst he got undressed and into his jammies. Opening the door again, Blaine made his way to the bookshelf and picked out a bed time story to read.

Once the book was over, Blaine looked over at a sleepy Kurt. He pulled the blankets up more to cover him and pecked a kiss onto his cheek.

As Blaine got up to put back the book and put the tea party supplies away, Kurt spoke up.

"Blainey?" he asked in a small voice.

"Yes Kurt?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Blaine stood there frozen for a minute, not really know how to answer him. He wouldn't take it seriously right? He's 8.

"Sure buddy."

"Yay! I love you Blainey."

Blaine chuckled. "Goodnight Kurt. I love you too."

Blaine walked out of Kurt's room, making sure to leave it just a little bit open so he could hear him if something was wrong.

He made his way back into the living room to pick up the mess that they had made. After the ice cream bowls were clean and everything back in its place, Blaine plopped on the couch and took out his cell phone, starting to text his friends whilst he waited for the Hummel's to get home...


Year 2026(Present Day)

Kurt had finally turned 21 years old.

A lot had happened in the last 13 years. Kurt's mom Elizabeth had passed away; it was an awful car wreck and his father Burt had suffered two heart attacks. It had just been Kurt and his father for the longest time until a few years ago Burt had found someone, and Kurt couldn't have been happier for his father.

Kurt graduated from high school and it was his dream to get out of Lima as fast as he could. He had worked really hard all through high school and it sure did pay off. Kurt got accepted into NYADA in New York City! He had been dreaming about moving to the city since middle school.

Kurt had had a few boyfriends along the way, but they didn't last. Some nights, Kurt would lie in bed and dream about the dark curly hair boy that used to babysit him. The way he used to make Kurt laugh and giggle. Thoughts drifted to the night that Kurt asked Blaine to be his boyfriend. Kurt would just laugh to himself the next morning when he would remember what he dreamt about the night before. Kurt hadn't actually seen Blaine since he had graduated high school. Blaine had then moved away and left Lima behind just like Kurt did.


Tonight he was going out with some of his friends from school, all planning to party hard. He was finally 21 and it was about time for Kurt to go out and live it up. Some of his friends were taking him to this new gay bar that had just opened up a few months ago. Kurt was excited, he was going to his first ever bar, and a gay bar at that.

Kurt and his friends had already been there for an hour and Kurt was completely trashed. How could he not be? He was in a gay bar in New York City, dancing with some hot guys and getting free drinks.

Kurt made his way back to the dance floor with some of the girls that he came with. He started dancing to the music and getting lost in it. He felt free, and he just let loose.

Kurt didn't even flinch when he felt a pair of strong hands on hips. He just continued to dance with this stranger that he couldn't see. The stranger whispered into Kurt's ear as they continued to grind together and feel the music.

"Having a good time beautiful? I've been watching you over there with your friends and you are so hot."

Kurt turned around and wrapped his arms around the stranger's neck grinding his now half cock into his. Something about his words and how he talked had just turned him on. They continued to dance for a few more songs, slowly grinding together and loving every second of it.

"I'm going to go into the bathroom and splash some water on my face." Kurt whispered to the shorter man, finally getting a good look at him. He really was beautiful. He may have been shorter than Kurt, but his beautiful hazel eyes and dark curly hair totally made up for that. He looked down at his body and he was slightly different in shape. Kurt for some reason thought that he looked familiar, but just shrugged it off as he still was very drunk.

He took his hand and led him into the bathroom, where he stood against the wall whilst Kurt went over to the sink and turned it on. The cold water sure did feel amazing on his face. A few more splashes and Kurt was wiping his face and hands off with a paper towel that the stranger had handed to him.

"You want to get out of here and come back to my place? My roommates are gone for the night. I have the place all to myself." He winked.

"Sure babe, anything you want." He smirked in reply.

They made their way back to bar, where Kurt found some of his friends he came there with and told them that he was leaving (and to not step one foot inside of the apartment or he would destroy everything they ever loved). His friends just laughed and agreed, slightly tipsy themselves. As they made their way to the door, Kurt could hear the catcalls from his friends.

They hailed a cab back to Kurt's place, and once they got past the threshold, Kurt took off his shoes and jacket and the man did the same. Kurt walked into the kitchen and grabbed some cold water bottles from the fridge and brought them back to the living room where he found the man sitting on the couch.

Kurt took a sip of his water before he went and straddled the man's lap and started to kiss the man who was now pushing him closer onto his lap. The kiss was desperate and lust-filled. Kurt ran his fingers through the man's curls as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip asking for entrance, which was gladly allowed. They both moaned simultaneously into the kiss and moved their hips together trying to get the fiction that they both desperately needed. Kurt took his shirt off and threw it somewhere on the apartment floor, and the man underneath him did the same. Kurt sat there in shock. The man had a beautiful chest, nice and toned and tan; just the way Kurt liked it. After their shirts went flying, the curly haired man picked Kurt up by his ass, wrapping his legs around his waist, leading him into the bedroom. Kurt spitting out directions, trying not to break the kiss too-much.

Once in the bedroom, he laid Kurt down on the bed and went to remove the rest of his clothes. Kurt stared in awe until he realized that he was staring. Kurt followed his lead and removed his pants and underwear and got into bed under the covers. Blaine was right behind him, snuggling up next to him, kissing his jaw and slowly moving down to Kurt's neck. The taller man let out a soft moan as he grew harder. Kurt reached over to the night stand and grabbed a small bottle of lube and a condom and laid them on the bed.

"First before we do anything more. We should at least know each other's names." Kurt panted, chuckling.

"Of course, I'm Blaine."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Kurt."

"I once knew a Kurt but that was a long time ago and maybe I'll tell you later. Right now I really, really want to fuck you."

Kurt giggled in reply.

"Well Blaine, let's get this party started, shall we?" He handed Blaine the bottle of lube and he opened it. Warming up some of the liquid on his hands, Blaine leant in and dropped kisses down Kurt's chest as Kurt leant his body into the touch. Slippery fingers now traced around his puckered hole as Blaine sank his hot mouth down on Kurt's hard cock taking him all in.

"OH Fuck!" He yelled out as Blaine pushed a finger in as he continued to open up Kurt.

Soon Blaine was three fingers deep and Kurt was about to scream, he was so ready for Blaine.

"Please Blaine…I need you."

Ripping off the condom wrapper, Blaine quickly put it on and made sure to add some more lube. He lined himself up with Kurt's hole and pushed in.

"Oh fuck me…this feels so good." Kurt moaned as he wrapped his legs around Blaine once he was deep inside of him.

"Well good thing for you, I do want to fuck you. You feel so good around me, Nice and tight, fuck." Blaine growled into Kurt's ear as he started to move faster.

The shorter man pinned Kurt's hands above his head as he moved faster and harder. Soon the room was filled with sounds; soft moans and the headboard rhythmically hitting the wall, but they didn't care; they were so caught up in each other that something about it just felt right.

Blaine felt like he had known Kurt forever, and Kurt felt that same way.

Not much longer, they both reached their climaxes and they rode it out together. Blaine pulled out of Kurt and lay next to him while he tried to catch his breath.

Kurt got up and went into the bathroom whilst Blaine got up off the bed, tying off the condom and throwing it into the nearest trash can.

Blaine washed himself up with the warm wash cloth that was handed to him. After he was clean, he placed the cloth in the hamper by the door. Kurt was already back in his bed and Blaine joined him. Kurt didn't know why he did but he took Blaine's hand and they were both asleep in minutes.


They both woke up the next morning completely hung over and with matching headaches. Kurt got up and went into the kitchen to grab some water and some medicine for the both of them and headed back into his room, where he saw Blaine with his head in his hands.

"Here, this will help- I promise." He said, tossing Blaine the water and pill bottle.


"I'm just gonna go and make us some eggs, it will help with this ungodly hang over." Kurt pecked his cheek and grabbed some sweat pants and put them on.

Blaine took a few minutes to gather himself and put on his underwear and pants and met Kurt in the kitchen where he was just dishing up for the both of them and getting two bottles of Gatorade from the fridge.

Conversation over breakfast was kept light as it hurt too much to think or talk. They cleared the table in near silence before sitting on the couch.

They must have fallen asleep, because when Kurt woke up later and looked over at the clock it was 1pm. The pair had slept for 3 hours. Blaine, finally realizing that Kurt wasn't next to him, pushed himself up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Good afternoon, sleepyhead." Blaine chuckled.

"Hey! You fell asleep as well." Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand to have him come back and sit with him.

"So…last night you said you knew a Kurt, was he as awesome and hot as I am?" they both giggled.

"Um well when I lived in Ohio, I used to baby sit him when he parents needed to go out. He was like…8 years old, the cutest thing ever. He actually one night asked me to be his boyfriend."

"What you're from Ohio?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah Lima…why?"

"Holy freaking shit….this can't be real."

"What Kurt…what's wrong?" Blaine was getting worried. He looked at Kurt, who was frozen.

"Your…Your Blaine Anderson!"

"Yeah that's me….WAIT how do you know my last name?"

Kurt turned to Blaine and looked him straight in the eyes and said.

"That little boy you used to babysit is me…and we had sex last night. Fantastic sex if I must say so myself."

Blaine jaw just dropped.

"Oh shit…"

Leave some love!

Until Next Time!
