This is my first Supernatural fic ever, so it's going to be interesting to try. I'll put the rating on this story to M due to violence, profound language and possible sexually explicit scenes later on in the fic.

The Winchesters had, for quite a few years, been quite the messed up family of three. The Winchester brothers had never really known what it was like to live a normal life. They had never settled down and lived a domestic life with two parents, and they had never formed any relationships outside of their family. They both had their brother and a father, but never a friend. They moved around a lot – not just a little, but a lot – and already from a young age were they being trained by their father to become what he had become after the violent death of his wife. He was raising his children to become hunters of evil, the ones who take care of the things that are in the dark.

After their mother had been killed under highly supernatural circumstances, their father had given up his normal life to become a hunter and hunt down the thing that murdered his wife. And at the same time, he pulled his children into the same mess.

In the year 1996, the boys started attending a high school in the town of Great Bend, Kansas. They were both originally born in Kansas, in a town called Lawrence, but Dean was the only one who could really remember. Sam had been a baby by the time they started moving about. Even so, Dean had never been to Great Bend, so this was a whole level of new to him.

On the day that they were supposed to start school, they were getting ready in the motel room. Their motel was quite close to the school, so they could simply walk the distance in about ten minutes. Sam was shuffling tiredly about, stuffing some notebooks and a pencil case into his backpack. On that particular day, he was wearing a plaid shirt with a denim jacket pulled over it. The boy was 13 years old, but judging by his looks he could have been a lot older. His eyes looked worn out, almost old. They had seen too much already for someone his age. He wearily rubbed his brownish, green eyes, yawning loudly.

"'Morning, Sammy," Dean said with a smile as he emerged from the bathroom. He ruffled Sam's chestnut, partially long hair, before pulling on a long leather jacket over his open plaid shirt with a green tee underneath. Dean Winchester never zipped his jackets at all, nor did he button his shirts all the way up. It was, though subconsciously, a way of showing off the necklace his brother had gotten him that dangled around his neck. The 17 year old boy slung his leather backpack over one shoulder, clicking his teeth at Sam. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Sam said, shrugging lightly. "Yeah, I'm good to go."

"Got your lunch money?"


Dean patted his brothers' shoulder and quickly ruffled his own hair, making sure it was at least partially spiky, even though his hair was quite short. They left the motel and started walking towards the school which their dad had showed them the day before.

"So how come we're staying for so much longer this time? It's usually just a week or two, right?" Sam asked, looking curiously in Dean's direction as they walked. Dean turned his head to Sam and grinned deviously, chewing on a piece of gum.

"Apparently, it's some sort of big meet-up for hunters. I think something huge is brewin', Sammy, but I don't know what it is."

"Sounds dangerous," Sam huffed, gritting his teeth with what Dean could only see as worry.

"Hey, dad's going to be fine, okay?" He said reassuringly. "He has plenty of other hunters to back him up this time, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Alright, if you say so," Sam mumbled with a sigh, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.
They kept walking for a little while until they reached the school grounds, seeing people file into the several entrances to the school building.

"Now, remember to act nice and don't do anything stupid, alright?" Dean said more than asked, furrowing his brows a little as he looked down at his younger brother.

"You're telling me?" Sam huffed, rolling his eyes. "I think you're the one who needs to keep that in mind, Dean."

"Yeah, yeah." Dean chuckled, waving him off with his hand. "Remember to come to me if anything's wrong, you hear me?"

"Sure," Sam nodded with a little smile, tipping back on his heel before turning around, walking towards his respective classroom. Dean went through another entrance and up a flight of stairs to get to the room he was supposed to be in, and luckily the first class was homeroom. At least he didn't have to start off with boring subjects where he had to actually concentrate. He entered the classroom behind a few other students, at least knowing he'd made it on time. Once he came in, the teacher look at him and waved him over.

"You must be Dean," The grown man said, holding out his hand. "It's nice to have you here."

Dean smiled a formal smile and shook the teacher's hand politely, automatically bowing his head a little. "It's a pleasure to be here, Sir," he smiled. This was, quite obviously, out of character for Dean, but Sam had been bugging him to at least try to be a bit nice for once. He wanted for Dean to make a good first impression for once.

"Class, if you could all please settle down and we'll get started. I want you all to say hello to our new student. Do you want to introduce yourself?" The teacher said, turning his face towards Dean. With a nod, he took a step forwards and cleared his throat.

"My name is Dean Winchester, I'm 17 years old. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women," he informed with a smug grin, winking with one eye towards the class. That earned a laugh from mostly everyone there, and even the teacher had trouble composing himself. Dean let his eyes scan over the class, paying extra attention to some of the blonde curly girls in the room before sitting down by an empty desk far back in the classroom. When he sat down, a solemn looking boy to his side turned his head to look at him. Dean met his gaze and frowned.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Dean asked with a low voice, straightening his shoulders a little as if threatening the boy. He shrugged his shoulders apologetically and turned back to the front. The boy had dark hair that stood upwards a little, and his entire composure seemed kind of unhinged. Dean shook his head a little. The guy was probably just curious, but still. He looked kind of like a punk with his black pants and black shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Even so, by the looks of his face and his posture in general, he didn't look like a troublemaker whatsoever. Dean just shrugged and turned back to look at the front of the class. He wasn't really a master at paying attention in school, but he could at least try.

"My name is Sam Winchester. I look forward to going in your class." Sam smiled, bowing his head lightly in front of the class. His introduction was followed by a painfully long and uncomfortable silence before the teacher decided to speak up.

"Uhm, thank you Sam, please have a seat over there," she smiled awkwardly, motioning towards an empty desk beside a girl with dark blonde hair. He sat down with a sigh, placing his backpack down next to him.

"Hey," he heard a whisper from his side, immediately turning his head towards the source of the sound. There sat the girl with the dark blonde hair, smiling gingerly in his direction. "My name's Amy," she whispered, holding out her hand. Sam looked a bit baffled, looking at her hand before his gaze returned to her eyes. He hesitated before nervously shaking her hand, swallowing deeply to try and get rid of the lump that had stuck in his throat.

"S-Sam," he whispered, his composure faltering a little under Amy's tiny giggle.

"I know," she retorted. Sam looked confused for a moment before nodding, his cheeks turning a bit red.

'Wow, Sam,' he thought to himself, 'way to make yourself look like an idiot.'

Once lunch time arrived, Dean hurriedly made his way outside. He knew that people would probably try and talk to him, which they had always done at the previous schools, but he wasn't looking for acquaintances. He had trust issues and did in no way feel a need to bond with people. As long as he could look over his little brother, that was all that mattered. He stood in a corner outside of the school building, leaning his back onto the concrete wall. Dean closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in the air that surrounded him, just trying to accustom himself to the environment. When it came to the moving, Dean had never complained. He had to listen to his father, after all. But it was starting to wear on him, and he was tired. He just wouldn't admit it to his father, because he knew that it would only cause him trouble. He was 17 years old, and supposed to be able to be independent. Hell, he'd finally even gotten his own custom handgun now, instead of just having a standard sawn-off shotgun that he'd made when he was 13. Even so, he was starting to get tired, and to some extent he hoped that John's mission would take long, so that he could take it easy for at least a couple of weeks.

"You're Dean, right?" An approaching voice asked, making Dean open one eye to observe. There were two guys coming towards him, both wearing clothes quite similar to Dean's. "Want a smoke?" One of them asked, holding out a pack of cigarettes. Dean just shook his head, stepping away from the wall.

"You don't talk much, do you?" The other guy asked, chuckling a little to himself.

"That totally depends," Dean retorted challengingly, tilting his head a bit forwards.

"I see. You certainly poked at some people's interest in class today, though." The guy who had been the first to talk said. His hair was a little long, and very light blonde. "The name's Mark, by the way."

"Stan," the other one said, nodding his head casually. Dean just nodded back.

"What do you mean, 'poked some people's interest'?" He asked, his brows furrowed deeply. It was already quite clear that Dean was not good at making a first impression unless he'd practiced for it beforehand.

"I'm just saying… Maurice seemed pretty keen to get to know you," Mark grinned, winking with one eye as if trying to imply something. Dean perked an eyebrow, unable to hold back that little grin.

"Really, now?" He asked, biting down on his lower lip.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely." Stan said, bumping Dean's shoulder playfully with his fist. Dean had to restrain himself from putting the guy in a headlock. "Shit, you even managed to get the weird kid a bit interested, I think."

"Weird kid?" Dean asked, frowning a bit. "Who?"
Stan and Mark pointed towards a boy pacing about in the schoolyard, his arms hanging limply by his sides. He was wearing a long trench-coat that looked a little too big for the guy's frame. "That's the guy who stared at me earlier today… who is he?"

"I have no idea," Mark shrugged. "Think his name's Castiel or something like that. Weirdest name I ever heard."

"You probably shouldn't meddle in his business," Stan huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I think there's something wrong with his head."

"We move a lot because of my dad's job, so that's why I started here." Sam said, that little smile apparent on his face.

"I see," Amy nodded, fidgeting a little with the lower brim of her denim jacket. "That sounds kind of tiring."

"It really is," Sam sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "But I guess you kind of get used to it."

"Hey, shitface!" A voice called from behind Sam. He turned around and saw three guys that he recognized from his class, whom looked a little bit too tough for their age. They seemed quite stupid too, so Sam wouldn't have been surprised if they'd been held back a few years. They grabbed him by the collar, pulling him away from Amy.

"Hey!" Amy called, about to go after them when one of the boys approached her and pushed her so that she had to step back.

"You stay out of this," the kid said, pointing at her with a finger that wasn't even shaking the smallest bit. He returned to his group as they took Sam behind a wall, pushing him firmly up against it whilst pinning him by his collar.

"W-What's up?" Sam stuttered, looking a bit worried. Normally he would have beaten them up already, but he didn't want to. The last thing he wanted was for the same thing to happen here as it had on all the other schools. He'd gotten into a fight, and people had seen his skills. They'd called him a freak, so he decided to stay away from that now.

"You talkin' to Amy, huh?" The guy, apparently the leader, said with a smug voice. "You see, I've been trying to bag that girl for the past year, and I ain't gonna let some punk-ass kid like you ruin that chance for me, you get it?"

"What are you talking about?!" Sam uttered, his lips trembling nervously. He was about to ask again when a fist connected with his face, making the back of his head slam violently into the concrete wall behind him. He groaned out in pain, and they let go of him so that he fell to his knees, spitting blood from his cut lip. He looked up at the three boys and was immediately met with another punch to the face, forcing him to shut one eye from the pain. He fell to the ground, and a kick hit his ribs, making him cough violently. He lay there, clutching a hand to his ribs, gritting his teeth in pain.

"We see you talkin' to Amy again, you're in for some pretty bad shit, y'hear me?" The 'leader' said, crossing his arms over his chest. Sam just coughed in response, trying to suppress the burning pain in his ribs. The three boys left him there, and once they'd rounded the corner of the wall they grabbed Amy with them and took her away just to make sure she wouldn't rush over to Sam.

Dean waited for Sam outside of school for about ten minutes after classes were out, but he didn't show up. He figured he'd probably met some people and that they were chatting each other up or something, so he decided to simply return to the motel for the time being. As he walked back from school, he couldn't help but to notice that the guy from his class, Castiel, was walking a ways ahead of him. He almost looked a little lost in the way he walked, his arms hanging daftly by his sides, his fingertips just barely visible under the long sleeves of his trench coat.

"So we still have no idea why it's all happening here?" John asked with a big frown on his face, seeming quite annoyed with the entire situation.

"We don't know jack shit yet," Bobby sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "All we know is that there's been tons of activity around these parts lately. You know, vampires, sirens, and I heard there was a family of kitsunes here somewhere too."

"But there has to be a reason for them all to be here now," Rufus said, a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label clutched in his hand. "It doesn't make any damn sense!"

"We'll figure this out," Bobby said, trying to calm the two men down. "There's a whole rally of hunters headed this way the next couple 'days, and that should make it all a whole lot easier. And we'll need a library."

Dean grabbed a snack from the fridge and sat down on the couch, sighing heavily to himself. That was one day of school finished, at least. From the looks of things, lil' Sammy had been able to achieve a bit more than Dean had, considering he wasn't even home yet. Before he was able to continue thinking about where Sam might have been, the door opened slowly.

"Hey there, Sammy," Dean said, but as soon as his eyes fell onto Sam, he stood up hastily and rushed over to him. "Sammy, what happened?" He ushered him, careful not to touch any of his wounds. Sam was limping, a hand clutched at his ribs.

"Just some jerks from my class," Sam sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Man, and I'd hoped I didn't have to resort to violence again," Dean groaned as he got a bag of ice from the kitchen and brought it to Sam, who gingerly placed it under his jaw, groaning a bit from the sudden cold sting to his damaged skin.

"No, Dean," Sam said, shaking his head with a serious look on his face. "I don't want to mess things up again. I don't want to be a freak, and I don't want to be the one who got my brother to beat the crap out of some guys in my class, alright?"

"But Sammy, they hurt you-"

"It was just to prove a point, Dean. It won't happen again, okay?" He said, trying to convince him. Dean looked at him for a moment, looking gravely conflicted.

"Fine. But if this happens again, there's no stopping me."

"Alright," Sam sighed before going to sit on the couch. "At least try and make some friends this time, would you?"

"I don't know. Depends if I can find someone who's worth talking to in this town."