Disclaimer: I do not own Mobile Suit Gundam or any other thing associated with the trademark or the greatest anime company Sunrise.

This story was inspired and endorsed by Wilkins75.


Chapter 1: Another Universe?

AC 195

'We have to stop it Zero' said Heero Yuy as flew the Gundam Wing Zero towards the piece of Libra that was falling towards the Earth.

Zero flashed its eyes as Heero punched the engines to overdrive as he managed to get Wing Zero in front of the falling object. Heero then spun Wing Zero around and aimed the Twin-Buster Rifle. Wing Zero was falling backwards through the atmosphere with Libra coming after it and Heero used all his might to try and lock onto the battleship as he charged the rifle to full power. The cockpit started to heat up like a furnace from the atmospheric temperature and sparks were flying from the electrical surge of Wing Zero being pushed to its limits.

'I will, I will, I WILL SURVIVE!' cried Heero as Wing Zero locked onto Libra and Heero fired the Twin-Buster Rifle.

Heero's shot was accurate and the beam hit Libra and blew it into a million pieces of debri that looked like a meteor shower to the people on Earth.

'Mission complete' said Heero as he rested back into his seat and closed his eyes.

Suddenly the back blast from the explosion hit Wing Zero and sent it on a spiral.

'What theā€¦?' said Heero as he was bounced around in his seat before hitting his hard and falling unconscious.

CE 73

It felt like hours had passed when Heero regained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

'Where am I?' asked the confused pilot as he looked at his radar.

'None of the other pilots seem to be around' he said as he tried his radio. 'Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Wufei, Peace Million. Damn! No answer. What do you think we should do Zero?'

Just then his alarm went off and multiple objects appeared on radar. Heero turned Wing Zero to the left and saw a massive object falling towards Earth with what looked like mobile suit thrusters and a couple battleships flying around it.

'If that thing hits the Earth it's finished. Let's go Zero' said Heero as he turned Wing Zero into Neo-Bird mode and put boosters to max as he flew towards the large object.

As Heero got nearer he could see that the object looked like an asteroid but it had ruined buildings on its surface. 'Must be a colony' said Heero as he was almost at his target.

Onboard one of the battleships the radar monitor went off as Heero and Wing Zero got near the falling colony.

'Captain!' said the red haired girl manning the radar.

'What is it Meyrin?' asked the women sitting in the middle of the bridge.

'Unknown object moving towards us with incredible speed. Mach 10 on the radar'.

'Nothing but a missile can move that fast' said a man in a black uniform sitting at the front of the room.

'Quiet Arthur,' said the Captain. 'Can you bring up a visual?'

'Yes captain' replied Meyrin as she brought up video feed of the blue and white jet like object flying towards the falling colony.

'Is it here to stop Junius Seven?' pondered the captain to herself. 'Try and reach it on all channels Meyrin.'

'Yes captain,' said Meyrin as she tried to reach Heero. 'No luck captain, too much interference'.

'Can't help that. Captain Gladys, mark it as unknown and non hostile until we know its intentions. If it attacks inform the pilots to destroy it' said a man with long black hair and white robes that was sitting on the raised part of the bridge.

'Yes Chairman' replied Captain Gladys.

'We're here' said Heero as he neared the falling remains of Junius Seven. 'Time to destroy it.'

Heero then hit the controls to turn Wing Zero back into mobile suit mode. Once the transformation was complete Zero flashed its emerald green eyes and Heero flew in front of the falling colony just like he did with Libra.

'What?' asked Gladys as she watched the jet turn into a mobile suit. 'It's a mobile suit?'

While this was happening, the mobile suits that were fighting on the remains of Junius Seven looked to see Heero fly in front of the wreckage.

'What does that idiot think he is doing?' asked a black haired, red eyed boy that was piloting one of the mobile suits as he watched in shock at Heero's stunt. 'He'll get himself killed.'

'It's showing up at unknown on the radar' said a blonde haired boy piloting a white mobile suit. 'Captain, an unknown mobile suit has just flown in front of Junius Seven.'

'We know Rey. Treat him as friendly for the time being'

'Yes Captain'.

Just then the door to the bridge opened and a girl with blonde hair and dressed in a maroon suit walked in.

'Representative Atha?' asked the Chairman.

'Um, where's Athrun?' asked the Girl.

'He didn't tell you. He offered us his help and is out there helping break up Junius Seven.'

Suddenly a bright explosion ripped a chunk out of Junius Seven.

'What was that?' asked Captain Gladys.

'Mam, looks like the unknown mobile suit just fired some sort of high powered beam weapon and destroyed part of Junius Seven' said one of the controllers.

'That machine must be incredibly powerful to do that and that weapon must have the power of the Tannhauser' said the Captain.

Meanwhile, below Junius Seven, Heero was manoeuvring around getting the best angle of shot he could.

'This is worse then Libra, Zero' said Heero. 'It'll take multiple shots to destroy the whole thing. I don't know if when can get it all.

Heero then fired another shot and blew another chunk away. 'You're right Zero, we'll destroy as much as we can before we hit the atmosphere.'

'Captain, another piece of Junius Seven has been destroyed.'

'This mobile suit may be able to stop it' said Arthur.

Suddenly an alarm went of.

'What is it?' asked the Chairman.

'Looks like we are entering the Earth's atmosphere,' answered the Captain. 'Chairman, please transfer to the Voultaire. The Minerva will fire the positron cannon as long as we can before we break through the atmosphere. Please have all out mobile suits return at once.'

'Yes Captain' said Meyrin as she sent a return message to the four Minerva pilots on Junius Seven.

'Very well,' said the Chairman. 'Representative Atha?'

'I'm staying here until Athrun returns.'

'As you please' replied the Chairman as he made his way from the bridge.

On Junius Seven the four pilots were making their way back to the Minerva when the pilot of a blue mobile suit with red wings noticed that the green mobile suit was still trying to sink the destruction drill into Junius Seven.

'Didn't you get the order to return?' asked the red eyed pilot.

'I did,' replied a boy with bluey black hair and green eyes. 'But Junius Seven still hasn't broken up enough to not do any damage to the Earth.'

'You gotta be the hero don't you?' said the red eyed pilot as he helped the green eyed pilot lower the drill into the colony.

Just then another bright explosion appeared near the two mobile suits as more of Junius Seven was destroyed, and from where the explosion happened a blue mobile suit with wings, a red shield and rifle appeared.

'Get a move on you two, we've almost hit the atmosphere,' said Heero in his monotone voice.

'Who are you?' asked the red eyed pilot.

'Never mind that, just hurry up with whatever you're doing, I'll take care of the enemy,' replied Heero as he placed the buster rifle in his left hand and pulled out his beam sabre.

'What enemy?' asked the green eyed pilot as he got his answer when a rifle beam hit where the drill was in the ground.

Heero then charged forward and sliced two mobile suits in half as he turned towards the third that was heading towards the drill.

'My daughter's tombstone must fall. It's the only was those naturals will pay. Patrick Zala was right all along. The only path for coordinators was the one he'd chosen' said the Terrorist.

He was almost at the drill when Heero sliced him in half.

'Naturals? Coordinators?' thought Heero to himself as he watched the mobile suit explode.

The explosion caused the drill to kick into gear as it smashed through the ground and split what was left of Junius Seven in half.

'We did it' said the red eyed pilot.

'I'm not so sure,' said Heero as he watched half of what was left continue to fall to the Earth. 'You two get back to you ship, I'll destroy the rest.'

'You're mad' said the green eyed pilot.

'Maybe, but I'm the only one who can do it.'

Just then the Minerva appeared and started firing the Tannhauser at the remains. The explosion caused the three pilots to fall into the atmosphere. Heero managed to regain control of Wing Zero and flew it underneath the falling colony. He then aimed the Twin-Buster Rifle as he repeated what happened during the fall of Libra. On top the Minerva aimed the Tannhauser and fired that same time as Wing Zero. The explosion caused the rest of Junius Seven to explode into chunks.

'We can't do anymore then that,' said Captain Gladys. 'Meyrin have you located Shinn and Athrun yet?'

'Yes Mam, they have fallen into the atmosphere. It looks like Athrun's ZAKU is damaged!'

'What?' cried the blonde girl in the maroon suit.

'Try and get as close as you can,' ordered Gladys as the Minerva's pilot manoeuvred the ship towards its two falling mobile suits.

Heero sat in Wing Zero as he watched the remains fall towards the Earth.

'We did what we could Zero. Let's head towards that ship. They maybe they will be able to help us.'

Heero then transformed Wing Zero back to Neo-Bird mode for atmospheric re-entry and he flew towards the Minerva.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter on my triple cross over fan fic. Please read and review. Thanks