Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Hi I'm Ice Night and I've never really wrote fan fiction before, but I've wrote stories before. Though I must admit that I've never actually finished anything, so I hope to change that. Anyways the idea of fan fiction has always appealed to me and, I love reading the ideas that you guys write on here. It makes me want to give my own shot at fan fiction. As of right now my only fanfic is the rewrite of an ally to potter which is under the new title of The Enemy of My Enemy is a Friend, and The Reincarnation of a God. As I'm trying to write longer chapters for The Enemy of my Enemy is a Friend, the update between the chapters may take longer. Also if you guys think I missed labeled the rating to my stories please tell me, as I have a habit of reading everything that catches my eye, uncaring of rating. So they may be off. With that currently out of the way, I suppose I should tell a bit about myself like some of the other profiles I've seen on here. My favorite color is blue but sometimes it shifts to green, though I suppose I've been leaning towards green for awhile now. I like drawing and looking at pictures, which I can do for hours. I've also found myself being rather fond of Harry Potter fan art, etc. I'm also like video games that are fantasy based and, those where you can make your own character and where your choices matter. Though scifi is a bit iffy. My favorite fan fiction is probably Harry Potter and Highlander, as those two fandoms I have a habit of returning to again and again. I'm also fond of crossovers with either of these two fandoms and more if my favorite list is any indication. I'm also always looking to find more fanfictions that I know the original too. In highlander Methos is my favorite character. Also a fun fact is that according to a quiz I took, if I was a witch my wand would be 11 2/3", Oak, with a Veela core. |
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