Okay, so maybe I lied a little about getting this up on Friday. In my defense, I had graveyard shift and rhyming is an absolute bitch to translate.
But here we are: the final chapter of Edward Elric and the Order of the Phoenix. :') I want to say thank you to everybody for all the support and love you've given me over the long two-and-a-half(!) years I've been translating this fic. You guys are awesome, and I hope you all return for the sequel. Enjoy!


"This is not the right prophecy, Rookwood," said the Dark Lord in a hissing voice.

"Forgive me, Master," whispered the Death Eater, kneeling before his master, "they had to use a decoy to confuse us."

"In normal times, I would have punished you for this failure but I will be indulgent of this mistake: your mission was not to recover the prophecy but another object and I must say that you have done your job well."

"Thank you, Master," replied Rookwood.

On the other hand," the dark wizard continued in a chilling voice, "those who have failed will be entitled to punishment, both for not having brought back the prophecy but also for being captured by that muggle lover."

"Master, I would like to ask you a favor…" the former spy of the ministry dared to solicit, in a respectful tone.

"What?" Voldemort asked coldly.

"What was the contents of the false prophecy?" The voice of the former Unspeakable was tinged with greed while adding: "even if it was not the correct one, to get a glimpse of the future can only be useful, Master…"

"You are decidedly clever, my faithful servant. It is true that the beginning seems promising. However, the end is missing."

Then, unfurling a parchment, he presented to the former employee of the Department of Mysteries the following text:

As the last day of the century died, he was born, shining with light:

A child sacrificed to seize an infinite power.

The darkness will not cease to hunt him every hour

In order to see him sink forever

Engulfed in oblivion: return a futile endeavor,-

At the same time, in the Headmaster's office, at Hogwarts ...

"I guess Voldemort was furious when he realized that he did not have the right prophecy in his hands ..." Dumbledore said anxiously as he studied his spy.

"He did, indeed, make everyone feel his unhappiness, although paradoxically, his fury spared him who had brought him the prophecy ..." Snape confirmed, wincing imperceptibly.

"That's curious ... Voldemort does not usually forgive mistakes."

"Because apparently Rookwood had another mission he accomplished perfectly. I do not know all the details, but he came back with a prophecy and a black book," the spy said.

"No title?" asked the old teacher, concerned.

"Not that I know," Snape answered.

"And you know nothing about this bad prophecy and its contents?" asked the venerable wizard again.

"No information was available about it, professor. He listened to it alone, without a witness," declared the potion teacher.

"Too bad. I would have liked to know if it was really related to this one…" said Dumbledore, summoning a similar milky ball to his hand like a magician making a rabbit spring from his hat.

"It's not Potter's, is it?" asked the former spy, purely rhetorically.

"Indeed. This is a prophecy used as a lure by Harry and his friends during their trip to the Department of Mysteries. But it would seem, according to Neville's testimony, that it was separated into three separate parts: one of them fell into the hands of the Death Eaters, the other probably stayed in the Ministry and the third is here," declared Dumbledore.

"What does it say?" asked the Potions Master, curious to know the contents of the glass ball.

"I propose that we determine that right away," said Dumbledore, releasing the sphere to the ground. The globe grew in brightness and a ghostly and vaguely feminine silhouette rose from it and said:

His coming can bring about the end as well as the survival of this world.

But if, this sacrifice, alone in his conscience and soul

Does not accept the risks of his path in full,

Then everyone will see the world sink into chaos

And magic itself will eventually surely be lost.

Edward sighed, preparing to take leave of his friends. The return journey had been long but spent in good company. Amazing, the bonds that had been created and strengthened during the year between the SC members of 'Operation Department of Mysteries.' To think that at the beginning, some of them hadn't even known one another-

For a few hours, the visits to their compartment came in a steady stream, one after another, with staring glances, frantic whispers, unfolded newspapers to verify that it was indeed Harry Potter (even though they had all seen him in the corridors throughout the year...) Edward was prodigiously annoyed at the gawkers and sighed, with Hermione, at the naivete of these sheep. Luna, Ginny and Harry were completely indifferent to all the hallway visitors. Ron smiled warmly, glad to see their efforts recognized, while Neville seemed rather embarrassed by this fuss.

Finally, the train stopped at King Cross station and everyone began to grab their luggage. Edward, himself, was preparing for a difficult exercise: to part ways with the Weasley family in order to regain his independence, which he cherished above all else. He had not talked about his plans to anyone, not wanting the members of the Order to hunt him down. The teenage alchemist thought he had given sufficient proof that he was trustworthy to all these wizards.

Slipping away quickly, he climbed back onto the train incognito and hid in the toilet to get rid of his usual clothes to put on a more discreet ensemble. Soon, his long hair was well hidden under a cap, a brown jacket replaced his favorite coat, and he had used his wand to cast some spells to make himself more unnoticeable. As he tried to put away his coat, the globe of prophecy fell from his pocket and broke on the floor of the toilet, revealing the last part of the prophecy:

Sent from the Gate, the Truth's emissary, to this enigma you already have the key.

To live, you will have to die,

To protect, you will have to sacrifice,

But know that the survival of those you love

Require from you that you forget your self.

"That sounds very encouraging to me..." Edward muttered darkly as he removed the evidence of his ever being there and left King's Cross station for an unknown destination.


I hope to have the first chapter of the sequel up by June. I hope to see you all here again, and thank you again for all the support!