Reviews for Hogwarts new Genius
UnknownPerson123 chapter 13 . 7/17
Damn Man your story is good like fricking good. This is the first crossover story that I actually like. I hope that you would continue to write this and I am sure that by the time your story reaches 150k words it will start to become quite famous.
Sakra95 chapter 13 . 7/16
Good chapter. So Toshiro and Quirrelmort are going to fight and Dumbledore knows it was Toshiro who stole the stone. It's good that he told the others that he stole the stone instead of them finding out later by themselves. Hope we get to see Toshiro finally use his power in battle. One thing about last chapter that bugged me was him getting knocked out by the fall. He has an incredible pain tolerance evident when he stayed conscious even after getting bifurcated by Aizen.
leojhonn chapter 13 . 7/14
me encanto
setokayba2n chapter 13 . 7/14
He don't really need the stone, just a copy that can fool Dumbledore
KarmaAladdin chapter 13 . 7/14
I'm so Proud of Toshiro like look at that character development
Sakra95 chapter 12 . 7/5
Good chapter but its getting really annoying how Toshiro is just taking the slytherins abuse. It makes him seem really pathetic and why didn't he use kido on Quirell to subdue him. Is he that worried about performing kido before others. What is he going to do if the students ask him to show Japanese magic to them and why hasn't anyone asked that yet? Isn't his cover to attend Hogwarts is that he is a genius and completed his education in Japanese magic and now wants to learn western magic. So it shouldn't be a problem if he uses kido. It just seems like you forgot this point.
ZERO chapter 11 . 6/30
this story is incredible, like the toushirou doesn't lose his personality or the story follows the schedule that the good guys are right or the bad guys are wrong, show a different perspective what I thought was really cool so keep up the great work
Cristha chapter 10 . 6/28
Me encanta tu historia, me entretiene y emociona.
Aunque Byakuya es un poco occ
Pero en resumen, me gusta tu historia ;)
Quisiera saber cada cuanto actualizas.
Sakra95 chapter 1 . 6/8
Before the shinigami leave Hogwarts how about a pure kido battle between Byakuya and Hitsugaya. It would demonstrate their magic to the Hogwarts staff and students. Toshiro was admitted to Hogwarts under the story that he already passed the Japanese magic classes so it would be suspicious to the Hogwarts students and staff if he never shows his magic.
setokayba2n chapter 10 . 6/7
Good fic, I liked it, I wonder what Hitsugaya is going to think of Hagrid, and about Runes
Sakra95 chapter 10 . 6/2
Good chapter. Liked the interaction between them and I don't think the shinigami will worry much about Toshiro since they know what he is capable off. He is a captain after all and he earned the position with his powers. I hope the Shinigami leave the next chapter because having them around in the school doesn't seem right. It would be awesome if Hitsugaya can show some of his kido to the students by presenting it as Japanese magic. Since he is regarded as a genius I am surprised no one asked him to demonstrate his magic.
MerariVega chapter 9 . 6/1
Thanks for updating.
Hope Hitsugaya and Hyourinmaru can get revenge on Quirrell / Voldemort soon. And they demonstrate the difference in the power of a captain and a fragmented soul.

Voldemort won't know who hit him, more with a furious Hyourinmaru. I love how the little wizards and our Captain interact. 3
tmzmaster641 chapter 1 . 6/1
I don’t Aizen and Voldemort should team up it’s over done in most crossover I seen
Sakra95 chapter 9 . 5/26
Good chapter. I really hope Toshiro beats up Quirrelmort and show the difference in power between them. His pain tolerance is very high since he has gotten nearly bifurcated in the series and continued fighting so I don't think even something like the cruciatus can do anything to him. The other shinigami coming to visit him is a little strange though since parents or guardians don't normally go to Hogwarts during the school year and only commute with letters.
Sakra95 chapter 8 . 5/23
I hope Hitsugaya has no trouble with Quirrelmort when they finally clash. With his Kido he can make short work of him. He is a captain class shinigami and he has the power to back it up so he shouldn't have any trouble with dark wizards. Though I would love to see Aizen defeating Voldemort and turning him and his death eaters into his followers.
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