![]() Author has written 19 stories for Rise of the Guardians, Thor, Danny Phantom, and Five Nights at Freddy´s. Image belongs to me! No stealing or using without my permission! Thank you! My DeviantART Page - h t t p : // sumi-sprite . deviantart . com / (remove spaces!) My AO3 Profile - h t t p : // archiveofourown . org /users / SumiSprite (remove spaces!) My Etsy - h t t p s : // w w w . etsy . c o m / shop / SumiSprite (remove spaces!) - Get your own Solitude and Darkness pin if you missed the giveaway! IMPORTATN FANFICTION DOT NET PSA! MOVING TO AO3 PERMANENTLY As some of you may know, FF is pretty much turning into hell for writers due to a whole plethora of reasons: crashes of the system, loss of entire works, failures to upload new chapters/stories, unjust deletion due to reports from Trolls United, and so on and so forth. This is only an example of just the minimum of the issues here. FF was the place many of us first started writing fanfiction. I’ve been here for over a decade (I’ve been Sumi for half of that decade, and was under another username for the other half), and as much I as I am fond of FF, I think it’s time to migrate. I’m sick of the system here. The security is extremely outdated and undermanaged. Last I heard, that JavaScript hacker is still on the loose, and no news has been brought up by the FF team about looking into it or not. I could have missed any news, but my recent search has yielded nothing. That said, no, I am not deleting my fics. They will all stay right here as is. Here’s what’s going to happen! I will migrate all my fics to AO3 (or rather those that are not there already) All but Solitude and Darkness will get a thorough and abrasive editing and grammar cleanup (SaD is excluded for now due to its length; its edits will be held off until winter break). These edits will be ongoing, and fics that are going through editing will have the tag “Editing in Progress” while those who have been through and completed their editing will have the tag “Editing Complete”. Editing will be slow going as I finish up school. There’s a lot of fics to go through and a LOT of cleaning up. I will no longer be updating fics here on FF. I will update my fics on AO3 instead. None of the fics here will be deleted, they will simply not be updated on this platform, nor will they be edited. And that’s it! The only major change is some deep-cleaning of my fics, and moving to AO3. No fics here will be deleted, but they will not be updated here. Instead all fics will get their cleanup and updates on AO3. Now some Qs and As Can I still read your fics if I don’t have an AO3 accounts? Yes. AO3 is just like FF in this sense; you don’t need an account to read anything. You do need one to publish though. How do I find your fics? You can look up my username, which is SumiSprite on AO3 (no dash). All of my current and future fics will be there. You can even expect me to start creating prompts to put there too! Can I get notifications for your fics? If you are signed up to AO3, yes. Simply hit “subscribe” on my profile to get notifications on updates to ALL of my fics, or for specific fics, hit the “subscribe” button on those particular fics. Can I get an invite to AO3 from you? I sadly do not have any invites left, but there is surely plenty of room on AO3 for new members! Check out their sign-up page to find out more. Can I comment if I don’t have an AO3 account? Yes! A nice thing about AO3 is that you can comment as an anon or guest. Not only that, but unlike here on FF, I can also reply to you! Isn’t AO3 hard to navigate? Not in the slightest. Honestly, it’s a lot easier than FF, and the filters are extremely efficient and clean. FF is very dubious in its filters because it will often omit keywords or checked filters on occasion. Not to mention results are becoming slim. Tags have become a godsend for readers, and AO3 does not skimp on tags for anything; you’re not limited to only three character tags, and can even look up more obscure tags. Does it cost money to join AO3? Not a dime. Every now and again they will post a donation fund, but that’s about it, and you’re not obliged to donate anything. It’s totally free. Are you an AO3 sponsor…? Nope. I’m basically just singing every benefit AO3 can offer than FF never has. So you’re JUST migrating? No fics will be deleted, and the ones you move to AO3 and those already there will be getting a major cleanup, and all updates and new stories will be put there while your FF account will just be dormant? In a nutshell, YES. An obscure question I’ve been getting from a few readers: if by some chance you do decide to delete any and ALL of your fics, will you give us a warning so we can save the ones we really enjoyed? Absolutely. I’ve gotten this question numerous times, and as someone who has been disappointed to find a beloved fic just vanish out of nowhere, I completely understand the concern. If by some god-awful happenstance I want to delete everything, or just one or two fics, you WILL be notified with a PSA chapter, and given maybe a week or two to save anything you want. I’m not going to be that author who just up and dumps a fic into the blackhole of the delete button, I WILL alert readers of coming deletion. It’s not likely to happen though, except perhaps for one fic that needs a severe overhaul (PSA to come; it will not just vanish), but otherwise, you’re not likely to lose content unless someone else deletes it for whatever reason. So! That all said, if there are legitimate questions you have that were not answered here, by all means, leave a review or PM me. I will still be checking in here regularly, and will get notifications for reviews and PMs. Those will remain active until stated otherwise. But otherwise, this account will simply be an old archive for my “old” works, unedited and stagnant in my former writing style. No updates will be added to the fics here, but rather, they will be updated on AO3. Please note: It will take time for me to fully move and edit all of my fics and get them nice and polished on AO3, so keep a lookout for the “Editing in Progress” and “Editing Complete” tags on my fics, and for thr addition of any fics missing on my AO3 that are on my FF. The hope is to have everything at least MOVED to AO3 before 2019. Again, if you have any questions, let me know via review or PM, or if you know me on DA, you can note me. My AO3 username: SumiSprite (no dash). NOTE: AO3 does not yet have a PM or IM system, so for more So till next time folks! …or maybe not considering I’m only going to come here for PM chats and to answer questions. ANONS. REMEMBER. I CAN’T REPLY TO YOU HERE ON FF. FF DOES NOT HAVE THE OPTION TO RESPOND TO ANONS/GUESTS. I hope to see you all on AO3! Much love to you all! ~S~ About Sumi. Name: Sumi-Sprite (Sumi = Japanese for 'ink', and shares the same character with 'squid') Age: 24 (Birthday is August 22) Home: Arizona. Height: 5"9 Weight: Get me a shot gun, bend over, and I'll tell you... Gender: Female. Species: Human (questionably) Eyes: Dark brown. (I wish I had my mom's blue eyes though. TwT) Fav color: Purple and blue. Fav animal(s): Squids/octopus, cats, snakes, goats, bats. Likes: RotG, animals, plush toys, drawing, reading, sewing, sleeping, swimming, hiking, photography, collecting decorative glass bottles, shiny stuff, pens, creepy-cute things, kickboxing, various music genres. Dislikes: Brats, judgmental people, homophobes, snobs, people who bully others, spineless pushovers, wannabes, immature teenagers, people who want to be 'sheep', hot climate, arrogance, Bunnymund (warning: I do NOT like Bunny, but I won't openly bash him unless its in my own fic and the plot calls for it), those f*ers from Jersey Shore, one half of my family, and generally most of the human populace - except for a handful of people. Love you lots~ Information: I'm an overall nice person! I LOVE fanfiction - both writing it and reading it. I have a nifty habit of outright laughing at haters, hounds, flamers, and trolls. They're quite childishly charming, no? I am very friendly and polite, but I like to keep people at arm's length until I get to know you better. I can be quite random and seem hyper, but honestly, I'm actually a very calm person in real life - I've actually been called emotionless - so it feels great to me to let out my inner pep on the internet. I like to think of myself as a very open minded person. I enjoy getting suggestions from others for my fics, and will occasionally take in requests if I get a 'spark' from them! No promises though! I'm a bit of a tough cookie, but also sensitive. I'm determined to keep my word in things, but the few times I fall through, its usually for a good reason. I also tend to be a bit protective of friends, and am a good listener. However, I have one very strict rule to myself that I REFUSE to break, with no exceptions; never meet anyone from the internet in real life. No phone calls, no skype, no planned trips. I will chat with you and email with you, and even exchange gifts with you via mail! But no meeting - no exceptions. Sumi is strictly a digital squid. Got any questions, comments, or any fic suggestions for me? Send me an IM! I'm a quick replier! Requests: NEGOTIABLE. Please IM me and I'll see if it sparks enough inspiration to be done! Trade: OPEN. (I do one or multi-shots, but nothing above three chapters!) Collaborations: OPEN. (Want to collab? Need someone to bounce ideas off of or ask for ideas/suggestions? Want to use one of my OCs? Hit me with an IM!) SUPPORT GAY RIGHTS! 1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, liposuction and air conditioning. 2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy 4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed 5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were 6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay 7) Obviously, gay parents will raise gay children, since straight 8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like 9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. 10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could Copy this to your profile if you believe in legalizing gay marriage! OBITUARY FOR THE LATE MR. COMMON SENSE Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: Knowing when to come in out of the rain; why the early bird gets the worm; Life isn't always fair; and Maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get Parental consent to administer Calpol, sun lotion or a band-aid to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by his 3 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is To Blame, and I'm A Victim. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing. The Guide to getting an update from a fic. THREATENING someone with an IMAGINARY PISTOL will NOT get you an UPDATE. DEMANDING an update will NOT MAKE the author UPDATE any FASTER. BADGERING and PICKING at a fic will NOT get anymore RESULTS than doing ANY of the ABOVE listings. PATIENCE is a REQUIREMENT for BOTH an author AND a READER. SADLY, the saying 'persistence is a must' DOES NOT APPLY to GETTING an UPDATE. IMPATIENT BRATS don't get REWARDS, so WHY would the same NOT APPLY to UPDATES? If you agree with these words and are a writer, copy and paste this in your profile. Good writer vs. bad writer. A GOOD WRITER will get INSPIRATION from a GOOD FIC. A BAD WRITER will STEAL the observed fic and TWIST IT to his/her OWN STANDARDS. A GOOD WRITER will leave a PRAISE-WORTHY REVIEW on a fic. A BAD WRITER will SCRUTINIZE and BAD-MOUTH a fic because they feel INFERIOR and MUST make this person FEEL INFERIOR as well. A GOOD WRITER will ASK ADVICE and for a few POINTERS for his/her own fic. A BAD WRITER will STEAL ANOTHER'S IDEAS and DENY it. A GOOD WRITER will HUMBLY take a CRITIQUE, even if its a HARSH ONE. A BAD WRITER will start a HATE-WAR with a CRITIQUE. A GOOD WRITER will TAKE any SUGGESTIONS and CONSIDER them. A BAD WRITER will take OFFENSE and THROW IT BACK in their FACES. A GOOD WRITER is HUMBLE, EXPRESSIVE, FIRM yet FAIR, and PATIENT. A BAD WRITER is PRIDEFUL, LAZY, ANGRY, and IMPATIENT. Which one are you? Copy and paste into your profile if you agree. Personal quotes by me and/or my friends~ "Waffles are perverts, pancakes are prudes. It's the french toast we want man. Forget the bisquick!" Me to Xion5 during an IM chat. She has a pervert waffle. "Dying is just natures way of giving you the middle finger." Me, to a friend. "Mine's bigger than yours..." Me, mocking my dude-friend in Highschool. "Where the hell is the goddamn undo button on this thing!?" Me, yelling at a sketch. "No, I want you to walk into the middle of the street, wait for a bus, and bend over!" Me, said to more than three people. "Let's call him STEVE!" Me, talking about a VERY moldy pack of sandwiches we found in dad's work fridge. (It...honestly, it was so biologically fascinating, you don't even feel disgusted by it. Just...fascinated...) "I don't really like black cats..." "By any chance, is your name Morgan?" "If you haven't been (almost) caught reading yaoi, you're not doing it right. If you've never been (almost) caught writing yaoi, you're not doing it right. If you have NEVER been (almost) caught drawing yaoi, then you're not doing it right!" Me to a friend. "You must look beyond the pants..." Me when my dad was asking where an extra towel was. It was under his pants. Nuff said. "You know, stupidity and bravery really aren't that different..." Me to a bud on the phone while we were talking about some action movies. "The plot bunny is escaping from my head and humping my fricken leg!!!" Me to a bud who gave me a case of Plot. "Where's MY present?" "I like big bowls!" "If you're wasting hours of your day playing coffee-boy, being your boss's bitch, kissing up to superiors, and being miserable, well then congratulations, YOU HAVE A JOB!" -- me snapping at someone complaining about her job. Bitch, not everyone is as lucky as you to even HAVE a job! Be grateful you have one and suck it up! GEEZ! "Hey mom, you know that thing I said I was gonna do today?" "Dear math. I really liked you. We had a good thing going. But then you went and hooked up with the alphabet. Sincerely- You're a whore." said by my good, brilliant friend Xion5. I am now taking fills from DreamWidth! For those who have plot bunnies, ideas, or plots they want to share, please IM me! And for those looking for things to fill, please kindly check out my OPs! Please note that I suck royally at titles, but I hope you give the prompts a chance! OP list for DreamWidth. (Remove spaces when using links!) Harpy Wings - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 2478488 # cmt2478488 All Under the Desk - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 2536856 # cmt2536856 Broken Heart - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 1511 . h t m l? thread = 1472743 Pranking King - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 1511 . h t m l? thread = 1535207 Interruptions - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 2811288 # cmt2811288 Off the Set - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3309976 # cmt3309976 Pitch Finds a Kitty - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3662744 # cmt3662744 Racing Horses - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3563672 # cmt3563672 Russian Roulette - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3467928 # cmt3467928 Pitch Snorts When he Laughs - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3564184 # cmt3564184 Bonding - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3389848 # cmt3389848 The Naga - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3533208 # cmt3533208 Servant of Evil - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 3983189 # cmt3983189 Peer Pressure - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 3983701 # cmt3983701 Tangible Shadows - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 4133461 # cmt4133461 Misfit Toys - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 4361557 # cmt4361557 A Taste of Fear - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 4582229 # cmt4582229 The Dot - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 4665173 # cmt4665173 Porcelain Doll - h t t p : // rotg-kink.dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 4964181 # cmt4964181 4 Times Pitch was a Slut, 1 Time He Wasn't - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 5475925 # cmt5475925 For any questions or inquiries on these prompts, please IM me! List of Prompts to be Filled. (Remove spaces when using links!) Snake in the Grass - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3664536 # cmt3664536 (FILL COMPLETE!) New Year's Child - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 2720152 # cmt2720152 (Work in progress) Black Knights and Writhing Shadows - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 2102936 (aka Monochrome, HIATUS) Death and Darkness - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 4563285 (FILL COMPLETE!) Solitude and Darkness - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 4079189 # cmt4079189 (Work in progress) Stripper Pitch - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2200 . h t m l? thread = 3632280 (FILL COMPLETE!) Burning Sage - h t t p : // rotg-kink . dreamwidth . org / 2389 . h t m l? thread = 5296981 (Work in progress) Please enjoy my profile! So... Shall we start now? S |