![]() Author has written 5 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Tales of the Abyss, and Rise of the Guardians. MAJOR UPDATE: Oh hey look, she's back. That's right! I promised I'd finish Within Icy Walls if it was the last thing I do, so, woohoo! Here's to chapter 16! -raises glass in toast- G'morning! Er... afternoon? Evening? Whichever it is for you, welcome to my humble corner of the internet. Name's Arcana! Nope, not my real name, but there's no chance of you ever knowing that. (well, that's not entirely true, but you get my point) I'm a girl, but don't expect me to act much like one. My age... no, that's confidential too. Huh. What am I going to tell you then? I suppose it's alright to let you know a tad about my life. I live on a small horse farm in the northeast of the United States, surrounded by nature. The nearest 'town' (and really, it's not even big enough to be called that) is about five miles away from where I live. We have a few animals on the farm: three horses, three dogs, two cats, a pig, and a rabbit. It's a calm place most days - there isn't a whole lot of action up in my neck of the woods. Anywho, onto some more relevant information, the fanfiction related stuff. Current Top-Five Fandoms: (note: these aren't the only ones I'll write for/have written for) Current Top-Five Characters: (...there are so many more beyond this list) WORKS IN PROGRESS: - Within Icy Walls, Tales of the Abyss: Chapter 16 just posted! (8/5/13) - OPEN REQUESTS: Tales of the Abyss preferred, but I'll take on any challenge, so long as I know what you're talking about. |