This is a thousand times better than my old ship.

Elizabeth soon realized, however, that she missed the familiarity of her ship. Even though she didn't have many she considered friends, knowing the names and faces of those around her had its merits. She now knew how tech reps felt, knowing how the gear worked but not the social dynamic.

The only major difference was that she didn't know how the gear worked.

Another difference was that she was a guest of the commanding officer. Her primary concern was tactical, not technical, if she had any part in the operation of the Tartarus.

Yet Elizabeth was constantly asking watchstanders on the bridge how everything worked. To see and understand how the flow of fonons mimicked the flow of electricity and fuel intrigued her. Secretly, she wished she could simply be a technician in this world while still retaining her knowledge of her own world. Comparing the two was by far the most interesting thing she had done with her training.

Eventually, however, Jade pulled her aside. Although he was glad her questions kept his technicians on their feet, there were other things he wanted her to focus on.

Ion had finally come up to the bridge.

Though the game had often portrayed Ion as being extremely feminine, Elizabeth saw that his face very much resembled a teenage boy. Minus the acne issue. His pale face didn't look sickly at all, but rather of porcelain, like a doll and his eyes were the most brilliant emerald color Elizabeth had ever seen.

"Ah, you must be the colonel's assistant," he said, the kindest smile on his face. "Elizabeth, right?"

"Er, yeah, that's right," Elizabeth answered, forgetting that she wasn't actually Jade's assistant. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Fon Master."

Ion blushed, the color bringing liveliness to his face that Elizabeth had to admit suited him better than his usual flawless pale color.

"Please, just call me Ion. That kind of formality doesn't seem to suit you." Ion turned to Jade. "I see what you mean. I've never seen something quite like this. I'm afraid there might not be anything I can do aside from teaching her some basic artes with the Seventh Fonon. But, even then, my knowledge is limited. It would be best to find another Seventh Fonist to teach her."

"Well, I shouldn't have to wait too long, then," Elizabeth muttered, remembering that they would soon run into Tear and Luke.

Jade eyed her curiously, but remained silent. It wouldn't do to interrogate her in front of the Fon Master. There was something about her, however, that set him ill at ease. He suspected it was the way she seemed so comfortable in his presence when so many were afraid. To him, that signaled a danger worse than anything he had faced so far.

Elizabeth's thoughts, however, were as far from Jade Curtiss as possible. All sorts of things about the game were coming back to her. Yulia and the Score. Van's insane plan. Ion's sacrifice. Luke and Asch. The Core and Yulia City. Akzeriuth's fall.

Elizabeth started to wonder just what would become of her. Everyone in the game had some special contribution to the story, but what did she have? Knowledge of the future. But, if she revealed that information, wouldn't she just be acting as a replacement for the Score? And wasn't the Score the thing they were trying to move away from, to stop?

At that moment, Elizabeth resolved to stop Akzeriuth from falling. There had to be something she could do, something that would alter the future for the better. Surely her presence alone would be enough to cause the Score to be invalid. And, even if it weren't, there were always the replicas, too.

Ion and Luke could save the world if she failed.

Shaking her head vigorously, Elizabeth also decided to stop thinking about if she failed. Only planning for success would allow her to succeed.

"So, Ion, may I ask why you decided to leave the Order with only one guardian?" Elizabeth asked. She knew somewhere he explained it, perhaps with Tear and Luke in the Cheagle Woods, but the fine details were still hazy.

"Oh, Anise?" Ion asked. "You've met her already?"

"Er, no, but I heard that you left without the usual large escort," Elizabeth explained. Unease at telling so many half-truths swept over her, but she managed to maintain her composure.

"I'm afraid I can't explain just yet," Ion said apologetically. "But, if you're concerned about my safety, please, don't worry. Anise and Jade are quite capable."

Elizabeth grinned. She knew all too well how capable the two of them were. Even if one of them managed to get thrown from the Tartarus and the other was hit with a fon slot seal.

Well, not yet, anyway, she reminded herself.

At that moment, a call came up to the bridge for Jade. Apparently there was a message from a nearby outpost of a classified nature and, since Elizabeth didn't have the clearance to be included in the matter, Jade asked her to wait in the room he'd had prepared. He would come speak to her after a course of action had been decided on.

Elizabeth nodded and promptly excused herself. She knew from experience that lingering when unwanted was hazardous to her health. However, as soon as she started down the stairwell, Elizabeth realized she hadn't asked directions. What's more, the ship was much larger than in the game.

"How do I always manage to get myself lost?" Elizabeth wondered aloud, not realizing there were other people in the passageway. Her face reddened and she quickened her pace, making a mental note to keep her thoughts to herself.

Wandering around, as it turned out, was the perfect way to kill time. She eventually ran into one of the technicians standing watch on the bridge and followed him back up to the bridge where Jade was waiting with an amused smirk.

"Well, I suppose there are worse places you could have gotten lost," he said with a shrug. "In any case, now that you've decided to grace us with your presence," Jade turned and spoke with the helmsman, then turned back to Elizabeth. "We have a slight change of plans. The Dark Wings have been sighted in the area and we have received temporary tasking. We are to monitor the area for a couple days in case they show."

"Knowing my luck, they will," Elizabeth said with a sigh. "They aren't particularly bright, though, so we might be all right."

"Ah, you know the enemy? Care to share what information you have?" Jade asked, giving Elizabeth the impression that he would know everything she knew.

"Oh, I doubt a civilian knows more than you, Colonel," Elizabeth replied with a grin. Jade wasn't the only one allowed to ooze sarcasm. "Particularly one with such an addled brain as mine."

"Interesting theory," Jade mused. "I never considered brain damage as a possible cause of your malady. Perhaps I ought to give your brain a thorough examination just in case?" He smirked, appearing more amused at having someone to banter back and forth with than anything.

"Oh, I don't think that would be a good idea," Elizabeth answered. "You see, I'm not dead yet. Those are the only brains you mess with anyway, right?"

At this point, the watchstanders had given up watching their consoles and were eyeing Jade incredulously, half wondering if he would draw the line there or if he would admit to desecrating the bodies of the dead. Jade, however, merely shrugged.

"Oddly enough, death is an easy enough thing to arrange," he answered, neither confirming nor denying the crew's silent accusations.

"Thanks, but I'll take my chances with madness," Elizabeth said, her grin widening. "Besides, all the truly great minds have been accused of madness at one point or another, no?"

"Indeed," Jade replied darkly. "Though, madness is hardly an indication of greatness. There are more mentally unstable individuals than the great."

"Yeah, no doubt about that," Elizabeth agreed. "So, can we call this one a draw? I'm getting a bit hungry."

Jade laughed, a genuine sound that Elizabeth immediately recognized as a rare gift. So few people ever saw the Necromancer in high spirits that she knew right away to appreciate the sight.

As she followed him to her quarters, Elizabeth saw that Jade moved with the authority of an admiral, or, in army ranks, a general. Every man they passed popped to attention, dropping everything they were doing to show him their respect. Or, on second thought, perhaps it was fear.

Still, they reached the guest quarters without incident and, for a moment, Elizabeth thought things were ok. Jade hadn't made any snarky remarks and she hadn't done anything stupid, so what could possibly go wrong?

"I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here," Jade started and Elizabeth had to suppress a giggle. He seemed so Evil Dictator at that moment, she couldn't help it.

"So I wouldn't get lost again?" she guessed.

"Partially," Jade conceded. "But not entirely."

One look at Jade told Elizabeth something was wrong. Of course.

"Am I in trouble or something?" she asked. Jade shrugged.

"That depends on how honest you are. Which, up until this point, has not been much," he replied sternly. Elizabeth could see she had messed up somewhere. Where, though, had she slipped up?

"What do you mean?" she asked, hoping to buy some time. She had to think, there had to be some way out of this mess. Maybe Jade would let it go if she asked him. On second thought, he wouldn't.

"Who are you?"

"I already told you. My name is Elizabeth Harvelle. I'm a sailor," she answered. "Why don't you believe that?"

"Because you haven't been entirely honest with me."

"I haven't lied to you, either. Besides, if I asked you to be completely honest and open with me, would you?"

"I would spill my guts every day," Jade answered with a sarcastic smirk. Elizabeth sighed and shook her head.

"Look, I'm just not ready to talk about this. I don't even get it, myself," Elizabeth turned to gaze out the porthole to the now starry sky. She had so much on her plate it was hard for her to see how she had behaved so rationally. Years of practice, she supposed. "Even if I did understand everything, it's crazy. Like, impossible crazy. You wouldn't believe it even if it happened to you. I'm still not sure I believe it."

Jade remained silent. Several different possibilities existed in his mind, most of which he, too, considered rather insane. For a moment, he considered the possibility that his confrontation had come too soon for an answer, but something had told him she would give in. Clearly, he had been mistaken.

And Jade was not used to making mistakes.