The plot
I own nothing!
Not far from where from where the Frost giants were the fire demon had watched Loki turn the tide. In a plume of fire he was gone from the snowy realm and surrounded by fire and lava.
"I see you failed to kill Laufey Sear." someone says mockingly.
"Oh such cutting words maybe I should melt that tongue out of you're mouth Ash." he says fire ball in hand while the elf pulls out a dagger.
Both stopped and bowed before mighty figure that towered over them. Horns shot out from his head his hands had claws a the end of each finger. This was no mere fire demon this was the lord of hellfire Surtur.
"My lord I… "
"My lord we have successfully have been rising tension between Jotunheim and Asgard." Ash says.
"That's right these last two attacks have put them on edge all that's left is on final push you will be free sire." Sear told the furious demon.
"Do NOT fail me agian, I will see that the descendants of Adrian and Ymir are dead before me." Surtur says as he dropped them to the ground then disappeared.
"That could have gone better." Sear coughs getting to his feet.
"Yes well you know you're part it will take a few days and do try to show some restaint this time remember steal." Ash says before taking his leave.
Back in Jotunheim Laufey and the others were still recovering Loki took about a day and a half to wake up. Be everyone was relifed when he did but not happy that he was there in the first place.
"I just wanted to help and you." Loki tells his famliy.
"I understand that but what would have happened if you gotten hurt or worst." Laufey says Helblindi argeeing with their father making the youngest prince huff and go off.
He walked down the halls of only for a certian sliver haired giant to follow him.
"I don't understand why they're so upset I can help I'm not useless." Loki growled.
"You really are just like her." Byleistr says breaking him from his chain of thought.
Making Loki look up at his older brother in confusion at his older brother.
"She always wanted to prove herself and wouldn't let anything stop her." he tells him.
"You mean mother?" Loki asks Byleistr nods then leads Loki down a corridor that had hung tapestries.
The young joten's eyes fell to one that matched the description of what his birth mother looked like.
"People had always doubted her not being from a powerful line didn't help either."
"Really?" loki asked him
"Yup but she never let that stop her she was stubborn like some else I know." he says smiling at his little brother.
"It just sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough." Loki confesses.
"I how you feel." Byleistr says Loki giving him a look if disbelif.
"Ha! You have seen Hellblini he built like rock and was better almost everything when we were younger." the older giant explained.
"But mother told me that I shouldn't think that way and keep standing tall and now I'm on of the most feared warrios in all that nine realms." Byleistr says proudly.
"Listen the other night was terrifying so how about this if you want to do it again just ask me next time I would try to stop you I just want you to be safe ok?" he asks Loki.
"Would you just try to stop me?" Loki asks him.
"Yes because that worked so well last time." Byleistr says his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Fine I promise to take you next time." the small giant says.
"Good and if you do leave without me your sorry hide has to deal with me." Byleistr says ignoring the indignant look he was getting from him.
"Now let go the cooks were making sweets why don't we go get some?" he says heading to the kitchen.
New chapter's is up and I have request for you all if you know of any fanart for this story or have a talent for drawing can you sent it my way. Also thinking of posting some stories to tumbler let me know what you guys think! Special thanks to vampygurl402 for this idea.