Reviews for Reckless
SoulMore chapter 40 . 1/12
Guest chapter 39 . 4/19/2017
Hi I'm new and reading :) I can tell all ready the next chapter will be my favorit
SoulMore chapter 39 . 4/8/2017
ZombieStegosaurus chapter 38 . 8/14/2016
*0* the amount of love I have for your story is tremendous. I love how you wriiite~ it's been a while since you wrote this, and I look forward to an update when and if your able to work on this again. And if you don't feel this story any more, I'm still glad I got to enjoy your expression of these Rise of the Guardian characters!
- The Zomb
SoulMore chapter 38 . 12/29/2014
The Naiads chapter 38 . 10/1/2014
Thank you, you do not know how happy I am to see this new chapter
I can not wait to read the next XD
frostydragonlover chapter 38 . 10/1/2014
Grrr, why would you end it there? *sigh* I suppose it's better than nothing. Hahaha it actually was a really good chapter and now this means you'll just have to update soon. Hehehe XD I'm glad to know that you didn't fall of the face of the planet or anything like that. Hopefully this just means there will be regular updates... I said hopefully. :D
Guest chapter 37 . 8/4/2014
W 00t
The Naiads chapter 37 . 8/4/2014
Thank you for informed us , and don't worry about the delay, I'm really glad that you intend to continue the story, I can not wait to read the next chapter XD
NarupokeeAurorafan chapter 36 . 12/19/2013
Please update soon bye
Roseheart4271 chapter 36 . 11/29/2013
D'; NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i was looking forward to this

You should end it with Pitch becoming a Guardian! Or better yet, APRIL!
bloodysword99 chapter 35 . 11/22/2013
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Pitch really is an awesome guardian! I mean seriously might not look like it but he has a heart somewhere! Especially for Jack! :3 So adorable. :3
DowntownChronicles chapter 36 . 11/14/2013
Hmnnn, an ending, those are always the hard thing. At least for me. Hmn, for your story, I'd suggest something with Pitch never agreeing with being a Guardian at all, and to don't have to hear the Guardians pressing him to it, he would vanish... Though Jack knows were he is, and half of his time he would be with our beloved Nightmare King, the only one who really knows where he is. I dunno, its just my idea. Feel free to twist it as you might.
FoxxyRyukiChan chapter 36 . 11/12/2013
... I cried a little reading this. Also, I wish i could help you out, but Johnlock and Thorki is running rampant in my mind (stupid sexy british actors...) so I'm sort of blank.
ChucklingDevil chapter 36 . 11/12/2013
Though I may not be able to give you any ideas for this fic, I can tell you that I absolutely love it! I've been reading the 'Behind Closed Doors' addition along with this and it really helps to make sense.

The only thing about this fic is that there are nearly always typos. But, that is the only thing that takes attention away from the story.
The plot itself is most certainly interesting and the characters and their relationships have been developed extremely well.

Sorry to hear about the kid destroying your files, hope you don't have to work too hard to rewrite them.

You have yourself another Stalker!
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