Author has written 40 stories for Harry Potter, Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, Twilight, Secret Circle, Gundam Wing/AC, Rugrats/All Grown Up!, Fringe, Make It or Break It, Roswell, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Community, A song of Ice and Fire, Good Wife, Originals, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Scandal, and Captain America. It's been ages and I hadn't written anything here, so I succumbed to narcissism. My name is Trina, I am 27 (and feeling my age, sadly). I have a fairly eclectic taste and the stories below are the ones I am definitely and actively working on. As a rough estimate, expect updates once a month. More often if I can manage it. I have written a tiny note about preferred characters and pairings. I have 13 stories that I am actively updating and the others that are on a hiatus of sorts. The stories that are bold and underlined are being actively updated. The ones in just bold are on the backburner. If you care to follow me on instagram, my name is sailor_tp. Make it or Break it I love Lauren Tanner, in case you can't tell from all my stories below. I also love her friendship with Payson. Rose Petals: An AU story that takes place from the mid-season 2 finale, focussed largely on Lauren but will have huge doses of Payson and Kaylie as well. Currently on backburner. The Long Way Home: Originally intended as a one-shot, which became a 7-chapter story. It's official - it's now going to be 14 chapters because I'm having so much fun writing it. Active updating. Tiny Fragments: Takes place from where MIOBI finished, because now that we know who's on the Olympics Team, we'd like to see what actually happens at the Olympics. Supernatural I love Dean Winchester and all of his brotherly love and angst. I also love stories that delve into his relationship with Sam from the early seasons and stories that feature John Winchester. The story below was initially inspired by Shawn of the Dead (Nick Frost and Simon Pegg - you guys rock! And I love Cornettoes.) and was intended as a serious but funny mixture of Shawn of the Dead meets The Walking Dead. It basically developed a life and mythology of it's own. It also will tie in with Once Upon A Time story below but you don't need to know anything about that to read this. Dean Winchester at Zombie Ground Zero: A pre-series story that is definitely AU and will definitely not be following the plots from the show. Dean Winchester-centric but Sam and John will be making an appearance from Chapter 2 onwards. Lots of hurt/comfort, if you enjoy that sorta thing. It's also got a ridiculous amount of background mythology now and it's sister fic is Zombies vs Fairytales. Active updating. Once Upon a Time I love Regina. And Emma irritates me. There, I've said it. I hate the mentality that being a birth mother means absolutely anything if you haven't seen the child in ten years or had anything to do with upbringing, which were my main complaints against Emma, so admittedly, my dislike of her has eased off. But I do think Regina is often misunderstood and understated and nobody has seriously considered the implications of being married to a man and king old enough to be her father, Therefore, I love stories that go there. Zombies vs Fairytales: There were so many awesome Regina stories out there that I was scared of copying any of them inadvertently. I came up with the most ludicrous, hammiest idea I could and then fell in love with it. So what happens if there's a zombie apocalypse? There's bucketloads of background mythology to this and if I stick with it, I can imagine this becoming a three-parter including a prequel of sorts. This ties in with the Supernatural story above but both can be read separately and no knowledge is required of either. Active updating. Thicker Than Blood: Initially intended as a one-shot or series of one-shots focussing on Regina and Tinkerbell's friendship, it's got a full blown plot now. It is an AU piece taking place in the Enchanted Forest in the Year that Everyone Forgot and will, of course, be focussed on Regina and Tinkerbell, but will also focus on Snow and her relationship with Regina and delve, slightly, more into why Regina hates her so much. This will be a dark story and there were be character deaths, some OC, some not. When it gets to the parts that allude to or explictly mention the darker themes, I will move up the rating. It's sister fic is Vow of the Queensguard. Active updating. Vow of the Queensguard: I admit it. I love A Song of Ice and Fire and AU Elia Martell therein, and she has inspired this story. It's something I've always wondered - for all that Regina was called the Evil Queen, there's quite a lot to suggest she was actually a pretty decent ruler. Firstly, she tells Snow that Snow was the one to add 'Evil' to her title. Secondly, you don't really see any starving peasants. There are more reasons, which have currently slipped my mind, but it actually made me wonder how it became so convoluted and estranged between Regina and Snow. And to delve into the implications of her marriage with a creepy old man initially engaged to her mother (no-one else creeped out by that?). This story is, in some ways, a very elaborate character study of Regina and how she slowly evolved into what she was. This also suggests that there's a 'history is written by the victors' element to it - that what we read in the fairytales isn't the full story or shows both sides, and it will look into what it means to be a good ruler (and that birth-right doesn't always make someone a good ruler) because let's be honest - I'd rather elect someone who's intelligent, capable of making the hard decisions and realistic/practical, rather than someone who's naive, optimistic to the point of being idealistic, who always believes in the good of others. Long story short, it suggests lots of factions and political intrigue at court, rather than a good guys vs bad guys thing that the show seems to suggest. Active updating. A Song of Ice and Fire I love Elia Martell, and all of the Martells really. I have limited respect or liking for Lyanna Stark and Eddard and Catelyn Stark's self-righteousness makes me want to kill myself. So yes, only one story on at the moment (which is enough to be getting on with) but once it's done, there's a lot of AU stories/ideas that I have pottering around. Turn Left to Fate: An AU fic that wants to give Elia Martell the character she deserves as a Martell, rather than how the characters from the books have painted her. The story starts with Elia receiving a letter that makes her venture forth outside, learning a few secrets and making a few decisions that changes how things go. It also assumes that Jaime Lannister wasn't sent to the Red Keep the day he joined the Kingsguard, he participated in the Tourney but didn't win. And the story takes it from there. Active updating. Roswell I love Tess. It could be something to do with Emilie de Ravin, who seems fantastic in all that she has appeared in but I do love Tess' character, particularly when she isn't a two dimensional villain. The Verge of Madness: I started off with one idea and now it's drastically changed, but it does mean I have the entire plot sorted out, grossly, in my head. Tess-centric all human AU with CC, if you're looking for Tess-bashing, this isn't it. I don't promise rainbows and butterflies between Liz and Tess, but this Tess isn't the same one from the TV Show. She's had different experiences that have shaped her slightly differently,even if the raw ingredients are the same. It should be entertaining and will definitely not be bashing any character, even if I have preferences of some over others. Active updating. All Grown Up/Rugrats I love the thought of Chuckie and Angelica together. I love all of the characters, particularly Dil and Susie, but I do not like all of the characters pairing off, because life just doesn't work that way! Tales from Grandpa Chuckie: A story that narrates how Chuckie and Angelica got together. There are some dark themes, and there will be due warnings in the chapters that have them. The story will encompass all of the characters to differing levels and there will be some pairing off but I refuse to tell you what the end-game pairings are, other than Chuckie and Angelica. Active updating. The Good Wife I don't like Alicia. Not much, anyway. I don't like how she always wins cases and I don't like her sense of entitlement or her permanent sense of (moral) superiority. Having said that, I also am a firm believer that some of the most important relationships you can have doesn't have to involve romantic love or lust. Which is why I love the friendship between Will and Diane - it's like they're twin siblings, sort of. Or family. The Inevitability of Meeting: This plays on how close Will and Diane are; as if they were two kindred souls destined to meet each other, albeit platonically. This looks at various times they could've met and finishes with the first time they did meet. Essentially a series of one-shots but once I'm done with this, I'm toying with the idea of making a sister story to this. For the time being, all we have is this. Community Despite what some readers think, I love all of the characters. My favourites are Troy and Abed, I've developed a distinct fondness for Pierce and I fluctuate between loving Annie and loving Britta - it seems like I can't like the both of them at the same time, bizarrely. Regardless, there isn't any character that I hate, even if my writings suggest otherwise. Sweeter than Water: Essentially, it starts with where the story is going to finish - a post-apocalyptic type world, where authoritarian rule has taken over USA and Britta is missing, the group has fallen apart. Sometimes, things need to fall apart before they can. This story has probably generated the most negative feedback out of all my stories. I just want this bit to be clear - I don't hate Annie. The way Annie is acting is for a reason, and the story is there to explain that reason. I also am refusing to give away any spoilers for any pairings - I don't foresee there being any couples/pairings at the end of the story but if there are ones, it's not necessarily the ones that you are thinking of. Anyway, I would treat this story as, maybe, like a character study of the individuals of the group or maybe a meta-comment on how humanity reacts when faced with dire adversity (rarely well, at least initially). Either way, read it if you want to give it a go. Criticise it if you like. But do keep in mind that I don't hate Annie or Britta - my preferences just vary at times. Active Updating. Harry Potter Lock, Stock and Two Smoking DragonsFor Charlie Weasley, who has always preferred dragons to human companionship, and Pansy Parkinson, who has been emotionally blackmailed to accompany one of her few remaining friends, Millicent Bulstrode to the Romanian Dragon Reserve, their first meeting varied between indifference and all out loathing, but even this toxic mixture can lead to eventually love (or as Pansy prefers to think of it, tolerance worthy of sainthood). Active Updating. Shadows of StarsMorgana le Fey had once written that the smallest of decisions could lead to the greatest of changes, that stepping on an ant could lead to the death of a dragon. The Black brothers may never know which ant did or didn't get stopped on, but in the midst of a wizarding war their country has never seen before, a world where their relationship may get repaired has to be better than one where it doesn't. AU - in the Marauder post-Hogwarts era. Active Updating. Scandal Fata Morgana: Jake follows the First Lady and her entourage to a country decimated by civil war and violence, and learns to tell the difference between illusions and reality. AU from season 3, Ollitz. Active Updating. Thor And So The Dams Burst ForthAU from Thor 2; where Loki has allies and friends and comes to Frigga's rescue before she can be killed... Active Updating. |