Chapter 6 – What we started
"You cannot avoid him forever."
Odin turned to Thor, who strode towards the balcony overviewing all of Asgard and beyond its gates. The All-Father calmly returned his gaze in silence. Thor noticed how subdued his Father was and could not help but feel anger well up inside him. His subdued Father had enough of self-pity to last him a lifetime.
"You wanted this," Thor affirmed.
There was no avoiding confrontation now.
His Father had to face him.
Done with formalities, Thor would not allow anyone or anything to stand against him and his little brother. And he will certainly not allow his Father any more leverage as a King and Father has over his son and subject.
"Was there an alternative?"
"Releasing him from his cell," Thor vented as he clenched his fists. "By the Nine, you managed to convince me to wait for weeks!"
"Would it ease your conscience if you faced him sooner?"
"You divert my words."
"I speak a truth you do not wish to face."
"I admit," Thor proclaimed. "I readily wanted to avoid him after you had spoken of his memory, yet there was not a time that I did not want to burst into that cell and pry him from your cage to ease his suffering."
"Leaving him there was a sacrifice I had to make."
"A sacrifice which meant you never cared if he believed his existence meant something to anyone!"
"It had to be done!"
"Had to be done?" He repeated. "You ruined whatever respect he had left for you and I!"
"I have given you leisure as you pleased," Odin softened his voice. "I granted your leave with him from that wretched cell. Had Heimdall not inform me of you and your friends' objective then you would have faced Tyr's men in a bout and would have likely injured who you were to rescue."
"Am I supposed to thank you for watching behind that damn barrier?"
"I want you to see reason."
"I saw reason, tis you who need to see it."
There was a long pause.
"Will you not try to speak with him?" Thor whispered.
"What words need to be spoken?" Odin eyed him. "Speaking with him would only lead to more disasters."
"He would not leave his room."
"Give him time."
"Time is not what he needs." Thor said. "He needs his family."
"Be reasonable, Thor." Odin sighed. "What would Loki need from me that he cannot gain from you? There is no need for us to see each other."
"So that is it."
"You would avoid him forever?"
"Please, Thor, will you not leave an old man to think in peace?"
"Peace?" He taunted. "I would not call what you are doing peace."
"What would you suggest?"
"An apology would be a good start."
Odin shook his head and pushed past him. Thor followed his father into his study and waited as the old man took his seat and lowered his head in thought. Thor patiently waited as he stared at the bearskin rug. He was ready to snap at his Father even when Odin's voice was soft and barely audible.
"How is he?"
"He sleeps," Thor resentfully answered. "He wakes in a daze, unaware of where he is. I often need to remind him that he is safe."
"I see." Odin nodded.
"Yet his wounds are slowly mending."
"He wakes from nightmares," Thor added. "He is fearful."
Odin looked away.
"Those memories you dug up, they resurface now and then, and often Loki is unsure. He does not trust anyone. He would not even look at my friends, nor utter a word. He is silent and unmoving, as if he walks dead. He neither allows anyone in his room unless I deem them trustworthy to help nor voice any comforts he feels."
Damn you, All-Father.
"Is that what you wished to hear from me?" Thor growled. "My brother is broken."
"My son—"
"He is your son as well when you took it upon yourself to care for him!" He clenched his fists. "Two days, Father."
Odin met Thor's dark blue eyes.
"Two days since I released him from his cell," He bitterly continued. "Yet not once, did you inquire of his wellbeing. Tis only now you ever asked of him. The only time you were concerned was when you called council to debate his release and an agreement was made."
"Nay, you cannot avoid this now!"
"There was a reason for that decision!" Odin slammed his fist on the table. "I had to ensure the safety of Asgard!"
"Against the safety and freedom of your son!"
"He is unstable—"
"—only because he had been locked up in grief and suffering for two years!" Thor countered. "He had been lost in the void for nearly a year, fought the Avengers, captured by us and we left him in that cell for another year. Only now do we address his situation when we could have looked into it before. Why have we not?"
"The safety of the realm…"
"Weighs more than the safety of my brother?" Thor finished for him.
"It does not—"
"Can you not see what we had done to him? What we could have done and changed? My young mischievous little brother had turned into a stranger that walks dead inside."
"He is old enough to recognize his mistakes."
"You are thrice as old, yet your mistakes you do not credit."
"I will not tolerate this disrespect, Thor."
"Loki had no strength left to fight anyone!" He growled impatiently. "What made you think that putting Seidr suppressing bracelets on him was a good idea? You saw how weak he was when I took him out of that cell. You gave him more reason to doubt why we released him in the first place!"
Odin was speechless.
"I had to convince Loki when he awoke that those bracelets would help him and it was not by any means a way to lock him up once more! I trusted your decision, but it led me to nothing but rifts in my relationships."
"Thor, please—"
"I am done."
Thor turned to walk away.
"I do not understand," Thor whispered before he left. "What has you so frightened?"
"You are losing your touch."
"You have gotten wise at this game, Lady Sif."
"Or you are getting too old, Grim Hogun."
Sif had to snicker at that as she moved a piece from the board game she and Hogun had been playing for a few hours now. She and the Warriors Three were all seated on the table next to the pillars opening up to the balcony. The soft breeze moved the light curtains in Loki's living room. Sif and Hogun were engaged in a strategy game, while Fandral was staring at himself in a mirror and Volstagg finished his roast boar.
"Will they never leave?" Loki wondered.
He sat on a large couch. The other two couches were opposite each other in front of him. In the middle was a small fire pit, giving warmth to the room.
"Stop chewing so loudly," Fandral scolded. "One would think you are dejected."
"My appetite is still famished."
"You give life to your stomach, my friend."
"Tis true!"
"Why must he leave me with these four?" Loki thought as he played with the golden bracelets on his wrists.
"Does he not trust me to stay alone in my own room?"
Loki was just glad that the couch faced the entrance, and its back was turned to the table. It was a small fortune that he did not have to see their faces. He was quite content being alone with his thoughts, yet Thor insisted he have company. Loki was too tired to argue. All he had done for the day was sit on the couch with his knees up, staring at the fire.
Not quite productive…
But well worth it.
"How long till he returns?"
It was useless.
Loki could not even bring himself to read a book.
"When is Thor due to return?" Fandral suddenly asked. "Ow!"
Loki could only imagine that Sif had kicked him from under the table. However, Loki could not bring himself to care. Everything seemed barren at the moment. He hated everyone, yet he could not gather the strength to tell them off.
He just wanted silence.
"He had gone to the All-Father." Sif muttered. "He will return soon."
"It is almost time for the midmorning meal." Hogun voiced. "Perhaps we should call for the servants?"
Sif looked at the back of Loki's head, waiting for some form of reaction from the younger god. The others had done the same, but Loki had remained still, as if he was oblivious to their words. Sif sighed and leaned back, uncaring of the game she played.
"We could wait a little longer." She urged. "There is still plenty of time."
"It would not be long now," Volstagg whispered.
He will return soon…
"Soon…" Loki stared at the fire.
Odin palmed his face.
He had known this would happen.
It was true.
He could not avoid the situation any longer. He had known the dangers when he forced Loki's memories to surface. Even he was not fully healed by that battle. He knew the struggles, yet he made the decision to do nothing.
"It had to be done."
Odin had watched when Thor carried a limp Loki out of the cell and back to the palace to nurse him in his old room. He had felt Thor's glare when his son stepped out of that golden barrier towards the exit.
Had he been wrong?
Why had it taken two weeks for help to reach Loki?
It had been Odin's decision to wait so that Loki would adjust from what he had done to pry the memories from him. He wanted to give Loki time for himself. Knowing the boy, he would have likely attacked anyone that came within a good distance away from him. Loki needed time to vent his frustrations.
Why had Thor waited?
He managed to convince Thor not to attempt any act within that two weeks. Frustration had built up when Thor raged at his decision and it fell upon them argument after argument. Yet Thor listened to him out of loyalty, which no doubt by now, was readily breaking. For if Odin allowed help to arrive as quickly as he'd found out, the damage would have been devastating.
Would Loki only have thought help would come out of pity?
That would not have been correct.
In a way, Odin had done his part to salvage what was left of Loki.
He had given Thor a chance and a reason to why he had been held back. It would not be because of Thor's weakness of facing his little brother, but because it was already established that Thor would do anything for him. Odin held him back. A reason Loki would take to vent his anger on.
It was a sacrifice Odin was willing to make.
Why did Odin not act quickly?
He was afraid.
"What has you so frightened?"
Thor quietly entered Loki's living room and saw Sif sitting by the fire, reading a book. She looked up and her face softened. Thor noticed that she was ready to retire for the evening, her night clothes spoke clearly. Thor cleared his throat as he embarrassingly stared at her.
"You took your time," Sif voiced.
"Forgive me for making you wait," Thor sighed. "Where are the others?"
"He has been in his room since he received his midmorning meal He has not left since." Sif stood up and dusted herself. "Where have you been?"
"Venting my anger."
"You have never argued so much with the All-Father."
"I never thought I could do so," He admitted. "I am here now, and I thank you for staying to watch him."
Sif nodded. "It will get better, Thor."
"Do you truly think it will?"
"In time."
"Do you believe that, or are you saying this to appease me?"
"Both." She took her book.
"I understand."
"Your brother does not respond to us. Doubtless he will try even if he were full of energy. He wants nothing to do with us. He had made that all too clear. We have not been kind to him, why should he respect us now?"
"That is true."
"There is no need to rush things." Sif smiled at him.
"Glad I am for your counsel, good Lady Sif." Thor returned the smile. "But I need one more query answered before you leave."
"Go on."
"Do you believe Loki thinks I am at fault for telling you and the others what happened?"
"I do not follow." Sif frowned.
"I had told you the truth a few days before I released Loki from his cell." Thor's eyes wandered to Loki's bedroom door. "Do you think he hates me for exposing his secrets to you?"
"I cannot answer that, Thor."
He shook his head. "Forgive me. I had not meant to burden you with it."
"You are confused."
"Tis not your first trial," Sif walked past him towards the door, and turned back. "As I said, there is no need to rush things. Give your brother time to adjust. As for your question, all I could say is that had you not told us the truth… we would not have believed you."
Her voice was soft as she bid her good night.
She gently closed the door and left Thor in the silence of his own thoughts.
Thor took off his black cloak and placed it on the couch. He took off his vambraces and walked over to the table. On it was a bottle of wine from Alfheim. Thor took a cup full and downed it as he stared out into the beautiful night sky.
Yet he still found no comfort.
"You took your time."
Loki had whispered it so softly that Thor barely heard it.
He turned to his brother, who had his bed sheet wrapped around him and over his head. He peeked from his bed room door, his one hand on the doorknob and the other clutching the bed sheet tightly on his chest.
"You are still up." Thor frowned. "Did I wake you?"
Loki did not answer.
"Were you asleep?"
Loki shook his head once and stared at the ground.
Thor felt immensely guilty. Loki was so subdued, it was not even normal. Loki was quiet and shy when he wanted to be, but never to the point of avoidance. He watched his brother stand there for a while, until he saw how uncomfortable Loki felt.
"Forgive me," Thor whispered.
Loki, unable to look at him, weakly said, "For what?"
"For leaving you."
There was an awkward silence between them. Thor knew it would never be the same way again, but he had to take in Sif's advice. He had to be patient, for both their sakes. He put his wine down and offered a hand to Loki. Loki looked up in confusion.
"I will not harm you."
Loki grimaced.
Why did Thor have to say that all the time?
In annoyance, Loki hesitantly placed a hand over Thor's and felt some form of comfort. He allowed Thor to lead him to the bearskin rug by the fire as they sat together. Loki felt extremely confused. Usually he and Thor would not speak at all, but now that he was a little well, this was the first casual thing they have done since his release from his cell.
Time passed by and Loki was close to dozing off.
The room was dimly lit and the dancing of the fire made it hard to stay awake. At some point, Loki was not sure how he ended up leaning on Thor's shoulder, but he did not bother to argue. There really was no point in doing so.
"Will you forgive me?" Thor whispered.
Loki's tensed.
"You said… you said you were not asleep." He murmured. "Then, you must have heard what Sif and I spoke of."
Loki remained silent.
"Will… will you ever forgive me?"
He did not want to hear any of this.
The silence was good, so why must Thor ruin it with sentiment?
"I have yet again broken your trust. I-if you had trust left in me… Your secrets are your own, and they were pried from you."
What did Thor think he was?
An unmendable doll?
Loki knew he was broken, and his life was a living nightmare, yet he knew where his limits are. Surely Thor knew where his was. He had already apologized numerous times. What difference would another make? But again, tired of any argument, he allowed Thor to continue debasing himself.
It was a nice change to see the fool squabble in his words.
"I am trying." Thor huffed, his hand shaking. "You must believe that I am. Yet I have made mistakes. I made a fool out of myself, and I had made a mockery out of you. I did not… was not… nay, I did not consult you. I could not but…"
Thor had difficulty saying what he wanted to say.
But Loki knew the solution.
It was futile.
If he did not stop Thor now, Loki wasn't sure if he would be able to contain the tears. Whether it was his or Thor's, he did not know. He allowed his brother to continue, but Loki would not allow it to venture further than it should.
He had heard enough.
"I apologize," Thor expressed with sincerity. "I truly…"
Before he could continue he felt a hand snake and entwine with his. Thor had to look down to see Loki's hand on top of his. And Loki, who still had his head on Thor's shoulder, was fast asleep or pretending to be.
Thor wasn't sure.
But he had to smile, because at least…
It was a start.
The SEQUEL is called: "Obscure"
Summary: Sequel to Grievances. Tony meddles with an Ancient Relic, one of Asgard's terrifying myths, and unleashes chaos and darkness at the tower. Haunted by what they can't understand, they seek help from Thor's brother, Loki. Nightmares are only the beginning of their torment. So what happens when the relic recognizes Loki? Will they stay sane long enough to survive? Loki/AvengersWhump!
Thank you so much for supporting me and giving me the courage to finish this!
I am so blessed and happy because of you readers and reviewers!
So thank you!
See you in the sequel!