Reviews for A Wolf in The Twilight
MaelOfTheSun chapter 3 . 1/1
Actually I would love to see this weather in my forecast lol, idk I'm kinda weird
Delilah-JS chapter 14 . 10/15/2019
Love, love, love this story!
BrookeWorm3 chapter 14 . 6/18/2019
Waiting for that sequel...I loved it! Got me inspired now.
LeahMfkn'Clearwater chapter 14 . 4/8/2019
Beautiful chapter. I fucking love the blood and violence from Leah, the constant tip toeing of her anger and humanity. Owens thoughts are intriguing. I appreciate the intensity between Sue and Leah, the understanding and harshness that only the two of them, mother and daughter, women who have been been through so much and treated lesser by the tribe, could only understand. But all that Sue was saying makes me want to know more about it from the favors, the significance of Leah’s phasing and the imprinting. Is Leah’s phasing a part of something bigger? When will the pack come to realize her imprint and more importantly their reaction? Ugh so much angst, I love it!

I really hope you haven’t abandoned this story! So intrigued and in awe of your writing! Update soon! xx
sentinel10 chapter 14 . 7/1/2018
So... I re-read this story. It’s still so amazing and captivates me like no other. Hope you’re doing well and still writing because you are the bees knees and this fic will always steal my heart along with both Leah and Owen.
marylopez0812 chapter 14 . 6/12/2018
Love the Sue and Leah moment. Please is a brilliant story. Keep going p.s. love Owen. He is a amazing character in this. My longest review ever.
ougley chapter 14 . 12/20/2017
I hope owen lives
Werewolfs-team chapter 14 . 7/6/2017
Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
sherryola chapter 14 . 5/9/2017
Incredible story. I've always been interested in Leah. I felt a bit cheated that she didn't get her happy ending. I like your take on her. And you do an amazing job with Owen. I am blind, and there aren't many good blind character fics here. I had to write my own story! I guess that either you are blind or know someone well who is. Thanks for such a positive portrayal. I'm afraid of the end of the story, due to the little hints about his death, but I've got to read till the end for sure.
brankel1 chapter 14 . 5/9/2017
Love it. Love they got caught by Sue.
YourAlphaWolf chapter 14 . 5/8/2017
This made me so happy! So glad she accepts him!
sentinel10 chapter 14 . 5/8/2017
Holy SHIP!

You have blown the inner workings of my mind!
All theories have flown out the door! The PACK? WHAT!
This is a version I have never thought of. Well maybe the tiniest bit but the pack! Are they capable? Yes of course! I love that you have torn away the teenage simplistic views and gotten down into the true animalistic minds of not only boys, but men in a tribe, of a wolf pack.

The moment with Sue and Leah had me on the edge of my seat. The sharp witted tongue of both Leah and her mother have always intrigued me. And that sudden... understanding... that one moment of connection, even with the torrent of disappointment and anger Sue was feeling, OMG!

And just like that, once again, I will await the magical notification of blinding suspense...

Nooooo! Can't wait for the next Leah and Owen instalment. Even with the trails and tribulations ahead.

Thank you thank you for bringing Leah back to life for me! My absolute favourite person in the whole wide world!

Stay Awesome!
War Sage chapter 14 . 5/5/2017
Great chapter.
fernandfeather chapter 14 . 5/5/2017
You mispelled wish.
It was interesting to see how Leah and her mom interacted.
griezz chapter 14 . 5/5/2017
i will be honest in that I hope this progresses quickly, because there is an aspect of this chapter that I really do not like. It was bad enough that Leah lost her fiance to Imprinting. It was worse that her father's death was directly tied to her unexpected change, The fact she gets punched in the gut very time she is in the pack mind, because she cannot escape seeing Sam with Emily... that makes her life a special kind of hell. The abuse she gets over the pack link from the others is a lovely little frosting on the cake. But now, her own mother (the one personwell, aside from Sethwho you'd think might be on her side) is telling her that she has to hidelie about the one and only goddamned good thing in her life... because she's a girl? Give me a freaking break! Leah needs to turn her back on everyone on that damn reservationgo be with the man she loves. If they wanted her to be a protector, then they should have done a better job of deserving it.
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