Reviews for The Alpha's Call
LoveInTheMask chapter 7 . 8/16
This is such a unique and addicting story! I never really considered Embry for Leah but reading this really opened my eyes to the I also love the concept of a true alpha having power over the imprint and what comes from that willpower. Also, your prose is fantastic; every word is intentional and purposeful- i'm in awe! Thank you for sharing! :)
cherryblossomszahime chapter 3 . 7/30
This is so great! I love rereading it! Everything about it and how you write is amazing! I can see so much happening in future chapters. I hope all is well:) I'm leaving my comment here bc I've commented on the others already! Anyways hopefully one day you update again. If you don't it's okay. Either way have a good day!
cloudshadow22 chapter 5 . 7/11
Terrific chapter - such different characters.
cloudshadow22 chapter 1 . 7/10
Somehow tripped over this story today - what an original and interesting beginning. Even though I know it isn't finished, I plan to read the rest. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/17
Please come back to this story
BadGirlLuvzYou chapter 7 . 12/16/2019
Oh pretty please update. I have read this story so many times. I would love to see what happens with all the characters , great writer. I can’t wait for more.
CloudSkyShifter chapter 7 . 10/22/2019
Great story please continue.
endlessimagination4 chapter 7 . 10/3/2019
I love this story so much already and this chapter was simply amazing! You definitely have a gift with writing! I enjoyed every minute of this (and all of them- I binge read the whole thing).

The imagery you create in each chapter is phenomenal (especially in this chapter) and I am really enjoying getting to know Leah a bit better through your interpretation of her. I sympathise with her alot more than I did in the twilight saga itself. I'm glad I can get a look into her thoughts and feelings with your Leah!

I want to see more of Gunner to be honest because he is so intriguing and very intimidating. He seems like a character to look out for! He's very interesting and I'm also looking forward to seeing what happens when Gunner DOES find her. It'll sure be a wild ride (or fight haha)!

Embry Call is honestly so attractive (is that possible? lol) to me right now and I love your little twist about his true heritage (although his father is a dick) and I love how he has come into his true standing in the pack. I am gushing about this story now! haha.

I am honestly itching to read the next chapter and read/understand more about Leah, Embry, Gunner and the rest of the Pack (Quil still makes me laugh as always).

Fantatsic work on this story and I will be so happy to see when this is updated again so I can enjoy this amazingly written story! No pressure though! You do you and I'll be here waiting patiently for the next chapter whenever that will be!
NewJakeLeahfan chapter 7 . 4/19/2019
Please come back and finish this story. I want to know who Leah ends up with in the end - if that will be the end game.

I don't have an ID here, so I am using my OTP.
karicatura chapter 7 . 2/20/2019
This story is awesome! It is time for Leah to meet her equal ;) She just have to make him work for it!

I know that your life is a little hard and crazy right now but I would love to read more of your amazing work...

And remember that the sun is always hidden behind dark clouds...
Reader chapter 7 . 2/18/2019
Dear Rita!

This is the BEST Leah story i've ever found. The most exciting story line. I understand that you have a life, but please continue this. Don't leave us hanging for so long. You started it 2015 and now it's 2019 and only 7 chapter. It is so hard to read something that the upload is taking such long time.

PLEASE, PLEASE write this story before you start your new one.
cosmickym chapter 7 . 1/31/2019
A chapter! Honestly yours is the only story I still read on fanfic and I wait patiently for an update! As usual I have more questions and can’t wait for the next update! Keep it up
Guest chapter 7 . 1/11/2019
Big fan of your story.. Please update soon.. Please
Kiara chapter 1 . 1/7/2019
Love this story!
BadGirlLuvzYou chapter 8 . 12/31/2018
Love it, more more more!
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