Title: A Mother's Job
Author: BertaS
Date: May 10, 2015
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word Count: 220
Warnings: none
Summary: Time travel, but hopefully with an element of the unexpected.
A/N: I have been reading too many re-do fics and this popped into my head. With it being Mother's Day, I decided to go with it. Anything you recognize I most likely stole so I could play with them. Please review.
lj-cut text="Mother"
A Mother's Job
She woke with a slight start and looked around the room before smiling. It worked. She was once again laying beside her husband, in her own home.
How far? She couldn't tell from the dark room. So she rose and looked though each of the other rooms. She stood, smiling as she looked down on her sleeping son for a long time before deciding she needed a cup of tea.
Now that she knew she had plenty of time she had to plan how to change it all, to make it all better. After all that was the job of all mothers, wasn't it?
At the base of the stairs she noticed the street lights outside were not providing as much light as usual and pressing her ear to the front door she could hear the conversation taking place on the other side.
She flung the door open and stared at the child the tall man was holding before holding out her hands. "Give him to me you stupid old man. Attempting to leave a baby on the doorstep. Are you all insane?" Her eyes fell on the only woman in the group. "I would have thought you would know better." Tears poured down her cheeks as he held her nephew close. "Lily would have expected better."
The End
AN: I do not believe there will be any more of this. And if there is, it would most likely be in the form of disjointed drabbles as opposed to a real story. If anyone wants to adopt it you are more than welcome, just let me know as I want to read it.