Reviews for Luna Lovegood and the Dark Lord's Diary
Luna Everdeen chapter 100 . 7/28
great ending, however I was kind of looking forward to a few more things. like where would tongue go over the summer and during holidays, I wanted to have them possibly go to Rolf's animal sanctuary. and when Luna's kidnapped and taken to Malfoy Manor, I thought it would maybe be a good idea if she could communicate through the page. Maybe you could do something like you did with The Secret Potions Club and make them smaller, separate fics
Luna Everdeen chapter 94 . 7/28
This was one of my favorite chapters for sure!
Lula Lovegood chapter 7 . 7/27
Actually it's 5,999,999 Muggles since I believe in dragons.
Simfriek chapter 100 . 7/26
I like the ending. Its very wholesome and fits the story perfectly. This story is one of the best fanfics I have read. Thank you for writing it.
fleurisha chapter 1 . 7/22
BleuBurdSkye chapter 81 . 7/21
This was so lovely and cute I cried. Amazing writing!
Mernom chapter 100 . 7/19
This is an interesting story.
Sprengkamp chapter 7 . 7/19
Th for the chapter.
The Statut of secret of magic was signs 1670 or something as such it would by hundreds of years that a Muggel had not seen a dragon
Mernom chapter 51 . 7/18
How does the synching up between Tom and the piece of paper he gave Wormtail works? Could both future and present Tom's write to him? Could only present Tom do so, and now the link is broken? Is it a case similar to putting one side of a wormhole on a spaceship moving close to the speed of light, to build a time machine (weirdly appropriate analogy), and now Tom will receive any message from Wormtail 12 hours in advance?
Guest chapter 8 . 7/13
ooohhhh snap!
darklinks100 chapter 101 . 7/8
this was very good took a few days to finished.
petGenius chapter 1 . 7/8
I sometimes wish Luna had been the Girl who Lived because her way of coping with things is just that much more intriguing than Harry's! Lovely idea for a fic 3
Harold Lloyd chapter 29 . 7/5
As that's from the song of the same name in Cinderella, and Cinderella hit the theatres in 1950 (and the song itself was published in 1948), it's entirely possible that Riddle at one point or another encountered it.

After all, he got out of Hogwarts around 1944 and we know that he had several unaccounted-for years after that point. Some of them *had* to have been while he was out amongst the muggles. So, he might have heard it on the radio, he might have heard someone talking about it, or about the movie... several ways.
Slytherclawqueen325 chapter 56 . 7/5
Aww, poor tomlongdingdong!
Slytherclawqueen325 chapter 34 . 7/5
Okay, sorry, but I hear some fangirls squealing in the distance. Why? Cuz Tomlongdingdong cares!
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