xYoru: Nope~ I just got distracted from it for a while.
Jasmine Julia Soleo Bias: Imagination.
Sapient Pearwood: I'm sure that realization will come sooner rather than later.
I'll try to keep that in mind.
Bloodshound: The odds are 2/10.
Normally, yes. Unfortunately they 'normally' wouldn't have met the Vindice. They're not as Loyal to the villages as they used to be as Bermuda wasn't one to sugarcoat matters when he was showing them how deep the corruption ran.
A bit. I also wrote the chapter while half asleep at three in the morning. I'll keep an eye out for it, Thanks. Though cutting off auto-correct should help a bit.
Hellkiss: Only if Bermuda sticks around long enough for it to leave ground levels.
Chapter 55
The name falls from the Night Arcoabelno's lips whispered like a Sacred Oath taken at the altar of a chapel within the presence of God himself.
Dark eyes watch as the lithe figure dances through the swarm of 'Shinobi' with lethal grace, as crimson stained chains glisten within the sunlight as they whistled through the air.
Once, twice, thrice.
Once the chains pause- coming to float alongside their owner- six bodies fall to the earth never to breathe again.
"I think I'm in love," Bermuda mutters softly to himself as breathtaking orbs of molten gold glare in his direction.
"Bermuda," The deep, husky voice rumbles across the field like thunder beneath the ground as long, perfect legs swiftly cart Vendicare's Strongest Warrior closer and closer towards him.
For a moment, the Vendicare Warden wonders if he should close the distance himself or wait until the other does so; but finds the decision taken out of his hands as familiar chains wrap tightly around his form and suddenly he's no longer half a battlefield away but rather staring eye to eye with his beloved shadow.
"I want a word with you."
There's a clear rage- a deadly promise of pain, torture, and even Death- lurking within those exotic orbs that would have sent even the Devil himself fleeing in terror, but Bermuda supposes he's always been a bit unique as he could feel his face burning beneath his bandages, his breath hiding deep within his lungs, his heart thundering like a jackrabbit within his chest.
"Anything," the word- promise- slips from his lips without a single thought as he stared upon what had to be the most beautiful being in all the Nine Realms.
He wasn't usually one to lose this temper so hideous if anything Jaeger had always been the calmest of the Vindice- it was something he had galavanted borne with a sense of pride- but this time... Calm was the last thing he wanted to be.
While the golden-eyed man knew time ran differently within this universe it didn't change the fact it had been YEARS. Years since he had last seen his beloved Lord, years since his Lord had seen their child, Years of being unable to reach across their Guardian Bond to know how His Lord was.
He hated it.
He hated every single moment he had to live through without the other. He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, he was barely functioning on a day to day basis and the only reason Jaeger could manage that was because of their Teddy.
And now...Now his Lord stood before him-
-Or rather, Bermuda did before the raging Cloud- who's emotions had been stretched thin for far too long- threw His Beloved Lord across his private study like a rag doll and into a bookshelf which splintered upon impact.
Not that His Beloved Lord seemed to notice those dazed eyes and a too to have grin splitting across his face which only served to further fuel the fire Jaeger could feel burning within his soul. So, without much thought, The golden eyed Vindice grabbed the teenager by the front of his cloak and threw him again-
-were unruly-
-and were-
-until his Lord's study resembled a disaster zone as His Beloved Lord laid within the crater upon his sturdy wooden desk.
"I think I'm in Love," The soft murmur of his Lord reaches his ears causing Jaeger's right eye to twitch as he stalked closer towards the man who had drawn his ire and didn't even seem to notice his approaching doom.
He was going to need a new Lord after this, Jaeger decided as he grabbed the front of Bermuda's cloak and heaved the other halfway off his desk, because this one was going to be dead. Maybe even deader than dead once the golden-eyed man was through with him.
"You think?" He rumbles into the other's ear and though his Lord tried to hide it, Jaeger could still feel the slight shiver rushing down the younger's body.
"Well," the familiar voice draws his attention to the younger's mouth as a pale pink tongue slowly ran along the other's lips from the corner of his mouth to the upper lip and then the lower, "If you kiss me, I'll know for sure."
"I should hit you!"
He should. He really, really should.
After all, His Lord had vanished on him. He had left, not only him but this son alone when they both needed him. Worse, though, Bermuda had dared to go somewhere Jaeger could not follow.
"Would it make you feel better if you did?"
His Lord questions and Jaeger knows without a shred of doubt that if he claims that it will, Bermuda would not lift a finger to defend nor protect himself from the golden-eyed man; but...
It wouldn't.
He didn't like seeing Bermuda hurt, but his Cloud Flames were still raging, still demanding punishment and blood for the one who would dare abandon them even if it wasn't exactly His Lord's fault.
"Shut up," He snarls at the younger as yanks the dark haired teen closer towards only to crash their lips together. Its nothing quite like their usual kisses- the slow and gentle ones he would grant the younger after a hard day or whenever he had a chance- but rather the exact opposite:
Fast and aggressive. More teeth than lips as he bites at the other's pale ones until he can taste blood on his tongue, demanding for more no matter how much his Bermuda was already willing to give him. He was practically crushing the other onto his wooden desk with his superior weight as a sunkissed hand found its way around a pale throat-
"Fuck," Jack's voice echoes from behind the golden-eyed Vindice, "Not again."
God Damn It!
Releasing his Beloved Lord, the golden-eyed Vindice spun on heel with a snarl that would have been better suited for a beast rather than a man as he stalked closer to the one who would dare- to enter His Lord's Study without so much as a single knock- to cross him by trespassing on his territory.
It was probably the first time in the rouge's life that he ever really pieced together a clue before someone had to shove it in his face as crimson eyes slowly took in the disaster zone that was Bermuda's office, the down Night Arcoabelno with blood and bruises around his mouth, and the furious Vindice who's golden eyes where tainted with a hint of purple that could only indicate a Raging Cloud.
"Oh, Fuck-"
Get out!"
"Wait, I-"
"Oh, Shi-"
"Jaeger, let's just talk about thi-"
"That's not supposed to bend that way!"
"And stay out," Jaeger demanded as he slammed the door shut with enough force it causes the outer frame to wobbly slightly before turning to glance back towards His Bermuda-
Only to find the other standing and trying to clean up his face as the dark haired teen moved closer towards both his Cloud Guardian and the Doorway.
"And where do you think you're going?" The golden-eyed man questioned as he snagged the back of Bermuda's traveling Cloakwerecausing the younger to shift uneasily, "To see what they needed help with?"
"They can take care of them God Damn selves," Jaeger swore as he stalked closer to the down form of His Lord like a lion closing in on its prey, "You're not going anywhere until we're finished here."
He's happy.
He's bruised, sore, and couldn't walk straight to save his own life; but he's happy...
Its a strange feeling for the Night Arcobaleno- he was so used to anger and hatred, so used to that despair which came with the fact he could never protect his own as he wanted, so accepting of the frustration that always followed those brief moment of peace- but one the dark-haired teenager rather enjoyed.
Closing his eyes, the Vendicare Warden relaxed into the sun-kissed skin pressed against his back as he tilted his head father back into those delicate fingers working shampoo through strands of raven-feathered hair.
It was such a relaxing feeling.
One which left him feeling as though he didn't have to worry about anything- no Mafia, no impossible situations, no Vongola, no stubborn Sun Guardians with a Death Wish, no prisoners, no Vongola, no Checkerface, no constantly updating the pacifiers, no wizarding war bleeding over into places it shouldn't be, no Vongola- besides the hot water against his pale skin and the company of one most beloved.
It was perfect. So very, very perfect.
He wants to stay here forever, Bermuda decided as the chest against his back rumbled with an amused baritone chuckle.
"You realize if we stay here forever," Jaeger's voice is soft as it whispers causing a shiver to race down the Night Arcobaleno's spine, "The world would burn down due to sheer incompetence."
"Let me dream," Bermuda pleads as he tries to ignore the imagines of Vendicare in flames as Jack's creations spewed out into the world, whole islands sinking due to the sheepish Vongola Decimo, the Arcobaleno curse coming to life once more as Checkerface galavanted across the planet.
Jaeger, the sadist bastard he was, only laughed at the twisted expression of pain marring His Lord's face.
This was not what the monster was supposed to look like, Amara decided as he stared upon the tall which was helping His Bermuda rewrap his face behind a think wall of bandages. After all, everyone knew monsters were hideous, foul and vile creatures.
They were supposed to be big, deformed, their voices were supposed to be dry as a desert which would resemble nails running across a chalkboard, and so ugly it was considered a whole separate battle just to look at them.
They were not supposed to be tall, with pretty raven-feathered hair, sun-kissed skin and with a voice gifted from Kami himself. Nor were they meant to have the most exotic eyes the young child had ever seen.
It wasn't fair, they have weren't supposed to be so "Pretty."
Sky blue eyes widened in horror as the world slipped past his lips causing His Bermuda and the Monster's head to glances towards him.
Panic flared within the blond as the blue-eyed child suddenly realized he was out in the open without so much as a single box to hide behind. Worse, he was out in the open, lacking any possible form of shelter, and the monster's exotic golden eyes were locked directly onto him...
Amara mentally cursed with one of the few curses Uncle Jack had taught them as his head blared an alarm of 'Retreat, retreat, retreat' at him. Without so much as a second thought, the blonde child turned on heel and fled the room as though the Shinigami's hounds were on his heels.
Meanwhile, inside the room the young shinobi had just fled, Jaeger slowly turned his head to glance towards his chuckling Lord, "Must you always adopt the strangest people the world has to offer?"
"He's not that strange," Bermuda tries to defend his ward only to be granted the flattest look that had ever marred his husband's face.
"He has a giant fox in his stomach."
"That he does," the Night Arcobaleno agreed as Jaeger finished applying his bandages for him, "Though you'll have to blame his father for that. The man seemed to believe it was okay to imprison a giant fox made of energy which was radiating malicious intent inside his child only minutes after it had been conceived."
"...And this man is still alive?"
"No," Bermuda shook his head slightly as his infantile form came to rest upon his favorite perch, "Though I've been looking into a way to bring him back to life, so I can kill the idiot myself."
A Kami.
He had to be a Kami, Itachi decided as he stared upon the Deity had managed to curb Bermuda's Usual Madness with but a single word spoken in but a whisper.
A living breathing Kami who could control the Shinigami which tormented his life as it slowly drove him to the brink of insanity.
Dropping to his knees in front of the Deity, The Former Uchiha Heir slammed his forehead against the ground, "Please, tell me your ways; Jaeger-Sama!"
Tobi was having a bad day.
No, scratch that; Tobi was having a bad year...Or maybe he should consider it a bad life seeing how much fate loved to fuck him over-
Parents dead before he was even old enough to remember them, a missing grandfather and a grandmother who died before he was five, an outcast to a clan that was supposed to be family.
Bakashi, who had more mental trauma at the age of five than most war veteran, for a rival which became his closest friend than his worst enemy.
Rin...His precious Rin, the light in his dim world, that had committed suicide through Bakashi- leaving the last Hatake with even more trauma which all but broke the silver-haired shinobi- for a village that would throw them all away at a moments notice.
Minato, who could never see what was in front of his own two eyes, dead at his own hand. No matter how indirectly that may have been.
Kushina, a woman who was practically his older sister, dead at his own hand due to a tragedy she couldn't control. A necessary sacrifice for a better future for them all.
Naruto, their son, missing. Having disappeared out of a Minato's precious village after almost being murder by a mob of adults. Another necessary sacrifice to come.
-but as of late...Well, fate seemed to be screwing him over more than normal-
How was he supposed to control the Five Great Nations if all his puppets have somehow gained immunity to his Mangekyo?
How was he supposed to spy on The Five Great Nations if his spies have all went insane and would only send him bogus reports of Giant cats, talking trees, disappearing mountains, the undead themselves strolling down the streets every other Sunday morning?
How was he supposed to create a Criminal Organization if all the Missing Nin suddenly went missing and everyone else refused to step a toe out of line least they draw attention from 'The Vindice' that had been prowling the Elemental Nations?
How was he meant to collect Buji if someone else has apparently already done so? He considered just stealing them from whoever currently held them, but for the life of him, Tobi just couldn't locate them no matter where he searched. It was almost as if they just didn't exist anymore.
How was he meant to seal away the Buji and create Ten-Tails if the God Tree was missing?
And then there was the Vindice, who he would swear was purposely trolling him, as they crushed several lifetimes worth of planning into finely powdered dust.
-and somehow- someway- it all came back to that creepy baby with its creepy bandages, its creepy voice, and its creepy tophat.
Of that, Tobi was certain even if he couldn't find physical proof. After all, everything had been going perfectly according to plan until that unnatural baby had shown up. Therefore, Tobi does the only thing he can:
He searches for the creepy infantile even if every cell within his body screams at him not get as far away from the other as possible, even if his mind whispers warnings most shinobi would have obeyed without a second thought.
When he finally finds the creature, it's standing in the middle of what looked like a War Zone...That was, if a War Zone consisted of Adult-Sized versions of the Creature- all of them dressed in the same creepy cloaks, the same creepy bandages, the same creepy auras, and those annoying chains- towering over a group of thoroughly defeated children while paint and confetti blanketed the ground like a layer of snow...
What the Hell did he just walk into?
"-and this is Tobi."
The sound of his alias has the masked man's lone eye darting towards the source- of all his problems- only to find the Infantile perched on the tallest Creep's right shoulder. As one, all of the adult creep's heads turn in his direction.
"The Pedophile?" One- Tobi believes it to be the one the infantile was perched upon- questions with a voice that sent a chill of dread rushing down the masked man's back.
"Tobi is not a pedophile! Toby is a Goo-"
"Yes," The creep- with strands of Uzumaki Red hair protruding through the bandages- cuts him off before he could even finish defending himself- Why the Hell did everyone assume he was a Pedophile?! He wasn't! He didn't even like hurting kids which was why he was waiting until the Host where older before sending his would be organization after them!- causing a heavy blanket of Killing Intent to saturate the air, knocking the masked man to his knees under its sheer weight alone.
He didn't even have time to scream- let alone defend himself- before the man that was only known as 'Tobi' was overwhelmed by several enraged Vindice in Overprotective Guardian Mode. All he had time for was a single thought:
Oh, Fuck me.
This was not how this meeting- this ambush against that Except creature- was supposed to go.
Broken, Fragile, Angry, Used, Betrayed, Stubborn, Determined...
He wants to keep him, The Night Arcobaleno decided as he stared down at the unmasked form of one 'Tobi' aka Uchiha Obito.
Uchiha Obito, a former member of the Team Minato from Konohagakure who was supposed to have died after being crushed to death at a place called Kannabi Bridge while saving his other teammate: Hatake Kakashi.
"Bermuda, No." Jaeger's voice orders as though the other could read his mind and maybe he could seeing how the Golden-eyed man always seemed to know what the younger was thinking.
"Absolutely not."
"He'll fit right-"
"He will not," Vendicare's Strongest Warrior spoke firmly and though The Night Arcobaleno couldn't see it Bermuda could all but feel those exotic eyes silently challenging him, "because you are not keeping him, Bermuda."
"What if I-"
"My answer is still No," Jaeger stared with a voice of steel, "You have plenty as it is, Bermuda, You don't need this one."
Honestly, what was with his Lord and collecting every broken soul he happened upon?
"Are you Hatake Kakashi?'
He was going to die.
He was going to die and no one would ever find his body.
Everyone would just assume he fled and label him as a missing-nin while his body rotted away with time, of that Kakashi was certain as the silver-haired shinobi stared upon a being that could only be the Shinigami himself.
For a moment, the Anbu Captain pondering running- would he make it if he tried or would he be cut down before he even managed to turn around- before forcing his body to relax as he shoved the voice screaming in the back of his head as far down as he can manage.
"I am."
Somehow his voice doesn't waver as the creature nods before the very air seems to tear open into some type of black wormhole- which probably led to the depths of Hell itself- as the Creature known only as a Vindice reached inside-
"I believe this is yours."
-Before throwing the body of a man right at his feet and disappearing as though he had never been there at all.
He doesn't dare to breathe as a sole black eye carefully scans his apartment, but there's nothing- No Vindice, No wormhole, not a single speck of dust out of place- to show the creature had been within his home at all...
Except for the body at his feet.
The groaning body which was pushing itself into a sitting position, the body with unruly black hair, the body with an all to familiar face half covered in scars that haunted both his waking and dreaming hours.
His children were up to something.
Only a blind man wouldn't be capable of seeing that and even then they would have noticed something was happening, especially after the last 'surprise attack' the little ones had attempted to commit-Read: Tried and Utterly Failed- against his Vindice.
So Bermuda could honestly say he wasn't all that surprised when he came down for breakfast only to walk into a complete war zone once more.
The Night Arcobaleno ducks only moments before a table sails through the air where his head had once been as small hands swiftly dart out, snatching several bouts of ammunition from midair- Two eggs, a piece of bread, a small bowl with fresh berries, a glass of milk- as they attempt to sail past him before strolling into the kitchen.
"Oh Kami, help us!"
"Gaara, duck!"
"Oh shit, it just ate Kisame's sword!"
Where a small group of children was rushing about in blind panic as one of Jack's Homemade Breakfasts attempted to devour them all.
Smiling beneath his bandages, The Night Arocbaleno floated down onto the countertop next to a plate of strawberry cake before setting down his breakfast with a wistful sigh as the Vendicare Warden pretended not to hear the children's scream of terror.
Maybe it was wrong of him- maybe he should have tried to help them or at least shouted a few words of encouragement- but Gods, he had missed this. His undead life just wasn't the same without that homely feeling that came with the Chaos which followed in the wake of his Vindice like a plague.
"Somone get the fire extinguisher!"
"-no the ceiling-"
"Aniki!" Young Sasuke's voice screamed above the Chaos and as if summoned like a Genie in a lamp, Young Itachi seemed to appear out of thin air.
The Night Arcobaleno silently watches as those pitch black eyes widen in horror as they take in the fire burning down half the kitchen and the monster- which may or may not have been some type of banana bread at one point of time- about to devour his younger brother.
Bermuda just smiles in amusement, slowly savoring a bite of his cakes as he watched the Former Uchiha Heir and Future Vendicare 2.0 Warden rush towards Jack's Creation only to be batted aside like an annoying fly.
Gods, how he had missed this all he needed now was-
"Oh, Shit!" The rouge's voice seemed to echo throughout the room as the sound of pounding feet against cold marble reached the Night Arcobaleno's ears, "Move, Move, Move, Move!"
"Get back here and accept your fate like a man, you coward!"
Though none see it, soulless eyes brighten while the Night Arcobaleno's smile widens ever so slightly as he took another bite of his cake.
Finally, everything was as it should be...
Well, almost everything, but for now; this would have to do.