Disclaimer : I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn in any way shape or form. No money is made from this. It is purely Fanfictional fun.
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Chapter 1.
Another year… Another anniversary without her husband.
Nana Sawada put down the phone with a sad sigh. It has been the usual conversation with her darling husband on every missed important occasions. The phone call will always started with gushes between them, followed by a short conversation; all the 'how are you' and 'I miss you' and 'How is our son' is the what they always covered. After that – when questioned on when he is coming home – came the expressed regrets. The 'I'm sorry Nana… I can't make it this year,' and 'I'm swamped with work,' was well rehearsed. She felt her heart breaking every time. The cracks keep getting bigger and bigger. It hurts her feelings so much.
What disappointed her the most? The missed birthdays. Those are the worst. The lacking presence of Iemitsu was felt heavily by her on her birthday, and at the beginning – was also felt for her son. The good thing about Iemitsu though, is that he sent gifts promptly. They always arrived on the morning of their birthdays. And it was such an expensive gifts. New top-of-the-line handbags, perfumes or overpriced jewelleries. For Tsuna, it's always the current on demand video games. A few of them. Along with an expensive watch for him, or a leather wallet or some nice Italian branded shoes.
Didn't Iemitsu understand that they needed none of those things?
Tsuna always knew she was sad on these special days, even when she tries to hide it. And just for her birthday recently, her son did the sweetest thing. He went out, bought a strawberry cupcake and a single deep pink rose. He came home, smiling widely and present her a cupcake with an un-lightened candle attached on one hand and the rose on the other, wishing her a happy birthday. Needless to say, she forgot all about her estranged husband for the next few days.
It's always just the two of them. Her and Tsuna, mother and son. With a cake celebrating whatever special day it was and spending the day together.
Even so, that doesn't stop the resentment building inside her for Iemitsu inconsiderate tendency. It's their wedding anniversary! And he only make an extremely short call before he had to rush to work?
Nana looked around the dark empty hallway of her home. She suddenly felt trapped, constricting and suffocating. With Tsuna at school, there was no one to distract her from her dark thoughts and Nana felt like she was alone.
"No, no. This won't do," Nana said to herself.
Nana grabbed her purse and locked the house. She needed to get out.
. .
Nana was walking around the shopping district, just leisurely looking around, gazing at the newest fashion or the hottest selling items on display. They were trendy; with bright colours and stylish in design. There was one outfit that caught her eyes. It has asymmetric print, with a dipped low neckline and tight bodice. It's a bit provocative by a housewife standards, but the white with orange printed dress is simply stunning.
"To bad Iemitsu is not around to appreciate me in it," Nana bemoaned regrettably. She continue on walking.
After walking a few more blocks, it was then Nana saw it. On a particular medium-size building, there was a small advertising screen, and on that screen showed two figures moving in harmony. The male was poise and leading his female partner elegantly, and the female move with grace. Underneath the screen was a sign that shows the establishment of the building – a dance studio. Nana eyed the two dancing figures, contemplatively.
Come to think of it, Iemitsu never did teach me how to dance, Nana thought to herself.
On their wedding day, while they were dancing and gushing like any other newlyweds, Iemitsu had told her once – that he'll tech her how to dance like a pro. She had been so shy that she doesn't have any dancing experience and it didn't escaped her notice that from the way Iemitsu moved – while she daintily stood on his toes no less – he most certainly have dancing experience.
He never did get around to teach her. Between the short honeymoon and him flying back to work right after and had Tsuna a year after, there wasn't any time. And she had forgotten all about it until now.
Seeing the dance advertised makes her intrigued all over again.
"Well, no time like the present," Nana uttered silently and went inside.
The studio was situated on the second floor. It was a huge space, consist entirely of the second floor. Like any other dance studio, the whole studio was polished in shiny hardwood, with one wall filled solely with huge mirror that stretches from one end to the other.
There was a class in session. And Nana was rooted at by the door, staring at a few couples dance around in their lesson.
One of the female staff came and greeted with a bright smile. "Hello, can I help you?"
Nana jumped. She didn't noticed the staff arrival, too caught up with the ongoing class. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I was just walking by when I saw this studio," Nana told her, feeling a little nervous.
"That's alright," The staff remarked politely. "Are you interested in joining for a lesson?"
"Oh, no… I'm…" Nana stop short, eyeing the dancers once again. "I'm curious. I've always interested to learn, you see. But I know nothing about dancing or the lessons in general," Nana admitted sincerely.
The staff nodded once while listening and after Nana finished her explanation, she brightens. "Well, that's what I'm here for," The staff said cheerfully. "Come this way to the office and I can fill you in."
The staff leads Nana to the side to a small section of the studio where the office was allocated. It modest to say the least, and a part of the side wall was altered to build-in a see through glass overlooking the rest of the studio. Nana took a seat on the offered chair and the staff sat opposite her with a flyer in hand. "Alright, if you don't mind me asking, Missus…"
"Nana," Nana replied. "Nana Sawada."
"Mrs. Sawada. Is this your first time taking a dance lesson?"
"A beginner level. Okay, here's what you should know…" The staff showed Nana the flyer, explaining to her the schedule, how long the lessons are going to take – depending on the number of types taken and the proficiency, and the fee in the process. "Here is the list of dance lessons we have in our establishment. Do you know which type of dance you're interested in?" asked the staff, handling Nana a few pamphlets on the various types of dances. They range from ballroom dances to Latin dance.
Nana took the pamphlet and gave a once over. After a thought, she folded the pamphlet back and said hesitantly. "I guess… I'm interested in ballroom dancing. But I'm not sure which suits me," After a pause, Nana added apologetically. "I should also admit that I'm still not hundred percent sure about all this."
"It's understandable," The staff told her. "Would you like to have a trial lesson? If you are free now, I can slot you in for one lesson. You can tell me if you are interested to join afterward."
"Yes. I can do one right now," Nana agreed.
The lesson wasn't that difficult. Nana admits, the steps was a little confusing at first. But after a few tries, it was a breeze. It helps that her instructor was a kind and patient man too. Nana were all stiff and Jitters the first few minutes. By the end of the lesson, Nana was all smiling wide.
The staff was waiting for her on her way out. "How was it, Mrs. Sawada?"
"It was fun," Nana told her cheerfully. "I didn't know it was that easy."
"You were a natural," The staff complimented. "Have you thought about registering?"
"Yes," came Nana's immediate reply.
"Which one would you be interested in taking?"
"All of them."
The staff blinks. "All of them?"
"Yes," Nana nodded to her. Her eyes shown determinately. "I'm interested to learn as many dances as possible."
"But that's going to be quite costly," The staff warned her.
Nana smiled cheerfully. "Don't you worry. I can afford it."
. .
In the end, she decided take a few dancing lessons at a time. Nana love her lessons. It was a great way unwind and it distracted her while her son was in school. She attended her classes on weekdays and had taken group lessons instead of the private one. The group lessons are not as flexible like the ones done individually, but it suits her just fine.
It was during these lessons she had made new friends. Her group consist of five people learning at the same slots, including her. All girls. Sara, Rina and Ayumi are married and are from higher class families. Kaede is a divorcee but she has a successful business of her own, so she's happy being single. Sara and Rina are socialites while Ayumi is an interior designer. The four of them came from the same social circles.
"Alright," the instructor clapped his hands to get their attention. "That's it for today. Practice the moves I've shown and be mindful of the footwork. See you ladies next week."
Nana sighed. Finally, the lesson for that week is over. She had been stressful lately. It makes her tired than usual. While Nana was drinking from her water bottle, Ayumi appeared beside her. "Nana, what do you think of today's lesson? Think that move would impress the crowd?" Ayumi said while playfully swayed her hips.
Nana covered her lips so not to accidentally spray her drink. Once it's safe for her to speak, she said, "With a body like yours? I think you'll seduce more than impress."
Ayumi eyes sparkle. "Oh? Think I can landed myself a few boy toys?"
Nana, caught by surprise, spluttered before she grinned. "You are scandalous, Ayumi."
Ayumi mock gasped and she pouted. "Scandalous? Me? Never! That's Sara's and Rina's department."
Nana giggled. As if hearing their names, both Sara and Rina walked over them, with their handbags slung on their shoulders. "Now, now, Ayumi… Don't act all modest. We all know that you are equally outrages underneath."
Ayumi rounded on Sara, looking hurt. "Sara, you're so mean!"
Sara only raised an eyebrow at Ayumi's antics while Rina sighed a long suffering sighed. Rina turned to Nana and said. "Nana, we are having a smoothie at the corner café a few blocks down. Would you like to join us?"
Nana paused, thinking the suggestion over. Well, technically, she have some groceries shopping she needed to do but…
Nana beamed at her. "I would love too," said Nana.
On their way out, they bumped into Mayu, the same staff that handled Nana's registration. Rina repeat her invitation to her.
"Sure," Mayu accepted. "Let me told the others and grab my bag."
. .
Once they all had a large cup of smoothie and secured a table, the ladies sat casually and just chat, half the time it's about their classes in general. But like any married women and their tête-à-tête, they were gossiping about their married life and of course, their husbands.
"You're taking dancing lessons to pass time?" Mayu asked, head tilting slightly aside sceptically. Rina chuckled while Ayumi was laughing outright.
"Not exactly pass the time," Rina answered coyly. "Both Sara and I have to have something to keep our marriage sizzle, if you get my meaning…"
Sara snorted at that and Nana quickly turn her face away, giggling like mad. Beside her, Ayumi had to hold her stomach, she was giggling so hard.
Mayu piffled and wave Rina off airily. "Oh please. If that's what you looking for, you'll be taking lessons that has six inches heels and involves a pole…"
Rina's eyes twinkle mischievously. "Who says we didn't," she then poked Ayumi playfully by her upper arm. "This one here… never miss a single class."
Ayumi stop giggling long enough to swat the annoying finger away. "Of course. I'm newly married after all. Got to have something to attract my husband."
Rina stared at her deadpanned. "Ayumi-chan… half the time, you and your hubby didn't leave the bedroom!"
"And how would you know that?"
Sara sighed in affectionate manner. She stirred her drink absentmindedly as they all watch Rina and Ayumi banter away. "You three seems close," Nana said to Sara.
Sara nodded smiling softly. "Yes, well… Not by choice, I assure you," Sara snickered when Ayumi exclaimed indignantly. Then, she continued. "Rina and I are childhood friends. Ayumi was introduced to us by our mutual acquaintance at a social gathering a few years back," Sara lean in towards Nana, her eyes twinkle mischievously. "And between you and me, it was an error introducing Ayumi to Rina. They got along like a house on fire," Sara bemoaned exasperatedly. She grinned lopsidedly. "Kaede… Well, that's a funny story. She was actually in the same school with Rina and I."
"Kaede? Really?" Mayu inquired in interest. Out of all four of them, Kaede seems to be less close to them.
Sara nodded. "Kaede was our senior. A year above us. We did not interact at all during school. It was quite the surprise when we ran into each other shortly before the lesson."
Mayu hummed noncommittally. "Pity she can't join us today," she said, taking a sip of her smoothie.
"Yes. She has a meeting today," Sara turned to Nana and said, "Nana, I've been curious. Why did you take dancing lessons?"
"I'm taking them for myself," Nana responded.
Sara raised an eyebrow. "As a hobby? You're taking quite the number. I thought you're learning for competition, like Mayu."
Nana didn't know that. She glanced at Mayu in disbelief. "You're dancing for competition?"
Mayu nodded, her cheeks tinted pink. "I'm a professional dancer actually. I'm taking some time off to rest right now," said Mayu sheepishly.
"How nice," Nana told her. Turning back to Sara, Nana replied to her previous question. "Yes, I'm taking classes to pass the time. My son is at school and I'm alone most of the day."
"What about your husband?" Mayu inquired while sipping her smoothie.
"Oh, he's working abroad."
"Oh, speaking of your husband," Rina interjected. Looks like her and Ayumi is done with their bantering, now finding their conversation much more interesting. "I always wanted to ask. What does your husband do for a living?"
"He works at an international construction company," Nana said, looking dreamily at nothing as she thought about Iemitsu. Then Nana sighed heavily. "But he's away all the time. Sometimes came back once a year. Sometimes once every two years. His job is keeping him busy and he's all over the place."
Sara and Rina exchange glances. Sara was suspicious, Rina shrugged. It wasn't any of their business. Sara softly clear her throat. She dug her bag and took out two tickets. One she handed to Nana, and the other she handed to Mayu.
Nana took the ticket. "What's this?"
"It's a fundraiser event I'm organizing. I was hoping you will attend," Sara explained.
Nana eyes widened. She looked down at the ticket in shock. "Fundraiser?" Nana exclaimed. "But I'm not wealthy like you guys!"
Rina laughed. "Oh Nana, don't be modest. From the quality of your outfit and the brand of your handbag, not to mention a husband working overseas? We've concluded long ago that you are very well off."
Nana sweat dropped.
"You'll be attending as my guest, of course," Sara continued. "Mostly it's dining over tea. They'll be nothing strenuous. Just mingle around and meet new people," Sara persuaded gently. She lie her hand on top Nana's. "Say you'll come."
Nana looked around hesitantly. "I don't know. I'm not a socialite like you. I'll standout like a sore thumb."
"You'll have me," Mayu chip-in. "I'm not a socialite too. We can standout together," said Mayu merrily. Turning to Sara, Mayu confirmed. "I'll be there."
"Excellent," Sara smiled broadly. She turned back to Nana and stared at her, expectantly.
Nana hesitated for a few more seconds before she caved. It's just a gathering, Nana inwardly said. What's there to lose?
Loudly Nana said, "Fine. I'll be there as well."
That admission brought huge smiles all around. "Fantastic!" Sara took out her cards and gave one to Nana and Mayu. "The venue is at my house. And it's this Saturday."
"Oh, and wear something presentable," Rina added as they all gathering their bags to leave.
"Define presentable," Mayu said questionably.
"Nothing red carpet," Sara assured. "Wear something nice and elegant, but nothing that looks cheap. It's a cocktail event."
"Ah. Don't worry. I've got it covered," said Nana in a tight smile. Once the ladies have departed, Nana paled. She has absolutely nothing in her closet that is up to the socialite standard!
"What am I going to do?!" Nana exclaimed in despair, as she treaded home morosely.
. .
Saturday came, and Nana secretly fidgeted as she slowly walk towards the ballroom that open up to a patio and outdoor space, where the fundraiser was held.
Once she was at the entryway, Nana stop short and look around in wonder. The ballroom was grand; decorated in French style theme in yellow, white and gold. Portraits adorned the walls in massive gold frame and the carved artwork on the ceiling and in every corner of the room was exquisite.
It's also – from Nana's standpoint – full of people. Men in suits and women in cocktail dress mingle around with a glass of champagne in hand. The women also wore expensive jewelleries and their overall style is impeccable.
Nana look down at her new white and orange printed dress. Hope the outfit is adequate. She clutches her purse.
Nana tilted her head aside and – to her relief – Mayu was coming over. Nana brightened. "Mayu, what a relief to see you," Nana greeted her cheerfully.
Mayu reached her and gave Nana a once over. "What a cute dress. I love the orange asymmetric design."
Nana, feeling more than a bit conscious, briefly look down before saying shyly. "Is it too much?"
"Not at all," Mayu shook her head.
Nana smiled, a little relieved. Before they get to do anything else, Sara met them with Kaede in tow.
"Kaede, I didn't expect to see you here," Nana commented to the person in question, after another round of greeting.
Kaede smiled. "I didn't think I was able to make it. I was away for my business, you see. But Sara insist that I come, so here I am."
"Is Rina and Ayumi here?" Mayu inquired.
"They're around," Kaede told them, neck craning looking for the mentioned people in question. "By the buffet I think."
"As if they'll be anywhere else," Sara interjected playfully. "Now, come," Sara took Nana and Mayu by the hand. "I'll introduce you to everyone."
. .
"Mrs. Sawada, this is Namimori Hospital. We are calling regarding your son – Tsunayoshi Sawada. There's been an incident and your son is currently being treated at the Emergency Room. Your presence is required. Please come to the hospital at your earliest convenience."
. .
"Mrs. Sawada, your posture is incorrect. Your back needs to be straightened and your head tilted higher."
"Mrs. Sawada, your movement is wrong. The steps is like this, watch me closely."
"Mrs. Sawada, Two slow steps backward before posing."
"Mrs. Sawada, concentrate!"
"Nana, are you alright?" Mayu asked the usually cheerful woman, worriedly, once classes is over. Nana was usually very energetic and very eager to learn. But today, she seems despondent, and her attention was elsewhere.
Nana sighed heavily. After debating for a few seconds, she reluctantly told her friend. "My son, Tsunayoshi. Was in the hospital."
Mayu eyes widened. "Oh my goodness! Is he alright.'
"He's fine. He just had a klutz attack," Nana told her tiredly.
Mayu hummed, eyeing Nana curiously. "Does your son has dainty feet?"
Nana shook her head. "No, no. he's just clumsy that's all."
"I won't be so quick to say that. Usually clumsy boy tends to make graceful dancers," Mayu told her friend, looking thoughtful. "Why not you enrol him?"
Nana eyed Mayu in surprise. "Enrol him?"
"Yes. Dance makes you be graceful and your son could benefit from its discipline," Mayu told her.
Nana frowned. Mayu was right. Her Tsu-kun could benefit from the principles. Part of the benefits was; increasing self-confidence, acquire more grace and poise, overcome shyness and relief stress. Meet new people and overall, improving your life.
Something her Tsu-kun desperately needed. "I'll think about it."
. . .
Review on your way out!
-Elvina P.