Hello my readers, I hope you guys enjoyed this story. My other updates will come this month. I've been busy with moving so I haven't had time to write my other stories so I'm posting this in reparations. Sorry again but i'll be updating again this month.

Hey everyone, here is my first Game of Thrones stand-alone story featuring an OC character in the canon. It was a story I thought about after reading a few similar stories and thinking about some of the events that happen before the show. A little twist on the Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire mythos by changing up events a bit. In this story, the tourney of Harrenhal occurred in 278 AC, moving all the events of the Rebellion up two years and making the war an extra year longer. Robert was betrothed to Lyanna Stark and she had a tiny bit of affection for him and were betrothed earlier in 277 AC. Enjoy!

The Blue Wolf is born

278 AC: Harrenhal

The Tourney at Harrenhal was in full swing as Lords from all over the 7 Kingdoms had come for fame and fortune. One of them was Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End who was drinking with his friend Eddard Ned Stark before the melee competition. He slammed down another ale as Eddard tried to stop him.

"Easy, Robert. You're going to get yourself killed if you keep drinking." Eddard said.

"Bah, Ned! I fight better when I drink!" Robert boasted, causing Ned to sigh.

"Like that helps when we trained with Lord Arryn." Ned joked. Robert reached for another glass when Lyanna Stark, Ned's sister took it from him.

"You keep drinking like that I'll have to take your place, Stag." Lyanna joked causing Ned chuckled and Robert to look at her.

"You know father would never let that happen." Ned told her.

"Ha, don't worry, Lyanna. I'll be fine." Robert told her but Lyanna finished his ale.

"We'll see." She bid them farewell, heading back to her father.

"Ah, no better sight than watching a woman walk away." Robert said smiling at his beloved, whom he had slept with a fortnight ago.

"If it's you they're walking away for good reason." Ned joked. Robert let out a hardy laugh before slinging his arm over Ned's shoulder.

"Ha, good one, Ned. Come on, help me get ready!" Robert pulled him away to help get his armor on.

Robert took part in the melee competition and managed to defeat many before he was defeated by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, something that pissed off Robert for a while, but he calmed down. There were other events including the horse race, the tourney of singers, the archery, axe-throwing contest and eventually the joust where Prince Rhaegar won. Robert was standing next to Ned as they saw Prince Rhaegar take his victory lap and held the crown of winter roses that he would give to his Queen of Love and Beauty. Ned expected it to be his wife, Elia of House Martell but was surprised to see it was Lyanna. Lyanna accepted it, of course, being smart enough to take favor from the Prince but Ned could have sworn he saw a legitimate smile and look between Lyanna and Rhaegar.

"Ha, that's right. My Lyanna is the Queen of Love and Beauty. Giving my love that title is what she deserves." Robert boasted, making people think that Prince Rhaegar only gave Lyanna her due but Ned saw the look of anger in Robert's eyes.

"This can't be good.' Ned thought to himself. 'Let's just hope Robert doesn't do something stupid. Old Gods hear my prayer.'

Year 281 AC: Tower of Joy, Dorne

So much has happened in the last two years. The 7 Kingdoms had erupted into civil war that resulted in the end of the Targaryen Dynasty ruling the realm. Most people will remember the start of the war when Rhaegar Targaryen stole Lyanna Stark and rode south. Brandon and Rickard Stark marched to King's Landing and asked for Lyanna to be turned over and Rhaegar to face justice for his crimes which ended with The Mad King murdering them. When the Mad King asked for Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon's heads, that led to House Stark, Baratheon and Arryn revolting against the Mad King for this awful act. This resulted in Robert's Rebellion which was also known as the War of the Usurper and after nearly two years of fighting, Prince Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon on the Trident. Then came of the Sack of King's Landing where the Mad King was killed by Jaime Lannister while Gregor Clegane and Armory Lorch killed Princess Elia Martell and her children.

Robert supported this action while Eddard was horrified which caused a rift between the friends. Robert was named King of the 7 Kingdoms with the Mad King and Rhaegar dead and Jaime Lannister was pardoned for his actions by Robert. Eddard Stark left with Howland Redd and his best men to the Tower of Joy in Dorne to rescue his sister and lift the Siege of Storm's End. With his brother free, Robert had Stannis ready to lay siege to Dragonstone and take down the last Targaryen loyalists.

Robert remained in Kings Landing as the new King to govern the kingdoms. Old enemies began to bend the knee and he dealt with them. Eddard 'Ned' Stark rode to the Tower of Joy, hellbent on bringing his sister home. At the Tower, there were only two maidens and two Kings Guard members of Prince Rhaegar, Ser Gerald Hightower and Ser Arthur Dayne who were commanded to stay there on guard.

Gerald and Arthur were sharpening their swords as they saw the group of horses riding to them. They grabbed their helmets, buckled their armor, and walked in front of the tower to meet Eddard Stark and his party. Ser Arthur stabbed his great sword, Dawn in the ground and stood beside Ser Gerald before Eddard and his group.

"Lord Stark." Ser Arthur greeted him.

"I looked for you on the Trident." Eddard said.

"We were not there." Arthur replied.

"Woe to the usurper if we had been." Gerald replied.

"When King's Landing fell, I found your brother Jaime Lannister, had slain your king with a golden sword. I wondered where you were." Eddard told them.

"Far away. Or else Aeyrs would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells." Gerald replied.

"We came down on Storm's End to lift the siege, and the Tyrells and Redwynes dipped their banners and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty." Eddard told them.

"Our knees do not bend so easily." Arthur told him.

"Ser Willam Dary fled to Dragonstone, to your queen and Prince Viserys." Eddard said.

"Ser Willam is a good man and true." Arthur said.

"But not of the Kings guard. Why weren't you there to protect your Queen? Or at the Trident to protect your prince?" Eddard asked.

"Our prince wanted us here." Arthur said as Eddard looked up at the tower. "The Kings Guard swore a vow. We do not flee."

"Where's my sister?" Eddard asked with an unlaying threatening tone.

"I wish you good fortunes in the wars to come." Arthur said, putting on his helmet. "And now it begins."

Ser Arthur and Ser Gerald unsheathed their swords and stood ready to fight. "No, now it ends." Eddard replied as he and his men drew their weapons.

Howland Reed struck first with his sword but Ser Arthur blocked it and slashed him in the shoulder. Eddard charged with his sword but Ser Arthur skillfully used his two swords to block and parry. Ser Gerald killed one of the Stark men and tried to take down Eddard but he managed to block and stab him in the throat. Now it was just four North men against Ser Arthur. They attacked together but Ser Arthur was fast, agile, and able to block them all. He killed one Stark soldier and then another and soon it was two to one but Ser Arthur dealt with the last soldiers, leaving it to just Eddard Stark against Ser Arthur Dayne.

Ned readied his sword and engaged Ser Arthur, using everything he learned in his years of fighting and knowledge to his advantage but even then, the fight wasn't in his favor. Ser Arthur Dayne was considered the greatest warrior in the 7 Kingdoms for a reason.

Arthur managed to disarm Eddard and took a deep breath, ready to deliver the final blow when he heard something that made him and Lord Stark to stop. "HHHHEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!" They heard a very young boy shout as they turned to see a small boy in the window of the Tower of Joy. Ned couldn't see much but could see the boy had dark brownish/black hair. The boy looked and saw dead men but Ser Arthur was still alive.

"SER ARTHUR! HELP! MOTHER!" The boy shouted. Ser Arthur sheathed his swords and ran up the stairs to the tower. Ned was confused but put that to the back of his head when he saw Howland Reed stand up with his bloody shoulder.

"You all right?" Ned asked.

"I'll be fine. Go." Howland told him. Ned grabbed his sword and ran into the tower, hearing the screams of his sister. Ned climbed up the stairs of the tower and charged into a room to see two maids, Ser Arthur with his swords on a chair and his helmet off holding onto the young boy of 2-3 years who called for help. The last thing he saw in the room is sister laying in a bed, covered in blood.

"Ned?" Lyanna called out.

"Lyanna." Ned replied as he put his sword down and knelt next to her. He could see she was pale, tired, and seemed to have lost a lot of blood.

"Ned, is that you?" Lyanna called out and raised her hand as he took it. "Is that really you? You're not a dream?"

"No, I'm not a dream. I'm here. Right here." Ned said.

"I missed you, big brother." Lyanna said, causing him to smile.

"I missed you too." Ned replied, tears in his eyes.

"I want to be brave." Lyanna said in pained breath.

"You are." Ned replied.

"I'm not." She said as Ned looked at the blood. "I don't want to die."

"You're not going to die." Ned said, looking at the maids. "Go, get her some water! Is there a maester?!"

"There isn't one, Lord Stark." Arthur informed him.

"Listen to me, Ned. Listen to me. Tell Robert…I'm sorry. I never told him…never told him, I was with child." Lyanna said. Ned turned and looked at the small boy that Arthur was holding who was crying. "Will…come here."

The boy ran to her side and held her hand as she pressed her forehead against his. "Mother…stay." Will cried his eyes out as she cried as well.

"I'm sorry, William. I can't keep the promise to teach you to ride. But I need you to be strong. Do you hear me…I need you to be strong…for me, for your father…and for your uncle." Lyanna said as she looked at Ned. "Ned…meet your nephew. William."

"You and Robert…" Ned said as she nodded.

"I'm sorry. I loved him once. Tell, Robert, I'm sorry." Lyanna managed to say. She reached over to the table near the bed where a crown of Blue Winter Roses laid. It was the same crown Rhaegar gave her years ago. All the flowers had welted except for one. She grabbed it and handed it to William. "Stay strong for me, Will. I'll be watching over you…be strong for me. Promise me."

"I promise, mother." Will promided. She smiled and kissed his head.

"Now, go to Ser Arthur…I need to speak to your uncle." Lyanna said. Will slowly walked over and hugged Ser Arthur as Arthur hugged the boy and comforted him. "Ned, I need you to listen to me."

She then whispered a message to Ned that he needed to know. Lyanna then began to say promise me, over and over again before she finally closed her eyes and died. William ran over and hugged his mother as Ned stood up and one of the maids came over and handed him a newborn baby wrapped in a blanket. Ned looked at the baby as he saw his nephew crying over his sister.

Line Break xxxxx

The next day, Ned and Howland Reed sought out a carriage and a casket to transport Lyanna north. She would want to be buried at Winterfell. Arthur had to pull William off Lyanna so Ned could put her in the casket. Ned gathered his supplies as Howland readied the wagon and looked after the infant while William sat in the back where his mother was, holding the blue rose she gave him. Ned grabbed his sword as Ser Arthur grabbed his pack and strapped Dawn to his back.

"I'm truly sorry, Lord Stark." Arthur said.

"Did Rhaegar know…she was pregnant?" Ned asked and Arthur nodded in response.

"Yes. She was showing signs when we arrived here. He didn't do anything to harm her or William. He cared for the boy…because he loved Lyanna. You can't blame people for who they love." Arthur told him.

"No, you can't. And there's nothing I can do now. But William is Robert's son, he needs to know." Ned pointed out.

"How much?" Arthur asked.

"Only what he needs to know. I'll take the baby with me back to Winterfell, he'll be safe." Ned said.

"The baby is one of the last heirs to the House Targaryen." Arthur said.

"And he's also a Stark. The Mountain slaughtered Elia Martell and her children and Robert did nothing for his punishment. I'd hate to think what he would do if he found out Lyanna and Rhaegar were married and had a son. A son who could restart the war we've just ended." Ned told him as Arthur reluctantly nodded and agreed. With nearly all the 7 Kingdoms having sided with Robert, there's no way another war would go their way. "This war is over and House Targaryen has ended. The best thing for the boy is to be far away from all of this."

"He has a right to know where he comes from." Arthur replied.

"If words get out about who he is, he'll be hunted down and killed or worse. Maybe one day in the future but not this day. The war is over, Ser Dayne." Ned told him. Arthur looked over at Howland caring for the infant. While his honor goes against what Ned Stark is saying, his conscious understands now that the old Kingsguard are gone, Queen Rhaella is dead and Rhaegar's siblings are who knows where. One day the boy will know who he is but for now, he's safer not knowing. "He'll be safer with me."

"What will you tell people?" Arthur asked.

"I'll handle it. Right now, I'll take William to Kings Landing. He needs to be with his father." Ned told as Arthur secured his pack.

"I'll ready my horse." Arthur replied, causing Ned to look at him like he was crazy. "Prince Rhaegar tasked me to protect Lyanna and her son until my death. I failed Lady Stark…I won't fail the boy."

"Robert will kill you the second he sees you." Ned informed him but the Sword of the Morning just shrugged.

"If it be, then let it be. Then I'll die doing what I was tasked to do." Arthur said, walking over to his horse. Ned walked over to the wagon and looked at his nephew.

"William?" Ned called as William looked up, his eyes blood shot from crying so much.

"Uncle?" William asked. Ned smiled and leaned down to be at his height.

"Call me Ned. Are you ok?" Ned asked and as predicted, William shook his head no.

"I miss her." The boy stifled a cry so Ned took a seat down next to him.

"I miss her too. I loved her like you did." Ned said with William just looking at the winter rose in his hands. "Do you remember what she asked you?"

"To be strong." William replied.

"I think you will. That flower…its pretty but strong. It grows in cold…so it must be. I think, she knew you'd be strong." Ned said when William suddenly hugged him. Ned was shocked at first before he hugged him back.

"I miss her." William said as Ned sighed.

"I know. But she'll always be with you, so long as you remember your promise." Ned said as William nodded. "Come, William. It's time to meet your father."

Ned and the group traveled back to King's Landing which took moons with the wagon holding Lyanna and stopping every now and then for William to go to the bathroom. Before they entered the city, Ned told Arthur to get rid of the Dragon emblazed armor he wore so he could at least get into the Red Keep.

They moved through the city and saw that it was still recovering from the Sack as buildings and homes were being rebuilt and there was a larger presence of Stormlands, Westerlands, Vale and Northern soldiers in the capital and the surrounding land. Ned and his group stopped near the Red Keep to park the wagon. Ned grabbed his sword and got off the wagon.

"Howland, stay here and rest. Arthur, William, let's go." Ned led them into the Red Keep. They made their way through the castle to the throne room and to the Small Council chambers where Robert was said to be with Jon Arryn. Ned had Arthur and William wait in the throne room until he called for them. Ned walked in to see Robert talking to Jon.

"Ned!" Robert shouted as he hugged his best friend, glad to see he was alive. "By the 7 it's good to see you're alive."

"And good to see that the city is still in one piece." Ned separated from Robert and hugged Jon.

"The city is still in repair after the Sack but it's getting there. Tywin Lannister is behind the rebuilding, no doubt to try and carry some favor." Jon said as Robert shook his head.

"Bah! Let the blonde shits do as they please. The sooner they're out of my city the better. So, Ned. How was Lyanna? Is she waiting outside?" Robert asked hopeful when he noticed Ned's somber expression.

"Lyanna is dead, Robert. She passed." Ned said and Robert was shocked. He turned and around and grabbed the table so hard that his knuckles turned white before he shouted in anger and threw one of chairs into the wall with such force that it broke apart.

"That white haired shit!" Robert shouted in anger, filled with overwhelming anger. "I would bring him back to life only to kill him again!"

"Robert, easy!" Jon tried to calm him down. "I'm sorry, Ned."

"Thank you, Jon." Ned replied.

"Where is she?" Robert asked.

"I put her in a casket. I want to bury her in Winterfell, she wanted to be buried with my brother and father." Ned told him. Robert's rage turned into sorrow over the loss of his beloved.

"We should have gone sooner…I should have gone with you." Robert said as Ned looked at him.

"You couldn't. If you did, the city would have fallen to chaos if someone else tried to take the throne. You can't change the past, my friend." Ned said, looking at him. "But there's something you should know."

"What?" Robert asked.

"Robert, you and Lyanna slept together, right?" Ned asked, causing Jon to look at Robert in disbelief.

"Robert, you weren't even married yet." Jon chastised him.

"So, what? We were betrothed and would have married anyway. To hell with the ceremony." Robert replied.

"Then there's something Lyanna never told you before she was taken. She…she was pregnant." Ned said as Robert and Jon looked at him.

"Pregnant?" Jon asked.

"The child…is the child alive?" Robert asked, grabbing Ned with a face of desperation.

"He is. He's— ""Drop your sword!" Ned was interrupted when they heard the shouting and the sound of sword's being drawn.

"What in 7 hells?!" Jon asked. They ran out of the Council Chambers into the throne room to see several Baratheon and Lannister soldiers with their swords drawn surrounding one man with a scared child behind him. Robert and Jon recognized the man as Ser Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning

"Give it up, Dayne! You're dead!" One of the Lannister shouted as he reached for Arthur but the young boy ran forward and stomped on his foot hard, causing the Lannister soldier to shout in pain and drop his sword.

Arthur pulled William back and was ready to fight to defend William to the death when Ned ran in-between them. "Stop, lay down your swords!" Ned shouted. Some of the Baratheon men who recognized him lowered their swords but the Lannisters didn't care.

"Move, you shit!" One of the Lannisters shouted when Robert stepped forward

"Drop your swords, in the name of your King!" Robert shouted and the Lannisters immediately did. Robert then looked at Dayne and glared. "Dayne, you're one of the last members of the Dragon's Kingsguard. Why shouldn't I kill you now?"

"Robert, please. Wait a moment." Ned looked back at William who was both frightened and confused. "William, come here."

William looked at Ser Arthur who nodded for him to go to his uncle. He slowly walked out from behind and Robert and Jon got a good look and him and both gasped. The boy had brown hair like Robert but was a little darker and looked like him when he was younger but the eyes were blue, like Lyanna's. His hair was full and slightly trimmed to make him presentable but he wasn't looking his best with the brown shirt, pants and boots he was wearing. William was still holding the Winter Rose in his hand as he walked up to Ned. "William, this is Jon Arryn. Someone who means a great deal to me. And next to him is Robert Baratheon, you're father." Ned said as William looked at them.

"Robert, meet William, your son." Ned introduced the two, but Robert was too in shock to even move.

"When?" Jon asked.

"About two years ago." Ned informed him. Robert knelt down to William and saw he was both confused and scared.

"Two years…" Robert managed to say. "William…from Lyanna's family." Robert then noticed the winter rose and smiled. "A Winter Rose. Lyanna loved them."

"It's ok, William." Ned ushered William forward and he slowly walked forward to Robert who smiled.

"Hello, son." Robert said. William took a few small steps forward and lunged into a hug. Robert breathed a huge sigh of relief as he held his son in his arms. The last reminder of Lyanna was in his hands and he would keep him safe. "It's ok. Don't worry."

Ned and Jon smiled when they saw Robert hug his son. Robert then stood up as William held his pant leg. "William is a good, strong name. Thank you, Ned." Robert thanked him but Ned looked at Ser Arthur.

"You should thank him. Ser Arthur has been taking care of William since he's been born. Hasn't hurt him and kept him safe." Ned said as Robert spared the Sword of the Morning a glance.

"Part of me still believes you should pay, Dayne." Robert warned him when William ran over to Ser Arthur and hugged him close.

"Don't hurt him." William said, pleading to keep him safe.

"Robert…" Jon said as Robert looked at him and nodded.

"Ser Arthur Dayne, for your job in keeping my son safe, I shall not take your life. But you are hereby stripped of your position in the Kingsguard. Lord Stark told me that you safeguarded my son, so from now on, you shall swear to protect him with your life and if you fail, your life will be forfeit." Robert told him.

"Yes, your grace." Arthur said, taking a knee and bowing his head.

"It's ok, William." Robert assured his son that everything was ok.

"What shall you do, Robert? With Lyanna…no longer with us, you'll have to marry Cersei Lannister." Jon told him.

"Tywin's daughter?" Ned asked.

"After Tywin's help to liberate the city, Tywin approached Robert with a marriage proposal with Cersei and his financial backing. We know the Lannisters are the wealthiest in the 7 Kingdoms, that can help us keep the realm together now more than ever." Jon pointed out.

"And Tywin's daughter becomes Queen. Convenient." Ned pointed out with obvious disdain in his voice.

"I know how you feel, Ned but now that the war is just about over and I'm named Hand of the King, I need to think about our future and the Lannisters are a part of that." Jon said. Ned looked at Robert who was contemplating the situation.

"Robert?" Ned asked.

"Yes, I'll marry her dammit. Send the raven, Tywin's daughter will be Queen so long as I am King. But then, William will be King after." Robert said, looking at his son. Ned and Jon looked at Robert thinking he was crazy because this was not how the line of succession worked.

"Robert…" "Don't start, Jon. Lyanna and I may not have been bonded in marriage, but we were betrothed. Despite William being born out of marriage, he will take my name and be a Baratheon, not a Sand or Waters or whatever bastard name people say he should be. With Lyanna gone, Cersei can be Queen but William will be my heir. Heir to the Stormlands and the Iron Throne. And if the gods think they can change that then piss on them." Robert proudly declared. Seeing as how noting would dissuade him, Jon conceded the argument.

"All right, that's enough of that. I'll get the ravens ready as soon as possible to announce the marriage and your son." Jon left to go about his business.

"Come William, let's get you something to eat." Robert said, leaving with William, Ned, and Ser Arthur.

Line Break xxxxx

A moon and a fortnight had passed since William had arrived and he had settled in King's Landing very nicely. Ravens had been sent out to all over the 7 Kingdoms informing all the lords and ladies of Prince William Baratheon, First of his Name, Crowned Prince of the 7 Kingdoms and heir to the Iron Throne. The arrival of the half stag and half wolf prince had changed up the game and the future balance of power. With an heir, smart people began to consider their futures and how they could leverage the crown prince for their own uses.

One such man who hadn't taken the news too well was Tywin Lannister, lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. With a legitimate son, the only power that house Lannister could have would be with Queen Cersei and that would change depending on how well Robert and his son got along. He would have to figure something out, either ingratiate himself to the boy prince and pray that William would bring House Lannister into the fold or take him out of the equation.

Cersei Lannister was in her room in the Red Keep, preparing for the ceremony at the Sept of Baelor where she would marry Robert and become Queen. She sat in her room alone, combing her golden hair and looking in the mirror. She looked like a queen. Normally, this would be a day of celebration. She would be Queen and rule the Seven Kingdoms, but she seethed in anger at the one thing that would stand against her in the future. That wolf boy, William. With him alive, her children would never rule and she wouldn't rule through them.

She put her brush down as her brother, Jaime walked in. He was decked in his Kings Guard armor and noticed how angry she was. "You know, most woman would be happy on their wedding day to the King." Jaime joked.

"The good it will do with that boy around. That stupid whore of a wolf. Why couldn't the boy have died in Dorne as well." Cersei said, spraying herself with some perfume.

"Well, there's still a chance the boy may die. This is a dangerous city and boys have died from illnesses before." Jaime walked in and stood behind her.

"If I told you to kill the boy, would you?" She asked as Jaime looked at her.

"I'd do anything for you, but I'd never get close. Ser Arthur Dayne is guarding him at all hours of the day and even at night. He'd never let me get close. He despises me enough already and even if I could get close, I'd never best him in combat." Jaime told her.

"Then maybe something of a subtler approach." Cersei said as Jaime moved his hands through her hair and to her breasts.

"A topic for another day. For now, relax. It's your wedding day." Jaime said, kissing her neck and moving down.

On the other side of the Red Keep, William was in his private chambers sitting on his bed trying his best at reading a children's book about the history of the 7 Kingdoms. William was cleaned and dressed in the finest clothes his father could get him and watched over always. His hair was trimmed so it was nice and neat, perfectly cut with a little bit of length in the front that could be pushed to the side. Grand Maester Pycelle's assistant, Cedric Angar (1) was helping the prince, who personally requested him. Cedric wasn't a Maester but had once trained to be one. Unfortunately, circumstances led him to not getting his chain so using all the skills he learned he worked under Pycelle to assist him in running the library. Now he was the Prince's personal tutor.

William was sitting on his bed with Cedric in a chair next to him, helping him through the words. Ser Arthur Dayne was in the room keeping watch over him. The Prince was far too young to be reading but he was getting a grasp on the words which would help his speaking and he was getting better at it. He was a smart boy for his age, something Arthur told Robert and Jon.

"The Wall…. built…by…. Brandon…the Builder." William managed to say his first sentence ever, a rather short sentence but a sentence, nonetheless. He didn't understand the words or even read them. Cedric told him what to say and to repeat it back.

"Well done, my prince. Well done." Cedric applauded him before turning the page in the book that showed new pictures. "Keep this up, and you'll be reading in a year."

"Can I try, sooner?" William asked in all his childhood innocence.

"You can try, my prince. But don't rush it." Cedric said as they began going over the words and images. Arthur smiled at the prince, seeing a great amount of innocence in him but a lot of potential as well.

The door opened and Jon Arryn walked in, dressed in his most formal robes. "Lord Hand." Arthur greeted him.

"Ser Dayne." Jon said as he looked at William. "How's he doing?"

"He's getting better with words. I doubt he knows how to read but Cedric is teaching him to speak much more than I could." Arthur replied.

"The boy is smart. For a boy of only three years, he's pushing himself. Remember when he tried to pick up the practice sword a fortnight ago?" Jon asked which made him chuckle.

"He wants to be strong…to honor his mother." Arthur said.

"He'll make her proud." Jon replied when William noticed him in the doorway and jumped off the bed.

"Hello, Uncle Jon." William's happy face and expression made Jon smile. A boy so young and pure reminded him of good times. Since Jon was like a father to Robert, William called Jon uncle, not that he minded.

"Hello, my prince. It's time to go to the Sept." Jon told him and Will was more than ready to go. "Now remember, this is an important day for your father so try to remain as quiet as possible."

"I will." William said as Jon Arryn and the prince were escorted to the Sept where they witnessed the wedding of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister.

Line Break xxxxx

Year 285 AC

Two years have passed since Robert took the throne and became King. The 7 Kingdoms were in reasonable peace since the Mad King's death and luckily, they didn't have to worry about Robert like they did they Mad King. Robert spent most of his time when he wasn't with his son either hunting, whoring, or drinking. It was usually a combination of the three depending on the situation but whenever he was with William, Robert was completely different. Robert was calm, gentle, and caring whenever he and William spent time together, probably because William was his trueborn son with his love Lyanna and spending time with him reminded him of the good old days before everything changed.

Still, Robert was King so he was occasionally dragged to some meetings when Jon Arryn could get him to go or when Jon had the Prince convince him to go to one which worked most of the time. Cersei was Queen and had given birth to a blonde-haired son last year, Joffrey making him Will's younger brother. But Cersei kept him with her all the time and didn't want William interacting with him. William spent his time with either his father, his tutor Cedric, Jon Arryn when he wasn't busy, his uncles Renly and Stannis, Ser Barristan Selmy and always Ser Arthur Dayne.

William was 5 years old, nearly 6 in a moon. He was taller than most boys his age, at about 4 feet in height but he was still growing. Just now he was barely able to hold a light wooden training sword in both hands, but he wasn't able to swing that much. Robert liked to help William train but his expectations were a bit high. No 5-year-old can lift a Warhammer. Where William did exceed was his mind as he was very smart for his age. He mastered speaking when he was four and now, he fully knew how to read and write. He was smart for his age, but obviously, there were things he didn't know or things that flew over his head. He could still understand most conversations people had.

Currently, William was in the training courtyard enjoying the sun of summer as he played with a black dog pup his uncle Renly got him for his name day last year. William named him Shadow because of his dark coat. In the courtyard was Ser Barristan who was watching the prince and Ser Arthur Dayne who was keeping his skills sharp with a practice dummy. William scratched Shadow on the stomach, watching Ser Arthur wield two swords and swing them expertly at the wooden dummies and finished his session by taking off the dummies heads.

"Well done, Ser Arthur." Barristan commented, handing him a water pouch.

"Thank you. Best thing to keep my skills sharp now that it's peace time." Arthur took a sip of water and wiped his face with a towel.

"Aye. It's quiet. I like it but it does get a bit dull." Barristan said and Arthur nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I'd imagine protecting the King and the Queen can't be much fun." Arthur stated.

"No. Most of my time is spent watching over Robert to make sure he doesn't drink himself to death or watching the Prince." Barristan said as they saw William and Shadow walk over to one of the tables near the training targets.

"Well, this is our life now. Better get accustomed to it. I have." Arthur strapped the sword to his waist.

William looked at the table and saw the swords, axes and maces that were blunted for training and grimaced that he couldn't use any of them yet. He did see some small daggers that were smaller than his arms that didn't look heavy, so he picked up two of them. They felt fine to carry, as he held them in his hands and began swinging them like he had seen Ser Arthur do a minute ago. He then saw a target about 8 feet away and looked at the knife before he threw both and they hit the middle ring of the target.

Arthur and Barristan looked to see William had thrown two daggers into the middle ring of the target. He didn't the bullseye but the middle circle of the target in between the bullseye and the outer ring. William looked at the target, walked over and plucked the knives out, returned to the spot he was standing at before and kept practicing.

"Maybe he won't be a swordsman, but he might be a fine archer someday." Barristan said.

"Aye." Arthur replied and the two watched the prince train.

William's life fell into a routine. His days would vary depending on if he would spend more time in the library or with Jon Arryn, but he was usually kept busy. But on other days, he liked to explore. He was often found running through the gardens or surrounding green areas of the Red Keep for fun with Shadow by his side. William enjoyed running through the trees and bushes and often made it game to see where he could climb and how fast he could run with Ser Arthur right on his tail.

One day, William made his way out of the city to explore the surrounding woods and forests. He got tired of the gardens and trees of the Red Keep. William was running through the woods with Shadow right behind him and Ser Arthur following. He jumped off a rock and his feet crunched against the tree roots, dirt, and mud. William then ran up to a small tree and managed to grab onto a low branch before pulling himself up. Then he began making his way up the other branches to the top of the tree.

Shadow sat by the base of the tree and wagged his tail while Ser Arthur looked up at the Prince who was about 20 feet off the ground and still going. "William, you shouldn't climb so high! It's dangerous!" Ser Arthur shouted but was ignored. Will grabbed onto a branch to pull himself up and looked out to the wide fields surrounding King's Landing.

"It's beautiful. You should come up, Ser Arthur!" William shouted.

"I prefer my feet on the ground, thank you very much, my prince!" Arthur replied. William looked out to the field and saw some men at work.

"What's that?" William began climbing down the tree with ease.

"What's what, my prince?" Arthur asked and William jumped down next to him.

"Over there." William ran west and Shadow followed him. Ser Arthur sighed in exhaustion and ran after him.

William ran out of the woods to the levels grass plains where farmers were tending to their lands. William walked around as he saw men, both young and old using pickaxes, shovels, and pitch forks to work the fields and dig up the ground for the seeds they would plant. The farmers were using these tools and whatever else they could with small donkey's pulling wagons of tools and bags of seeds.

William saw one of the older men having trouble moving a big rock out of the way so he ran over and helped push. Ser Arthur saw this and came over to help and they managed to move the rock onto the wagon and move it away.

"Many thanks, my lord." The farmer thanked Ser Arthur and shook his hand.

"You should thank him." Arthur pointed to William and the prince shook the farmer's hand as well.

"Aye, thank you little lord." The farmer said and William smiled.

"It's William." William said as the farmer realized he was talking to the prince.

"Prince William, forgive me your grace." The farmer bowed his head in respect.

"It's all right, stand up. What's your name?" William asked.

"Rydan Gower, your grace." Rydan said.

"How long have you been farming?" William asked.

"All my life, your grace. My father did it, and his father before him and so on. It's hard but honest work. Now more than ever, it's tough." Rydan looked at the perfectly clean patches of field that were untouched by them.

"How come you're not over there?" William asked.

"Ah, those areas are too covered in rocks to plow with our tools, your grace. We'd never farm them." Rydan said as William looked at the tools.

"Maybe I can help. I can talk to my father for some better tools." William said, causing the man to chuckle.

"I'm sure the King has better things to worry about." Rydan said.

"Well, can I help at all? I want to." William asked as Ser Arthur and Rydan smiled.

"I suppose you can help the lads smooth out the soil for the seeds." Rydan said. William nodded and ran over to help with Shadow following him. "That boy is something else. I don't think I've ever seen a lord, let alone a prince help the common folk."

"Aye, William is one of a kind. And he'll be a good king. Now, let's get the rest of this field ready." Ser Arthur said, picking up a shovel to help with the digging.

Prince William and Ser Arthur Dayne worked with the farmers for the entire day, plowing the fields to be ready for planting. They worked with the men, ate with the men and for a day weren't the Prince and his protector but just regular people. William enjoyed himself and he learned a lot about farming and helped the best that he could, even Shadow helped. By the end of the day, Rydan had plowed all the fields that he needed and the crops were planted. It was a grueling 12 hours of work, but William was happy. He enjoyed it but was exhausted. Ser Arthur carried him back to the Red Keep to get some much-deserved rest.

Line Break xxxxx

The next week after William helped Rydan farm, he went to Cedric for all the information on farming techniques and tools and even asked some of the city's builders, smiths, and masons for advice on new tools that could improve the farming situation. They came up with the design for a new plough that would improve the trenches made, dig deeper into the ground, and remove objects like weeds and rocks out of the way. It would have sturdy iron blades in the front to dig into the ground and have two small wheels to aid in the moving and ideally an oxen or horse would pull it to improve the speed but the wheels made it so that two men could push it through tough ground.

He also asked for improved designs on the old tools to make them and the job easier. He hoped it would help Rydan tend to the area he couldn't get to but Ser Arthur and Cedric pointed out that with the new designs and tools, William could negotiate a deal with the builders and sell them to farmers all over the realm. Farmers in harsh terrain could use new and improved equipment. William liked the idea and asked if Cedric would help and he was more than happy to.

They worked on the idea and the masons, smiths, and builders also pointed out other things they could improve on like new building tools, mining tools to sell to the Westerlands or better wagons and William welcomed all of this. If they could do it, why not? Of course, Ser Arthur pointed out that William would need to talk to his father or Jon Arryn about paying the builders, smiths, and masons for their work in order to start. He couldn't help people without providing money.

So, a fortnight after William met with the builders about his idea and had all the designs and schematics ready, he was ready to speak to Jon Arryn about finding some coin to build them for a test. William walked to the Hand of the King chambers with rolls of papers in his hands with Shadow right next to him and Ser Arthur accompanying him. William knocked on the door and Jon Arryn's squire, Hugh answered.

"Your grace." Hugh greeted him.

"Hello, I'm here to see Lord Arryn." William greeted and Hugh let him in.

"Lord Hand, Prince William is here." Hugh said as Jon nodded.

"Thank you, Hugh. Leave us." Jon said. Hugh let the prince and Ser Arthur in and left, closing the door. Jon stood up from his desk and hugged the prince. "How are you, my prince?"

"I'm good. You know why I'm here today?" William asked and Jon nodded.

"Yes, I received your message earlier. Well, let's have a look." Jon said as William handed him all the papers he had. Jon looked over the schematics and was impressed by the designs, not that he knew anything about farming or building but they looked impressive. Attached were potential monetary notes about how much they would cost and written notes from the smiths and masons who were going to work on the projects.

The idea was that farmers who could pay for the tools and machines would send it to Prince William or Cedric and that would commission the tools. Deals could also be arranged where farmers who couldn't afford it would pay back in profits made from their crops by moon or year, depending on the circumstances or in produce harvested. Lords and other people who wanted to buy the tools could set up payment plans or just pay the fees and the taxes to the Prince. It seemed well thought out. Jon smiled as he looked at the young prince. He was already becoming a smart man and a good future ruler by thinking of the people he would be ruling over.

"Everything seems to be in order, my prince. The plans look good and the ideas are well thought out. Cedric did his work." Jon said causing William to smile. "And I'm glad you came to me about this but the Master of Coin deals with any monetary issues."

"That's true but this isn't a royal expense, it's my own." William said as Jon looked at William and smiled. He wanted to be his own man at such a young age.

"All right. Well, the royal treasury still has coin that can accommodate the building of your tools for the test trial. And should it succeed, then I'll send out ravens to lords all over about your tools. Well done, my prince." Jon said with a smile.

After the meeting with Jon Arryn, he gave them the coin they needed for the tools and William asked Rydan to test them out and if they worked, he could keep them. Rydan agreed and in 5 days the new equipment was ready. Rydan and his men tested it and the new plough and tools made it easier to dig up the fields. He was finally able to plow the fields that he couldn't before because of the rocks and terrain. The new tools enabled him and his men to work just as hard with less stress and more gain.

Rydan wanted to pay back the Prince but all William wanted was the first chance to buy the new crops when they were ready, something Rydan was more than happy to oblige him with. Despite that, he had another gift in mind for the prince. William told Jon about the success and Jon then sent out ravens to the neighboring lords and towns about Prince William's new tools and they began getting replies about the costs and orders.

Word began to spread about Prince William's business endeavors and it impressed people. A young boy of nearly 6 who began to make a name for himself and a bit of profit as well. Tywin Lannister was impressed as was Olena Tyrell and when Ned Stark heard of his nephew's exploits, he knew Lyanna would be proud and he would have a surprise when he visited his nephew for his name day celebration.

Line Break xxxxx

King's Landing was busy with news and celebration as it was the week that Prince William Baratheon was celebrating his name day celebration and would be turning 6. Lords from all over the 7 Kingdoms would come for the festivities and knights and squires for the tourney that King Robert was throwing for his son. Some of the lords had arrived early in the week to ingratiate themselves to the King and his son to earn favor. Tywin Lannister came, of course as well as Lord Hoster Tully and other lords from the Riverlands. Lords from the Vale as well as Lords from the Reach and Ned Stark and his family were coming for his nephew.

Speaking of the Prince, he was in the training courtyard with his father, Ser Arthur, and Ser Barristan. William was training with his daggers once again. He was 10 feet away from a target and threw them as hard as he could. He had thrown the 9th dagger and hit in the general area of the middle ring. He threw the 10th one but still not a bullseye.

William sighed as he walked up and grabbed the knives and daggers off the target and returned to his spot. "Don't rush it, my prince. Throwing knives and archery requires time and skill. You're still young." Ser Barristan told him.

"Don't worry, William. Soon you'll be wielding a Warhammer and cracking skulls." Robert said, causing him to smile and get back to work on his aim. Robert smiled, seeing his son throw the dagger. Granted he'd be even happier if it was a sword or a Warhammer, but a dagger will do for now. Robert then looked at Ser Barristan and motioned him closer. "Did you track down the gift for William?"

"Yes, your grace. It's with Master Mott. He's just adjusting the grips for the Prince." Ser Barristan replied as William threw another knife and hit it close to the center. He threw another one and hit near the center again but wasn't getting closer.

"Any advice, father?" William asked, causing Robert to chuckle as he took a sip of wine and stood up. He walked over to William and held one of the daggers. It was so tiny in his hands.

"Well, I never was one for daggers. I always preferred my hammer or a long sword." Robert said, looking at his son. "But Jon taught me everything he knew, and he knew a lot about fighting. Do you know the first lesson he taught me?"

"No, father." William replied.

"He told me that a great warrior's most valued attribute is his instincts. Do you know what that is?" Robert asked and William shook his head no. Robert smiled, kneeling down to his son's height. "Your instincts tell you what to do and what not to do. Your instincts drive your body in ways your mind may be too slow to act. It's my instincts that I follow in battle. And my instincts that I followed when I first met your mother. Trust your instincts."

William nodded in response as Robert kissed his head and stood up. William looked at the daggers, then at the target and relaxed. He held one dagger in each hand and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He then opened his eyes and loosened up the grip on the daggers, so he wasn't hold them too tight. He threw the dagger and hit the center of the target. He threw the other dagger and hit the center again.

Everyone was shocked and William was beyond happy. "YES!" William grabbed his father in a fierce bear hug. He got back to work, and his aim now landed his daggers into the center ring of the target. Robert, Ser Barristan, and Ser Arthur smiled as they saw William continued with his training.

"That's it, William. Keep on practicing and you'll be deadly and feared by the time you pick up a real weapon!" Robert boasted. The men smiled as they saw William practice when Jon Arryn walked in.

"Your grace, my prince. The guests have arrived for the feast. I believe it's time to get ready. You've kept most of them away while you've been here so I think it's time for you to get ready." Jon said as Robert drank some more wine.

"Ah, come on, Jon. William just struck his first bullseye, so drink with me. Share in our celebration!" Robert told him and Jon chuckled in amusement.

"And I'm glad but it's time for the dinner. Lords have come for days for the tournament tomorrow and tonight marks the start of the celebration." Jon told him. Robert regrettably nodded and finished his wine.

"Aye, all right. Let's go, William. Time to get ready." Robert told him and they left to get ready.

Ser Arthur escorted William to his chamber where a maid had set out some of his fanciest clothes since it was his name day celebration dinner starting tonight. It consisted of a nice tunic, long pants, and boots combination that his father wore everyday but of a better quality and fabric so it appeared shiny and clean. He wore a black tunic with dark gold pants and boots. His top half had streaks of dark blue with the crest of House Stark stitched on the chest. The crest of House Baratheon was stitched on the small flaps at the bottom.

The maids helped him adjust his clothing and made sure it looked clean and smooth with no wrinkles. One of the maids walked over to his dresser and pulled out the box that held the finishing touch. She opened it and pulled out a Winter Rose, the same Winter Rose that William received from his mother before she died. Ser Arthur had the flower pressed to preserve it so William would always have it. The maid took a pin and pinned it to his chest and straightened it.

William smiled and thanked them as Ser Arthur walked in, dressed in his best clothes with his great sword, Dawn, still on his waist. "Ready, my prince?" Arthur asked and William nodded and they walked out with Shadow next to his master.

Ser Arthur escorted William to the dining hall where the banquet was set up. Jon Arryn had taken charge of preparing the banquet and ball and it was set up in the large dining hall of the Red Keep that could easily house all the visiting guests. They walked through the two large double doors of the dining hall as servants and City Watch greeted and wished Prince William a happy name day. Jon had tasked the servants to make the name day celebration special so the finest silks and tapestries were set up around the hall to decorate it in the sigils of the Crown Stag and the Direwolf. Tables of food ranging from pigeon pie, roast boar, venison, lamb, ham and potatoes, grilled vegetables, breads, and a line of sweets filled the room with a delectable aroma that would make anyone's stomach growl.

There were some performers set up around the hall and a band filled the hall with elegant music as noble lords engaged one another with conversation, dressed in their finest robes and silks trying to show their own elegance and power. Renly was talking to other young boys of the court; Stannis was with his wife and Ser Davos while Robert was talking with Ned when he saw his son enter. Robert rushed over and picked up his son with a hearty laugh as all the lords and ladies looked at them.

"Lords and Ladies, today marks a momentous day for it is my son's name day! Let us rejoice and feast to mark this special day!" Robert shouted. The men cheered and the ladies clapped in applause. Robert put his son on his shoulders and carried him in as the lords reached out and shook his small hands. The band began to play music just as Robert brought William over to Ned. William jumped down and ran into his uncle with a hug.

"Uncle Ned!" William plowed into his stomach. Ned laughed, hugging his nephew and was beyond happy to see him again. "It's good to see you. I haven't seen you in so long."

"Aye, I know. But I'm needed up North and your place is down here. But don't worry, I wouldn't have missed this day for anything." Ned told him. William then hugged his aunt, Catelyn Stark.

"Hello, Aunt Catelyn." William said with a smile and Catelyn hugged him back.

"My prince, happy name day." Catelyn gingerly hugged him because she had a small infant in her arms.

"Is this my cousin?" William asked and she nodded.

"This is Sansa." Catelyn introduced the two. Once Sansa saw his face she giggled.

"Where's Robb?" William asked and Ned pointed to Ser Rodrick and the three-year-old boy by his side so William rushed over to play with his cousin.

"Wow, that boy's grown since I last saw him." Ned said. Robert nodded in agreement as he sipped some wine.

"Aye, he's sprouting like a plant and he's smart too, smarter than me when I was his age." Robert said.

"I think he's smarter than you now." Ned joked causing him to laugh.

"Probably and he's on his way to become a great warrior at his rate. You should have seen him training today. He hit his bullseye with a dagger. Ha, even at his age I wasn't that good." Robert said and Ned smiled.

"Daggers?" Ned asked.

"Aye, and Dayne tells me he spends his time running through the gardens or the woods like that damn wolf on your banner. Ha, he's just like Lyanna." Robert said. "Come, Ned! Let's get drunk like the old days!"

William talked and played with his cousin but also talked to Lords and Ladies who wished him a happy name day. He also met their young daughters but most of them were younger and he wasn't that mature enough to care. But he talked to them and enjoyed himself. There weren't other kids his age in the Red Keep all the time so this was a rare chance to play with kids and not old people.

After about an hour of eating and drinking, Jon Arryn got everyone's attention in the hall because he wanted to give the Prince his gift. The Lords and Ladies sent their servants to get their gifts ready as Jon Arryn had his squire Hugh bring over a stack of papers and something covered in a tarp.

"My prince, I felt that considering your recent business ventures, that this would make an excellent gift." Jon Arryn motioned Hugh to place the stack of papers next to William. William looked them over and saw that they had the signature of the Iron Bank of Braavos. "I contacted the lron Bank and an account has been set up in your name to hold your gold and income from your business venture. And since it's with the Iron Bank and I've negotiated a deal, it will continue to grow so long as it remains there. You've shown great promise and I know this will greatly benefit you in your future endeavors."

William smiled and hugged Jon as Jon hugged back. "Thank you, Uncle Jon. This is an excellent gift." William said.

"No thanks necessary, my prince. And speaking of your recent business ventures, your friend Rydan and his friends sent over a gift for your name day." Jon said, removing the tarp to reveal an intricately carved wooden piece of a Direwolf and Stag running through a forest. It was like a painting on a wooden plank and had expertly carved trees and foliage that looked real and were painted expertly. The Direwolf looked fierce yet graceful and was painted dark blue while the Stag was proud and powerful. William loved it and imagined it was Shadow running through the forest.

"It's amazing. I'll have to thank them in person for this." William said as a servant came by and took the gift away.

Next came the gift from Lords of the Vale which included fine made battle axes and weapons for William to use when he gets older. One of the lords heard of Williams keen mind and gave him a book about the history of the Vale which William appreciated. A messenger sent from Prince Doran and Prince Oberyn of Dorne gave William a book on poisons and medicine and an iron snake statue. A possible threat or just a nice gesture, it was hard to tell. Mace Tyrell gave him a beautiful golden goblet studded with gems and other lords from the Reach gave him small assortments of gems, beautiful paintings, ornamental weapons and some even gave him books from the Citadel.

Tywin Lannister was next as he had some servants bring over a small, solid gold Direwolf statue. "The finest gold mined from the Westerlands, designed after the House Sigil of your late mother, my Prince." Tywin said and William smiled at the statue.

"Thank you for the gift, Lord Tywin." William said, firmly shaking Tywin's hand and Tywin nodded back. The servants escorted the gift to William's chambers as Tyrion came up and placed a book down on the table.

"I've heard from my brother that you're quite the reader so I thought about getting you something that would be good to read. The Lives of Four King's. Grand Maester Kaeth's history of the reigns of Daeron the Young Dragon, Baelor the Blessed, Aegon the Unworthy, and Daeron the Good. A book every King should read." Tyrion said. William smiled as he looked at the book. It was one of the books he has wanted to read for a long time but could never find it in the Red Keep's library and it was rumored to have been only one copy left.

"I've been wanting to read this for a long time. Thank you, Lord Tyrion. Thank you very much." William shook Tyrion's hand and the little lord smiled back.

"Your welcome, your grace." Tyrion said as the servants took the book to William's chambers.

Ned then came over with Ser Rodrick holding a beautifully made coat with a wolf pelt around the shoulders. "Now, I realize it may be too hot down here in the capital but a Stark isn't a Stark without a coat of Wolf's fur. And should ever come visit us in the North, then you'll fit right in." Ned told him, putting it on his nephew. It was still too big, but the fur felt comfortable. "Lyanna would be so proud to see the boy you've become. Never forget her, William."

"I won't, Uncle. Thank you." William said, hugging his uncle who hugged back. One of the servants took the coat to William's chambers and Robert stood up, still somewhat sober and able to speak clearly.

"William…son, come here." Robert said. He walked over as Robert looked him up and down. "You've made me proud to be a father. You're smart, strong, brave, and will be a great King when you're old enough. Any father would be proud to have you as their son, and I couldn't be prouder. Soon, you will no longer be a boy and you will need to act like a man. So, I have a gift for you to use when you're ready."

Ser Barristan walked up with an item covered in a tarp and removed it causing William to let out a gasp of surprise and excitement. They were two daggers, beautifully made and intricate. One of them was a stiletto dagger while the other was a curved dagger. The curved dagger had a 5-inch handle made of dragon bone and decorated with gold with a large ruby in the hand guard. The 7-inch blade had a straight back side while the front was curved. The stiletto had a 5-inch handle and a small cross guard. The handle was made of a smoothed wood and steel combination with a dark blue and black leather grip. The 7-inch blade was sharp and thin, yet long enough to easily hit vital organs. Both of the metal in the daggers had an intricate pattern weaved in.

"Be careful with these, my prince. These are not toys or training daggers, these are real and can hurt you." Ser Arthur warned him. William took the dragon bone dagger and removed the sheath.

"That's Valyrian steel, William. The sharpest metal there is and the strongest. It's sturdy but light. You read about it, right?" Robert asked as William nodded.

"It's said to be magical. Ever since the Doom of Valyria, there isn't any more Valyrian steel left. Where did you get them?" William asked.

"The straight dagger I had Barristan track down and we had it re-forge it for you by a master smith in Volantis. The bone dagger Dayne managed to track down." Robert said as William looked at his sworn shield.

"It's a tradition in my house that when a lad is ready, he be given a dagger. I managed to find one." Ser Arthur said, causing him to smile.

"Thank you, Father. It's the best gift ever." William hugged his father with all his strength and Robert smiled, hugging back. Will then hugged Ser Barristan and then Ser Arthur. "Thank you, Ser Arthur."

"It was my pleasure, my prince." Arthur replied. William took both daggers and strapped them around his waist.

Cersei glared at the boy as she coddled Joffrey in her arms. Daggers that precious and rare should belong to her son and not that wolf boy. Robert then stood up and picked up another goblet of wine. "All right, let's get back to the feast!" Robert shouted as he drank the wine in one go and everyone got back to eating and drinking.

Line Break xxxxx

289 AC

A lot had changed in King's Landing for the realm and for William. Now a boy of 10, he began to grow and stood 5ft 4 inches and wasn't skinny like most boys his age. His running through the gardens or nearby woods and his training made him stronger than most boys his age, something his father was proud about. William's training enable him to run through the woods all day and not get tired and he was an expert climber, often climbing up trees, swinging from branches or hurtling over walls and hay bales like an acrobat. William said he wanted to move like a wolf on the hunt or a stag running through the forest and trust his instincts should the need arise, so he kept training.

After he was given his daggers as a gift on his 6th name day, he carried them with him all the time via a leather belt around his waist. His accuracy with daggers improved and he could now hit the center of the target from 30 feet away. When he turned 7, he asked Ser Arthur and Ser Barristan to train him to use a sword. He practiced with a wooden sword and was getting there. He still had a lot to learn but could fight as well as a boy his age should, probably better. Since he focused so much on speed, he trained with Ser Arthur on his fighting style of Dimachaerus, or Valyrian for two knives. It means the fighter used two swords, either two short ones or one long and one short. The style was for close range fighting and meant the fighter could both attack and defend with his weapon rather than a shield and could engage multiple people at once. It wasn't something every person could learn because the two swords of the style meant it required a great deal of skill, patience, and practice but William was a patient student.

Robert was a bit angry that William hadn't taken to the Warhammer like he did. William could lift one but it wasn't his preferred weapon, it felt too clumsy. But when Robert saw William practice with his two daggers on a dummy or swing the practice sword against Ser Barristan, Robert was just happy to see his son fighting like he did when he was younger. Along with his skills with daggers and his growing skill with swords, William was more than on his way to becoming an expert archer. He had moved from the long bow and was now mastering the recurve bow. With another year of training and honing his skills, he'd be an expert marksman.

Along with this physical training, William spent just as much time with his mental training. He spent time with Cedric reading old books on politics, history of houses and families, geography, trading, economics, poisons, wildlife, and ended with warfare and battle strategy. He also began learning other languages as well like Low and High Valyrian along with Dothraki. He absorbed all the information he could and with some help from Grand Maester Pycelle on tracking down the older books for study sessions or medicines and poisons for his studies. William was a very smart lad and that smartness paid off in a big way in terms of his wealth.

Normally, you would think that being the Prince would mean you had all the money in the world but Cedric taught William that money and gold don't grow on trees and unless you could summon gold from the ground for the rest of your life, you needed to plan carefully. His farming tool and technique venture sparked William's desire to invent more and help the people of the 7 Kingdoms. The masons and smiths who made the tools and ploughs were given commission from the payment and taxes the lords and farmers paid William for the tools and were happier than they have ever been. William expanded his small venture to include better surplus of building tools, mining tools, and machines which brought in more income. He, Cedric, and Rydan came up with designs for an irrigation system that would help distribute and carry water to arid grass and fields. Taxes and payments were set up so farmers and lords could get easy access to these new techniques and William and his builders still received pay. Prince Doran paid his weight's worth in gold for those irrigation and water systems as they were much needed in Dorne.

William appointed Cedric to oversee his books since there wasn't anyone he trusted more with something like this. Cedric was more than happy to help and began expanding the prince's money to housing and land purchasing. By now, William owned half of the houses, inns, and taverns in the city and some in the Riverlands. He helped to cover repairs and damages and the renters paid a reasonable tax price for housing. It helped families with low money keep a roof over their heads and William was more than happy to discuss terms of payment if the family had trade skills. Cedric had a vast knowledge of trading and economics and began to diversify the Prince's money into trading groups and guilds, markets and merchants and even worked with the builders and masons of the city to set up guilds for large scale jobs. In the 4 years since Jon Arryn had made the account in the Iron Bank for William, Cedric managed to raise a value of nearly 2 million gold dragons that would only increase with time.

William was happy, but that's not to mean he didn't have some complaints. He felt that his father was getting a bit fat, at least his belly was and he spent more time with other ladies and drinking wine. William just didn't get it but when they did spend time together, it was nice. Cersei on the other hand was an entirely different story. William could tell she didn't like him, giving him those hateful stares and glares and when they did speak, she often made comments of his birth or the lack of a mother to make him act like royalty but Ser Arthur told him to not listen. His half-brother, Joffrey, now a four-year-old didn't pay him much attention either, granted he was still young but often acted very rude to him. Myrcella, nearly two years old was just a baby and William liked watching her every now and then but noticed their differences from him. Something he kept to himself for now.

Currently, people were out enjoying themselves and farmers and lords had ordered new farming tools or sent ravens for masons to look over their irrigation networks before farming started which boosted business for William and his constituents. Speaking of the Prince, he was in the open training courtyard/wooded area near the cliffs of the Red Keep for his archery training. He was dressed in a dark blue and gold long sleeve leather jacket and dark brown black pants with boots. He had his daggers strapped to his waist and a quiver full of arrows hanging by his right hip. Ser Arthur was there to watch and protect the prince while Shadow, a full grown black fur hunting dog was lying down in the shade with a clean-picked chicken carcass next to him.

William grabbed the training dummy and tied it to a rope he hung from a tall tree. He then stepped away at about 50 yards and nodded to Ser Arthur who pushed the dummy, causing it to swing back and forth as the Prince took aim. He let loose one arrow and hit in the shoulder and then fired another and hit it in the stomach. He let loose another arrow and struck the other shoulder but missed his targets: the heart and the head. Ser Arthur caught the dummy and was very impressed with the Prince's accuracy.

"Well done, your grace." Arthur said. He couldn't hit a moving target like this. "I know men my age who can't hit this well on a moving target."

"Well, I didn't get my target. And remember, Ser Arthur, it's Will when we're alone." William said as Arthur smiled.

"Of course, Will. Another go?" Arthur asked and got a nod in response. Arthur pushed the dummy as William let loose another arrow and hit the left lung. He pulled out another arrow and aimed down his sight as he saw the rope holding the dummy up and smirked. He then took a deep breath, watching the dummy swing back and forth. Time slowed down a bit as he took his time and focused. He exhaled and released his arrow, hitting the dummy square in the head. He fired one more shot, aiming a little higher and shot the rope holding the dummy up and causing it to plop on the ground.

"Ha, how about that? I hit both my targets now." William joked as Arthur chuckled. William went to retrieve his arrows when he heard the noise of something metal hit stone. He looked to see Shadow with his head up and looking around, like he did when they were hunting…something was near.

"Something wrong, my prince?" Arthur asked when he saw Shadow stand on all fours and begin moving his head back and forth like it was hearing something.

"Shadow, what's wrong?" William asked. Shadow then ran into wooded area of the training courtyard. Something spooked him. "Something's wrong."

Ser Arthur had his hand on Dawn and William pulled out another arrow when they heard another clang of steel against stone. Ser Arthur walked to the edge of the courtyard near the cliffs that stood in Blackwater bay and looked down to see two empty long boats at the bottom.

"What in 7 hells?" Arthur said aloud. He turned to William when they heard feet running through the woods and a man dressed in a shambled leather tunic, iron armor with the sigil of a shield of green and black came charging towards the prince with a sword in his hand.

William was in shock, stumbling backwards and tripping as the man reached out to grabbed William when Arthur charged forward and ran through him with his sword. Nine more men ran out of the woods with axes, swords, shields, and maces and were all wearing similar armor but different sigils. "William, run!" Arthur shouted, blocking the first man who attacked him and kicked him away along with taking his sword. Armed with two blades, he blocked and parried his attacker from behind and slashed him in the throat.

William did as he was told and ran with four of the men chasing after him. "William!" Arthur tried to stop them but was blocked off by his own adversaries. Arthur ducked under an axe swing and kneed the man in the groin before slashing him across the leg, sending him to the ground. He spun and parried a swing, following up with a slash to the man's skull and then spun his sword in reverse grip to stab the fourth man in the gut. Arthur was kept busy with the enemies while William ran as fast as his legs could carry him but the 4 men were taller and catching up. William then ran from the stone walkway and into the woods as the men followed.

William ducked under a branch and jumped over a slanted tree as the men who were chasing him had to run out of the way of the tree and this slowed them a bit. William ran through the woods with his feet and body following the instincts that he spent years honing and it was just like walking to him. He then vaulted over a rock, jumped through some tree branches, and reached the stairs to the lower courtyard of the Red Keep. William jumped to the second flight of stairs and then jumped down to the lower courtyard and saw two dead City Watch guards. William panicked as he saw the men running down the stair with heavy breaths so he pulled out his bow, nocked an arrow fired it at the first man running down the stairs and hit him in the leg. The man stumbled to the ground and fell down the steps, breaking his neck as his friends just stepped over or on him and kept going causing William to panic so he quickly pulled out another arrow.

He nocked and fired it at the next man and hit him in the throat. The man fell on his back, gasping for air. William pulled out another arrow just as the two men made it down the steps and charged at him. William quickly fired his arrow and nailed one of them in the head, killing him. William tried to load one more but the man was too close and grabbed William by the shirt and threw him on the ground. William groaned in pain as he saw the man sheath his sword and walk to him so he turned around and smacked the man in the head with his bow.

"ARGH!" The man shouted in pain. Will's bow was broken, and the man's face was bleeding. The man punched William to the ground in anger. "You made me bleed, you little shit. Lord Balon said we needed you alive, but he didn't say you had to be whole."

The man pulled out a dagger and grabbed William by his hair, hoisting him up and hellbent on taking an eye out. William quickly grabbed his Valyrian steel dragon bone dagger and stabbed the man in the neck. "AHHH!" William plunged the dagger in the man's throat and pushed him back as they fell on the floor with William on top.

"ARGHH!" William shouted, stabbed him repeatedly in the chest as the Valyrian Steel easily penetrated the steel armor like a hot knife through butter. William kept stabbing and the man's stomach and guts were likely a mash with all the injuries when he was pulled off and held from behind.

"William! Stop!" Arthur shouted, holding the prince, and trying to calm him down. Will turned and saw Ser Arthur was alive.

"Ser Arthur, you're alive!" William dropped his dagger and hugged him, glad he was alive.

"Of course. I'm not going anywhere. It's ok, William. It's ok. You did well." Arthur said just as Ser Barristan and some Gold Cloaks ran into the courtyard to see several dead men and Ser Arthur holding a bloody William.

Barristan walked up to Ser Arthur and saw the dead men. "Well done, Ser Arthur." Barristan said but Arthur shook his head no.

"The ones I killed are back in the training courtyard. These men are William's kills." Arthur told him as Barristan looked around at the dead men. Three were killed with arrows while the last was killed with a dagger.

"Get him to Pycelle and looked after. I'll contact the King; he needs to know." Barristan said as Arthur nodded. "Any idea who did this?"

"Balon." William said as Arthur and Barristan looked at the prince. "The man said Lord Balon and the sigils on their chests are from the Iron Islands. It was Balon Greyjoy."

Arthur escorted William to his chambers and several Gold Cloaks, Stormlands soldiers and spare Kings Guard were guarding him while Pycelle checked on the prince. Afterward, Robert called a meeting of the Small Council. Barristan told Robert what happened and he was beyond angry.

"RAGHH!" Robert threw an empty chair against the wall of the Small Council Chambers in anger. "Those squid shits! I'll kill every one of them!"

"Your grace, calm down. William is fine. He did well, his training paid off and now he's protected." Jon said and everyone agreed.

"It's true. The young prince did quite well considering his young age. How is he?" Varys asked.

"Some bruises but nothing serious, your grace. The Prince will be fine." Pycelle said as everyone smiled.

"His grace showed great prowess as a warrior but the better question is why it was needed in the first place. How did 10 Iron born make their way into the Red Keep without anyone finding them?" Stannis asked, concerned for his nephew. William always admired Stannis and treated him with respect and the love an uncle should receive and Stannis was proud to have nephew like him.

"11 actually. The Iron born came from long boats near the Red Keep and climbed. My little birds said they saw an Iron Born ship anchored in the bay before it departed. They quietly made their way to Prince's training ground when they made their strike. The City Watch found the Prince's loyal hound dead by the cliff along with one of the Iron Born. It would seem that the Prince's loyal friend was aware of the danger and tried to protect him." Varys said.

"William won't like that. And are the rumors true, lord Varys?" Jon asked and Varys nodded.

"I'm afraid so, my lord hand. Balon Greyjoy has announced himself King of the Iron Islands and plans to secede from the 7 Kingdoms. The port of Lannisport was burned, the Lannister fleet destroyed and now Iron Born ships are reeving and raiding the western coast." Varys said in a dower tone. "It would seem that Lord Balon sent these men to capture the prince as a hostage to prevent us from retaliating."

"Well that squid shit made a huge mistake. I'll burn those islands down if it's the last thing I do! Jon, call the banners! We're going to war." Robert said in anger and Jon agreed with his actions.

Line Break xxxxx

Jon Arryn had sent out ravens to all the lords of the Stormlands, Westerlands, Reach, the Vale, Riverlands and the North to assemble their armies to deal with the Iron Born. The Iron Throne and House Baratheon, House Stark, House Lannister, House Tully, and House Tyrell answered the call and began to assembler their vassals for war. Word had already reached them of Balon Greyjoy's secession and naming himself King of the Iron Islands and after the successful ambush of Lannisport where the entire Lannister fleet was destroyed, the Iron Born began raiding towns and fishing villages all along the Western Coast with half of the forces heading North while the other half went to the Shield Islands and the Redwynes Straight.

Robert would meet with his vassals at Riverrun and then onward to Seagard where the remaining ships on the Western Coast were stationed. There were half a dozen war long ships and two war galleys and after news of the Greyjoy's attack on Lannisport, Lord Mallister readied his fleet for a fight. Seagard would be Robert's staging ground for attacking the Iron Islands while the North readied whatever ships they could to meet them there and Stannis was sent to Dragonstone to ready the Royal Fleet and half of the Stormlands houses and sail it to join with the Redwyne fleet.

Robert had William under constant guard after his attempted kidnapping and no one could see him. Robert was in the small council chambers, talking to Jon and looking over a map of the 7 Kingdoms as they went over any last-minute details before Robert left and Jon would take control of the city until he returned. "We'll have the City Watch set up around the city and the forces of House Swann of Stonehelm have arrived. They'll be stationed within and around the city in case something happens." Jon said as Robert nodded.

"Good, and remember, I want Ser Balon Swann and Dayne watching William at all times. I won't lose him." Robert ordered when they heard the door open and saw William walking in with a pack around his shoulders, a quiver of arrows on his back, a bow slung over his right shoulder and his leather belt of daggers around his waist.

"You won't because I want to come." William stood before his father and Lord Arryn like a soldier ready for war.

"William, you're not going." Robert told him.

"Let me come with you. Boys my age are already squires and going with knights to war. You don't even have to give me a sword, I can use my bow." William told them.

"No, William." Robert replied.

"Please, father I'm ready." William begged but his father shook his head.

"No." Robert knelt down so he was eye level with him. "No, William. Now, yes you did hold your own and I'm proud of you. More so than you can imagine but this is different. War is…bloody, dirty, and you're not ready for it."

William was about to respond but Robert stopped him. Robert wasn't acting like Robert; he was acting like a devout Father. "And that's that. I want Ser Swann and Dayne watching you at all times and you're never to leave their sight. Now, Lord Beric Dondarrion will also be here to watch over you and you're not to leave him as well. Do you understand?" Robert asked as William looked at him and nodded.

"Yes, father." William replied, defeated and upset that he wasn't coming. Robert sighed, seeing his son's expression.

"William, I just want you to be safe. I lost your mother; I won't lose you too." Robert told him. He hugged his son close, relishing that he was alive and he would stay that way.

"You know, I won't be a child forever. I'll be ready to fight with you." William said, causing Robert to chuckle.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Robert replied, bidding him farewell and left.

William watched from the walls of the Red Keep as Robert and his party left for Riverrun. He sighed in defeat and leaned against the stone wall, thinking about what his father had said to him when he got an idea. He ran to his room to get a pack of his clothes and boots. He had a servant tell Ser Arthur and Ser Balon to get their things ready for a trip and meet him by the training courtyard. William arrived in the training courtyard and took a recurve bow and two quivers full of arrows when Ser Swann and Ser Arthur arrived.

"You called, your grace?" Ser Swann asked, decked out in his Kingsguard armor and white cloak.

"Up for another training session?" Arthur asked but William shook his head no.

"No, we're going to Dragonstone." William stated. That statement made the two scratch their heads in confusion.

"Why?" Arthur asked.

"Because my uncle Stannis is almost ready to sail the royal fleet into battle and I'm going with him. You two are coming as well as Lord Dondarrion and his men. I already sent a servant to tell him to ready his men." William told them, loading up one of his quivers with all the arrows it could fit.

"My prince, your father told you to remain here in the capital for your safety." Ser Swann told him.

"No, actually my father said that I was to not leave the side of Ser Balon Swann, Ser Dayne and Lord Dondarrion. He never said anything about leaving the city." William said with a smirk which made Arthur chuckle.

"You know what your father meant, my prince." Dayne replied.

"It doesn't matter what he meant, it matters what he said and I don't plan to leave your sides and you can't leave mine. So, we're going to Dragonstone, and I'll convince my uncle to let me go with him. Now, you can either get ready or I'll go by myself." William said with all the seriousness of a man who was dead set on what he was doing.

"Give us a few minutes. We'll get ready." Arthur told him. They left to grab some extra clothes, their armor, and weapons. Ser Arthur got some steel armor chest plates and legs greaves while Ser Swann kept his Kingsguard armor. Both grabbed their weapons and some spare clothes and made their way down to Blackwater bay to catch a ship to Dragonstone.

They boarded a ship that would carry the Prince and his group to Dragonstone. William was on the bow of the ship as he saw the Royal Fleet anchored around Dragonstone and the surrounding islands. The ship anchored near the island and William and his group looked around and saw men preparing boats and supplies for the trip. William asked where his uncle was and he was escorted to Stone Drum, the central keep of Dragonstone where Stannis was with Ser Davos in the chamber of the painted table.

William walked in to see Stannis and Ser Davos planning out the voyage based on projected winds and the sea. Stannis and Ser Davos were confused to see William walk in and with his weapons and bow. "Hello Uncle, Ser Davos." William bowed in respect and walked to them as Ser Davos and Stannis bowed their heads to the prince.

"My prince." Ser Davos greeted with a smile.

"My prince. What brings you to Dragonstone?" Stannis asked.

"Lord Dondarrion and his men are ready for the journey to the Iron Islands. I came to greet you and wanted to know when we set sail." William said.

"We, my prince?" Ser Davos asked.

"As the crowned Prince of the 7 Kingdoms, my duty is the protection of its people. I want to help protect it against the Iron Born." William said. Ser Davos chuckled at the Prince's courage while Stannis managed to crack a small smile.

"Yes, it is your duty but not now. You're still too young for war." Stannis told him.

"So, I've been told but I managed fine. I took down four Iron Born and I won't let these men who swore their fealty to my father go into battle without seeing that their king as well as their crowned prince is willing to fight with them. Please uncle, let me go with you." William said.

"I admire your sense of duty, I do William. But I'm sure your father told you stay in Kings Landing and I will not betray his orders." Stannis told him while the prince cracked a small smile.

"Actually, my father told me to never be out of the sight and presence of Ser Swann, Ser Arthur and Lord Dondarrion and I'm not. Ser Arthur and Ser Swann are outside and Lord Dondarrion is here as well." William replied, causing Davos to chuckle at the boy's wit. "It doesn't have to be on the flag ship with you, Uncle. It could be on another one. Please, let me go with you."

Stannis looked at William and then at Ser Davos who shrugged his shoulders. "If that fails to move you, then as an order from your prince, let me come with you." William ordered and Stannis knew he was serious because he rarely used the excuse of being crowned prince to get his way.

"Very well. You and your men shall accompany us to the Iron Islands. But you and your men shall be with Ser Davos on his galley, Black Betha and while on the ship, he is in command. You are smart for your age, William but Ser Davos has experience on the water that you do not." Stannis told him and William nodded in agreement.

"Agreed." William shook his uncle's hand and went to go tell his men.

"He's a smart boy." Ser Davos stated.

"Keep him safe, Ser Davos." Stannis said as Ser Davos nodded.

"I'll care for him as if he's my own flesh and blood." Davos said, leaving to get his ship ready.

William told everyone to get ready and they boarded the Black Betha. It was a medium size war galley that was both nimble but deadly in a fight if it needed to be. The ship fit about 100 men so it consisted of Ser Davos, his crew of 20, Prince William, Ser Arthur, Ser Swann, and Lord Dondarrion with some of his best men while the rest were put on a different ship. After some final matters were attended to, they set sail for the Iron Islands and for another war.

Line Break xxxxx

Ocean between the Redwynes Straights and the Shield Islands

The Royal Fleet had been sailing for at least a moon and managed to pass the Stepstones, and the southern coast of Dorne and was making its way to the Redwynes Straight where the Tyrell fleet would meet them. The men on the ship kept themselves busy with games of Chyvasse, dice or cards, training and eating whatever they fished from the ocean. There was little to do on a ship and some were getting a little agitated but they were pushing on. William was enjoying himself as he loved the feeling of the salt air and wind against his face. He talked a lot with Ser Davos and the quartermaster and learned every crevice and cranny of the ship and the basics of sailing. It was complicated and people like Ser Davos had trained and sailed for years to be where they are.

William talked with the men who worked on the ship and got to know Lord Beric Dondarrion and his friend, Thoros of Myr. He was a bit unusual but was funny and had a lot of good stories of his adventures. Apparently, he was supposed to be a priest but he drank just as much as his father so William wasn't sure what kind of priest he was. But Thoros didn't go preaching or reading from a book, he just seemed like a normal sell sword, fighter or knight who liked to drink and bet with the other men on the ship. He also knew a lot about fighting and distraction since Thoros coated his sword with a special oil that would set the sword ablaze when struck which was awe-inspiring to William when he first saw it at a tourney on his name day a few years ago. When they had sailed past the Stepstones, William asked Thoros about the history since it was the first place outside of Westeros he had been in his life. Granted, he hasn't actually been there and more just sailed past but he was still curious.

Thoros told him that Myr once was a colony of the Valyrian empire but after the Doom of Valyria, it became independent. Like it's other cities, Tyrosh and Lys they were in constant conflict with one another and Myr and the area between the cities was called the Disputed Lands. Now the Stepstones were a haven for pirates and small independent kingdoms. Thoros told William that attempts have been made to colonize the islands but has been proven difficult because of the terrain. Still, despite this the Stepstones were hubs for trade of goods from Lys, Myr and Tyrosh and the pirate issue was a problem but no sane pirate would go against the Royal Fleet.

Myr was renowned for having some of the best craftsmen and Myrish Lace was one of the most sought after, expensive, and valuable lace there was. Lys was a tropical island that was heavily involved in the slave trade, training some of the best bed-slaves in the world and known for the best wines, tapestries, and alchemists. Tyrosh was renowned for its pear brandy and Tyroshi armor smiths were rumored to be the best in the world, making some of the most intricate, ornate, and strongest armors made from the most precious of metals. Along with its trade, Tyrosh is also known for its abundance of Sellsword companies.

There was also the Summer Isles which were further south of Lys and was considered a relaxation haven because of its beautiful beaches, abundance of natural resources and its high-class prostitutes. Thoros mentioned that the former Prince Jalabhar Xho was deposed and was in exile in King's Landing. William remembered seeing the Prince once in court because the Prince was asking for the King's assistance in reclaiming his homeland and taking back control. All of this sounded exciting and William wanted to experience it but Thoros and Ser Arthur joked that he would never get the chance because his father wouldn't likely let him go.

William was sitting on the bow of the ship, on the front horizontal rigging plank as he leaned against a rope, enjoying the sun. He had just finished a training session with Ser Arthur and was taking a break when he noticed something in the distance. He stood up to get a better look and ran across the ship to where Ser Davos was talking to the ship's quartermaster. "Ser Davos, I think there's something up ahead!" William told him as Ser Davos got a spy glass and looked to where William was pointing.

"All hands, man your battle stations! Hoist the sails, full speed, ready the bolts!" Ser Davos shouted and the crew instantly got to work.

"Lord Dondarrion, ready your men!" William shouted as the men quickly got their weapons and armor.

"My prince, I'm gonna ask you to stay here. My job is to keep you safe and I can't do that if I'm worrying about you." Ser Davos told him. He scurried along the deck of the ship to help his men and got to the bow of the ship while the quartermaster took over the helm.

William stood there, confused as to what to do to help when Ser Arthur brought some armor for him. It was just a solid steel chest plate and helmet but William felt so constricted in it. He was wearing boiled leather armor underneath and that was fine because he could move but the steel felt like a rock was strapped to his body. Ser Arthur handed William his bow and quiver but with the armor, he couldn't move his arms as fast or as comfortable as he wanted.

The royal fleet sailed through the water and readied their weapons to engage the Iron Born who were sailing at them. William couldn't tell how many, but there had to be dozens of ships, probably a hundred. He saw men grab their bows, load scorpion bolts in ballistae and prepare ropes for boarding parties while the crew manned their stations all over the ship.

William looked and saw four Iron Born long ships heading for them while the rest were heading to the rest of the Royal Fleet where his Uncle was. William was worried as Ser Davos had told him that the Iron Born were unmatched at naval warfare and it seemed they were using long ships for speed. The galleys of the Royal Fleet were not as fast which could prove to be the thing that lets the Iron Born win. William looked around and saw the crow's nest on the top mast was empty and got an idea. He ran down below deck to grab a lit lantern and grabbed some extra arrows from a barrel. He walked onto the deck of the ship and knew what he need to do so he took off his helmet and chest armor, tossing them aside before rushing over to Thoros.

"Thoros, do you have an extra bottle of the oil you use?" William asked so Thoros reached into a pouch and pulled out a small vial of the oil he used.

"Here." Thoros handed the vial to the prince. William smiled and pocketed the vial before walking over to the center mast.

"What are you doing, my prince?" Lord Dondarrion asked.

"Something that should help us in this fight." William slung his bow over his shoulder and grabbed the lantern in his left hand. He grabbed onto a rope with his right hand and kicked a lever which caused a weight from the top of the mast to fall and lifted him up into the air. Everyone looked in awe and fear as they saw the prince fly in the air like a bird. He reached the top and let go, landing on a platform underneath the crow's nest. He climbed up the ladder to the crow's nest, which was a circular platform with a railing that allowed for an open view of the ship and the sea.

William put the lantern on the seat and the vial in the net sling next to the ladder. He put his quiver and the extra arrows down as he saw the ship's closing in. He looked up to the mast and saw a small flag flapping in the wind. The wind was coming in from the south and blowing north causing William to smile. He took out an arrow and uncorked the vial of oil. He dipped the arrowhead in and then lit it using the lantern. He nocked the arrow back and aimed at the furthest ship to the left. He looked at the flag and saw the wind still carried north so he adjusted his aim up and to the left a bit.

Ser Davos was with his firing crew and making some last minute adjustments before walked back over to the steering wheel when he noticed everyone looking up. "Where's the prince?!" Davos asked as Arthur pointed up. Davos saw the prince was in the crow's nest with his bow and a flaming arrow, aimed at one of the ships.

"He'll never make that shot." Lord Dondarrion said.

"Ten silver stags say he does." Thoros wagered and Dondarrion took that bet.

William took a deep breath as he saw the ship coming closer and closer with the wind was still in his favor. He adjusted his aim, pulled his arrow back as far as it would go and let loose, sending the arrow high into the sky. It sailed through the air, over the sea and the wind carried it further than it normally would. The men on the ship watched as the Prince's shot sailed through the air and looked like it would hit its target. The Iron Born were ready to kill some men and take what they wanted. They were sharpening their axes, swords and readying their ballistae when they stopped and looked up at the sky to see a flaming arrow sail above them and hit its mark, the post of the great mast of the ship. It hit the part where the cloth of the sail was tied together.

The flaming, oil coated arrow hit the sail and the fire began to spread all along and onto the rigging ropes. The Iron Born panicked as they quickly tried to put out the fire and save their ship but the fire quickly burned through the sail. With the mast gone, it left them dead in the water with the only physical means of propulsion being oars but that meant that half of the men on deck who were going to fight had to go below decks. The fire lingered on the ropes until they burned out but unless the ship was doused in oil, it wouldn't catch the whole ship ablaze.

"Incredible." Ser Swann said in amazement.

"All right, men. Prepare the weapons!" Davos shouted and his men prepared themselves.

Lord Berric took out a small pouch of coins and handed it to Thoros who smiled. "Thank you, very much." Thoros pocketed the coin and readied his sword. "The Prince is a sure shot. The Wolf who never misses."

"Aye, the Blue Wolf. The Apex Predator." Ser Arthur said, proud of his student.

William nocked another flaming arrow and adjusted his aim to fire on the second ship to his left and hit another bundle of ropes that ignited and spread to the mast. He repeated this two more times and set the third and fourth Iron Born ship's mast ablaze. This rendered the ships stuck in the water which made them easy targets for the Royal Fleet. William stayed in the Crow's nest and took shots at Iron Born on the decks of the ship while the crew and men on the deck boarded the nearest ships and used the scorpion bolts to tear through the others.

William managed to hit 40 Iron Born with 60 arrows, missing a few shots because of the wind and moving targets but his accuracy impressed the men. They saw that their prince was willing to fight with them and that he stopped four of the Iron Born ships and made them easy targets. The Royal Fleet destroyed the rest of the Iron Born that engaged them with the remaining 10 retreating. William grabbed onto a rope and dropped down to the deck of the ship as the men saw the Iron Born fleeing the battle. William smiled at the first victory the Royal Fleet experienced and he just hoped he made his Uncle and Ser Davos proud.

Ser Davos saw William come down from the crow's nest and smiled. The Prince was a gifted archer. "Well, my prince, I believe we now know how to deal with the Iron Born. Well done, I'm sure your uncle is proud and when your father hears of this, he'll be beyond overjoyed." Davos said with pride. The men on the deck began cheering the prince's name in celebration of their easy victory.

Ser Arthur picked him up and placed him on a barrel so everyone could see him. He then unsheathed his sword, Dawn and addressed the men. "Let's cheer for the man who helped us win this day! Prince William Baratheon, the Blue Wolf! The Master Archer! The Hunter of the Iron Born!"


The men on the ship chanted William's new title over and over causing him to smile in pride in his actions. He raised his bow and let loose a battle roar and his men cheered and raised their weapons, carrying the cheer so loud that the other ships in the Royal Fleet heard.

Line Break xxxxx

The Royal Fleet had destroyed nearly 80 Iron Born ships and sent the rest scurrying back to the Iron Islands. The Royal fleet joined with the Redwyne fleet and stocked up on supplies in Old Town before sailing up the Western Coast. A raven had come, informing them that the Iron Born attacked Seagard in the Riverlands, led by Rodrik Greyjoy. But the Mallisters were ready with Jason Mallister killing Rodrik Greyjoy and after his death, the Iron Born scurried away. It was a big blow to Balon Greyjoy as he lost his eldest son but the Iron Born were still reaving along the coast.

Stannis was readying the Royal Fleet and the Redwyne Fleet to battle with Victarion Greyjoy's fleet near Lannisport and Fair Isle. The scouts said that there were about 100 ships in Victarion's fleet and he was a skilled sailor and warrior so he knew what he was doing. He was also one of the main leaders of the Iron Born rebellion, being Balon Greyjoy's younger brother. If they managed to kill or capture him, it would deal a serious blow to the Iron Born.

William was on the bow of the ship as they sailed up the Western coast, passing Casterly Rock and Lannisport and were nearing Fair Isle where Victarion's fleet was last sighted. He looked out and saw some of the Iron Born ships in the distance and soon saw an entire fleet. William ran across the deck and told Ser Davos who nodded.

"All right, men! You know your jobs! Man your stations!" Davos shouted as the men got to work. William grabbed his bow and quiver and got back to the Crow's nest while the men prepared their arrows and scorpion bolts. They wrapped the bolts and arrow heads in spare cloth and any oil they could spare and readied them to fire as they got closer and closer.

William saw the Iron Born fleet prepare for battle as most the forces were sailing straight at the Royal Fleet while a quarter of the fleet branched off to the sides to flank them and attack from the side. Ser Davos noticed this and gave the Royal Fleet a signal to prepare for an attack from the side and some ships began to turn to cover the flank. Ser Davos gave the signal and the men lit the scorpion bolts and fired them. They sailed through the air and hit the nearest ships. Other ships in the fleet began to do the same and the Iron Born began firing scorpion bolts back and the battle then turned into true naval warfare.

William stayed in the crow's nest, firing flaming and non-flaming arrows to try and kill any Iron Born he could. Ships on both sides began to get hit and some that were unlucky to get hit in certain areas began to take on water and sink while other scorpion bolts veered off course or skewered unsuspecting men. The larger size galleys of the Royal Fleet made it so that they could take twice as many hits than an Iron Born ship which sunk after 4-5.

William watched the carnage of war as ships sunk, wood and metal flew back and forth and men died and stained the ocean red with blood. William was horrified but he quickly focused on the task at hand which was fighting with his men. William kept firing arrows and killed every 1 in 3 Iron Born he could see with the rest of his shots either missing due to wind or hitting non-lethal areas like the arms or legs. Davos' ship kept pushing forward as the men on ballistae fired their arrows and bolts while the men on the deck helped them reload and brought them ammunition. Then, an Iron Born ship got alongside Black Betha and the Iron Born threw out grappling ropes and swung over to board.

Ser Arthur drew his sword and began skewering and killing any Iron Born that got close with the other men joining him. Thoros lit his sword aflame and killed any fear-struck or unlucky man that came at him. William peaked out of the crow's nest with his bow ready and fired an arrow at a man charging at Ser Davos. He shot another arrow at an Iron Born but saw that in the Crow's nest, he couldn't get a clear shot so he grabbed his quiver and climbed down to the wooden platform on the mast which gave him a clear view of the deck of the ship.

William began firing arrows in rapid succession, taking down or maiming any Iron Born that was on deck but they kept coming. The quartermaster began steering the ship forward when another Iron Born ship came from the other side and began to board. William saw one of the grappling harpoons hooked onto the mast so he quickly aimed his arrow and shot the rope, slicing it off the harpoon. The unlucky Iron Born who swung over on that rope ended up falling into the sea and drowning. More Iron Born came over the sides of the ship as the men on the deck fought for their lives and while they outmatched the Iron Born in skill, the Iron Born just kept coming. William kept firing arrows and killed 10 more Iron Born before his quiver was empty.

"Damn!" He slung his bow over his shoulders and saw the pile of arrows down on the deck. He grabbed some rope that was tied to the platform and wrapped it around his waist to swing down when he saw Ser Davos getting cornered. He looked at the rope and took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing."

William jumped off the platform, holding onto the rope that was around his waist which carried him through the air and down the mast. He swung down by the deck and kicked the Iron Born who was about to stab Ser Davos from behind. William managed to swing with enough force to knock the Iron Born over the edge of the ship and into the water. He reached the height of his swing and began to swing back so he pulled out his curved dragon bone Valyrian dagger and cut the rope when he was above the deck. The blade cut through the knife with ease so he dropped to deck and rolled from the fall.

Ser Davos saw the prince jump from the sail on a rope and save his life. An Iron Born charged at the prince with a sword but William rolled out of the way. He then vaulted over a barrel as the Iron Born stumbled and tried to catch the prince but William then vaulted and jumped around the mast post on the deck. The Iron Born ran into the post and was knocked on his ass. The Iron Born got back to his feet so he threw his dragon bone dagger and nailed him in the throat. The Iron Born fell on his back with a knife in his neck, gurgling and dripping blood.

William ran to a munition barrel and grabbed a bunch of arrows before running up to the quartermaster who was steering the ship. He quickly began shooting more of the Iron Born in rapid succession and swiftly killed another six before the rest of the men finished the remainders. Some men helped the wounded and took them down below as Ser Arthur and Ser Swann ran up to the prince. William looked and saw that the Royal and Redwyne Fleet had suffered casualties with some of their ships destroyed but most of the casualties were on the Iron Born side with a lot of their ships sinking and if what happened on deck was any indicator, the Iron Born were at their best when raiding fast and quick, not in prolonged warfare against trained men.

William looked and saw a lot of destroyed Iron Born ships but saw the largest one in the rear. That had to be the capital ship where Victarion Greyjoy was. Ser Arthur grabbed William's dagger from the dead Iron Born and handed it to him when he noticed where he was looking. William sheathed his dagger just as Ser Davos walked up to the prince and saw him looking at the remaining Iron Born ships.

"Ser Davos, let's finish them. My father is going to want prisoners and who better than one of the Greyjoys." William looked around at the men who just fought. They had lost a few but the rest were standing proud and strong. "Ser Davos, you think we can finish them?"

"With the fleet at our side, aye your grace. I think we can." Davos walked over and took his place at the helm of the ship. "All right, men! Ready the sails, load the weapons! We end this fight!"

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" The men roared and quickly got to their tasks as the quartermaster signaled the other ships in the fleet to move forward and take the remaining Iron Born.

Ser Swann handed William a short sword, essentially a smaller version of a long or broadsword, perfect for William's height. William tied the sword around his waist as the Black Betha and the rest of the Royal Fleet maneuvered through the destroyed remains of the battle to engage with the fleeing Iron Born. Black Betha sailed through the water and the men readied the ballistae with whatever bolts they had left for the fight but with the rest of the fleet, they would overwhelm the remaining 10 ships.

William was focused with determination as he saw the Iron Born ships start to turn around to flee when the fleet closed in on their position. One of the Redwyne ships got close enough to fire scorpion bolts and aimed for their sails, trying to prevent them from fleeing or at least slow them down. The Iron Born kept sailing away, gaining some distance but the Royal and Redwyne Fleet were right on their tail and weren't going anywhere. William looked ahead and figured Victorian was trying to retreat to the Iron Islands to get some reinforcements or hide.

The wind began to pick up in their direction which increased their speed. The long ships of the fleet sped forward and were closing in on the Iron Born, firing their bolts, and trying to slow them down if not sink them. They managed to destroy the sails of 3 of the ships and kept assaulting the rest, slowing them down and giving the rest of the fleet time to catch up to finish them off.

It worked as Black Betha and part of the fleet had caught up and were now engaging with the remaining Iron Born ships. Ser Davos maneuvered Black Betha and sought to engage Victarion's ship and follow the prince's direction of taking out their leader. Men fired the remaining scorpion bolts they had and arrows as they got closer while other men prepared boarding hooks and ropes. William stood next to Ser Arthur, Ser Swann, Lord Beric and Thoros with 3 other men to keep him safe. The Prince was hell bent to fight with the men but if he was going to fight, then he'd have some of the best fighters there to protect him.

The Royal Fleet finally managed to stop the remainder of Victarion Greyjoy's fleet from fleeing and were now working on capturing or sinking the last 10 ships. Ser Davos steered the ship to the side of Victarion's flagship as the men threw boarding hooks and ropes. "All right, men! Let's end this fight!" William shouted. The men cheered and charged onto the Greyjoy ship. William and his group ran forward and jumped from Black Betha onto Victarion's ship and landed on the deck as the Iron Born scrambled to get ready. They grabbed their weapons and charged into battle as William's men fought back.

The sound of steel clashing against steel and wood filled the air as William stood next to Arthur and hit one of the Iron Born in the leg and sent him to the ground. William followed up the leg swipe by slicing him across the chest, causing blood to fly in the air. He focused his mind on everything he had learned from Ser Barristan and Arthur to keep him alvie in this fight. He ducked and came up from behind him, slicing an Iron Born in the back of the head. He dodged a sloppy axe swing from an Iron Born and stabbed him in the foot. Because of his smaller size, William was more agile. After dodging another axe swing, he swung his sword down and cut off the Iron Born's hand before slicing his throat.

He then blocked a sword swing, kicked the man in the groin and stabbed him in the stomach while the rest of his men began to deal with the remaining Iron Born. Ser Davos slashed an Iron Born across the chest while Lord Dondarrion decapitated the quartermaster. Ser Swann shield bashed an Iron Born and followed up with a decapitating swing to the man's head and pushed the body away with a kick. He raised his shield to protect the Prince's flank as William used that opportunity to stab the Iron Born in the gut and Swann finished him off. The rest of the men finished off the Iron Born who fought while they grabbed the men who surrendered. William, Arthur, and Ser Swann moved along the deck and saw Victarion with a sword and axe trying to fend off the men who were surrounding him.

This was Williams first look at Victarion Greyjoy, one of Balon Greyjoy's younger siblings. He was a large man with black hair streaked with grey. He had a kraken helm on his head and his infamous axe in his right hand with a sword in the other. William saw a bundle of bows and arrows in a bucket so he grabbed one and nocked an arrow, shooting the Greyjoy in the left leg and sending him to his knees in pain. This gave the men the perfect chance to disarm and restrain him.

William and Ser Davos walked up to him as one of the men removed Victarion's helm. Victarion grunted and tried to break free but he had four men restraining him and ready to kill him should he try anything. "So, you're Victarion Greyjoy?" William asked. Victarion looked at William in amusement.

"And what's a green pup doing on a ship? Get lost on the way to your wet nurse?!" Victarion mocked him so one of the men punched him across the face.

"Shut your mouth, squid!" He shouted, fighting back against Victarion's struggles to get free and escape.

"Do you know who I am?" William asked but Victarion just gave a laugh in response.

"A little shit. You think you're tough, boy. Release me and I'll cleave my axe on your head." Victarion taunted so gave him a swift, hard kick across the face causing some blood and a tooth to fall out.

"My name is William Baratheon. Your brother tried to have me killed and his men killed my best friend. But don't worry, we'll return it in kind. Put him in shackles and take him below." William said as the men nodded and pushed him across the deck of the ship while Victarion struggled to get free.

"This isn't over, Baratheon! You hear me! What is dead may never die!" Victarion shouted as he was chained up and dragged below deck.

"Ours is the fury." William said to himself. He felt inspired to speak so he stood on a barrel so everyone could see him. "Do you men know what we just did?!"

Everyone just looked around as no one answered. "We just took down the mightiest of the Greyjoys! Balon Greyjoy thinks he can take whatever he wants, and he would murder, destroy, and rape everyone you hold dear to get it! He proclaims himself King of the Salt Throne and with his ships, he believes himself to be invincible but we have proven him wrong!"

"YAHHHH!" The men shouted and raised their weapons.

"We demolished his precious fleet; we killed his men and we took his brother hostage! And this is just the first step! For everything Balon Greyjoy and his men have done to the innocent people he's reeved, raided and raped…WE'LL PAY HIM BACK TEN TIMES!" William shouted as the men cheered.

"Strike down their banners, and ready the ships! We sail to Seagard and from there, we'll take each Iron Island until Balon Greyjoy kneels at my father's feet!" William shouted and the men roared which caused everyone on the nearby ships to do the same.

"The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" The men cheered over and over as William looked at Ser Davos and Ser Arthur who smiled at the prince with pride. William raised his sword above his head and relished in this moment. He hoped his made his father and mother proud.

Line Break xxxxx

Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark, and their vassals had organized at Seagard and used the available ships from the North and the ones saved at Seagard to invade Harlaw, one of the Iron Islands. With a massive force they smashed through any kind of defenses that Balon had set up. This only happened because Stannis was occupying Victarion and his fleet. With the backup forces distracted, Robert and his forces were able to storm the island. There was resistance and the Iron Born fought as fierce as people expected them to but it didn't do them any good when met with sheer overwhelming numbers and experienced soldiers and leaders.

King Robert's forces occupied all the harbors and moved to all the towns and villages and wiped out any resistance. The travel was slow because of the terrain but eventually it was done and Robert was ready to begin moving to the other islands. Tywin and his men would take the islands of Blacktyde and Orkmont while Robert and Ned would try the islands of Old Wyk and Great Wyk. Robert was in the main tent talking with Ned along with Ser Barristan, Greatjon Umber, Rickard Karstark, Mace Tyrell, Randyll Tarly, Tywin Lannister, and Leo Lefford along with the other heads of houses and armies to talk strategies and supplies when a messenger walked in.

"Your grace, forgive the interruption." The messenger said.

"What, boy?" Robert asked as the man handed King Robert a scroll.

"A raven from King's Landing, your grace." The messenger said. Robert looked at it and saw it had the seal of the Hand of the King.

"What does Jon need?" Robert asked and was about to open it when another messenger entered the tent.

"Your grace, ships are nearing the harbor. They bear the Royal Sigil." The messenger announced.

"It seems that Lord Stannis has finished dealing with Victarion and has come to join us." Mace said.

"But he would have sent word. Let's go see my brother and get the ships ready. My Warhammer needs blood." Robert said as he and everyone left to go see the ships arrive in the harbor.

Robert and his group arrived near the harbor on their horses and saw a lot of the men had come to see the Royal Fleet arrive to aid them. They gathered around as the Royal Fleet's flagship sailed directly into the harbor while the others moved in and began to make anchor. The flagship anchored and some of the squires and men helped secured the ship and helped the injured onto the docks. Everyone looked and saw that the injured and dead were escorted off the ship first and after that, they say the crowned Prince and his party disembark.

They saw the Prince with a sword around his waist and a quiver on his back with some leather armor on his chest. The Prince's face resembled that of the seasoned men in the group who have experienced combat with speckles of blood and scorched oil in his brown/black hair and face. The Prince walked down the ramp of the ship with Arthur Dayne and Ser Balon Swann by his side followed by Lord Stannis, Ser Davos Seaworth, and Lord Dondarrion and the men he fought with him. The men who recognized the prince kneeled while the ones who didn't immediately followed their example as the Prince and his group walked pass them to greet the King.

Robert had a mixture of amusement, pride and anger in his face which Ned noticed as they saw William walk up to them. "My lords." William and his party bowed. "Your grace, sorry we're late but the trip took longer than expected."

"Son, I didn't expect to see you here. Although, I can imagine what Jon's letter is about." Robert said, putting the raven scroll into his pocket. "I thought I gave you specific instructions to not leave the Red Keep."

"Actually, that's not what you said, you implied that. You said to never the leave the side of Ser Swann, Lord Dayne and Lord Dondarrion and I didn't. I've been by their side the entire time." William said with a smile as some of the lords chuckled while Ned smirked a tiny bit. "Uncle, good to see you."

"You as well, Nephew." Ned replied.

"You know what I meant, William." Robert told him in a serious tone of voice.

"I understand, father but my first priority as prince of the 7 kingdoms is the protection of its people. Besides, I needed some payback." William said and saw his father still wasn't completely happy about this. "But we didn't come empty handed. You'll be happy to know that the Iron Born Fleet is now at the bottom of the ocean with the remaining ships under your command and plenty of prisoners. Along with one special."

William nodded to Lord Dondarrion who signaled the men on the ship. They nodded and immediately dragged Victarion Greyjoy off the ship for everyone to see. Victarion wasn't the proud man he was when he was captured, he looked filthy and was wrapped in chains as he was shoved and pushed to the Prince.

"Father, I give you Victarion Greyjoy." William said as the men shoved him to the ground in front of Robert.

Robert and the other lords were impressed with his capture as it not only dealt a serious blow to Balon Greyjoy but showed that William and his group managed to defeat Victarion at sea. Victarion looked up at the smug, proud men in armor and fancy clothes around him and just growled in anger and disgust.

"Baratheon, forgive me if I don't appear at my best." Victarion looked around at the large force assembled. "You have this army at your disposal and you send your snot nosed bastard after me. I'm insulted."

One of the men punched Victarion across the face. "Shut your mouth." He said but Victarion smirked at the men in front of him.

"Don't think you've won. The Iron Born will tear you apart and reave your land. What is dead may never die." Victarion proudly spoke but Will decided he heard enough so he kicked him in the back of the head and knocked him out.

"Ours is the fury." William spoke the words of his father's house and Robert smiled. "Get him into a cell and watch him."

"Yes, your grace." The men replied as they escorted Victarion's body away. Robert looked at his son and then at his brother, Stannis. Something that William noticed so he stepped forward.

"Father, don't blame Stannis, Ser Swann or Arthur for what I did. It was my decision and they were ordered to follow it. And I'm not ashamed of my actions, I stand by them. I know you wanted to protect me but I can't be kept away when my people are suffering because of a rebellion. If you wish to punish me, then I fully accept whatever punishment you choose." William took a knee and bowed his head. "My only wish is that you don't punish anyone else for my mistakes."

Everyone was moved by the prince's words and his willingness to take whatever punishment his father could dole out in order to keep his men safe. Stannis, Ser Davos, lord Dondarrion and everyone smiled at their prince but immediately adopted neutral faces as the King walked up to his son. Robert looked at William and saw the specks of dried blood and the bruises on his knuckles from the fight and smiled.

"William, you disobeyed my wishes to stay in King's Landing and could have gotten yourself killed in an attempt to fight. And in doing so sacked the Greyjoy fleet, safeguarded the land, and brought me Victarion Greyjoy as a prisoner." Robert said in a serious voice as William kept his head down. "I COULDN'T BE PROUDER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Robert bellowed out in pride and happiness before picking him up and hugging him with all his might. William winced in pain as he felt his father still had some of his fabled strength in him. "My boy has finally become a man! This is the best day of my life!" Robert bellowed. He put William on the ground, allowing the prince to breath and adjust his body from the harsh bear hug he received.

"So, you're not mad?" William asked and Robert laughed.

"Mad? I'm proud of you, William! Gods know you inherited my rebellious attitude that drove Jon crazy but you stood your ground like a man. And you've come to me, not as a young boy but now a man with the taste of blood and the thrill of battle on your back!" Robert shouted as William smiled.

"His grace handled himself very well during battle and gifted us with the means of destroying the Greyjoy fleet." Stannis said with a smile on his face.

"Aye, the prince's legacy has started now. The Master Archer, the hunter of the Iron Born, the Blue Wolf!" Arthur said as Robert smiled.

"Aye, a fine title. All hail Prince William Baratheon! The Master Archer, the Hunter of the Iron Born, and the Blue Wolf!" Robert shouted, causing all the men to cheer. .

"The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" "The Blue Wolf!" Soon everyone joined in on the cheer as Robert grabbed his son's hand and held it up with him. William looked at the pride on his father's face and looked to his uncle to see the same. He smiled and raised his sword as the men cheered his name, causing it to echo over the island and out to sea with the wind to carry it for miles.

William and his men were escorted to their tents and got some food and fresh clothes. They rested and got new equipment while the ships were resupplied with weapons, food and any repairs that needed to be made were made. With the Royal Fleet now here, the movement of troops would be easier and with the added naval superiority things would go smoother. That was the hope, at least. After William got some rest, he was called to meet his father. William along with Arthur and Ser Swann walked through camp as men bowed and greeted him with 'my prince' or 'your grace' while William smiled and bowed back. They walked up to the tent and the guards let them in.

William walked in and saw his father in his crowned-stag armor talking to his Uncle Ned and Uncle Stannis, with Ser Barristan, Tywin Lannister, Mace Tyrell, and Randyll Tarly. "Your grace, my lords." William bowed and they bowed back. "You called for me."

"Yes, nephew. The ships from the Royal Fleet are repaired and we're ready to push our offensive. Everyone in this room will be leading a charge so you were called to learn your task." Ned said and William nodded. Robert stood up and moved to the map.

"We've secured this island and with the new ships, we'll move our forces to take out the patches of Iron Born on the other islands before moving on Pyke. Tywin and his forces will take Orkmont and Blacktyde. Stannis and Lord Tyrell will lead an attack on Great Wyk while Ser Barristan will then take Old Wyk. And once that's done, we'll take Pyke and Balon Greyjoy will suffer for his insolence." Robert said as William looked at the map and it sounded like a good plan.

"Sounds like an excellent plan. What's my part in this?" William asked.

"You'll be with Stannis and Lord Tyrell in the attack on Great Wyk. It's the largest island so we'll have our largest force there as well. Be careful, listen to Stannis as you have and don't do anything stupid." Robert said.

"Don't worry, I think I fulfilled my rash quota for this year of my life." William joked causing Ned to chuckle. "I'll tell the men to get ready. I won't fail you, father."

"Everyone but William leave." Robert ordered. Everyone left the tent including Arthur and Ser Swann who waited outside. "I know you won't fail me, William. Just by being here proves that but that doesn't mean you should be reckless. Stay safe, son."

William smiled as he saw that even with this rebellion, his father could slow down and be a father. "I will, father. And I promise that I will be by your side when we make Balon suffer for what he did." William said causing Robert to smile in pride.

"If I don't storm the island first." Robert joked as William chuckled. "Now, go get your men ready, commander. You leave soon."

"Yes, your grace." William left the tent and went to tell Lord Dondarrion and their men to get ready for another fight.

End of Chapter 1

(1) Imagine Ser Ian McKellen as Cedric Angar, a wise, old man with sage like advice and very loyal. He's not a Maester, just someone who helps Pycelle.

I hoped you guys like the first chapter to this different take on the Game of Thrones mythos. I've wanted to do a Game of Thrones story for a while and finally got around to writing one. There were multiple different kinds of OC characters I thought about doing from different houses and I might do them in the future but the first one I wanted to do was a what if OC in the Game of Thrones story.

This OC is a take on the Game of Thrones mythos where Robert and Lyanna slept together before they were set to be married and before the Tourney at Harrenhal as well as pushing up the rebellion by a year or two. Now, in my story, Lyanna did love Robert and Robert did love her but when she saw Rhaegar she was swept up in love and romance with him that she left with him to the Tower of Joy realizing she was pregnant but couldn't get rid of her child. A trueborn son of Robert, it will change up the story and the future events with his existence and actions.

Now, I know some of you will note that Robert isn't acting like Robert but that was done on purpose. Robert, as a character was head strong, a drunk and womanizer who loved to fight and that's still there but he truly loved Lyanna, or at lease says he did like no one else and her death and his subsequent marriage to Cersei turned him into the man we meet during Season 1 of Game of Thrones. Again, we now know that Robert's relationship with Lyanna wasn't how he said it was, but I wrote this before the Season 7 debut. My rationale with his change in behavior is whenever he's with William, he is a reminder of his one true love and it's enough to make him act more like a father whenever he's around. It doesn't completely change him as Robert still sleeps with a lot of women and drinks a lot and spends his time hunting but when he's with William he's much calmer and fatherlier. To Robert's eyes, even only at the age of 10, William is the best son a father could ask for and the opposite of Joffrey.

William's relationship with his half-siblings and the queen is very stressed. Cersei hates William with every fiber of her body because he's a constant reminder that Robert loved someone else and that he will rule after Robert dies. And she keeps Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen away from William as much as possible. There is a five-year age difference between William and Joffrey so when season 1 starts, William will be roughly 19-20 years of age while Joffrey will be around his season 1 age at about 15. Cersei's planned to have William killed but Arthur keeps William always safe and he's never out of his sight so she's kept her plans set for the right moment. Jaime can't get near him and William's food is always prepared by a trusted staff at the Red Keep but she won't give up until he is out of the equation.

William's early actions in helping the local farmers and then developing the plan for new tools and enhancing the agriculture of the 7 Kingdoms is a huge steppingstone for his character and showing how much he wants to help the 7 Kingdoms. It also shows that William is wise and smart but not a genius. He's not super smart but smart enough to make someone like Tywin Lannister or Prince Doran acknowledge William's talent and potential. His business endeavor shows that William has a keen mind and wants to make something of himself besides his crowned prince title and make his own wealth. And in four years, he's amassed nearly 2 million gold dragons worth of wealth in the Iron Bank and that's from all his business ventures and years of new deals and sales and such.

For those who are curious about William's pairing in this story, I'm leaning towards WilliamXMargaery or WilliamXDaenerys or WilliamXDaenerysXMargaery but if you have other suggestions feel free to leave it in a review.

Next chapter, William and his uncle Stannis begin their campaign on Great Wyk before the Siege of Pyke and the end of the Greyjoy Rebellion. Then William begins to explore more of the 7 Kingdoms and the rest of the world.

To imagine what William looks like:

· At 10 years old, imagine William looking similar to Levi Miller. The young actor from the Pan movie except a little taller with darker hair.

William Baratheon: Son of Robert Baratheon and Lynna Stark, Prince of the Seven Kingdoms

· Appearance: Levi Miller

· Regular Clothing: Boots, long black or grey trousers, light white tunic/shirt, dark blue/black leather jacket, belt with daggers. (Think of his clothing similar to what Jaime wore to Dorne in Season 5, something simple but made of good material and different color.)

· Weapons: Recurve Bow and Arrows, Valyrian Steel stiletto dagger, Valyrian Steel Dragonbone dagger

· Birthdate: 279AC: 10 years old

· Notable Talents: Expert archer, knife thrower with expert aim and marksmanship. Agile and quick moving, self-trained in parkour, Free running, and urban exploration. Smart and quick thinking on the battlefield. Knowledge of battle tactics, poison, wildlife, history, politics, and economics.

· Personality: Smart, attentive, wise, caring, generous, humble and cares about others.

· Allies:

o Cedric Angar: personal tutor and once trained to be Maester

o Ser Arthur Dayne: Sworn Sword, protector, and trainer

o The Stark Family: Family and can be trusted

o Robert Baratheon: Father

o Stannis Baratheon: Uncle

o Ser Davos Seaworth: trusted friend of Stannis Baratheon

o Ser Barristan Selmy: Commander of the Kingsguard, sworn to protect him

New Timeline:

· 276 AC: Birth of Prince Viserys Targaryen.

· 277 AC: The Defiance of Duskendal, Resolution of the Kingswood Brotherhood & betrothal announcement of Robert Baratheon and Lyanna Stark.

· 278-279 AC: Robert sleeps with Lyanna and they unknowingly conceive a child. Tourney at Harrenhal. Prince Rhaegar names Lyanna Stark as Queen of Love and Beauty. Prince Rhaegar and Lyanna have a secret romance and run away together to the Tower of Joy in Dorne. Lyanna is pregnant with child.

· 279-281 AC: Robert's Rebellion. Aerys Targaryen, The Mad King kills Brandon and Rickard Stark who demanded Lyanna's return. Rebellion becomes known as the War of the Usurper which lasts close to nearly two years. Princess Elia and her children are killed in the Sack of King's Landing, Robert named King. Eddard Stark, Howland Reed and others go to Tower of Joy to retrieve Lyanna only to find her dying and a 2-year-old son, along with a newborn. Return to Kings Landing and Robert meets his two-year-old son, names him as heir to the 7 Kingdoms.

· 279 AC: Birth of William Baratheon

· 281 AC: Margaery Tyrell is born, Daenerys Targaryen is born

· 281AC: Robb Stark is born, Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen is born

· 284 AC: Joffrey Baratheon is born

· 285 AC: Sansa Stark is born

· 286 AC: Myrcella Baratheon is born

· 288 AC: Arya Stark is born

· 288 AC: Tommen Baratheon is born

· 289 AC: Greyjoy Rebellion

· 290 AC: Petyr Baelish assigned as Master of Coin

· 298 AC: Events of Game of Thrones take place

Disclaimer: I don't own Game of Thrones or any mentioned or associated properties. All rights belong to their respective owners, I'm just a big fan.