Reviews for Be the Death of Me
CynthiaRosenDale chapter 41 . 6/18
Just noticed something while rereading this, but doesn't Sirius only have one other sibling, that being Regulus? Also, doesn't Narcissa have two other sisters, Andromeda and Bellatrix? From what I recall Sirius and Narcissa are cousins not siblings, but I guess it's too late to change that when this chapter has been posted already.
prominently late chapter 27 . 4/27
shit. I forgot I'm in my real person account
prominently late chapter 27 . 4/27
I absolutely love the mega-alternative title as a. Tom x Harry shipper (really, I just ship harry with any male so long as I can justify it as legal... parallel to legal at least) I find this story to be the biggest tease. I KNEW and accept that this is SSHP, but come on. you totally prank me with that hot scene in the diary. I kind of love it, but don't tell anyone.
ButterflyAppleRose chapter 41 . 4/24
Heya girl or boy or whatever. I am gonna kill you to hell if you don't finish the story. Don't listen to those useless blabbermouths about that story plot and warning cuz imma pretty much enjoying the fun roller coaster ride of this book. i dunno care if you completed it in fanfiction or ao3 just that you cannot stop writing til you finish it. by the way imma gonna promote it to fanfiction where they can see your fabulous works and rub it to those moronic gossipmongers who can't see the wonders of fanfiction. oh and go to my account. ButterflyAppleRose . it is the same as my fanfiction account. i don't care but i will borrow your chapters from 42 and onwards till the end so either they get their lazy bums to download or connect to fanfiction or ao3 and read the beginning of the story. Just you know that I am and always be a reader as i cannot be sure of my writing abilities of an author perhaps i will in the future with a shout out to you wherever you are. FIGHTING AND KUDOS TO YOU! YOU'LL GONNA NEED IT.
JoyHazelAnderson chapter 41 . 3/6
Hey. i love this story actually, because death is harry and he's so weird with some things. like the animagus thing. and I'm glad you're going to continue on the archive, i read somewhere that it has more slash and i guess that has caused there to a general acceptance of slash and gay smut. Youre a freat writer with a great imagination who writes great dialogue (and narration too, but i love love love tour dialogues) and characters, dont let haters get you down.
don't stop being awesome
RykkiLynnea chapter 41 . 2/20
Sad to hear you're no longer posting on this site, tho I do understand the haters thing. I would like to point out that Sirius Black and Narcissa are not siblings, they're cousins. Walburga, Sirius's mother, is the sister of Cygnus. Cygnus is the father of Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa. Sirius's only sibling is Regulus, whose dead. Fun story tho, I was really enjoying it.
yankeetiger chapter 17 . 2/20
that was brilliant. you are amazing and we Stan.
yankeetiger chapter 15 . 2/20
LhumaineDuJour chapter 1 . 2/14
I freaking love your story, it's really amazing !
I read it a few times, especially the parts which I thought were fantastic
however, I can't seem to find the chapter where Harry wants to get Firrenze into worshipping him rather than Fate... do you have any idea
Clhover chapter 41 . 2/6
I have to say, I love your writing style. And I'm sorry others are hating and don't know how to keep their opinions to themselves. Please keep up the great work. Your story is highly entertaining.
Andorxor chapter 2 . 1/20
Great cursing a immortal being with love for a mortal,nothing can go wrong with that, like he stops working to not take his loves life.
Alice Agrawal chapter 17 . 1/8
This is a real gem ! Lolll that part with the Fred george and Percy was epic it had me in stitches,
Love this xoxoxo
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 37 . 12/19/2019
The end of this chater reminds me a bit of what Tony Robbins said in a lecture; You have to help yourself before you help others. Depressed people ARE selfish, because all they CAN focus on i themselves an their own pain. Usually not their own faulth, but very true all the same.


"It's been a while since we've written. Mostly because Chaos, the bastard, went off and did a genocide run with nothing but a yellow flower as his choice of mischief. It's a whole thing. Don't ask."

I HAVE to ask! HOOOOWW?!
Kenshitora chapter 40 . 12/11/2019
"I don't think anyone has been seeing anything in those balls" well you have better chance to see the futur into Severus balls but not for this year I'm afraid
BaddieDZ2 chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
You're disgusting. I hope you get professional help, but I doubt even that will fix your obviously fucked up brain. SSHP slash where one is underage? I hope something truly awful happens to you.
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