Reviews for Shattered: Act I
ravenswing019 chapter 8 . 7/9
I forgot how much I love Kunsel in this. He knows everything, but will respect the others' need for secrecy amongst themselves.
Guest chapter 71 . 6/17
Bye it 2020 22:24pm uh-oh Better get to bed bye
Guest chapter 70 . 6/17
Heya! Yo gimme a break of all the kissing and smoochy stuff cloud has mako
U need to see the doctor
Guest chapter 67 . 6/17
I like cloud to be the centerpiece
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17
Heya! Btw is cloud and zack gonna be rising from the dead
Beloved Daughter chapter 71 . 5/21
Oh my goodness. It might be 5 months since you updated but I just realized you updated and I'm thrilled to see life from this awesome story again! Love it! Hope your health continues to recover - especially with all that is happening around the world with the covid 19 virus...
DragonLichQueen chapter 71 . 4/17
I just read this entire story in just half a day and I am absolutely in love. I have to say that before this, I never once humored the idea of Genesis taking over Cloud's role in the FF VII and after this I can honestly say I adore the idea. This is definately in my top two favorite stories I've read in the FF7 fandom and I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter when it comes out. I am certainly going to read your other stories after I take a break from the last few chapters because boy where those an emotional roller coaster for me.
damagectrl.07 chapter 71 . 4/14
Welcome back! Late to this update but as always I look forward to what happens next!
Shaveza chapter 71 . 2/16
So, I'm eight days late, but happy 10th birthday to your fic. This is a stellar story, I'm super glad I found it, and its really awesome it's been going so long! Take care!
Guest chapter 71 . 2/3
YES ITS BACK. This piece of art is really amazing. I been there since the beginning and I loooooove it. Thank you author for this story and update. It make my day.
Sheikahstone559 chapter 71 . 2/2
To say I was in utter joy when I came on here and saw that this story had been updated is an understatement! I JUST LOVE THIS STORY AND HAVE BEEN READING SINCE THE BEGINNING AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE! Hopefully it'll be soon, but if not that's fine. Take your time I'm just very glad that you decided to come back to this story and not leave those of us who have been waiting, hanging from a cliff Anyway, I will continue supporting this story until the end
Caramel Van Gogh chapter 71 . 2/1
Thank you for the update aaaa I accidentally stumbled upon this while scrolling for another ship and what can I say I DON’T REGRET IT. This is very well written that it pushed me into the rabbit hole of liking Genesis and GenTifa gosh. You have absolute talent aaaa. Bless you for this!
St.Alessia chapter 71 . 2/1
Thank you for the updaaaaaate! Xoxoxoxo
VendettaSmiles chapter 71 . 1/31
I've been missing Shattered so much! Thank you for updating!

Sak chapter 70 . 11/24/2019
That went well didn't Genesis! Yay Kunsel! Yay Turks coming! Yay Barrett not yelling idiotically!
I wasn't sure, did cloud catch them kissing at the beginning or not? I think he kinda did but no mention of Tifa's embarrassment. Or there was but I was happily taken away into Genesis's train of thought as usual.
This is the end for me my friend. Well until you update again. I'm happy to hear you found out why you were sick so often. Wishing you health.
As one famous Islamic scholar said, Health is a crown only the sick can see. Or something like that
I apologise for my reviews for they are not full of helpful critique or ideas and are basically just me fangirling over your snagging story.
Also if I had any typos I blame my phone's swipe keyboard.
See ya later!
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