![]() Author has written 9 stories for D.Gray-Man, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. My name is UNKOWN!! O.O You can call me Silence. I'm 17. And yes, I am a girl. Silence is a name that can go both ways, so I just wanted to make that clear. Anime/manga: D.Gray-Man Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle Pandora Hearts Hetalia 07-Ghost Bleach Rurouni Kenshin Death Note Fruits Basket Future Diary GameXRush Chrono Crusade Crimson Shell Dogs: Bullets and Carnage Ao No Exorcist NG Life Darker Than Black Not anime/manga: Doctor Who Supernatural Sherlock Avengers Comic Books In General Um. I'm sure there's other things, I just can't think of them right now. Likes: Reading normal books. Reading manga Watching anime Listening to music Writing Singing My family/friends Dislikes: Work. Responsibility. The outside world. Fanfiction status: Runaways and a Warehouse: Well, for one thing, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna change the title as soon as I think of one that's not as crappy. And in other news, the 2nd chapter is coming soon, I promise. I've just been lacking drive recently, but don't worry, it'll be up and running again in no time. So thank you to all the souls who actually decided to be kind enough to read and wait for it!! Between Life and Death: I've recently put up the third chapter, and the fourth is just about ready. Expect it any day now. Shifuda: Unfortunately, I cannot say much for this, since I am not it's author. The true author of this hysterical and fantastic piece does not have an account because this site gives her pc viruses, so I post and update it for her after she gives me a new chapter. But yes. Don't worry, the author's a close friend of mine, so I'll make her hurry up, and try to get the 2nd chapter up soon!! The Tributes: A first for the Hetalia fandom, which I am currently SO OBSESSED WITH YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. XD I really wanted to try my hand at a Hetalia version of the Hunger Games, so that's what this is. The first chapter should be up within a few days! Odds and Ends: Also of the Hetalia-verse. AU, I don't really know where this came from, but I'm actually very excited for it. In all honesty, it's the fluffiest thing I've written to date. For whatever reason, I really wanted to do a teen-parency thing, so this is basically a bunch of different teens and their respective charges, trying desperately to work out this new 'parenting' thing, with the help of various others along the way. The main plot is when all the characters meet at the daycare that offers parenting advice, something like group therapy. Again, I'm very excited. Hope you enjoy it. Note: Most of my fanfiction will consist of dgm, and most of it will be depressing. Fair warning. OTHER Note: I beg of you guys now- If you read a story of mine and like it enough to fav it, PLEASE review it also!! Although I really do appreciate all the favorites, I crave reviews. It's... kind of pathetic to ask for reviews like that, but I'm desperate. So... yeah, thanks. Copy and Paste things: Are You Part of The Black Order? If so, copy and paste this onto your profile, and dont forget to tell BLINKOFF! BLINKOFF (Yuu Kanda!) For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you start dancing in Walmart to its chessy music. Crazy is when u laugh uncontrolable at your own jokes. Crazy is when you stare at a pencil and laugh when someone asks you what is so interesting about the eraser. Crazy is when you have an hour-long sob fest, and then start singing and dancing when your favorite song comes on. Crazy is when you do or say a completely random thing, like "Do you ever wonder where the eraser bits go?" or having a thumbwar with yourself. Crazy is when you type up all your favorite sayings, print them off and tape them to your wall, just for something to do. Crazy is when you laugh when nothing's funny.Crazy is when you crack up if someone says "Oatmeal!". Crazy is when you forget what you're saying in the middle of a sentence. Crazy is when you take the time to write down stuff like this and memorize it. Crazy is when you memorized every single line of the Kingdom Hearts series.Crazy is when your so obsessed with Roxas (KH 2) that you bang on the T.V. every now and then to see if he will come out .(Yes this is the real Sam from Storms; Crossover Mania LOL) I LOVE ROXAS!! Crazy is when your are going through this as a checklist. Crazy is when you quote Charlie the Unicorn at random momments. Crazy is when you eat twenty pixie sticks in one day. Crazy is when your crazy. Crazy is when start talking nonsense everyday during gym. Crazy is when you break your computer because Riku and the whole of StarClan told you to (ALL FEAR RIKU!! Crystillianray). Crazy is when you have serious conversations with your friend about having a black hole in your boobs. Crazy is when you start having spontaneous and perfectly serious argume-ahem, discussions with the characters you created inside your head, and you listen to their advice. (Actually, half of them are cleverer than me. I have no idea how), Crazy is when you say you’re 'brain has a mind of it’s own' after you came up with a REALLY crackish KH story in your newly-awakened-from-sleep state and your little sister and grandma agreed with you as you walked into the mall to get some sesame chicken then all burst out laughing five minutes later when you realized what you said (it was a Leon/Riku and Sora/Demyx story. My sister is plotting my murder as I type. skye hakari). Crazy is when you start yelling at your brother and throwing things when he bashes a character from a manga you like. If you're crazy, copy this onto your profile and add something crazy you've done to the list! 90 of teens would die if Facebook had a system failure and was destroyed...If you are part of the 10 that would be laughing, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you are part of the .0000001 percent of people who don't have a Facebook, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you've ever wished you could go into a book and strangle some of the characters for being so incredibly dumb, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you have/had a scary crush on a book, anime, or game character, then copy and paste this onto your profile. If you talk to yourself, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you hear voices in your head, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you KNOW the voices in your head are real, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you ever wondered what you are like in another demension, copy and paste this onto your profile. Post this on your profile if you ever had a major fangirl moment. If you have ever burst into a fit of laughter for no apparent reason (other than some inside joke that no one else in the universe would find funny) copy this onto your profile. If you have ever zoned out for more than five consecutive minutes, copy this into your profile. If you have your own little world, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever forgotten what you were going to say, right before you say it, copy this into your profile. If you have ever said that an anime character is sexy and you love them and you mean it, copy and paste this into your profile. If you know a video game/book/movie/anime/manga character or weapon that need(s) to exist, copy and paste this into your profile. Too many people have smoked marijuana. If you haven't, write this to your profile. If you can imagine yourself in a video game/ manga/tv show/ or anime, copy and paste this into your profile. If you laugh secretly at some people or keep on comparing them with characters because they resemble some characters, copy and paste this into your profile. If you're obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club and/or Blood, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever attempted alchemy by clapping your hands or drawing an array, copy and paste this into your profile. If you're stalking a fictional character copy this to your profile. "I walk, talk, eat and sleep on earth, but I live my life in a completely different world." If this sentence describes you, copy and paste on your profile. If you are anti-social sometimes copy and paste this into your profile. You know your addicted to Pandora Hearts when... You make a whole website about it. You get a music box that plays Lacie. You can happily eat cookies in an odd/dangerous situation. You love the Mad Hatter even more. You make Alice In Wonderland references without even realizing it. You find yourself wanting a pet Chain. You tattoo the contract clock on your chest. You buy the Will of the Abyss bunny plushie. You begin to act like Alice. You eat excessively. You enter/exit rooms from odd places. You think Sharon is stalking your shadow. You have a fear of cats. You name your pets names of Pandora Hearts characters. You named a doll Emily. You download Lacie and Parallel Hearts onto your iPod. You chase Raven's because you want to make a contract with them. You join arm wrestling competitions and whisper strange things to your opponent. You hear about a missing person and assume they've been dragged into the Abyss. You call wine 'juice with alcohol in it'. You ask your friends if their clock hand moved when they suffer chest pain. You have red and green eyes. You get a large black hat and make it the most precious hat in the world. You manage to stay 15 for ten years. You wish your 15th birthday had ended with death gods, giant rabbits, and chains dragging you into the Abyss. You just lost the Game. You assume anyone with shaggy hair and round glasses is named 'Leo'. You see every porcelain doll as a Chain. You own Romance Bibles. You have a horse named Eques. You hate little dolls because they never die. You think kissing someone will give you power. You think everyone around you has been possessed by Doldam and are trying to kill you. You suspect hair over one's eye means they are missing it. You think Pandora exists and you want to join it someday. You meet a girl named Alice and you ask her where she thinks her memories are. You see a white stuffed rabbit and expect it to start bleeding from the eyes. You see a white stuffed rabbit and expect it to eat you if you piss it off. You get stuck in a difficult situation, and the first thing you think is, "What would Alice do..." You get stuck in a difficult situation, you think, "What would Alice do...", and the first thing you come up with is eat. You see someone with black hair and gold eyes and you shout, "GILBERT!" You see a corpse and decide Vincent had fun with scissors. You go visit your sister at school so you can fight the Baskervilles in the basement. You suddenly love the poem "Jabberwocky". You've got a split personality. You like sweets; especially lollipops. Quotes: "Live well, age well, and go bald well. And die after me. And, if you can, die smiling." -- Bleach "Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you. While gripping the sword, I cannot embrace you." -- Bleach "Yes, we have no destiny. Only those swallowed up by ignorance and fear who take false steps, shall plunge us into the muddy waters called 'destiny'." -- Bleach "I'm not Superman, so I can't say anything big like I'll protect everyone on earth. I'm also not a modest guy who will say it's enough if I can protect as many people as my two hands can handle either. I want to protect a mountain load of people." "We must never shed tears. That is the life form's defeat and if we give in to the emotions then it only becomes proof of our inhability to control it." -- Bleach "Though time only moves one way, we can still relive 'those days' in our mind." -- Bleach "Every one of us is dead by birth. If to live is to become familiar with things, then the absolute last thing we come to know is the end. At long last discovering those final moments, and knowing them completely, is indeed death. We must not try to become familiar with things, because those who cannot transcend death must not try to become familiar with anything." -- Bleach "There is one thing you absolutely must not do. And that is die alone. Our bodies are themselves souls. If we die, our bodies sooner or later turn to dust. When that happens, where do our hearts go? They are left with our companions." -- Bleach "One man's psychosis... is another man's bliss." -- Bleach "He who does not fear the sword he holds, is not worthy of holding a sword." -- Bleach "Maybe it's impossibe to feel exactly the same as someone else, but you can treasure your friends, and keep them close in your heart. I think that's what it means to make your hearts as one." -- Bleach "Up, towards the light, just one step at a time." -- Bleach "Today, we cross swords... in order to survive, and to cross swords again tomorrow." -- Bleach "Stop and stand for a bit in the seasonal mischief that soaks the sky." -- Bleach "Don't try to be a good guy. It doesn't matter who owes who. From the instant they enter into a war...both sides are evil." -- Bleach "Humans all bear weight as they live. They all have different hopes... and want to protect different things. It's not an easy thing to protect or save someone! Don't you dare jump to your own conclusions!!" -- D. Gray-man "You go that way, and I'll go this way-- I'm counting on you, now." -- Bleach "There's nothing great about being young. Being young means that you're still naive. That's why it feels like you're in the sky or sinking beneath the ocean when someone you admire betrays you. Those emotions control your entire life, and can make you lose sight of who you are. By growing older, your heart grows more experienced. You grow one step farther away from being controlled by your feelings, and are able to keep from soaring in the sky or sinking to the depths of the ocean. That's what it means to grow older." -- Bleach "Scars tell you where you fucked up, and they might hurt a little (or a lot) when it rains, to remind you that somehow, despite everything, you're still alive." -- (By the Sword) Bleach "Do what makes you happy—some asshole could kill you tomorrow, and then what?" -- (By The Sword) Bleach "To a thug, dying isn't considered as big a tragedy as running out of beer. The logic behind this ordering of priorities is as follows: if you're dead, you definitely don't need anymore beer. But if you're out of beer, obviously, you need more beer. Hence, the tragedy." -- (By The Sword) Bleach "Fight for your own sake—it's always more fun if you can smile and mean it when you draw your sword." -- (By the Sword) Bleach "Over the tracks we've charged over... on to a new battle." -- Bleach "Everyone has faults... but at least we can use them to provide some merriment to ourselves and to those around us!" -- Ouran High School Host Club "Make pasta, not war." -- Hetalia "You must not look back at the past, but rather turn toward the future with courage." -- Zone "People are free, and can know solitude. And so, they can love the light from the bottom of their hearts." -- 07-Ghost "...You exist in this world. You get angry, and laugh at times. So, in my world, you're alive." -- 07-Ghost "Human-kind's true happiness lies in overcoming suffering on one's own. It really can't be placed onto someone else." -- 07-Ghost "If you change history to make it more comfortable, sooner or later you start believing a lie." -- D.Gray-Man "Grasping with this hand, without turning my back on the light." -- 07-Ghost "Turn towards the friend... who remained." -- 07-Ghost "Overcome, surpass... don't ever stop!" -- 07-Ghost "There were no miscalcuations, and that is the biggest miscalculation." -- Bleach "Food. The solution to every problem, even awkward half-daydreams about matrimony." -- Hetalia (Two Weeks of Sunshine) "The lamp, by the way, is a terrible conversationalist and should never be taken seriously. No matter how convincing its gentle coaxing into getting stoned is, or how logical that coaxing might sound. Fuck a lamp's logic. They don't know shit about logic. Never listen to a lamp. Ever." -- Hetalia (Part Right, Half Wrong, a Third Crazy) "Life is a fragile sort of thing. It's given as a gift (or a curse; it all depends on the eyes of the beholder), and then you get to chill out with this gift for a little while, whether you like it or not, when it's just ripped out all fast-like from beneath your feet. Sometimes there's a warning given - you know, terminal illness, a kamikaze dump truck at the intersection of Main and Water Street where your car conveniently stalled out on you - and then sometimes there's no warning at all. It just gets taken from you like that. The snap of a finger, the flick of a wrist. And it's gonzo. It's precious, delicate, and there are days when you just want to throttle the mother and father that gave it to you and ask them why they were such sadists towards a poor, defenceless child that never did shit to them. Some people live life with the motto that follows: Live hard, die young. And then there are the people that are stressed all the time, the people that can't tell up from down and, well, they don't really care to. And then, finally, there are those that take their time, meander through it all at a serene pace to take in all the surroundings. These different perspectives belong to different sorts of people. Some are socialites with high-paying jobs, while some are at the other end of the spectrum altogether: anti-social nobodies that can barely make ends meet. And that, friends, is life in several little nutshells with minimal perspectives given, just a simple, blunt explanation. It's all you need, really; that sort of thing you can take and run with. So why not do that and formulate your own reasons and outlines?" -- Hetalia (Part Right) "He knew the lamp would tell him that sitting down and playing some Resident Evil 4 and smoking a joint would have the same enlightening effect, but Matthew would have promptly told the lamp to go fuck itself. If that were possible at all. And then he would have gone and smoked a joint and played some videogames, because sometimes you can't argue with a lamp's logic. Even if it's not supposed to have any." -- (Part Right lamp quotes continued) Hetalia "They also thought him to be rude, inconsiderate, selfish, self-centered, self-serving, insufferable, cowardly, a 'douchebag', depressing, and weak. These were the people who obviously had too much fun with a thesaurus like the assholes they are." -- Hetalia (The Collective Analysis of a Former Delinquent) "There was something really familiar about this guy—something criminal yet dangerous and possibly homosexual." -- Hetalia (Former Delinquent) "Who sends an address in the structure of a haiku? Weird but oddly lovable people, that's who." -- Hetalia (Former Delinquent) "You may call me what you wish but I'm taking your cake." L (Death Note) "It's my understanding that there are many different versions of our world. In each dimension, there is a different version of every human. While I'm completely awesome here, I might very well be a complete loser elsewhere, though I doubt it. After all, all of my other selves share the same soul, and my soul just doesn't have what it takes to be a loser." -- Sorta Cinderella: xxxNote Chroncles style, by O'chibi Brat "There is not! I swear to God, if you do not stop blubbering and listen to me I will scale the side of your rather disgusting and imperfect façade and ensure that you never need worry about the ineptitudes of your scanning abilities! Open the portal you obsolete piece of pseudo-technology!" -- D. Gray-Man (The Fine Line, by N. H. Arawn) "Kanda: Hey Allen. You're a beansprout. "The cake is a lie, bitch." Seto Kaiba(YGO TAS) "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." -- Douglas Adams "The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair." -- Douglas Adams "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams "The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't." -- Douglas Adams "We don't have to save the world. The world is big enough to look after itself. What we have to be concerned about is whether or not the world we live in will be capable of sustaining us in it." -- Douglas Adams "The door was the way to... to... The Door was The Way. Good. Capital letters were always the best way of dealing with things you didn't have a good answer to." -- Douglas Adams "Dirk was unused to making such a minuscule impact on anybody. He checked to be sure that he did have his huge leather coat and his absurd red hat on and that he was properly and dramatically silhouetted by the light of the doorway. He felt momentarily deflated and said, "Er..." by way of self-introduction, but it didn't get the boy's attention. He didn't like this. The kid was deliberately and maliciously watching television at him." -- Douglas Adams "It was his subconscious which told him this — that infuriating part of a person's brain which never responds to interrogation, merely gives little meaningful nudges and then sits humming quietly to itself, saying nothing." -- Douglas Adams "This was the evening of the last day of Gordon Way's life ... The weather forecast hadn't mentioned that, of course, that wasn't the job of the weather forecast, but then his horoscope had been pretty misleading as well. It had mentioned an unusual amount of planetary activity in his sign and had urged him to differentiate between what he thought he wanted and what he actually needed, and suggested that he should tackle emotional or work problems with determination and complete honesty, but had inexplicably failed to mention that he would be dead before the day was out." -- Douglas Adams "ABOYNE (vb.) To beat an expert at a game of skill by playing so appallingly bad that none of his clever tactics or strategies are of any use to him. SHOEBURYNESS (abs.n.) The vague uncomfortable feeling you get when sitting on a seat which is still warm from somebody else's bottom." -- Douglas Adams "The world is a thing of utter inordinate complexity and richness and strangeness that is absolutely awesome. I mean the idea that such complexity can arise not only out of such simplicity, but probably absolutely out of nothing, is the most fabulous extraordinary idea. And once you get some kind of inkling of how that might have happened, it's just wonderful. And . . . the opportunity to spend 70 or 80 years of your life in such a universe is time well spent as far as I am concerned." -- Douglas Adams "It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever produced the phrase, "as pretty as an airport." Airports are ugly. Some are very ugly. Some attain a degree of ugliness that can only be the result of a special effort." -- Douglas Adams "The entire time he muttered about how he was meant to drive on the other side of the road, and how he was supposed to be driving a Buick which was a far superior brand of automobile and had such a better technology at its disposal because it was German engineering and one did not fuck with the Germans and their engineering because that just meant you were screwed for the long term." -- (Part Right) Hetalia "Because tomorrow was a new day or some cliché shit like that. All he knew was that it was in that movie about the little orphan chick with crazy red hair on the go. Yeah, that chick who, by getting adopted went on some EPIC, LIFE-ALTERING JOURNEY because the dude that adopted her was über rich, which meant shit got done. Everyone likes it when shit gets done." -- (Part Right) Hetalia "We shall rule this land, and we will call it...this land."- Wash from Firefly "If you sneak into someone's house and take off your pants, you're looking to get your ass kicked with some iron cookware." -- (Camera Confessions) Hetalia "Live each day as if you'll never have another just like it, because you won't. Hold tight to your friends, smile at everything and nothing, and do whatever makes you happy." -- (Log of the End of the World) Hetalia "We are human because of our ability to love, not because of our ability to destroy. We are human because we feel grief and anger, joy and fear. We are human simply because we feel so much." -- (Log of the End of the World) Hetalia "People are strong, you know. Throw a brick in their face, and if it doesn't crush their skulls and mush their brain into the ground, they get stronger and learn not to trust you." -- (Log of the End of the World) Hetalia "I just happen to have mad skills that improve with the more weed I smoke." -- (Part Right) Hetalia "(And then on the eight day God created Super Bowl Sunday and then on the ninth he reconsidered this decision because he had yet to create beer.) (The tenth day was spent trying to reverse those two days but it was a little too late for that, so instead of wallowing in his misery at fucking up he said fuck it all and then created Hockey Night in Canada. Not a bad day.)" -- (Part Right) Hetalia "If he even tried to touch the Lamp, he was given that look. That 'touch it and I will castrate you and your family' look that still unnerved him. And then there had been the time back in February when he suggested Matthew get a new Lamp - this one had peeling paint chips, it was cracked in some places, and frankly, a frayed power cord was never a very good thing. Or safe for that matter. At first Matthew had not reacted - had just watched his friend in a state of disturbing calm that, by this point in time, Jones had interpreted as a very bad thing given his volatile temper. There had been no ill consequence to speak of, really; by way of reaction, the Canadian had bluntly told him to leave and never come back." -- (Part Right lamp quotes continued) Hetalia "We wanted to smile everyday, like we did then-- that's all we wanted..." -- Pandora Hearts "Taking up with pirates, he decided, probably had not been the best career choice. But stabbing one's commanding officer in the shoulder while in a drunken rage rather destroyed one's hopes of furthering a career in the military." -- (Fara í Víking) Hetalia "Be careful what you wish for. You might get sent to a parallel universe." -- (A Crack in the Looking Glass) Hetalia "When you're nothing more than a puppet with it's strings cut... can you really put an end to this fight?" -- Dogs: Bullets & Carnage "If I can't destroy you, then I'll defeat you. If I can't defeat you, then I'll drag you down with me. If I can't drag you down with me, then I'll go out with a bang. If I can't even go out with a bang... then at least I'll do my best to annoy the hell out of you before you kill me. ;P" -- Raikun-sama's profile "No one has ever offered to remove someone's dangly bits for Matthew. He feels touched, in an odd, "my family is messed up" sort of way." -- (Only Light and Momentary) Hetalia "Can you feel it? "The Lamp's logic is still very sound, by the way; It's just a little quieter these days, but is still there for Matthew on those days when he really needs something to talk to other than a living, breathing sack of flesh, frazzled emotions and flaws like his own." -- (Part Right lamp quotes continued) Hetalia "The only thing that ran through his head was the sound of impending doom." -- (Táncol?) Hetalia "Even during that time when the little bird couldn't stay, The sad little tree just laughed and gave her a smile. Because he knew that when she flew away, That this farewell would only last a little while. Dear little tree, why didn't you tell her? Tell her that you love her, before it's too late. You should know that no one waits forever, Only you can say it, so why do you wait? You have to tell her before I do, "If she is happy, that is enough for me." I just ask you this, what kind of fool are you? "A fool that will wait forever. Just you see." But when the little bird came back home, She realized that the little tree had died away. Nothing was there, she was left alone, While the little tree had waited for her day by day. I knew this was going to turn out bad, That from the beginning, this was going all wrong. Is that what makes me so sad? Because I knew it was wrong, if he didn't tell you, all along? Little Little bird, is that a tear in your eye? Are you crying because the little tree had died? Or is it that you finally realized, That the one that loved you most was always by your side?" -- (The Words That Are Hard To Say) D. Gray-Man " "The funny thing about love is, it endures through sickness and in health." " -- (Hello Hurricane) Hetalia "Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me," he said in an arctic voice, "I shall be on the other side of the fucking store, doing absolutely nothing other than rearranging the produce displays into vulgar words." -- (Part Right) Hetalia "Do not say 'impossible' to me. I have heard many a man say it, and rarely is it ever true." -- (The Road Not Taken) Hetalia "Now he felt like he was kicking a puppy. He was a puppy-kicker, dammit. And Feliciano was looking at him like he was kicking a puppy. But he had to kick the puppy, dammit! He didn't want a damn puppy! Sure they were cute and all, but they got into everything and made messes all over the place and chewed up all your good shoes, and then once you'd gotten attached the little bastards ran away or followed someone else home and broke your heart, dammit. He didn't need a puppy. He had to stay strong. Even if it was a really cute puppy. That kept doing the sweetest things. And obviously couldn't be trusted to take care of itself, with the way it ate anything it found and kept getting into trouble, and...dammit, he didn't need a puppy." -- (Educating America) Hetalia "It was like watching his brother kick a puppy. It was so sad! That poor puppy! Puppy-America had been trying so hard to get his brother's attention and being so sweet, with his little puppy tail wagging and looking all hopeful, and now he was all sad and, well, like a puppy that had been kicked. But why would Romano kick the puppy?" -- (Educating America) Hetalia "He shook his head sadly. "He looked like a kicked puppy, Romano." Romano winced, fingering the cuff of his sleeve. "I had to do it!" He defended lamely. "I don't want a puppy!" "But he's such a nice puppy!" Feliciano protested. "And he likes you so much!" "How do you know whether or not he likes me? He's probably like that with everybody! And I don't need a puppy! No matter how nice he is!" Romano groaned, clapping a hand over his face. "And why are we talking about him like he's a puppy? He's a person, dammit. A freaking nation, not an animal. Even if he eats like one."" -- (Educating America) Hetalia "In existence eight hundred and thirty seven, Watanuki is starting to feel like a high school girl. That is, he is starting to feel like the kind of high school girl who is ostracized by other high school girls in that subtle-like-a-terrorist way that high school girls often behave in whenever they see someone who they feel has overstepped his or her bounds in the carefully maintained social hierarchy of high school politics. Particularly when this person has overstepped their bounds in regards to possible romantic affiliation." -- (5 Times Watanuki Almost Admitted He Liked Doumeki) xxxHolic "Of all forces in the world, the most cryptic is time. It climbs and conquers the most powerful mountains; it infiltrates and directs the widest of oceans; it levels the best and feeds the worst; but most of all, it clings to the people who walk it. Creation and destruction, change and stagnancy—that is what time is. It encompasses everything, save for good and evil. Without time, humans would have no capacity to choose between the two. No matter on which side a person stands, the other side always exists, beckoning. In time, humans will falter, for time is corruption." -- (The Fifth House) D. Gray-Man "GODDAMMIT, Ceiling!Japan, ATLEAST BE DISCREET WHEN YOU ARE STALKING PEOPLE." -- Zerochan commenter "Brooding over the things you've lost will only make you hungry." -- Pandora Hearts "‘Take up our quarrel with the foe: " "I ended up calling Ivan and telling him his anthem was so beautiful it made me cry manly tears, and then Mattie took the phone and started singing 'The Final Countdown'." " -- ((description of the last time Alfred and Matthew got drunk) Lenient Judgment) Hetalia |