Reviews for We All Fall Down
Guest chapter 12 . 1/15
Nice story, but honestly I feel like this story gives off a nationalistic vibe even though your Canadian, and this is coming from an American. Its probably because this story is so old, but sometimes our country does need to accept blame and the criticism it gets. If we don't choose to understand what we've done wrong, how are we supposed to grow as a nation? Its not patriotism to blindly turn ourselves away from criticism and continue ignorantly on. I'm not saying we should hate America or anything like that, but through self reflection we can grow to become better and reach those ideals we've always had.

And the line, " And of course pale skin. Because no matter how hard and how long the minorities rage, this is still the image of the ideal American man." Is kind of weird, idk if you've heard but America is a super diverse place, and it sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder against people who try to show that in his character.

I hope you don't interpret this as hate, but merely criticism, other than that its a really well written story and flows very elegantly.
LadyoftheChicken chapter 12 . 1/4
Honestly I was expecting your story to end on a darker note. It’s not often that people outside of America feel positive towards us. Your writing is amazing though, and it flows beautifully!
kimi-ebi chapter 12 . 10/20/2018
I enjoyed reading this fanfiction a lot. It was very well written, very deep, and the characters were relatable and interesting. It was both sad and beautiful, and I wanted to thank you for this text.
Kris Senju chapter 12 . 7/14/2018
I really enjoyed this, even if it broke my heart throughout and you are right a lot of times we forget the histories behind others. I really liked the way you wrote Spain, I'm Puerto Rican and grew up in the U.S and while I love Hetalia there are times that I can't help be pissed by some the characters. Not all of them in my own way I love them all but there are times when I can't but be mad. Spain always made me mad, I liked his character I really did because of his current timetable he isn't what he was before so it works. But when he has shown with child Romano during his conquistadors days or England pirate days. I get furious because I'm like Spain and England were downright evil at the time, so I loved the way you wrote and I felt bit sympathy but you know past colony and all can't feel too bad for them. America I sympathize with him because he is a walking dream something that people here still strive for. I liked how you wrote this, how you wrote him throughout and you could see his pain, and pain of others smeared and painted against his flesh. There something about being American you know, cause many of us just come from other places, have seen horrible things and gone through horrors that come with being human to come here. This place that we used to call the land of dreams and see that dream is a bit tarnished and the American dream is just a child's fantasy but something we all fight it for no matter what. That even though the rest of world is telling us to be this, or this our end we still stand up and fight back. At the of the day were still fighters just like Alfred said, you can't really remove a warriors blood or our survivors guilt in the end.
Allstarall chapter 12 . 6/16/2018
This story is a deeper one. It touches upon dark histories of the nations and their ‘falls.’ It’s less about America, but more about that, yet America is still a secondary plot.

The writing is understandable, even if it’s odd. Historical facts are added in, which makes me happy.

Povs and the crooked thoughts of nations. It’s dark, but not gloomy or dispairing. Angest that doesn’t ‘hurt.’ Thoughts on the nations were they not as happy as displayed. It’s not linear or realistic, but it goes with the story. It’s a examination of sorts.

Many thought provoking and psychological parts. Old vs new. Experience vs faith. Reality vs dreams. ‘ I want you to fall the same as I.’ ‘I wanted to be like you.’ ‘I want you to fall, to get some sense’. ‘I may fall, but I’ll stay the same.’
‘I was the forgotten one.’ ‘I’m the outcast.’ ‘You stopped me from falling further.’
~Things like that.

One of my favs. ;)
Kali chapter 12 . 6/15/2018
Guest chapter 12 . 2/8/2018
thewriterstory chapter 5 . 2/4/2018
Feelsbad for Romano :((
Night chapter 12 . 11/14/2017
This is fucken amazing. I love your portrayal of every single one of them! Only reason why my favorite would be US's is because I have a slight biase towards my country but really they're all equally amazing. I also learned a lot and kept some of your notes that striked me as interesting! I came up with a fun idea for a book thanks to you! Granted it was more because your beautiful masterpiece helped me with some of my own issues, this will seem stupid but this helped me identify who I am, and I'm grateful for that. Thank you -Night
Guest chapter 11 . 11/7/2017
I, as an American, think it’s super disappointing people don’t recognize Canada’s culture, kick-buttery, and history enough. I mean, if I, someone who lives in ALABAMA(One of the states in Southeast US) and has no relations with Canada can recognize this, shouldn’t the rest of the world be able to as well? That goes for Cajun, Samoan, and all of the Native cultures as well, from Inuit to Cherokee. They all need some representation. Also, I’m super disappointed that I wasn’t never taught about Nanking in school.
UselessLife chapter 11 . 10/25/2017
I'll never forget how I learned more history in the author's note in a fanfic than in actual history class.
I LOVE this fic. I frequently reread it and anything written here, I have accepted into canon. So this story is officially canon for me in Hetalia. Thank you
Inky-Paws chapter 12 . 5/11/2017
This was great. I really liked how you described America. I think it fits us very well. We, as an American people, we all came to this country because of some dream. Wether it was of peace, escape, etc, it was based on some dream that someone had and I think you integrated that very well into the story. Great job!
NW nightwalker Hp chapter 1 . 8/20/2016
Is it funny that Australia is actually the youngest well younger than america by around 100 years
demigodnation chapter 11 . 6/10/2016
No matter how many time I read your story, I can never get sick of it. I'm so glad that you wrote this and honestly, I'm so happy with the way you portrayed everyone especially Asia because to be honest, when it comes to history, Asia is so overlooked and ignored. Everything you wrote just makes me so happy and it makes me so glad to know that people understand because like, you wrote so much truth! As a Korean-American, I have a special place in my heart when it comes to WW2 war crimes and I've researched just about everything I could think of and I'm so glad with how you put everything together. Even now, I'm not allowed to shop in Japanese stores or companies (like Daiso or Toyota) and I'm not even allowed to learn the language because of the resentment that my parents and grandparents have toward Japan and with most of my elderly family coming from North Korea, I see what the separation and war has done to them so that's a topic that I'm really passionate about to and you were able to portray all that perfectly! Thank you so much and please continue to write!
Guest chapter 12 . 2/10/2016
America is a nation that is, for lack of a better term, different. We don't have the sense of honor that Japanese people do. We don't have that overwhelming sense of pride that the Chinese have. We don't have any of the things that other, older nations have. We just don't have it in our history.

But even so, we are different. Unique. We won our Revolution, went through the war of 1812, faced the challenges of our Civil War, veered through the Great Depression, and so much more. We came out with scars- open wounds- and those are something that will never fade.

However, our scars will mend. We, as Americans, will heal. Through all our troubles and worries, we will make it through together as one people- the citizens of America.

Yes, we are a young nation. Yes, we have not seen many of the hardships that older nations have. But again, we are different. We are not other countries, not their people. We are us, we are Americans, and as Americans, we will not falter, we will not fall.

We are a nation built on ideals, on foolish hopes and dreams. I, as an American, cannot deny that. We dream big... no, we dream gigantic, even though we all know the higher we climb, the larger we will fall. But then again, there way never a reward granted without any risk taken. So there. I know that there is a possibility that America will fall. I know it in the deepest parts of my soul. But I also know that it will get up again.

America is a nation full of dreams. Without those dreams, there is no motivation, no hope for the future. So yes, it's important to live reality without mindless musings, but without dreams, what would happen to America's foundation? Without dreams, what would become of America?
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