Reviews for Oxymorons
ZurithiaXeli chapter 1 . 12/4/2016
This was a wonderful story! I loved it so much. This, for me, is full of feeling and I think you got your message across. This story really moved me and it just inspired me to throw caution to the wind and spend my life with my loved ones. Thank you for making this, you beautiful bab, you.
Ashes4Ashes chapter 1 . 10/29/2015
FUCK THIS. YOU MADE ME CRY. I'M DYING, THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. I feel like my guts just got put through a blender.

Splendid job! :)
FilosSophie chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
I don't know what to say... I have actually never cried over a story written on before, and I have read many (probably 400-500 stories at the least.) Stray tears have found their way before, but now I was literally sobbing. I have read loads of your other stories, and each time I find myself being amazed of you writhing skills. I can feel an aching in my chest every time your characters are sad or in pain and feel all giggly when they are embarrassing themselves and so on. They way you build the characters, put up a setting and your frequent use of symbols (if all is intentionally, I don't know,) is amazing!

Congratulation on another incredibly well written story! Please don't stop writing stories, you have a real talent.
igirusu chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
Why? Just why, did you have to right something so good and tragic? I actually broke my heart. It was... I have no words for how perfectly beautifull it is :c It wasn't impassive at all, it was full of lots of emotions, and it was a perfect blend of all of them
There Was A Silence chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
That was gorgeous and heartbreaking and not impassive at all and HOLY CRAP YOUVE KILLED MY HEART. T.T I absolutely loved it; wonderful job, no matter how heartwrenching.

Surri-chii chapter 1 . 9/3/2011
This made me cry buckets! D: good job! :D
Trumpet-Geek chapter 1 . 6/24/2011
Damn you for making me cry XD
Candieddragon chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
I am completely in shock. I've read a lot of tragdies (because I love them) and I have come to expect to sniffle at the ends, and maybe have one or two tears leak out, but your story has made tears cascade down my face.

It was so amazingly written. I can seriously feel America's emotions as if I /was/ America sitting there, reading that letter. I can feel England's emotions as if I had written that letter. I will now desperately devour any other work you may have.

Thank you so much for this beautiful story.
OfStrangeShadows chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
Just to let you know, I sat and cried for half an hour before I could write this review.

This was amazing. I think, nay, I know that this is filled with emotion, It's not Impassive at all. I can't believe you think that. This was a perfect, absolutely perfect, way to describe how someone would feel in a situation like that. Especially America. I thought the way the note was written was amazing for a confession note and, perhaps in the way I view it, a suicide note.

I truly cannot express how much I love this. There will also never be a way to express how much I adore your writing skills.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go keep crying.
Apple Doodle chapter 1 . 10/30/2010
Beautifully well-written, descriptive and heart-wrencing!
absolute power chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
:( You had me from the Opheliac lines. :( I never felt how utterly SAD that song is until I read this. This, this was beautiful and sweet and sad all at once. It's amazing how you can play with people's emotions, really. 3 You wrote wonderfully here as always. *sobs(
Ekco-Location chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Loved it. Poor them though, they didn't have their happy ending.
anonymous chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
it did!

It. Tore. My. Heart. Into. Pieces.

My friend once said that even though their relationship is very cute, with all fighting and ignoring at each other, if u put it in the real life, this relationship won't work coz it just hurts so much..

It is a great piece, god job!
JAFootnote chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
That was so heartbreaking and touched such a snesitive depth. Belismo my friend. Belisimo~
N O LONGER IN USE GDI chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
"Beloved sweetheart bastard," Grr. That line. Grr.

Awww, I couldn't help smiling at America's fear of ghosts. 3

"I am willing to bet you just glanced behind you." I laughed really hard at that and I have no idea why. xD

Aww, I think Iggy was telling America to be friends with Prussia! x3 Yay~

"Feelings have feelings." Wow. 3

""If you loved me so much," Alfred whispered, tears falling silently onto the grave before him. "Why did you leave me?"" hhhh, that line nearly made me cry. ;n;

flkd;ajf;ladkjfads bahhhhhhhh this was so sad and sweet. Iggy should not have gone. :c

And Alfred shouldn't have been such an idiot. ;flkja;lfkj blahh. But I still loved this and it was emotional for me, so I don't think it was impassive. *nod*