Title: Your Love is a Song Drabble Series
Genre: romance, fluff, humor
Pairing(s): USUK
Rating/Warnings: ranging from PG to M (includes language, sex, and bondage)
Summary: A collection of USUK oneshots done for Sweethearts Week on Livejournal.
Notes: The USUK comm on Livejournal is having their Sweethearts Week again this year and I participated by writing 2 small one-shots, one from England's POV and one from America's, for each theme. Since the week is almost over, I will be posting the stories here as a drabble series with individual summaries for each set of drabbles.
The Last Theme, Valentine's Day: Arthur just wants a friend, and Alfred is determined to show him he has one. All he needs is a little help from Woody and Buzz-Chibi fic
Story will officially be rated M due to the content.
You've got troubles, well I've got 'em too
Alfred F Jones was a popular kid. Even though he was one of the youngest in his 1st grade class, he had lots of friends and always had people who wanted to play with him at recess and eat with him at lunch. His mama said it was because he was friendly and when you're friendly, people like you and in all his six year old wisdom, Alfred believed his mama completely on everything she said. He always brought extra fruit snacks and jellybeans to share with the other kids and his games of playing adventure and treasure hunters always had tons of kids joined in. His sleepovers were the best, even though he had a bratty baby brother who was only four and always had to butt in, and his parents always let him and his friends stay up late and eat junk food, as long as they promised to brush their teeth and eat fruit for breakfast in the morning.
Because he had so many friends, he of course had to get the best Valentine's Day cards for his class's exchange that week and that was where he was having some problems. There were so many different kinds of cards and he was having a hard time deciding which ones would be the best. His mama was in the aisle with him, looking at bags of candy, and he glanced up at her with big, imploring eyes. "Mama, which one should I get? They're too many for me to pick only one!"
His mama chuckled and walked over towards him, a bag of yummy Hershey kisses in her hands. "I can't pick for you, silly boy! You have to pick cards that come from you, that way all your friends and classmates will know how much you like them."
"But why do I hafta? They're just dumb cards, why can't I just say I like someone?"
His mama ruffled his hair and gave him another smile. He thought his mama had one of the prettiest smiles in the world and knew that was because she was so nice and loving; at six years old, Alfred knew you could tell a lot about a person by the way they smiled. "Because Valentine's day is a special day. It's the one day a year that's specially for telling the people you care about how much you like them and are thankful they're your friends—"
"Or family!" Alfred said excitedly.
"Yes, or family! And because it's a special day, you have to tell people in a special way and that's why you need to pick the cards, Alfred. It wouldn't mean as much if I picked them for you." She kissed his forehead and brushed back his golden hair. "Now, let's take a look! I can't pick for you but I can sure help!"
Alfred giggled and nodded his head at his mama, turning his attention back to the shelves of Valentine cards, looking over the girly pink ones, the superhero ones and the baby cartoon ones to try and find the best pack. He looked and looked for what seemed like forever, repeating his mama's words in his head as she showed him different packs and he rejected each and every one. He had to show the people he cared about how much he liked them—he had to show him how much he wanted to be his friend and how cool he was. Because having all the friends in the world didn't matter if Arthur Kirkland didn't want to be Alfred's friend.
Arthur had moved all the way from England, somewhere his mama said was really far away and across a whole ocean and he was kind of a grump most of the time. He was always frowning and yelling at kids when they teased him, and kids teased him a lot; they teased his accent, his eyebrows, and his shortness. They seemed to not like Arthur has much as they liked Alfred and that made him sad because Arthur had to get used to a lot of stuff all at once and didn't look happy a lot. And while Alfred had plenty of friends already, he knew that Arthur could be his BEST friend and he really wanted one of those.
He had seen Arthur's smile on accident one day at recess when he'd gone off looking for buried treasure behind the swings last week; Arthur had been playing all by himself, talking and playing a game with an 'imaginoory' friend and he smiled politely as he poured pretend tea for his friend. It had been small but Alfred had thought that only his mama had a prettier smile than Arthur's and that had to mean that Arthur was nice and kind and would be perfect as Alfred's best friend. And all Alfred had to do was convince Arthur that he was right, and if his mama was always right, that meant giving him the best Valentine's card would definitely convince him!
He looked over at a few Disney ones that he sorta liked before his eyes landed on the winner. He smiled and grabbed the box from its spot on the shelf, smiling at the faces of Woody and Buzz Lightyear on the cover of the box before he clutched it to his chest and looked up at his mama. "This one! Let's get this one, Mama!"
Toy Story had been the best movie ever and had confirmed what Alfred had known for years to be true: that your toys came to life when you left your room and loved you so much they would brave the whole world for you! Alfred had seen it a whole bunch since it had released* and both Woody and Buzz were the coolest characters ever! These cards would be perfect! He turned the box over and saw there was one card with Woody and Buzz standing together, the cowboy's arm slung around the shorter space ranger's shoulder and they both looked like best friends.
"You're sure, Alfred? This is the one you want?"
His mama smiled and gave him a nod and placed a gentle hand on his back to lead him up to the registers. Alfred looked up and smiled bright, confident that this dumb holiday was going to be the best one Arthur ever had.
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
Arthur Kirkland hated Valentine's day. He hated it as much as he hated liver and onions, slimy frogs, and his barmy older brothers who always picked on him. It was a dumb, silly holiday with too much pink and bad chocolate with girls acting like ninnies and boys teasing even worse than usual. It didn't have a point and it wasn't like they got out of school or coursework for the day; it existed for no other reason but to annoy people (because some of his mum's friends sure didn't like it) and waste time. And most of all, he hated Valentine's day because after all the time he put into his own stupid cards, which had lovely pictures of fairies and unicorns that were NOT girly in any way, all his classmates had decided not to give him an cards of his own.
Their teacher said they'd had to give everyone in class a Valentine and had then make little baskets with their names on them that could be decorated however they wanted (which meant he'd had to go home nearly covered in glitter because the girl who sat next to him really liked using it) for the cards to go in on Valentine's Day. Arthur didn't really like anyone in his class because they all teased him and his eyebrows and how he talked, but his mum had said he needed to make friends by being kind and polite, so he had given everyone a card. And after dropping them off in each person's basket and returning to his desk, he had found his to be empty. The teacher had tried to scold the other kids, who had laughed at Arthur something terrible, but the recess bell had rung at that moment and everyone ran outside.
He had listened as the teacher apologized to him and offered him a lollipop out of her desk but it hadn't made any difference, even if it was a strawberry sweet and that was his favorite flavor. He had never felt so—so little before, so mad and angry and sad all at once that it nearly made him want to throw up. He had run away as some of the children made fun of how stupid his own cards to them were and hidden away at his safe place, the shaded hollow of bushes by the swings that no one else seemed to notice. He had stomped and mumbled and fisted his little hands tight as he raged at how much he hated this school, hated his classmates, and hate dumb, old America, but in the end, he still ended up curling up on the ground, burying his face in his arms as he cried.
Boys weren't supposed to cry, his Da told him, but Arthur was sure he'd be allowed to for today, for everyone being mean to him, for not having just one person who wanted to be his friend, no matter how hard he tried. He sniffled and tried to stay quiet, bending his knobby knees closer to his chest and curling even smaller and wondering what he had done to make them all hate him so much. He couldn't help the way he talked; he hadn't even known he talked funny until he had moved to America. And his eyebrows, his Da and brothers had eyebrows just like him; his mum had always told him they were charming, not funny looking. And—and he wasn't all that short! He was going to be seven in just two months, he had lots of time to get taller; it wasn't his fault all the boys in America were fat and big. He hated it here and wanted to go home!
"He-hey there—are you cryin' Artie?" Arthur scowled and brought his head up furiously, not bothering to wipe away at his cheeks, wishing that all the stupid jerks would just leave him alone!
"Go away! This is my spot, you can't—you can't stay here! Just leave me alone!" The other boy blinked at his angry words but didn't move, one of his hands behind his back, blue eyes still looking concerned, not hurt or angry. Arthur glared and crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to look away; his Da always said eye contact was important if you were being bullied.
The boy shuffled his feet but didn't leave, not even when Arthur huffed and turned his head away, still curled up on the ground and wishing Alfred would go away. Oh, he knew Alfred Jones; he was the most popular boy in their class and everyone loved him. He had never made fun of Arthur, which made him less horrible than the others, but he was the reminder of everything Arthur wasn't that he so badly wished he was. "Are you—that was so lame, what they all did! You're so tough though cuz you waited until recess before crying, I don't think I coulda."
Arthur sniffled and looked back up at Alfred, confused as to why he was talking to Arthur of all kids and wiped his nose with his hand. "Boys aren't supposed to cry."
"Well, maybe not as much as girls, but yeah we can! Stuff hurts us too and when you're hurt, you cry, that's what my mama says."
"Well my Da says it makes boys sissys."
"Oh." Alfred bit his lip before he grinned brightly. "Well, I won't say nothing! He'll never know!"
"You won't 'say anything,'" Arthur replied quietly. Alfred blinked, and Arthur felt dread well up because he'd gone and done something stupid again, but Alfred just laughed and sat down in front of him, one of his hands still behind his back. Arthur looked curiously at it before he sniffled again and looked back into Alfred's smile.
"You're really smart, uh? My mama always corrects my talkin', says I sound too much like my daddy, and she's the smartest grown up I know, even more smart than Ms. Helena!" He looked down again before scooting a little closer to Arthur. "I really liked your valentine. I mean, fairies are kinda girly but it looked really cool!"
Arthur nodded, still not sure what exactly was going on but beginning to feel a stirring of hope that he desperately wanted to be true.
"Here, I got you one too. I didn't give it to you in class because, because it's special. It was my favorite of the whole pack and I wanted to give it to you so you'd know I like you and that I really think we'd be awesome friends!" Alfred held out the card and Arthur took it with a small, small smile, recognizing the characters of Woody and Buzz immediately, the cowboy with his arm around the space ranger and the valentine message that said "You're the Buzz to my Woody, Valentine!"
Arthur looked back up at Alfred, who was still smiling at him so kindly and honestly, as if he truly wanted nothing more than to be Arthur's friend, and Arthur clutched the valentine tight as he mumbled a quiet 'thank you.' Alfred beamed and jumped to his feet, holding out his hand for Arthur to take and tilted his head back towards the playgrounds. "There's still some recess left! Wanna play treasure hunt with me? People who talk like you are always the hero's partners in all my adventure movies! We could be partners!"
Arthur took the hand and got up, eyes still a bit red but feeling better, lighter than he had in forever. He nodded and followed Alfred out of his hiding spot, holding the Toy Story valentine tight in his hand all the way, determined to keep it somewhere safe once he got home because it was the best gift he'd ever gotten before and from his first American friend. Alfred didn't care that some of the kids started to tease him for playing with Arthur, and he didn't care that the next day, when they had lunch and he saved a spot for Arthur, that some of the kids didn't sit with him anymore. He just smiled like he was the happiest kid in the world and pulled out an extra Ho-Ho he'd brought especially for Arthur.
And when Arthur gave him a small smile and offered him a Cadbury egg he'd been saving for a rainy day, and Alfred took it with a happy laugh and a hug, Arthur knew he'd found his friend at last—and maybe that Valentine's day wasn't so bad after all.
And...there it is! The series is done! Well, not entirely. Ella Rose C did a continuation of these on her LJ which I HIGHLY recommend you go read here: http : / / hotbabysitter . livejournal . com / 29405 . html ! I promise, the fluff will not disappoint.
I know I kind of harp this, but please, if you read, alerted, favorited, or just plain enjoyed these little stories, please be kind enough to review and let me know. I've been kind of disheartened lately with the lack of reviews that seem to be floating around and it would really make me feel just tons better reading that you all enjoyed these little snippets. I did work myself pretty hard on them 333
Until next time, my lovelies!