Reviews for Crossfire
Diurnal Days chapter 1 . 2/23/2018
Again, how have I not reviewed this one already? It's so emotional and subtly poetic and good. By god.

America and England sending each other off with carnal touches and more sentimental words feels kind of like how humanity lives their lives - spinning beauty and experiencing raw feeling so that uponst death they have something to remember in those last moments. How America and England reflect the lives of their men but eternally and seemingly larger than life really gives meaning to their status as national personifications. Which is, to say, they experience life like their men and yet not.

The way in which America and England have intimate relations to remember each other by and yet only open up to each other emotionally when they're both sexually sated doesn't really tie much into the overall themes of thid fic, but that progression develops the different ways in which they know each other and share each other's lives even as repeated death slowly changes them - like a cycle of death and rebirth, or progress paid for in blood. How the nations repeatedly die and change against their will also speaks to the nature of progress - it oftentimes happens over time and because of uncontrollable factors, and oftentimes the purpose of that progress is lost as progress becomes the status quo, as senseless and harmful as it may be sometimes.

Or am I reading a theme into this fic that may not be there? Who knows. XD

Anyway, the way you write usuk intimacy is A. Keep it up, man. 3

- Diurnal Days
(Cooties go as far back as WWI? Wow. That's unexpected.)
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14/2016
Empress Vegah chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
I just got to read this fml so late but oh god so wonderful ahhhhhh i think i can't help but binge your usuk stuff once in a while hahahaha! I really love your works, they're so tragically romantic! XD
AlexiusCaelum chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
It's so fucking amazing!

damtoti chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
I wish I could write more but I'm reviewing from my phone :/ This was very emotional, and I loved the ending. The way they tried to act nonchalant but you could feel their sadness. Aww when England started crying I just wanted to give him a hug too.
DLHKM chapter 1 . 2/20/2012
Wow, I read this a WHILE back and never reviewed, because sometimes I am admittedly selfish and don't care to leave a kind word or two, but I decided to come back after I stumbled upon your works once more. This piece is one of the pieces that helped me form my theory on how death and injuries are handled by nations; it was enjoyable and very bitter and I loved it. Until next time!
ElricLawliet chapter 1 . 10/17/2011
Damn. That was...deep. I loved it, cause you capture the characters so well. You manage to make them all deep and stuff without making them completely OOC. I like it. :3

But seriously, sometimes I worry about you. XD I mean, you make the stories all dark and angsty, and then crack ne up with the ANs. Like the Daffy Duck thing. X3 I'm always thinking, "Okay, is she bipolar, a sadist, or just weird?"

And then I decide I don't care as long as you keep writing your epic stories. Post more soon~!
yeahnomore chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
Love the bittersweet sadness and the jolt of hope at the end :)
x.WaitingForTheVan.x chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
I'm...not sure what to say about your fics anymore. You know they're incredible, I'm sure.

I'm glad someone played around with this theme, how the Nations die and how they return. And I'm a big fan of your angsty fanifcs, but this one especially so- it's dark, bleak, and sad. Thanks for writing it. :)

CrimsonAccent chapter 1 . 7/19/2011

"Circle circle dot dot now you've got a cootie shot"

But yeah, this was good. I was like "whoa smut!" because its just there lol, like no lead up to it.

And yeah, I figured they're immortal in the sense that they revive after dying. I mean France got his brains blasted out and came back just fine.
CherryFlamingo chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
Never thought about it that way... The tone sorta changed from the beginning to end.
Altair718 chapter 1 . 6/6/2011
I had figured the same thing about the countries' whole immortality/death thing. It actually does make sense, so you're good. Anyway, on to the story: It made me cry a bit inside. It must be terribly awful, to die on a battlefield, only to come back and have to do it all over again, in the name of peace or justice or whatever reason they come up with for war.
abls chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
Oh I love your use of the headscarfed sweetheart analogy and paralleled it to them in that even though they don't die, and even though it's hard for them to admit, they go through the same agony - as shown by England. Ahhh, love, love your work.
UnluckyWriter chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
The truth to how the nations are immortal. Splendid work!

Love the USUKUS sappiness and sadness and all the emotional necessities~!
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