Author has written 3 stories for Twilight, and Harry Potter.
Heyy, everyone!
My work:
Ok, I will finish 'A change of fate' eventually, I'm just trying to find out where its really going... Oh, and even though this story, 'A change of fate', was nominated for the best non-canon pairing by 'The Moonlight Awards' it didnt win. I'm incredibly bummed about that, but I'm honored that it was even in a catagory. I wasn't really happy with where the story was going and this just put the icing on the cake lol. I'm probably going to stop posting and writing for a while (even though it seems like I already have stopped lol) and think my ideas totally through and get a better idea as to where things are going.
This does not mean that I wont eventually finish 'A change of fate', I will just be rethinking, rewriting and reorganizing my story and thoughts. Hopefully it will be even more amazing than you already think it is :)
As for my other stories, they have completely fallen off the face of the earth! I totally forgot about them, and it seems they werent that popular to begin with anyway. I might finish them...even though I have no idea where I was going with them anymore.
Other nonsense:
I love, love, LOVE!, SLASH pairings! Anything with Harry/OMC I just go crazy for! Preferably Harry/Draco, Harry/Viktor, or Harry/Cedric :D or Harry and any of the slytherins...blaise, theo, marcus, adrian...you get the idea I think? lol i cant stand het pairings anymore
Oh, and if anyone can find any long and good Harry/Fleur, Harry/Pansy, Harry/Daphne, Harry/OC or Harry/Edward (twilight crossover) stories. can you please PM me? I really would love to read some good ones lol, but no one seems to write those pairings :/
-George Weasley, "Family Means More Than Blood" by WingsOfADream
"Just because I'm bored with having the same thing for breakfast everyday doesn't mean I'm not proud to be British. Pip, pip, tally ho, God save the Queen and all that. I'm all for it, I just think we have a very boring choice of breakfast."
-Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, "Gold Tinted Spectacles" by Beren
Draco: "I may object, but I am not suddenly insane. There are few people in the world who frighten me, and Madam Pomfrey is one of them."
Harry: "You and the rest of the world. Now if Madam Pomfrey wanted to rule the world and not Voldemort we'd be in real trouble."
-Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, "Gold Tinted Spectacles" by Beren
(Harry and Draco mind speak)
Draco: 'I dont believe it. Oh this is priceless; I think Snape is actually trying to ask me if you forced me to have sex with you. I think I might play dumb, I've never seen him quite so uncomfortable.'
Harry: 'Bet you can't get him to actually say 'sex'.'
(little while later) Draco: 'Yes! He said it, I made Snape say 'sex'.'
-Draco Malfoy, "Gold Tinted Spectacles", by Beren
"The day you (Harry) and I are normal is the day Snape awards you house points and Dumbledore actually appears sane. I have never been sane, and I don't intend to start now."
-Harry Potter, "Gold Tinted Spectacles", by Beren
"I hate to break it to you, but you are officially Gryffindor's Slytherin. There's no escape now: you're stuck; trapped for life; marked for good...' (draco makes him shut up with a hit on the arm lol)
-Draco Malfoy, "Gold Tinted Spectacles", by Beren
"You're the one who's turned me into a worrywart. I would like it understood that my approaching nervous breakdown is all your fault." (talking to harry)
-Draco Malfoy, "Snitch!", by Al on
"Charming man. I almost wish I had a daughter so I could forbid her to marry him."
-The Twins and Mrs. Weasley, "Sound of the Revolution", by beakanoma
George announced, “He got off!”
“And without your help for once!” added Fred.
“FRED!” Mrs. Weasley shouted thunderously.
“What?” Fred replied innocently. “I was only saying he got out of trouble without Harry’s help. You know, like when Harry saved him from You-Know-Who?” He shook his head in feigned derision. “Need to get your mind out of the gutter, Mum.”
-Harry Potter, Meciel, and Amanda Carpenter, "The Denarian Renegade", by Shezza88 (this is a really good and hilarious story! you should go and read it!!)
“I am not getting in the middle of a bitch fight so you can both just stop it right now,” Harry interrupted quickly, holding up his hands between Amanda and the illusionMeciel as if he were going to stop them from tearing at each other. “Unless, of course, there’s mud, bikinis, wrestling and a rubber glove involved.”
“A rubber glove?” Amanda asked with a curious frown and was met with Harry’s dark smile.
“Do you really want to know?” He asked with a suggestive tilt of his eyebrows and Amanda blushed, ducking her head and quickening her step. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”
-Harry Potter, and Umbridge, "The Denarian Knight", by Shezza88
“Well, I’m collecting donations for the annual Ministry Ball. Care to be a sponsor?” Harry said.
“You shouldn’t lie, Mr Potter,” Umbridge said sharply. “I know for a fact that the Ministry doesn’t have any balls.” (hahahahahah get it? :D oh i love it)
-Harry Potter and Meciel, "The Denarian Lord", by Shezza88
“Oh, for the love of…” Harry growled, “Kill the little brat! Strangle her with her weird-arse pigtails! No, no, don’t…don’t sing again!”
“Do you think you might be taking this a little bit too seriously?” Meciel asked lightly.“It’s only an animated program.”
“How the Grinch stole Christmas,” Harry quoted with a scowl. “It implies that the ugly bastard will take everything and keep it. Not… give it back and….gah! Now I’m all disappointed.”
(oh so true -sigh- lol)
-Asmodeus Tenebrion, "Asmodeus" by She Who Cannot Be Turned
“God, I hope so. You and Sammy? I may have considered it when I was very drunk, but sober? Not a pretty thought, especially without me in the middle. Ew. Incest. Hah! Wincest!” Asmodeus said with a chuckle.
-Harry Potter, "Motel 58" by scarletsptember
"Cause you and Dean are cuddle bears from hell." (talking to Sam and Dean Winchester :D)
-Harry Potter, "Bound by Brotherhood, Forged in Fire" by knightblazer85
“Sorry old man” Harry said “I’ve got places to go and people to see, so I can’t stick around to give you a lengthy lecture on how many ways you can go and fuck yourself” then he revved the engine on the bike to a screaming roar and yelled “SAIA-FUCKIN-ARA” (oh how i love that sentence :D)
Pansy Parkinson, "Road Trip" by Eryn Galen
“Yeah, I once slept over and He had a conversation with his Mom about what he wanted for dinner. He shouted at her, thought, because I had just done his nails and he was waiting for them to dry, but then had to answer the phone which Fucked up the brilliant job I did. It was quite funny actually, and then his dad told him to ‘Stop being so queer and answer you’re mother’s civil question!’ and he shouted back ‘I’m not being queer, I just don’t want to ruin my nails, I just got them manicured and painted and I don’t want to ruin them!’ Hilarious! I did not sleep that night!” (talking about Draco...if you couldnt tell :D)
Fred Weasley, "The Champions" by Ferosh.
"This...is genius in the form of confectionary."
Harry Potter, "Twilight's Bloom" by Concubine99
"You know, I put that silencing charm because I thought you guys would be screaming at each other- not because of each other!" (draco and his man did the naughty lol)
--more to come later--