Chapter Sixteen: Hope Above All Else (Pt. 1)

"Dad?" I called as I entered the house, carrying a sleeping Rouen in one arm.

Asha raced up to greet me. I smiled as I crouched down after closing the door and scratched her ears. She started to smell little Rouen.

"Surendra, I'm in the kitchen," I heard Amar call softly.

I rose and set my bag to the side before heading into the kitchen. I gave him the big green eyes when his eyes took note of Rouen. He lifted a brow at me.

"Oh, fine," he grumbled, shaking his head. "Enough with the eyes. I swear, you've developed an art form with them the way you go about. You'd better be able to take care of all these animals." He pushed letters forward as I noted Hedwig sitting on his shoulder as he worked. "It's from Hagrid. The letter underneath it is from Dumbledore. He's made it clear that he wants you to spend the prior night at Hogwarts before each task of the tournament. However it is your choice alone as to whether or not you will spend the night. I will not have that man taking charge of your whereabouts due to your involvement."

"Thank you, Daddy Amar," I stated in a sing-song voice.

"Don't even start," he muttered with a slight smile as he looked up at me. "So I see your werewolf and you have come to terms."


"Nothing gets past me, if you recall," Amar chuckled as he shot me a mischievous smile.

"Did you set up something to spy on us in his rooms?" I asked with a suspicious glare.

He leaned back, his hand over his heart as he gave me a dramatic wounded look, "I would never do something along those lines. It's like you don't know me at all, Surendra, my little one. Spying, indeed."

"You are lying to me," I stated critically. "And you'd better take the spy gear down before it comes back to bite you."

"Now, now, no need to get into a fit," he chuckled as he went back to working on his article.

"Amar!" I snapped, glaring at him. "That's invasion of privacy."

"And what about your own spy spells set up in my room?" he asked with a smile.

"That's beside the point," I told him with a grin.

"Don't you trust me?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I trust you as far as I can throw you," I told him with a smile.

"Ah, not very much then," he laughed. "I suppose it's worth it."

"I wasn't speaking physically," I laughed. "And I just want to know ahead of time whether or not you're leaving for an assignment. Nothing wrong with that."

"And nothing wrong with listening to Lord Dalca and I discussing you?" he asked with a smirk.

"I don't approve of gossip," I told him with a mock serious tone, nodding my head while giving him a pointed stare.

"If he knew--"

"That's why you haven't told him," I replied, shrugging. "Do you think what he saw will come to pass?"

He sighed and set down the pencil he was using. "I don't know. Probabilities and choices always differentiate the end means, but Lord Dalca has not been wrong in the last century."

"One from the womb, another from the shadows of death," I stated with a shake of my head. "The first one could be at any specific time and from anyone."

"The second is odd," Amar chuckled. "Maybe it is someone awakening from a coma?"

"Depends on your interpretation of shadows of death," I replied with a sigh as I sat down. "I don't like it at all. It gives me a bad vibe. Something bad is coming. No one's going to be able to stop it."

He looked up at me with raised brows. "You're having the dreams again?"

"There's something that we're all missing," I stated with a pointed look. "I can't imagine what it is."

"We'll figure it out sooner or later," he noted as he went back to his work. "Do make sure he's potty trained."

"I think I'll go check on my muses," I thought out loud.

"Surendra," Amar called softly. I turned to look at him. "There is a couple ways for men to have children. However I will not mention it furthermore with you. I know you, little one. You will go out and find it and use it. Our Lord has seen you in nigh seven years with two pairs of gold eyes and one pair of green and more."

A sharp intake of breath was my reply as I stared at him wide-eyed. Then I asked, "Truly?"

His eyes softened even more. "He mentioned it in passing during our last meeting. I'm afraid I was not very forthcoming considering the trouble Anicetus and you always have with one another. Perhaps I spoke too soon? It was just a dream he had, nothing more."


"No, no, little one," he chuckled, his eyes thoroughly amused. "I will not tell you. This you must find on your own." Then he looked thoughtful. "I do not think you should mention this to your wolf. No telling what he will do with this information. The man is very set in his ways. Had you been a girl, he'd no doubt have you pregnant within the first month of your meeting."

I nodded with a smile. "Isn't that just the truth?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it is," he replied even though I was being rhetoric. "That wolf will have no one but you. Do try and trust that, Suren. If anything can hold your entire faithfulness, let it be that."

"Do you believe him?"

"I do," he answered with a broad smile. "I have two centuries over you both and I've learned many things. I know what I see and I know he loves you. This question remains though: Do you love him?"

I gave him a thoughtful glance. "I love him, but I'm not sure if I'm in love with him."

He chuckled and returned to his work, leaving me to my thoughts. I went upstairs and checked on my muses. The three snakes were on their favorite rock in one cage, tangled together under the sun lamp. I set Rouen down and he and Asha greeted each other and began a game of dominance. Asha won.

I looked out the window and sighed. I wanted children more than anything. It was something I'd always hoped for no matter the time. I wondered if Lord Dalca's dream had been true. Then again, destinies change. Nothing was set in stone.

This time I hoped it was.

"I thought you were going to end it," Sirius noted as he came into my room after he and Remus had spent the day clearing out the room they shared, their things now residing in Sirius's old family home.

"Well I'm not," I stated seriously, glancing at him momentarily before returning to my homework.

"I don't--"

"I know you don't like it," I hissed as I whirled around to look at him with a pointed expression. "Sirius, I have no idea if I'm in love him or not, but I'm willing to find out if I am or if I am not. I shouldn't ruin a good thing. It's always been a bad habit of mine. Please understand me when I say that I'm going into this relationship rationally and not driven by hormones or whatnot."

"Well that's a load off my back," he growled, scowling.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I suddenly snapped. "You act as though he's planning to assault me sexually."

"Isn't he?" Sirius argued. "What makes you trust him? I mean, what do you really know about this man besides that he's supposed to be your mate?"

"I honestly don't know why you mistrust him so much," I stated with a dismissive hand gesture. "If we weren't mates, you probably would like Anicetus as a person and a friend. It's the fact that he's--"

"Trying to bed you that makes me mistrustful of him," Sirius interrupted with a hiss. "Yes, that's exactly it. He's going to hurt you one day and you'll realize that I was right--"

"Sirius, you're full of shite," I grumbled, rubbing my temple with a closed eyes, feeling tired of the conversation and very disbelieving. "How can you look at me and say something like that?"

"Some things need to be stated bluntly for them to sink in," he growled.

"And you're being quite the little--"

"Harry James Potter, you will mind your tongue or--"

"Or what?" I snarled, bracing myself. "You're going to hit me? Then hit me." His eyes widened a touch and he stepped back. "I've been hit before. Makes no nevermind to me. Pain is relative anywise."

"I would never hit you," he stated softly, looking at me with a stricken expression.

"Do you think I can't take care of myself?" I asked, feeling the anger leave me.

"It's not the matter that I don't think you can take care of yourself, Pronglet," he sighed, "it's that I think he'd be able to hurt you emotionally and physically whenever he wanted to and you would not be able to stop him even if you did fight back."

"Relationships are pain, yes," I replied softly as returned to my homework. "Sirius, I know you care. Lord knows I do, but you need to let things run their course. It is entirely between Anicetus and I. Please let it be for now. You don't have to like it. Just try to be nice for my sake."

"All right," he grumbled as he went to sit on my bed. "But if he hurts you, I'm going to tear him to shreds and then pour the lighter fuel on him and set him ablaze."

"Kinky," I chuckled, shaking my head as we fell silent.

"We are not to ever talk about this," I told Roger as I tattooed below his hip. I looked up at his laughing face. He laid on his back on the table, a towel covering his… well… member as I tattooed the skin of his pelvis. "Never ever talk about this."

"You said you wanted to practice on real human skin," he pointed out with a howling laugh.

We both paused as we heard the ring of the door being opened. Roger and I looked at each other. He shook his head.

"If you need anything, come into the back," he called.

A second later, I heard footsteps and the brush of the beaded curtain pulled back as the person entered. I kept tattooing until I heard the familiar click of a picture being taken. I looked up with surprise, needle in hand paused and raised.

"May I help you?" I responded while glaring at Rita Skeeter and her camera man.

"Can we have a moment of your time, Mr. Potter?" she asked insistently.

"I'm not giving you an interview," I snapped. "I'm working."

"As we can see," she replied evenly, her eyes gleaming a nasty glint.

I set my materials to the side tray I had set up near me. Roger laid still, his skin red from the tattoo and the ink stark black and in the process of becoming a sea dragon. He went to sit up, but I pushed him back down.

"I'll handle it," I growled as I looked up at the annoying woman. "I told you no."

"Mr. Potter, it is just a tiny article on the champions," she told me with an annoyed expression. "All of the champions need to be interviewed."

"I told you no," I snapped, my control of my anger slipping.

She had been doing this since Friday. Tracking me down to the workplace. She had even tracked me down to the bookstore in Knockturn Alley where I was picking up books that I had ordered from an old couple that were originally from Mecca of Saudi Arabia. It had become something of an annoyance.

And she wasn't the only one following me!

I was of the short-temper and I was close to blasting everyone out of existence due to this. Being followed just aggravated the complete Hades out of me. Not getting this woman to back off almost made me want to hit her, no matter how much Amar tells me it is not good to hit a woman. Roni and Hermione both did say go for it however.

I was just about to go over there to grab her and her camera man by the throat when I heard the bell go off. I stepped back with wide eyes as Fenrir Greyback walked casually into the room, looking for all the world like he owned the place. Roger sat up immediately, brandishing his wand.

"Get the hell out of my shop, Greyback," Roger snarled.

"Don't piss him off, Roger," I hissed, eyeing for where Isa was slithering about.

One bite was all we needed. Just one.

Then again…

"M-Mr. Greyback," Rita Skeeter stuttered, looking blank as she looked up at him. "Why are you here?"

"--Issa, my love, where are you?--" I hissed softly, eyeing for her, wanting her with me and safe. I paused when I noticed Greyback's eyes flashing like Malachi's eyes had once when he was still alive when he saw me. "--Issa, hurry.--"

"I'm here to see my mate," he answered with sudden amusement, flashing a fanged smile.

Anicetus was going to love that notion. He'd probably wouldn't let any other shifter around me again. Maybe not even human or benign. After, that is, when I kill the old wolf for even cracking that sort of remark near a reporter of all people.

I felt Isa start winding herself about my leg. I sighed in relief. She slithered up until she went under my shirt, her cool scales comforting.

I looked at Rita Skeeter with a pointed expression. "Get the hell out of this shop before I call the bobbies. You, too, Greyback."

Rita Skeeter and her camera man hurried out while Greyback just looked at me with amusement. Roger held his wand accordingly, not for once taking his eyes off the werewolf. My mind however was going over what it knew about mates.

Sometimes a person can have two mates, but it was so rare a phenomenon that it wasn't worth thinking about. How my luck was going, I might have to consider the idea. Then again, I wouldn't believe it at all because being mates with Fenrir Greyback was something I would not consider at any cost.

And it was not heard of to have mates that were of the same family.

"Are you fine now?" he asked, smiling viciously.

"Yes with the reporter, no with you still here," I replied, taking a step forward, refusing to back down.

Why, oh, why can't I have normal stalkers?

Then again, what's normal about a stalker?

"I'm not going to do anything to you, pup," he chuckled.

I lost my temper, "Oh, and how's that? Why did you call me your mate when I'm actually Anicetus's mate?"

"I would like a tattoo," he stated matter-of-factly, ignoring my question completely.

Roger and I looked at one another before I stated darkly, "I'm sure you could not afford one."

He tossed a bag toward us, it clinking with coins. I opened the bag after retrieving them and my eyes widened. Galleons, lots of them. Recently cleaned ones, I might add as they were so shiny. There were no smudges on any that I could see.

I looked to Roger and he looked darkly at the bag, "I'm not sure I like this idea one bit."

"I don't either," I replied softly. I shot Greyback an impersonal polite smile. "Do you see any designs that you liked? If you want we can alter them to your specific liking."

"Are there more options?" he asked with a smile.

"There are books behind you," Roger informed him. "They're labeled by the artist's name so you know who did what design."

"However we will have to do the tattoo another day seeing as the shop is closing within the next five minutes," I followed. "So perhaps you can look another time?" I tossed the bag of galleons back at Greyback. He caught it without looking up. "Besides, both of us are busy at the moment."

"I can see that," he replied acidly, scowling at Roger who was still watching him like a hawk. Greyback looked at me. "Perhaps in several days I will return and do the searching. Good day, Singh and little mudblood."

As the bell signaled his exit, Roger turned to me and remarked, "How bloody rude of that bastard!"

"Language, Roger," I placated as I pushed him back down and then continued tattooing. "Today's been so boring up till now."

"Dancing later?" he asked hopefully.

"No, I have to get some sleep tonight," I replied with a soft smile.

"Ah, yes, the tournament," he chuckled.

"Lie back down, you tosser," I growled darkly, annoyed.

"Fine, fine," he grumbled, doing as told. "I swear your temper has been overt lately."

Well when you're being followed by completely deranged individuals, it affects you, I grumbled mentally.

It was early the following morning and I sat on the castle steps, my sketchbook opened and I was drawing furiously, trying to expel the nervous energy I had somehow attained. The Durmstrang and Beauxbatons passed by me, ignoring me or glancing at me with curious stares.

I looked up suddenly when I felt someone sitting behind me, looming over to peer at what I was drawing. Athanasius sat there, a little girl in his lap, looking at my drawing. Well at least Anicetus hadn't appeared himself. Shiva only knows what he would've done at the sight of dragons.

"It is a pleasant morning, do you not think?" Athanasius asked with a smile down at me as the little girl peeked at me with a shy smile and then hid her face in his neck.

"Who's the little girl?" I asked curiously.

"This is Tatiana Nadezhda Volkov," he stated with a smile. "She was bitten the last full moon, days before, by one of Greyback's pack. Her family, recently moved from Russia and pureblood, disowned her immediately."

"Is she all right?" I asked in worry, immediately sitting straighter and turning to fully look at the little girl.

"She's young enough," he told me with a sad smile. "It's harder when they're older."

I nodded in understanding. It was harder when older. I suppose it would be even harder since pureblood families liked to coddle their children. At least I got the hate treatment from the start. Then again, I suppose it will hurt as much either way.

Family is family, after all.

"Tatiana, this is Harry Potter," Athanasius murmured to her, bouncing her in his lap. "But he prefers the name Surendra."

She looked up at me with surprise and I noticed she had complete heterochromia. One eye was ice blue and the other hazel. Her hair was down to the middle of her back and dark brown. Skin almost as pale as mine. Right at the moment she wore a white little sundress with gold, red, green, and purple threading of flowers designing the hem and an overcoat of blue. She held tightly to a Matryoshka doll.

"What's that behind your ear, little Tanya?" I asked softly using the Russian pet form of her name as I set my sketchbook and pencil down.

She looked at me with surprise and then confusion as she pawed at her ears. I shook my head and laughed. I leaned forward and pulled out a galleon behind her ear. Her eyes went wide with surprise.

"I don't think you should keep money behind your ear," I told her playfully as I handed her the coin. "It always gets lost."

She started giggling, her eyes brightened and the tension in her body fading immediately. Athanasius watched with interest. I gave him a curious look.

He answered, "She hasn't taken much to anyone but myself since she was bitten and disowned."

"Like I've said before, I have a gift," I chuckled as I leaned forward and smiled at Tatiana. "If you ask Athanasius nicely, maybe we can use that galleon to buy you something sweet after the task is over."

She looked excited and started asking Athanasius hurriedly with a quiet voice in English that sounded slightly forced like she was trying not to ask in Russian. Her accent was thick and her voice sounded rather adorable. I started to put my things back into my bag while I smiled. Then I rose to my feet just as Athanasius agreed.

She looked back up at me with a grin and got out of his lap. The old wolf rose to his feet, towering over the little girl and I effortlessly. Damn werewolves.

Looking down at her, I smiled again, "Would you like to join me for breakfast, little Tanya?"

She nodded her head with happy eyes before looking between Athanasius and I and asked, "Carry?"

"I think I can do that," I joked, grinning as I put my bag on my shoulder and then picked her up. I smiled at Athanasius before heading into the castle. "Have you two had any breakfast?"

"Yes, we have, but she won't eat much meat," he replied. "She needs to do so considering the metabolism of werewolves."

"Do you want something, Tatiana?" I asked softly, looking directly into her eyes. "Juice? Fruit? Porridge?"

"Can I have porridge?" she asked softly.

"Anything you want," I chuckled. I turned to Athanasius, "She's how old?"

"Just turned five on July twenty-first," he told me seriously. "She's not suffering the full effects currently. I think she's convinced herself that I'm babysitting her while her parents travel."

"She uses both eyes, correct?"

"Yes," he replied with sudden confusion. "Why do you ask?"

"Some types of illnesses create this kind of effect on the eyes and there are sometimes problems with one of those eyes; might be wise to check into that just in case," I informed him casually as we entered the Great Hall. Some nearby who noticed us enter fell silent before slowly resuming their discussion. "See that article doing my reputation wonders."

"Yes, I was surprised myself," he chuckled. "Your tattooing a man nearly naked does bring questions to mind."

"Roger is a git," I laughed, looking up at him with a smile. "Besides, there's not much room on any of his upper body to tattoo on."

"My grandson had to be talked down from what I've heard," he chuckled. "Nearly went after the wizard."

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed incredulously. "He completely freaked out. Started going off about how Roger must be taking advantage of me and all I could do was laugh at the whole entire thing. Of course, in doing so, he was even angrier than before." I looked at him wickedly. "He was entirely too adorable at that point so I proceeded to laugh harder." I laughed. "I mean, please. It's Roger. Gross."

We went to sit at the end of Ravenclaw table with Luna. I set Tatiana and my bag down and helped her sit on the bench before proceeding to gather the bowl of porridge and serving her some. When finishing, I paused to press a kiss to Luna's cheek before grabbing an apple and sitting down to eat.

Athanasius looked down critically at me. "You do realize that your jacket is on reverse?"

"Huh?" I asked I look at the jacket and suddenly noted the oddity. "Well… gosh."

I pulled it off and reversed it before pulling it back on. "I'm really not having the greatest of mornings. First I fall down a set of stairs. Then I burn my arm on the stove. Then I tripped over thin air which thankfully Remus caught me before I hit the floor. Finally this. I honestly think this is an omen."

"Knock on vood," Tatiana told me seriously.

"Yes, all the rage in curing bad luck," I sighed in happiness before knocking on the table three times. I paused, looking around with wonderment. Then I smiled down at her. "I think I feel the rest of today will go by smoothly, little Tanya." I tickled her and then ruffled her hair making her giggle loudly.

A shadow loomed beside us and I looked up to see Dumbledore smiling benevolently. I inaudibly growled as I stepped closer to Tatiana and Luna, feeling suspicious of his presence. Athanasius tilted his head like a dog would just to observe the situation in a curious stare.

"Mr. Potter, we were surprised at not seeing you last night when you were asked to spend it here prior to the task," Dumbledore stated with a smile and twinkling eyes.

Could I get away with stabbing his eyes out before anyone stopped me?


Nah, not worth the trouble. Besides, I think Amar and Mira would frown at that.

However Sirius would probably get a laugh out of it.

I tilted my head to the side and asked in mock surprise, "Was I required to?"

"Yes, you were actually," he answered with a sudden frown.

"Well, then, you should've made that clear in that letter you sent me," I laughed.

"I was perfectly clear in that letter and well you know it," he stated with a sudden firm tone.

I just smiled at him. "Then I suppose I just didn't care to do so."

"What have I done to upset you, Mr. Potter?" he asked in a sudden concerned and confused tone, probably just now noting those watching with anticipation.

That was unlikely however since he seemed to know almost everything.

Daphne had informed me that the whole school was aware of the hostility I held towards the Headmaster. Hermione mentioned that there were ideas of various sorts of the why. Some even had deduced that whatever it was, it was most likely one of the reasons I left Hogwarts.

"I think we both know why," I stated with a small smile. "In fact, I was pretty clear on what my problem is with you. I suspect that you just haven't acknowledged it yet. Or have you?"

"I have and I don't see why you're being--"

"Excuse me?" I demanded almost too calmly. "You can't possibly understand why I'm completely against you personally?"

"I do understand, but you are taking it--"

"Completely out of context?" I asked with a raised brow as I crossed my arms. "Are you completely out of your ever-loving mind? Had I done the same to you, you'd probably have a fit as well."

"Are you not a forgiving person?" he asked with a sad tone, almost playing the crowd as it were. "Can you not forgive an old man for his mistakes?"

I laughed. "I can forgive anything, whether I choose to forget the slight is entirely another concept. And, yes, I forgive you, but I'm not completely naïve as to forget your actions. I can't trust you for you're not acting in any way sorry for your gestures of crime. In fact, you've just put yourself in a position in the public's eye so as to play victim giving others the view of me as a tantrum-throwing git. Please, I'm not stupid nor do I care what others think of me. So drop the woe-is-me act and grow a set and at least make a bit of an effort to have at it with me because frankly your current actions are a poor imitation of someone making an effort to settle conflicts between yourself and another party." I paused and smirked. "And if you really want to play your cards right, perhaps some negotiations are in order. You become a little bit more forthcoming with information that I know you know and I can perhaps make an attempt to trust you again, but until then: fucking deal with it."


"Don't start with me, old man," I growled warningly. "I'm being quite reasonable right now and trust me when I say that you'd rather not have a conversation with me when I'm without reason."

"Mr. Potter, you'll only be needing your wand," Dumbledore told me seriously after a minute of silence. "So whatever else you're carrying, you may give it to this gentleman who I assume is your guardian for the time being."

"You must be Albus Dumbledore," Athanasius stated with a quirked brow and a smile.

"Yes, I am," Dumbledore chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

"I thought you'd be taller," Athanasius noted with a bored tone before completely ignoring Dumbledore who looked up at him with a look of complete surprise. "Surendra, you heard him. Empty your pockets, pup."

"I suddenly know why Anicetus gets annoyed with you," I muttered, shaking my head with a rueful grin.

I looked between the two old men before sighing. I took off my leather jacket and set it on the seat. By the time I had finished, there was a couple of knives on the table, out of Tatiana's reach. I looked at Athanasius with a smile. He looked down at me pointedly, narrowing his eyes just a smidgen. I frowned.

"Harry, give up the hunting knives now," Hermione interceded before I got smacked by the old werewolf. She, Daphne, and Ginny had just come over and sat down across from Luna and Tatiana.

I growled at her before putting my foot up on the chair and pulled up my jean leg, revealing a few knives. I pulled them out from where they hooked to my boot, setting them aside before doing the same on the other leg. Then I pulled on my jacket with a smile before stilling when Athanasius looked at me pointedly as Dumbledore looked dumbfounded at how many knives were on the table. Actually, come to think of it, many of those sitting nearby were watching with gaping expressions.

"Spread," Athanasius growled.

"Excuse me?" I asked with a surprised bark of laughter. "You've got to be kidding me."

"My grandson says that there is no less than twelve blades on your person," he growled. "I count only seven sitting there."

"Remind me to give him a good old-fashioned kick to the bum when we go to see him," I grumbled as I took up pose as he proceeded to frisk me. "This is just humiliating."

"Two are strapped on your right thigh," he noted. Then he checked my arms. "Three in your jacket."

"Honestly, what's wrong with just leaving them there?" I grumbled. "It's not like I'm going to do a striptease."

"Want to grace us with one?" Athanasius asked with a wolfish smile.

"Fine, give me a minute," I grumbled as I handed my jacket to him after taking it off. I returned from the bathroom a minute later, two knives in hand that I put in the pile. "Old goodie-goodies."

"Get the ones out of your jacket now," Athanasius commanded.

I tossed the last three on the pile and scowled at both old men. "There. Happy?"

"Unbelievably," Athanasius chuckled as he ruffled my hair like I was five something. "Now do be a good pup and find a place to stash all of that so I can carry it."

I conjured a rucksack and started to fill it with my knives, pausing every time I placed one in it. I held the bag close to me before handing it over to the old wolf. I pulled on my jacket and went to sit down, looking mournfully at the bag.

I suddenly scowled, "Know that if you lose those knives, I will have to kill you."

"Don't make idle threats," he chuckled, reaching out to ruffle my hair.

I shoved his arm away and snapped, "I got those from Amar and Mira for my birthday."

"Say no more," he chuckled as he ruffled my hair again and went to sit beside me, wrapping an arm about my shoulders.

I decided to send a rather nasty look at Dumbledore, thorn in my side. Why did he have to remember the knives? Honestly, it wasn't like I was going to use them on the dragons. Like it would do any real damage. It'd take a lot of jousting just to penetrate the hide.

"This is completely unwarranted," I muttered. "Like I could kill a big beastie with a little knife."

"Exactly what kind of beastie is this?" Athanasius asked with a sudden frown.

I looked at the ceiling and hummed, taking a note out of Dumbledore's book as it were. Dumbledore had left us after a few moments, finding that he couldn't get attention directed at him. Athanasius gripped my shoulder. I looked at him with surprise.

"What kind is it, little one?" he asked in a low voice.

I cringed and grumbled, "It's a dragon."

"A real dragon?" Tatiana asked with wide curious eyes as she finished eating.

I picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth gently as I replied, "A big, mean fire-breathing one, but, not to worry, I'm quite capable of avoiding such mythical creatures."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It was probably best not to tell my grandson," Athanasius noted with a thoughtful expression.

"I thought so," I noted with a nervous glance at him. "He's always over-protective."

"From what I've been told, he has reason since you're a regular hospital attendee," he chuckled.

"Harry has his own plaque over the bed he always resides in," Daphne giggled, joining the conversation. "Nobody goes anywhere near that bed. Some of us Slytherins decided to make it into an urban legend. Bad luck will come to any who end up in that bed. It's caught on. The first years all believe it and some of second and third believe it, too."

"It's quite a popular bet that he'll end up there again in competing in this task," Ginny told us seriously. "Everyone is involved in this bet. A lot of people think Harry got into the tournament for attention. Nobody really knows that Harry absolutely despises attention."

"Which is why Anicetus was stabbed in the thigh when he was bothering Suren when he was cooking dinner," Hermione explained.

Athanasius's eyebrows shot up in surprise and he asked, "You stabbed my grandson in the thigh?"

"It was an accident," I barked in sudden annoyance.

"It was on purpose," Hermione argued. "You and I both know it."

"I'm still of the opinion that it was an accident," I snapped before calming down easily. I was looking for a fight to get the nervous tension out and I think she knew that. "Nice try."

"My, you're quicker than I imagined," Hermione laughed.

"Very clever, Granger," I murmured as I turned to ignore her. "Tatiana, do want anything else?"

"No," she answered softly as she started to shuffle through my bag.

I turned away, not worried for I don't recall there being anything bad in the bag that could harm her. That was until she let out a shrill scream and Athanasius howled, both covering their ears, eyes squeezed shut. I snatched the device from Tatiana's hand and pressed the button, turning it off effectively. Tatiana had tears pouring from her eyes making me gather her up instantly after tossing the device to Hermione.

"I'm sorry, little Tanya," I murmured as I rose to my feet and rubbed her back as she cried on my shoulder. "I know it hurts, sweetie." I pressed my lips to the top of her hair. I looked at Athanasius apologetically. "I'm sorry for that. I'd forgotten it was in my bag."

"What was that?" Ginny asked with wide eyes.

"It's a device that Harry and I talked about making when he was practicing defense with Professor Lupin and Anicetus during the summer," Hermione explained with a guilty expression. "It's supposed to slow the two down when they've backed Harry into a corner. It was originally a device for dogs. You know that they have the ability to hear sounds that us as humans cannot? So, with the help of my father, Harry and I decided to play on our theory that if we amp the sound level, we could potentially put a werewolf down with a push of a button. The first time Harry used it, Anicetus completely snapped."

"Basically, it takes down werewolves without much problem?" Daphne asked rhetorically.

"Basically," Hermione answered softly with a shrug.

"Wicked," Daphne laughed. "Cruel, but wicked."

Athanasius growled, "I wondered why my grandson called you a bit of a deranged psychopath. Now I understand why."

"Excuse me, it's deranged anomaly," I told him seriously before returning to murmuring to Tatiana, trying to calm her down. I paused and turned to him. "You can tell him he's a chimpanzee mixed mutt in reply to his calling me that."

"Besides, deranged psychopath sounds sort of redundant," Ginny added.

"Exactly," I agreed happily.

"And psychopath is rather loosely used in this situation," Daphne noted with a thoughtful expression. They all looked at her with surprise. She shrugged. "Muggle science isn't completely useless as Harry's pointed out to me. He also lends me some of his books on psychology."

"I will tell him that you called him that," Athanasius vowed jokingly a moment later.

"Now the two of you are sending messages to each other?" Hermione laughed incredulously. "What have I missed?"

"I admit to nothing and deny everything," I growled playfully before brushing Tatiana's hair out of her face as she pulled back, sniffling. "You all right, luv?"

She nodded, wiping her eyes. "I vas cur…curi… cur--"

"Curious?" I asked rhetorically with a soft smile.

She nodded with a guilty expression.

"Next time ask questions," I told her as firm yet soft as possible. "What were you looking for?" She shook her head. "Nothing in particular, eh?" I chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Don't worry, lyubimaya moya, you're not in trouble. It is my fault for not checking my bag prior to you going through it."

"I wasn't aware that you could speak Russian," Hermione noted off-handedly.

"That's an interesting story actually," I chuckled sheepishly, flashing them a mischievous smile.

"Oh, you mean it starts with how you weaseled five hundred galleons from a group of Russian tigers?" Athanasius asked with an amused smile.

"W-what?" Hermione, Ginny, and Daphne all asked with wide eyes.

"That was so much fun," I laughed, grinning wickedly.

"Five hundred galleons?" Ginny asked with shock.

"Yes," I answered with a shrug, trying not to look pleased with myself. I frowned a second later. "However Anicetus has grounded me from the billiard tables due to the injustice that I did to his suppliers."

"Suppliers?" Daphne asked with a knowing smile.

"The Fyodorov family specializes in making the best vodka in the wizarding world," I answered with a shrug. "Anicetus gets the supply for a discount from what I've gathered. So one night the Fyodorov brothers and cousins come in for a late night party. I just happened to be there and when they realized who I was, they started to pick on me." Athanasius gave me a look. "Not that it wasn't completely my fault. Anicetus pointed out that they were tigers and I proceeded to ask if they played with balls of yarn in their off time and if they really could land on their feet all the time…"

"Surendra Harrison James!" Hermione reprimanded with mirth-filled eyes.

"The one called Nikita really didn't think the whole thing was funny and neither did the rest of them," I admitted with a small smile as I readjusted Tatiana in my arms. "I mean, I suppose they could take it wrong when I asked if we could go to the roof and push one off just to see if he landed on his feet…"

"Harry!" Daphne laughed in a reprimanding tone.

"I know, bad curious me," I laughed. "So after awhile of being teased mercilessly, I decided to make them regret it just a bit."

"Just a bit?" Luna asked with a smile.

"It began like that," I stated with a shrug. "In the end of this mildly amusing story, I gained five hundred galleons and several rather upset tigers. Then Anicetus tried to make me hand the money back, but I told him I won it fair and square." I pouted slightly. "He then told me that the billiard tables are off limits unless I'm with Roger." I smiled then. "I do admit to cheating a little. They were all very drunk when we started playing. I kind of took advantage." I then nodded seriously. "But I played by the rules to the point of obsession."

"You're unbelievable," Ginny muttered with a roll of her eyes and a huff of annoyed amusement.

"I know," I replied with a cheesy grin.


Okay, well, I suppose I'll be thinking more of the Mpreg feature from now on since everyone seems quite interested. I didn't even hear anyone say no, don't. I suppose I've been given the okay. I've been thinking of it for awhile and had actually written a little on it for fun, but I think it would be interesting. Which is why I left that opening for it! Should it be before the last task or after? I've been curious about the timing…

For those interested, if you go to my bio and go to my homepage, there's a group I'm setting up for the story. Expect some future references… I have pictures and files there. Start a discussion or post ideas. I'll retrieve them and play around with them. By the way, what do you think of Tatiana?

This is the first half of the chapter. Once I get the second half finished (I'm having trouble), it'll be posted either separately or I'll combine it with this one. Sorry for not updating. Not only have I been busy and blocked, I've been sick... this year is the year where I seem to catch everything while dealing with bad, bad food allergies. Forgiveness anyone?