![]() Author has written 72 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Stargate: SG-1, Vampire Game, Pendragon, D N Angel, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Cardfight!! Vanguard/CARDFIGHT!! ヴァンガード, Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, and Untamed/陈情令. Psssst: Just so you know, I have a forum over here, where I will probably answer questions if you ask them ;) NOTE: 02/09/13 Sooooo, yeah...looks like the site is having some issues actually posting anything today. :c I think I'm going to just try to post MV chapter 14 tomorrow, rather than try to fight with the site. If you're really desperate to read it (and you're actually reading my profile) I've also started posting MV on AO3 and it's always been posted on my dreamwidth. So yeah. Sorry guys. NOTE: 11/28/12 I'm working on Memento Vivere for NaNoWriMo this year! I figured it'd be a good way to work on it, and it originally started out as a Nano project (which utterly failed after my computer ate chapter 2). But yes, anyway...it's being written! Woo! AND I HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL OH YES. As I write this, my wordcount is sitting pretty at 50115, and there's still two days left. :) I still won't be posting anything until December, but I now have about five chapters ready to edit and go. Yeah, 50k ended up giving me about five chapters. I warned you guys this fic would be long. Also, I've posted an excerpt a week up on my dreamwidth for your reading pleasure. They should be fairly non-spoilery, although I may not put up a fourth one, because at the point I'm at, everything's kind of spoilery. (and the point I'm at is really good omg I think you guys will love it) NOTE: 8/23/12 Please, please, please stop asking me when I'm going to update various stories in the reviews to completely unrelated stories. They'll be updated when and if they're updated. I'm more than aware of how long it's been for some of them and I'm really flattered by how much some of you like my writing, believe me. But I'd really prefer to get reviews that are actually related to the story they're attached to and not my posting habits. Thank you. Update: 9/14/11 Wow, I've been pretty non-existent here, haven't I? Hopefully I won't be for too much longer! Currently in Progress: The Balancing Act (YGO 5D's) - The former Dark Signers remembered nothing of what they had gone through. And while some of them could be placated by pretty words, Kiryu's hatred ran too deep. But maybe a former ally can help him find his way again. KiryuxBommer Sound of Silence (HP) - AU of end of CoS & rest of series. Draco Malfoy's only friend was a boy in a diary, a boy who vowed to come back to life for him, even at the cost of another's life. Soon, a revived sixteen year old Tom Riddle makes everything difficult for everyone but the one boy he loves. Draco/Tom Riddle Memento Vivere (HP) - AU of OotP and later. After learning the truth of exactly how badly vampires are treated in the Wizarding world, Harry takes it upon himself to improve their lives, in whatever way he can. Even if it means joining forces with a certain Dark Lord. Dark!Harry, vampire!Harry, eventual HP/LV/Sanguini Update: 9/9/10 BY THE WAY I update my LiveJournal and Dreamwidth far more often than here and often with fics I would never post here. My journals are OPEN so anyone can read them. You might be better off following me there. Now, since I haven't updated this in a while: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's works The Chaos Path: Series of drabbles centering around Kiryu. Specifically, Kiryu ships. Drabble 1: Demak - Kiryu's introduction to the Dark Signers Other random drabbles/oneshots: Which will probably be Saitou/Kiryu (yes, from Rurouni Kenshin) or Kiryu/Alastair. Once I feel like getting them out of my head and into digital form. Or even something with Brave. Maybe. Secrets series (HP) ON INDEFINITE HIATUS The Other HP Works ON INDEFINITE HIATUS Pendragon works ON INDEFINITE HIATUS |
Community: | Odd YamixHikari pairings |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Yu-Gi-Oh |