Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh 5ds…yadda, yadda, yadda…

This is a fic I wrote shortly after seeing the first few episodes.

WARNING: this is a YAOI fic, Shounen-ai, Boy/boy slash…don't like don't read…it's just for your own good.

Last Resort

Chapter One: Thinking of you

Thunder crashed obnoxiously rattling the small world below as lighting flickered across the sky illuminating the dark clouds with a lingering eerie glow. Yusei's normally darkened room was illuminated for the briefest of moments casting a half shadow over his expressionless visage. Knees drawn tight to his chest, arms folded atop of them as his head rested in his arms, Yusei stared blankly at his wall with a vacant expression, his mind lost in thought.

Rain splattered against the window harshly setting a rhythm that went well with the quite music in the background allowing the black haired teen to just lose himself in haze of contemplation. Something had gone horribly wrong in his life…in fact everything had just been getting increasingly worse since the day jack took everything that was precious from him and left, without looking back.

Anger and betrayal rose inside of the black haired duelist filling him like the rain until he couldn't hide anymore. A single tear slipped out from his half lidded eyes as he stared unseeingly at the floor. Now he tried to remember the last time he had cried. When had it been? Before he met Jack was the answer. He always used to cry back then but the compassion of a blonde boy to Yusei whom he didn't even know had changed that. Jack had changed Yusei little by little making his world more livable, more…worthwhile. The blonde had indeed changed every aspect of his life. Blue eyes became unfocused as more tears slid down his cheeks forming into wet spots on his pants.

Yusei had never expected anything more than friendship from the blonde so when Jack had approached the black haired teen asking to talk Yusei had expected the worse. Jack didn't want to be his friend anymore. The first words out of the blonde's mouth only seemed to confirm Yusei's fears but what came next left the raven haired teen speechless.

"I want to be more than friends Yusei…do you understand?"

The raven haired teen shivered as the words echoed through his mind as the memories from that moment in time came flooding into his head.

"Do you understand?"

All Yusei could do was nod a light blush gracing his cheeks.

Jack smiled and leaned forward resting his forehead against Yusei's. He let out a soft sigh and looked the black haired boy straight in the eyes, "Yus…would you mind… if I…kissed you?"

Yusei was trapped helplessly in those intense purple eyes and even I he had wanted to say no, he wouldn't have been able to. He nodded shyly and allowed the older boy to kiss him. He felt his eyes flutter shut as jack's lips touched his. Although it was short and chaste Yusei felt an unfamiliar heat rush through him and gasped as jack pulled away. The blonde just smiled and kissed the top of the teen's head.

"Thank you Yusei."

Tears were falling faster now and the hollow ache in his chest became overwhelming. Yusei reached blindly towards his nightstand for switchblade he kept there. Flicking it open he lifted his pant leg and dug the blade into the skin that lay exposed before him. The raven haired teen gasped in pain looking at the single cut with a morbid curiosity as he watched the blood bubble to the surface.

Yusei pressed the knife to his skin again four more red cuts joining the first within a matter of seconds. The raven haired duelist relished the way the ache in his chest dulled as the blood slowly flowed from his body. Closing the blade he returned it careful not to get blood on his sheets, less he worry Rolly.

The rain had slowed by now to a soft pitter pat, which acted almost like a lullaby to the teen. Yusei carefully pulled down his pant leg and laid back on his pillow his eyes heavy as he slowly drifted into a light dreamless sleep.


The raven haired teen stirred slightly in his sleep as he heard a soft voice and the sound of feet shuffling across his bedroom floor.


The young duelist stirred blinking his eyes open as his mattress dipped slightly with added weight.

"Rolly?" rasped Yusei sleepily as he tried to focus on the red headed girl sitting beside him. "Wha s'up?"

The young girl fidgeted with the hem of her dress as she looked anywhere but at Yusei. "Aren't…aren't ya nervous Yus?"

Blue eyes widened as Yusei Propped himself up on his elbows, "Nervous? About what?"

She glanced up at him then looked back to her hands, "about leaving the satellite? About seeing J-" she snapped her head up her innocent eyes wide as she quickly gauged the older teen's reaction to what she had almost said.

"Don't worry about me Rolly," he soothed, "I've got it under control. I'm going back to get what back what he took from me. Then I'll be back for you."

Yusei could tell that she still doubted him but regardless she did trust his judgment and allowed herself a small smile. "If you say so Yus…well see you tonight!" she exclaimed jumping off the bed and exiting the room leaving the raven haired teen to his own devices.


So yeah I've only seen the first four episodes but there was defiantly that connection between jack and Yusei, so yeah I had to write a story! The title is bound to change and the basic plot is based on papa Roach's "Last Resort". So please read and review and tell me what you think …and the more reviews the quicker I update!

Kyra Lachlan